Fonts, Colors, Graphics

HTML: Tutorial 3
Working with Fonts,
Colors, and Graphics
Tutorial Objectives
 Learn how HTML handles colors
 Create foreground and background colors using
 Select different font styles
 Align text with surrounding content using
 Control spacing between letters, words, and
lines using styles
 Learn about GIF, JEPG, PNG; animated
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Tutorial Objectives (continued)
 Apply a background image
 Float an image
 Create image map hotspots and link them to
destination documents
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Working with Color in HTML
HTML identifies a color in one of two ways:
 by the color’s name
 red, maroon, green, black, blue,
 by the color values
 To have more control and more
choices, specify colors using color
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
The 16 Basic Color Names
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Partial List of
Extended Color Names
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Basic Principles of Color Theory
 Any color can be a
combination of three
primary colors: red,
green, and blue.
 By varying the
intensity of each
primary color, you
can create almost
any color.
Yellow, magenta, cyan, and white are
produced by adding the three primary colors.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
RGB Triplets
 Each color is represented by a triplet of
numbers, called an RGB triplet, based on the
strength of its Red, Green, and Blue.
rgb (red, green, blue)
where red, green, blue are the intensity values
of the red, green, and blue components.
 The intensity values range from 0 (absence of
color) to 255 (highest intensity).
 2553 (or more than 16.7 million) colors can be
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Color Values in Hexadecimals
 Color values can also be entered as
hexadecimals in the form:
 A hexadecimal is a number based on base-16
 hexadecimals include six extra characters: A
(for 10), B (for 11), C (for 12), D (for 13), E
(for 14), and F (for 15).
 16 is expressed as “#10”, 17 as “#11”, 38
as “#26”, 165 as “#A5”, and 255 as “FF” in
hexadecimal format.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
A Typical Colors Dialog Box
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Color Names, RGB Triplets,
and Hexadecimal Values
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Color Selection Resources
Available on the Web
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Defining Foreground and
Background Colors
 The default browser scheme involves:
 black text on a white or gray
 hypertext links highlighted in purple
and blue
 The syntax for controlling a page’s color
scheme through the <body> tag is:
<body style=“color: rgb(153,102,102);
background-color: white”>
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Choosing a Font
 By default, browsers display Web page text in
a single font, usually Times New Roman.
 You can specify a different font using the style
font-family: fonts
 Font names can be either specific or generic.
 Five generic fonts: serif, sans-serif,
monospace, cursive, and fantasy.
<p style=“text-align: center;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting the Font Size
The style to change the font size of the text within
an element is:
font-size: length
length can be specified in four different ways:
1. with a unit of measurement
2. with a keyword description
3. as a percentage of the size of the containing
4. with a keyword expressing the size relative to
the size of the containing element
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting the Font Size
1. with a unit of measurement
 Use either absolute units or relative units
 Absolute units define a font size using
mm (millimeter)
cm (centimeter)
in (inch)
pt (points)
pc (pica)
 1 inch = 72 points; 1 pc = 12 points
 Absolute measurements are useful when you
know the physical properties of the output
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting the Font Size
1. with a unit of measurement
Relative units express font size relative to the size
of a standard character on the output device. Two
common standards:
The “em” unit is equal to the width of the capital
letter “M”.
The “ex” unit is equal to the height of a lower
Font size will be
case letter “x”.
80% of normal body text
<p style=“text-align: center; font-size: 0.8em”>
<h1 style=“color: white; font-size: 1.5em”>
Font size will be
150% of normal body text
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting the Font Size (continued)
 The following are equivalent:
 font-size: 1.5em and font-size: 150%
 A value is expressed in pixels (a single dot) if
no unit is specified.
 font-size: 20 equals font-size: 20px
 Express font sizes using 7 keywords:
xx-small x-small small medium
large x-large xx-large
 A browser is configured to display text at a particular
size for each of these keywords. Use “larger” or
“smaller” to make a font one size larger or smaller.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Control Spacing:
Kerning and Tracking
 The style to control kerning (the amount of
space between pairs of letters) and tracking (
the amount of space between words):
letter-spacing: value
word-spacing: value
 The default value for both kerning and tracking
is 0 pixels. A positive (negative) value
increases (decreases) the letter and word
 <h1 style=“letter-spacing: 1em”>
Kerning will be set to 1 em
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Control Spacing:
Leading and Indentation
 The style to set the leading (the space between
lines of text) is:
line-height: length
 line-height: 1 represents the standard ratio
(1.2:1), which means the line height is 1.2
times the font size
 The style to set the indentation is:
text-indent: value
 <h1 style=“text-indent: 1em”>
Welcome will be indented 1 em
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting other Font features
 font-style: type type is normal or italic
 font-weight: weight weight is normal, bold
or 100, . , 400 (normal), . , 700 (bold), . , 900
 text-decoration: type type is none, blink,
underline, overline, linethrough
 text-transformation: type type is capitalize,
uppercase, lowercase, none
 font-variant: type type is normal (default) or
small caps
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Combining all Text Formatting
in a Single Style
 font: font-style font-variant font-weight
font-size/line-height font-family
 font: italic small-caps bold 16pt/24pt Arial,
Helvetica, Sans-serif
 <address style=“text-align: center;
font: normal 0.8em Arial, Helvetica, sansserif”>content</address>
Font style will be
normal, not italic
Font size will be
0.8 em
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Text will be in Arial,
Helvetica, or another
Sans-serif font
Using the Span Element
 Use the span element as a marker, and then
change the font style.
