Nat5 Media - Fife Direct


Nat5 Media


 As your teacher has mentioned to you, Media involves you looking closely at texts and also thinking about the issues that surround them

(the context ).

 In this short unit, you will be introduced to some of the important ideas that affect the media.

 You are going to think about how different people react to content in the media.

Films and You

 Can you think of a film that has really affected your life ?

 It might be one that has truly scared you

(now or as a child); one that your family love; one that you love and are a fan of; one that you have quoted from, etc.

 Was the effect a positive or negative one?

The impact of the Media

 Now write down a list of other media:

What computer games do you play?

Do you read a magazine ?

What TV shows do you watch?

What radio programmes do you listen to?

What music do you buy/stream/download?

 For each one, rate it out of 10 in terms of how much you think it influences your life.

The History…

Since the creation of film, societies have been concerned about the impact that moving images can have on audiences .

 In early films, cinema audiences were terrified when they saw moving images of a train coming towards them:

( )

 As Hollywood evolved, the film industry took up a central role in western societies, with huge audiences attending cinemas regularly.

Moral Decline and Panic

 However, there were concerns that films were having a negative impact on society: that people were influenced by the sex and violence they saw and this was leading to more unacceptable behaviour.

 This idea applies to all media . Many people believe that computer games have a negative impact; or that TV is bad for us; or that magazines contain inappropriate images.

 People seem less concerned about the impact of novels on society: why do you think this is?

Moral Decline

 This is the idea that the media are responsible for a moral decline in society.

 Can you think of any films, TV shows, computer games (or any other media) that have caused outrage amongst the public?

 Was the reaction justified?

Case Studies: The War of the

Worlds (Orson Welles radio


Throughout history there have been cases where the media are considered to have gone too far… (listen from 10.10 to 16.20)

In 1938, a radio broadcast of the HG Wells’ story The

War of the Worlds caused widespread panic with people phoning the emergency services, panic-stricken about the imminent alien attack! The actor Orson Welles and his theatre group broadcasted their radio edition of the story on the eve of Halloween: radio programming was interrupted with a "news bulletin" for the first time. What the audience heard was that Martians had begun an invasion of Earth in a place called Grover's Mill, New


Case Studies: The

War of the Worlds

Approximately 12 million people in the United States heard the broadcast and about one million of those actually believed that a serious alien invasion was underway. A wave of mass hysteria disrupted households, interrupted religious services, caused traffic jams and clogged communication systems. People fled their city homes to seek shelter in more rural areas, raided grocery stores and began to ration food. The nation was in a state of chaos, and this broadcast was the cause of it.

The Night That Panicked America (1975) US TV drama (1hr


Case Studies: The War of the


What do you think this tells us about American radio audiences at the time?

Think carefully about the date of the broadcast. Could there be any other social or political factors that might explain this panic ?

Many people believe this was a publicity stunt to get more people to listen to the radio programme. Can you think of any other examples of media trying to shock viewers/listeners in order to get publicity?


The James Bulger case

On February 12 th , 1993, a toddler was abducted from a

Merseyside shopping mall by two 10-year-old boys. Two days later, James Bulger's mutilated body was found on a railway line.

Two boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, were sentenced to stay in prison until they became adults.

They were the youngest convicted murderers in British history.

The judge who convicted them commented: “It is not for me to pass judgment on their upbringing, but I suspect exposure to violent video films may in part be an explanation .”—Mr Justice Morland, Trial Judge

What’s that got to do with the media?

Venables and Thompson, supposedly saw the film

Child’s Play 3

, and imitated a scene where a victim is splashed with blue paint.

There was a lot of mention of the links between the film and the crime in the UK press at the time, and a moral panic ensued. The case against the film, though never really proven, led to new legislation , The Amendment to the Video Recordings Act, contained in the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act (1994)

The Child's Play sequence of movies follows the exploits of evil doll Chucky, in his various reincarnations. The original Chucky was supposedly inhabited by the spirit of multiple murderer Charles Lee

Ray, as the result of a deathbed voodoo incantation that went slightly wrong and he spends the rest of the movies trying to transplant his soul into a more suitable, human form. The series has provided an excuse for lots of doll jokes, lots of violent murders made to seem funny because they are being committed by a doll, and some lunatic toystore scenes.

Case Studies: Media coverage of the James Bulger trial

 Your teacher will now show you a clip from the movie.

(trailers for Child’s Play 1,2 and 3)

 In your opinion, do you think it is possible that violent horror films of this type of could influence the behaviour of children?

