16-17 8th Grade - Tuskawilla Middle School

Grade 2016-2017 Course Request Form
Student LEGAL Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Current Year NEST Teacher:__________________________ Parent Phone Number:___________________________________
Required/Core Courses
Students may choose Advanced courses based on self-selection, test scores, class availability, and/or teacher recommendation..
Check Preference
Course Code
Course Name
Language Arts (ONLY Choose 1)
Tchr Recomm
Parent Selection
Language Arts 3 (Year Long)
Language Arts 3 Gift/Adv (Year Long)
Check Preference
Course Code
Course Name
Math (ONLY Choose 1)
Tchr Recomm
Parent Selection
Pre-Algebra (Year Long)
(*High School credit class and CAN NOT be dropped or changed after the 1st 9 weeks Report Card…to take Alg 1 It is HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED Math 2 Adv has been completed in 7th grade to take Algebra 1…to take Geometry it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
that Algebra 1 has been completed in 7th grade)
Algebra 1 (*High School Credit) (Year Long)
Algebra 1 Honors (*High School Credit) (Year Long)
Geometry Honors (*High School Credit) (Year Long)
Check Preference
Course Code
Tchr Recomm
Parent Selection
Course Name
Check Preference
Course Code
Tchr Recomm
Parent Selection
Course Name
Science (ONLY Choose 1)
Physical Science (Year Long)
Physical Science Gift/Adv (Year Long)
Social Studies (ONLY Choose 1)
US History (Year Long)
Pre-AP History (Year Long)
Elective/Exploratory Courses
Below are the electives that students may request to take. Students MUST choose up to 6 Semester elective courses (Year-long
courses are considered 2 semesters). Elective course requests CAN NOT be guaranteed due to limited class availability, scheduling
constraints, and mandated courses. **Please note**: All students are required to take 1 semester of Physical Education per
year(already selected below). However, students may elect to take an additional semester of Physical Education if they choose.
Please place an “X” next to the Additional Semester of PE if you would like a full year of PE. A required course for all 8th graders has
been indicated below with an “X”. A request DOES NOT guarantee placement in the elective. Once chosen, Elective course change
requests honored will be MINIMAL if ANY due to scheduling constraints. ****SPECIAL NOTE****Supplemental and intensive
courses will be scheduled at the direction of the principal based on protocol outlined in the Student Progression Plan, Section G,
Parts 1 & 2. Placement in these courses will dictate elective choices for students.
Please rank elective choices in order of preference beginning with 1 as your first choice, 2 as your second choice, etc.
Band (Class placement determined by Teacher)(Year Long)
Chorus(Class placement determined by Teacher)(Year Long)
Expl Mus Perf (Piano Keyboard) (Semester)
1508600 (Semester Required) Physical Education (Semester Required)
15086002(Additional Semester)Physical Education (Additional Semester Requested)
iJourney:Your Pathway to Technology and Communication (Semester Required)
Exploring 2D Art (Semester)
Exploring 3D Art (Semester)
Music Theory (Drama/Improv) (Semester)
Adv Learning Strategies (Semester)
Orchestra (Year Long) (Class placement determined by teacher)
Beginning Spanish (Semester)
Creative Writing 2 (Semester)
Spanish 1 (*High School Credit) (Year Long)
(*High School credit class and CAN NOT be dropped or changed after the
1st 9 weeks Report Card)
8888888 #1
Virtual Lab(*See note below*) (Year Long)
8888888 #2
Virtual Lab(*See note below*) (Year Long)
8888888 #3
Virtual Lab(*See note below*) (Year Long)
**Virtual Lab Courses—You may choose UP TO 3 ** If you choose to take a virtual course on campus through ePathways (virtual),
please list the name of the course(s) on the back of this form that you will be taking online and complete all information. It is your
responsibility to register for each course through the Florida Virtual School web site and choose Seminole County Virtual School
(SCVS). You MUST choose Seminole County Virtual School in order to be placed in the Virtual Lab classroom here on campus during
the school day.
************Student NOT returning this form will be assigned their courses with no change requests honored**************
Please review the information on this form and SIGN & DATE where indicated below….PARENT SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED:
Student Signature/Date
Parent Signature/Date
Virtual Options
Seminole County Public Schools students may take courses via Seminole County Virtual School. Virtual school provides
flexible options to meet the demanding schedule of the 21st century student. Students may enroll in SCVS full-time and earn a
regular high school diploma. Part-time virtual classes are also available through ePathways (blending schedules with virtual
courses and face-to-face courses)—either at the zoned school during the school day in a virtual learning lab or outside the
school day.
For the 2016-2017 school year, SCPS will provide full- time virtual instruction options to students in grades K-12. Enrollment
will be open from April 4 to August 5, 2016. For more information, please see your guidance counselor or visit
Why should students select Seminole County Virtual School over other virtual providers?
*schedule flexibility * full-time local teachers * full or part time enrollment * no waiting list to start classes
*optional face-to-face sessions * tax-dollars stay in Seminole County
Virtual options are available to all learners in Seminole County Public Schools including those enrolled in a brick and mortar
school. Courses can be taken during a student's school day, in a virtual lab or outside of the school day at home.
This blended learning format is ideal for students looking to accommodate courses that may be offered at conflicting
times. A student interested in taking band and AP Spanish no longer has to decide between the two if they are offered
at the same time!
This option is also appealing for students looking to retake a course at their own pace while continuing to move
forward in their other courses. Students no longer have to wait until summer to begin remediation and can get back on
track sooner.
Virtual options for traditional students allow students to explore courses that may not be offered at their school, through
a program of emphasis or magnet. Students interested in Chinese can explore their interest from anywhere in Seminole
Tuskawilla students may elect to take 1, 2, or 3 courses through Seminole County Virtual School (SCVS) and be placed into a
Virtual Lab class during one of their hours here at school. SCVS classes will be offered on a space availability basis as well as
student schedule space availability. All Academic support for virtual classes is provided ONLY by the SCVS teacher, not by
Tuskawilla Middle School staff.
The following are the common courses chosen by students to take in a virtual lab setting: Beginning Spanish, Intermediate
Spanish, Business Keyboarding, Critical Thinking, Creative Photography, Spanish 1, French 1, Mandarin 1, Biology 1 Honors,
Web Design, Personal Fitness, etc. For a complete listing of all available online courses please visit the Seminole County
Virtual Web Site.
Before signing your student up for Virtual Lab, please consider the following suggested guidelines in order for them to be
successful in their courses:
*Student should be self-motivated and self-disciplined.
*Student should be able to work independently with little direction.
*Student should possess good time-management skills.
*Student should have good communication skills to ask any questions/concerns of their online instructor.
*Student does not give up easily, even when confronted with obstacles.
*Student should be comfortable with the knowledge of online courses being more challenging than face-to-face classes.
*Student should be considered an average to above-average reader.
*Student should possess basic computer knowledge and skills.
Please read the following and sign/date if you wish to take a virtual lab class here at Tuskawilla during the school day:
I understand that in order to be scheduled into a virtual lab class on campus, I must successfully complete the SCVS registration
process online prior to the start of the class. Step by step directions are available on the Tuskawilla Middle School Website.
Also, I am aware I must choose only SCVS courses and select the appropriate start date of the class.
Grade 2016-2017:_____________
Student Name (Print):___________________________________Parent Name (Print):________________________________
Student Signature:______________________________________Parent Signature:___________________________________
SCVS course(s) I am requesting to take is/are:________________________________________________________________