 <p style=“text-align: justify”>
Exciting adventures await you at
<span style=“font-weight: bold; font-family:
Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif”>Arcadium</span>,
your affordable family fun center. The . . .
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
 The three image file formats supported by Web
browsers are GIF, JPEG, and png.
 GIF files are limited to displaying 256 colors.
 Often used for graphics requiring fewer colors,
such as clip art images, line art, logos, & icons.
 With a noninterlaced GIF the image is saved
one line at a time, starting from the top of the
graphic and moving downward.
 With interlaced GIFs, the image is saved and
retrieved “stepwise.”
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Transparent GIFs
 A transparent color is a color from the image
that is not displayed.
 In place of a transparent color, the browser
displays whatever is on the page background.
logo background is
transparent in the
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Animated GIFs
 One of the most popular uses of GIFs is to
create animated images.
 An animated GIF is composed of several
images that are displayed one after the
other in rapid succession.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
JPEG (Joint Photographic
Experts Group)
 The JPEG format uses the full 16.7 million
 JPEG files are often used for photographs.
 A JPEG file size can be controlled by the degree
of image compression.
 You cannot use transparent colors or animation
with JPEG files.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
 Dithering is when the colors in an image
are converted to a fixed palette.
 To completely eliminate dithering, use the
Safety Palette.
 the Safety Palette or browser-safe
palette is a collection of 216 colors that
display consistently on different browsers.
 Given the growth of 24-bit (millions of
colors) color systems, this is rapidly
becoming less of an issue.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Portable Network Graphics
 PNG files include such GIF features as
animation, interlacing, and transparency but
also provide the file compression available with
 PNG supports 16.7 million colors.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Aligning an Image
 float: position
position is none (the default), left, or right
 Use the clear style to prevent other content
from wrapping around a floating element.
Clear: position position is none (the
default), left, or right
 <img src=“about.jpg” style=“float: right” />
 <hr style=“color: rgb(153,102,102);
clear: right” />
line will not be displayed
until the right margin is clear
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
image floats at
the right margin
Setting the Image Margins
 To set the size of the margins around an
element, use the styles:
margin-top: length; margin-right: length;
margin-bottom: length; margin-left: length
margin: top right bottom left
 <img src=“about.jpg” style=“float: right;
margin: 0 0 5 15>
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Setting the Image Size
 To set the size of an image:
<img src=“URL” alt=“text”
height=“value” width=“value”>
 Height and width attributes instruct the browser
to display an image at a specific size.
 When a browser encounters an image, it
calculates the image size and then uses this
information to format the page. If the dimension
is included, the browser displays the image
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Inserting a Background Image
 Insert a background image:
background-image: url(url)
 Control the tiling of the background image:
background-repeat: type
type is repeat (default), repeat-x, repeat-y,
or no-repeat
 Place the background image in a specific location:
background-position: horizontal vertical
Specify a position as the distance from the top-left
corner, a %, or using a keyword (left center
right for horizontal; top center bottom for
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Inserting a Background Image
 Control whether the background image scrolls:
background-attachment: type
type is scroll (default) or fixed
 Place all of the background image:
background: color image-file
repeat attachment position
 <body style=“color: rgb(153,102,102);
background: white url(draft.jpg)
no-repeat fixed center center”>
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Image map pointing to multiple pages
An Example of a Image Map
an example
of a park
map that
visitors can
easily find
their way to
the different
by clicking
on the
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Understanding Image Maps
 To use a single image to multiple targets, you
must set up hotspots within the image.
 A hotspot is a defined area of the image that
acts as a hypertext link.
 Hotspots are defined through the use of image
maps, which list the positions of all hotspots
within an image.
 A client-side image map is inserted in an
image map into the HTML file.
 The browser locally processes the image map.
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Defining a Client-Side Image Map
 Create an image map:
<map name=“map” id=“map”>
 map is the name of the image map
 hotspots are the locations of the hotspots
within the map
 <map name=“parkmap” id=“parkmap”></map>
 To create XHTML-compliant code, include
both the name and id attributes, setting
them to the same value
 To access an image map:
<img . . . usemap=“#map” />
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Defining Image Map Hotspots
 To create a rectangular hotspot:
<area shape=“rect” coords=“x1,y1,x2,y2” href=“url”
alt=“text” />
 x1,y1,x2,y2 represents the upper-left and lowerright corners
 url is the location of the linked page
 To create a circular hotspot:
<area shape=“circle” coords=“x,y,r” href=“url”
alt=“text” />
 x,y indicate the coordinates of the center and r
specifies the radius
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
Defining Image Map Hotspots:
a polygonal hotspot
(13 , 60)
(230 , 60)
roller coaster rides
(230 , 225)
<area shape=“poly”
y3, . . ” href=“url”
alt=“text” />
 x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, . . .
indicate the vertices of
the polygon following
the clockwise
(370 , 225)
(370 , 270)
(13 , 270)
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU
An Example: Image Map
<img src="parkmap.gif" alt="Park Map"
width="610" height="395" usemap="#parkmap"
style="border-width: 0" />
<map name="parkmap" id="parkmap">
<area shape="rect" coords="350,38,582,200"
href="water.htm" alt="water park" />
<area shape="circle" coords="255,133,74"
href="karts.htm" alt="go-karts" />
<area shape="poly" coords="17,38,172,38,
href="rides.htm" alt="Roller coasters" />
Chang-Yang Lin, EKU