 Could it be a factor in the murder of James


Case Studies: Media coverage of the James Bulger trial

Here is the view of one journalist who explains the social context surrounding the case and the film:

“In the early 90s, though, the only show in town was Kiddy Horror.

Cartoons depicted timid adults kowtowing to giant, tantrumy babies.

Films and novels declared the age of Golden Treasury innocence dead; children were little devils, dissing their elders and betters. In this climate of post-Thatcherite panic, John Major was under pressure to stamp his authority, by getting tough on juvenile crime.

Hence his infamous soundbite on the Bulger case, one of the dimmest political slogans ever dreamed up: "We must condemn a little more, and understand a little less." Understanding nothing,

Major looked to the Bulger trial to discourage shoplifters, gluesniffers, joyriders and other young offenders. The consensus was that kids needed stamping on. They had grown too big - and dangerous for their own boots.”


Case Studies: Media coverage of the James Bulger trial

“The tabloid verdict was that

Thompson and Venables were aliens from the Planet Evil, or (no less

Gothic) video-junkies mimicking

Chucky Doll in Child's Play 3.”

Case Studies: Media coverage of the James Bulger trial

“Their family backgrounds exhibited classic "risk factors" dysfunction, poverty, alcoholism, marital breakdown, neglect and bullying. Both boys had been held down a year at school, a humiliation which made them team up. Both resented their siblings, and may have punished James for it. Most important, having bunked off school and walked the toddler the two miles back to their school and homes in Walton, they were terrified of getting into trouble with their mothers - and scrambled up on the railway line, where they killed him, to avoid it. The police saw evidence of sophistication and premeditation in the crime. But why, then, did they take the victim to their own neighbourhood, where people knew them? I see damaged children, not cunning adults. They were 10.”

Blake Morrison, The Guardian

Case Studies: Media coverage of the James Bulger trial

 According to this journalist, many people blamed the film Child’s Play 3 (and films like it) in order to explain the murder of James Bulger.

 Which people/groups blamed the murder on such films?

 What reasons might they have for doing this?

 What are the other social factors that may have actually explained the murder?

Press response: tabloid fuel the moral outrage

On the 25 November 1993, the day after the judgement, the Daily

Star (a tabloid) ran the photos of the boys with the headline “How do you feel now you little bastards?”

The Mail ran with the headline “The Evil and the Innocent”

(November 25th), while the Telegraph recalled on the same day that

Venables was born on Friday 13th.

Media pressure led to the release of the killers’ identities

The press commented regularly on the “luxury” of the prison conditions that awaited the convicted murderers

The Sun began a wider campaign encouraging all households to burn their ‘video nasties’ in order to save our children.

Conclusions: The media’s role in society

The press (newspapers) used this story in order to create a moral panic

It created an argument about the influence of violent movies on young people

There was a political response to the case where those in power were influenced to introduce harsher sentences for criminals

There was a change in the law (it was made illegal to sell unclassified videos and computer games: there had previously been a loophole in the law)

Media pressure led to the revealing of the murderers’ identities: normally children are protected by anonymity in court cases

As well as informing and entertaining, in our society the media carries out the role of moral guardian through reporting and editorials. No one appoints them to speak on our behalf and yet it is a common occurance.

Overall, the media’s reporting of the case had a major impact on

British society.

Aladdin (1992): Disney

 How can this be considered offensive?

Case Studies: Aladdin (1992)


This is, surprisingly, one of the most controversial movies made in recent years.

It tells the story of Aladdin, trying to win the hand of his beloved Jasmine. However, social boundaries (she is a princess, he is a street urchin) and the villain, Jafar, get in the way of their relationship. Comedy is provided by the Genie (Robin Williams)

Most UK and US audiences considered the story as a lovely, fun, adventurous story that teaches us about the importance of true love and friendship over greed and money. This is, of course, the preferred reading .

Look more carefully, however, at the way the heroes and villains are portrayed…

Representations Heroes (Aladdin,


Cultural Codes

 Appearance

 Accent

 Dress

 Attitudes towards laws, relationships, marriage, social order

Villains (Jafar,



Heroes are handsome and ethnically westernised with pale skin,

Disney-esque features

Portrayal of unmarried women without veils is offensive to many in the middle east

Aladdin is surrounded by sexualised images of women (belly dancers). Again, this is offensive to both men and women in many cultures.

