Faculty Guidance for Emergencies Important Information for Georgia Tech Institute of Technology Faculty To Report an Emergency: GTENS • Call the Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-8942500 or 911 from a Ga Tech campus landline. • Be informed of campus emergencies! Sign up for the Ga Tech Emergency Notification System (GTENS) at http://www.gatech.edu/em ergency/notification.html. For More Information: • Call the Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-8942500 • The Georgia Tech Institute of Technology is an equal opportunity institution. General Preparedness Information • Be familiar with the building Redbook for each building where you teach or conduct research. Meet with your Building Manager if you have facility questions! • Ensure that students with Disabilities or Special needs have the information and assistance they may require during an emergency. • Provide your classes with general information about emergency procedures. The beginning of each semester is an ideal time to discuss emergency procedures. Adding emergency information to your Syllabus is also very effective. • Sign up for the Ga Tech Emergency Notification System (GTENS) at http://www.gatech.edu/emergency/notifi cation.html • Know how to report an emergency from the classroom, laboratory or your office. • Take charge of the students in your Classroom or Laboratory. • Follow the appropriate procedures for all building alarms or incident alerts. • The Georgia Tech Institute of Technology is committed to protecting the welfare of its community members and safeguarding the property and vital interests of the university. To meet this commitment, the university has established individual Building Redbooks as well as a comprehensive Ga Tech Emergency Action Plan. As a faculty member, you play an important role in the implementation and effectiveness of these plans. Take 3 For Emergencies It is everyone’s responsibility to be prepared for an emergency situation. Please take 3 minutes to focus on your all hazards emergency response. Refresh your memory on: 1. How you will be Notified in an emergency. 2. Where you would Evacuate from your classroom, office or building. 3. Where you would Shelter in Place in your classroom, office or building. Also, do you know if your classroom door locks? What you would do if you heard gunshots in the hallway?! Consider Adding Preparedness Information on Your Syllabus! • In case of the need to evacuate this classroom and building, please______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ • A recommended Storm Shelter is located:_________________________. • Remember, if you "See Something, Say Something." Report anything suspicious to GTPD Police at 404-894-2500 • Ensure you've signed up for Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System trough Passport: https://passport.gatech.edu • Back up your important documents and research material! Tornado Tornado warnings require you to stay inside a building to protect your students and yourself. 1. Stop Class 2. Instruct your students to stay in the building due to the emergency. Going outside poses a risk of injury or death. 3. Move to the lowest floor of the building. Select an interior room without windows and avoid rooms with mechanical equipment like fume hoods or other ventilation equipment. 4. If possible, find a room with a landline telephone as cell phone networks may be overwhelmed. 5. Listen to the radio or television and monitor e-mail and the GT web page until you are told all is safe or to evacuate. Active Shooter If an armed person enters the building or you hear gunfire, take immediate steps to protect your students and yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. If a phone is available call Georgia Tech Police Department at 404-8942500 or 911 from a Ga Tech campus landline. 5. If you are in an open area find a suitable room that might offer protection. 6. If you are unable to get into a secured area and the gunman approaches you, your actions will depend solely on your judgment and capability. No strategy is 100 percent effective. Thinking and planning about a shooter on campus NOW, will help you make better decisions during an emotional and highly volatile event. Stop Class If you are in an office or a classroom, immediately close the door and lock it if it has a lock. If it does not have a lock, use desks and chairs to block the doorway. Stay away from windows and out of view. Take a position behind heavy furniture, a counter or anything that will hide your location and provide some cover. Stay hidden, keep quiet until the police arrive. Active Shooter: Run, Hide Fight • Take a few minutes to watch this YouTube video • Never situation will ever be the same, but the three options presented (Run, Hide, Fight) all provide greater chances for survival. • Know your classroom – what would you do? • http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=5VcSwejU2D0 Building Evacuation In the event of a fire or other emergency that requires evacuation (chemical spill), take immediate action that includes accounting for everyone who was in the building. 1. Stop Class 2. Instruct students to collect their personal belongings and follow you. 3. Immediately evacuate the building using your preplanned evacuation routes. If you do not know your route, select a path to get out of the building quickly. 4. Do not use elevators. 5. If you are able to assist mobilityimpaired individuals, do so . If not, immediately call Georgia Tech Police Department at 404894-2500 or 911 from a Ga Tech campus landline. 6. If the cause of the evacuation was a fire, do not attempt to extinguish the fire yourself. 7. Once out of the building, gather at the pre-planned assembly area. 8. Do not re-enter the building for any reason. Are You Ready?? The Georgia Tech Office of Emergency Preparedness encourages you to stay informed. Scan for App qrs.ly/8z3hev3 Consider Taking EP Classes Required Courses 1. Campus Fire Safety 2. Emergency Preparedness 101 3. What is in your Building: Hazard Awareness 4. Plan Prepare React: Active Shooter Response Options 5. Introduction to Incident Command System for Higher Education (online) Elective Courses ▫ • • • • • • • • • • 11 Awareness for Initial Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents Basic First Aid/Adult CPR/AED Bomb Threat Management Chematix Training Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Crime Prevention 101 Drill It! Planning and Conducting an Emergency Exercise in Your Area Safety Abroad Register at See Something, Say Something http://trains.gatech.edu Weather Hazards and Precautions /courses/programs AA Special Topics Course emergencypreparedness@police.gatech.edu 404-894-8392