Aladdin and Jasmine’s disregard for parental wishes (marrying within class; arranged marriage) go against traditional cultural practices. They are presented as the good guys and are rewarded with a happy ending, therefore the film undermines many aspects of middle-eastern culture in favour of an Americanised lifestyle. This is an example of a NARRATIVE that has a controversial impact on



Villains are all stereotypical Arabs : turbaned, dark skinned, threatening, greedy, etc.

The opening song caused the most outrage as it describes the Arabian setting as "Where they cut off your ears if they don't like your face/It's barbaric, but, hey, it's home“.

This was censored/dubbed out and changed to

"Where it's flat and immense and the heat is intense/It's barbaric, but, hey, it's home" for subsequent video releases.

(Short youtube film pointing out some of the problems in the movie’s representations)

Conclusions: the media’s impact on


Unfair representations of particular cultures/nationalities can cause offence to audiences

Over time, stereotypes influence people’s views and can create intolerance and unrest in society.

Inaccuracies (like Indian street performers in Aladdin) also misinform audiences.

The storyline ( narrative ) can also be offensive if it contains a message that people don’t agree with

The media often contains subtle messages that go unnoticed by the majority of viewers, particularly the

Target Audience .

Changing Standards

 Many of you will have studied or seen the movie

Psycho in English. This is an important film in the history of cinema. For a number of years,

American cinema had to work within a strict set of guidelines called the Motion Picture

Production Code, also known informally as the

‘Hays’ code.

 It was the standard from approx

1920-1960 in the U.S.

The “Hays Code”: some main points

The following content was simply not to be shown in motion pictures:

Pointed profanity – by either title or lip – this includes the words "God," "Lord," "Jesus," "Christ" (unless they be used reverently in connection with proper religious ceremonies), "hell," "damn," "Gawd," and every other profane and vulgar expression however it may be spelled;

Any licentious or suggestive nudity – in fact or in silhouette; and any lecherous or licentious notice thereof by other characters in the picture;

The illegal traffic in drugs ;

More banned stuff…

White slavery ;

Miscegenation ( sex relationships between the white and black races );

Scenes of actual childbirth – in fact or in silhouette;

Ridicule of the clergy ;

Willful offense to any nation, race or creed ;

 What do these guidelines reveal about the values in American society during this time?

Some other areas where filmmakers had to be careful about…

The use of the flag;

International relations (avoiding picturizing in an unfavorable light another country's religion, history, institutions, prominent people, and citizenry);

The use of firearms;

Theft, robbery, safe-cracking, and dynamiting of trains, mines, buildings, etc. (having in mind the effect which a too-detailed description of these may have upon the moron);

Brutality and possible gruesomeness;

Technique of committing murder by whatever method;

Methods of smuggling;

Actual hangings or electrocutions as legal punishment for crime;

First-night scenes;

Man and woman in bed together;

The institution of marriage;

Surgical operations;

The use of drugs;

Titles or scenes having to do with law enforcement or law-enforcing officers;

Excessive or lustful kissing, particularly when one character or the other is a " heavy ".

The sale of women, or of a woman selling her virtue;

Attitude toward public characters and institutions;

Sympathy for criminals;

Group Task

 In groups, discuss and come up with two movie lists

 1. Modern films that you think would pass the

Hays Code

 2. Modern films that would not .

Overall, how have society’s attitudes changed since the 1950’s?

Case Studies: Batman and the

“treatment” of source material

In the 1960’s Batman was made into a colourful U.S. TV show for kids. It starred Adam West as very earnest caped crusader who fought crime in a rather comical and camp manner. This series was incredibly popular but treated a fairly serious, dark comic book character in a very bright, silly and fun way .

In 1989 the director Tim Burton was asked to create a new film version of Batman. In keeping with his usual style he used a much darker style to depict the character. This was the first major modern “re-boot” of a comic book character.

Case Studies: Batman

At the time, the only film certificates in the UK were U,

PG, 15 and 18. However, censors were uncomfortable about the levels of darkness, the violence and overall sense of threat. It couldn’t achieve the PG cert the makers desired.

As a compromise, a new, “cinema only” certificate was created by the BBFC and Batman (1989) became the first (12) rated movie.

Importantly, film-makers use controversy to draw audiences therefore they are always trying to push the boundaries of what is acceptable!

Case Studies: Batman and the

“treatment” of source material

 You will be aware of more recent films directed by Christopher Nolan: Batman Begins; The Dark

Knight; The Dark Knight Rises

Again, this new version of Batman caused controversy as Batman Begins included more violence, threat and also a drug-induced

‘nightmare’ sequence

The “reboot” was an even darker version of what had come before.

Case Studies: Batman

Further instalments included more gritty realism in the form of the Joker’s terrorist activity and several scenes of implied graphic violence (knife in the mouth; pen in the eye) in The Dark Knight .

By this time the 12A certificate had almost replace the

(12) in cinemas in order to allow younger children to films like Spider-Man if accompanied by a parent.

However, these darker, violent portrayals of Batman caused more controversy as many viewers were outraged that such a dark and violent film received a 12A certificate.

Case Studies: Batman

The ‘Copycat killing’ debate

The release of the final Batman film, The Dark Knight Rises, was overshadowed by a tragic killing spree where a masked man killed

12 movie-goers at a cinema in Colorado.

This event reignited the debate about the influence of movies and how they may be responsible for ‘copycat’ killings.

Discuss/debate the issue:

“Violent movies are responsible for violence in society”

Some more controversies…


Alex: "Viddy well little brother, viddy well."

THE FILM: Alex is a teenage hooligan who leads his gang into fights, home invasions, and rape. When caught by the police he undergoes aversion therapy to make him a good citizen.

THE FUSS: Upon release director Stanley Kubrick declared A Clockwork

Orange his best made film. In the UK it was cited as the catalyst for two assaults and one gang rape, and the furore resulted in Kubrick withdrawing the film from UK distribution, citing death threats against his family as the reason. He ruthlessly enforced the unprecedented ban throughout his life, suing the London Scala cinema into bankruptcy in the early 90s when they screened it. A large part of its controversy is due to Malcolm McDowell's charismatic performance as the psychotic Alex - what would the film have looked like if original rights owner Mick Jagger had played the part? In 2001 the film had its uncut UK TV premiere on Sky Box Office.

Some more controversies…


Brian's mother: 'He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!"

THE FILM: The Python team's spear-sharp satire of religious intolerance failed the tolerance test with scores of religious groups. The late Graham

Chapman played Brian, an unfortunate whose birth in a stable next to Jesus would mean a lifetime's inconvenience being recognised as the Messiah.

The original backer EMI - fearful of blasphemy accusations - dropped out and ex-Beatle George Harrison came up with funding.

THE FUSS: Despite the fact the movie did not mock Jesus himself, it was met with indignant howls of horror, earning council bans across the country.

Aberystwyth didn't allow the film to be show until 2009. In Sweden, it was billed "the film so funny it was banned in Norway". In New York, screenings were picketed by both rabbis and nuns. Amused by the reaction from church groups, John Cleese commented: "We've brought them all together for the first time in 2000 years!"

Some more controversies…


Father Merrin and Karras: "The power of Christ compels you!"

THE FILM: When the daughter of a renowned film star is demonically possessed, two priests are called to cast out the unclean spirit in a violent, prolonged exorcism.

THE FUSS: William Friedkin's horror masterpiece simultaneously legitimised horror with its brilliant script, acting, and direction, and proved how powerful and divisive the genre could be. Certain British councils banned the film, leading to Exorcist Bus Trips to neighbouring counties, and

Mary Whitehouse's Festival of Light handed out leaflets with a number to call if spiritually distressed after seeing the film. BBFC head James Ferman was so adamant a video release would damage adolescent girls, the film only received a release in 1999, five months after Ferman retired. Rumours of the shoot being cursed are false, but the film did destroy Linda Blair's film career, ruinously typecasting her forever as "The Exorcist girl".

Key ideas

 Certain films and products deliberately try to shock in order to create publicity

The media is regularly involved in moral panics

People in society often blame the media for problems in society: this is the idea that the media leads to a moral decline

This can lead to changes in the law

Over time, our society’s view of sex, violence, swearing and drug use has changed and this is reflected in film/game certificates as well as changes to the TV ‘ watershed ’.

The History of Cinema

Interesting film on aspect ratios…(18mins)



 The History of (U.S.) Censorship (15mins)



This unit should now have helped you to understand how the content of some media has an impact on society.

This will help you to answer some of the questions in the final exam on…

The role of the media in society

How some media content has an impact on the context

Representations in the media


 We have covered various cases that could be used to help you answer questions…

 The War of the Worlds radio broadcast (1938)

Media coverage of the James Bulger case


Disney’s Aladdin (1992)

 Different treatments of Batman
