Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series Pathway: Engineering Jobs Include: Marine Engineer Electrical Systems Designer Industrial Engineering Technician Electro-Mechanical Engineer Mechatronics Engineer Automation Engineer Solar Energy Systems Engineers The General Purpose Engineers imagine. Before things are made; things are conceived. Engineers, who are in manufacturing, design things, trouble-shoot concepts and analyze thoughts into real schemes or parts of a whole. Engineers have the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. Engineering uses logic to see the strengths and weaknesses of new solutions or conclusions. It doesn’t have to be solving the problem, but engineering recognizes there is or would be a problem or a better way forward. The work can focus on production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture and distribution of goods. Engineers apply data and predictions of physical laws and the interrelationships of numbers, fluids, materials, atmospheric dynamics, and mechanical, electrical, and atomic structures in order to get work done. Generalized Work Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Preparing–System layouts, detailed drawings and schematics Designing and overseeing - Tests, installations and reviews which may exploit multi-dimensional graphic visuals Maintaining contact and reporting for - contractors and clients to ensure completion of work at minimum cost Studying - regulatory bodies to ensure repairs and alterations are on time, inexpensive and consistent with safety. Some Examples of Colorado Engineering Jobs and Salaries: 1. Military: US Navy 2. Rural Corporate: Sol Merit, LLC 3. Urban Corporate: Banyon Industries Career & Technical Education Marine Engineer Solar Design Supervisor Electro-mechanical Engineer Page 1 $89,000 (travel, leadership) $73,000 (Trinidad, outdoors) $153,000 (Gr. Junction, tech) Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series ICAP: Manufacturing Engineering Path 8th grade Short Term Goal: Discovery of my Talents, Choices, Networks and $’s My Interests and Ability Explorations a. Ever since I can remember, what do I do well? What does my family agree I do well? b. Which of the “What is interesting to me” tools do I like using the best? c. What new careers excite me? My Career Explorations a. Going outside of school, what 3 or 4 career fairs or interviews impressed me? b. What job tools do I want to play with or use when I graduate? (e.g. Radar, Excel, GPS) c. How do people get their work accomplished? My Academic Management a. When I look at my grades over the past years, what do I do well and what do I resist? b. Where would I like to play and learn next either through work or more study? c. How is picking my future high school’s courses and opportunities going to help me? My Financial Plan a. How can I plant a seed of small money which can grow? b. Where are other sources of potential funding available for where I am going? c. What do I need to know about how money behaves? (My Helpful Network) a. Who did I meet this week who does what I may want to do for a career? b. Who did I meet this week who may help me get where I am headed? c. What will I write as a note to remember their significance to me? Career & Technical Education Page 2 Date My Interest and Ability Explorations Reflection Proof September 30 2009 Take District Interest Inventory I see problems well. Survey says I am good at logic, planning and writing. My Survey Results October 15 2009 Take ASVAB Interest Inventory for free via US Army (of One) I was very high at verifying info, coding and categorizing the “same or related things.” I see the relationships between different topics. My ASVAB Survey Results December 15 2009 Complete seeing 20 fun job videos I liked scientific jobs. Manufacturing and making things segments were dangerous looking. The www.links to my top 20 occupation videos February 15 2010 Open my account on College in Colorado and spend every Tuesday for 30 minutes exploring the interest inventories and occupation videos This website is pretty easy to play with. Am I allowed to visit the job sites without a teacher? I keep discovering that I bookmark the articles, sites and interests that do planning and organization! Counselor signature that my account is in place and functional Date My Career Explorations Reflections Proof November 15 2009 Attended Region 5 Career Fair with 300 businesses present The best part of the fair was when a woman from Wolf Robotics demonstrated 4D graphic computing. The signature of parent and counselor for attendance on file. December 6 2009 Attended the Makers Faire This was fun but I don’t want to do any “making.” The signature of homeroom teacher on file. City Planner Mentor Visitor The two people from City Hall showed us how they set traffic light patterns in order to avoid congestion. I think I could help them if it meant my Mom would get home from work faster. The signature of counselor on file. Got a Job Shadowing visit with Coca Cola bottling plant Spent a day with Mr. Narth. His job is to design an expansion of the production floor so that 33% more bottles of Coke are generated. He doesn’t even see the bottles or the trucks. He just works on his computer and goes to meetings with people who will pay for and use his design. It was an ok kind of day. Job shadow visa signed by both business and school counselor on file. April 15 2010 April 25 2010 Career & Technical Education Page 3 Date My Academic Management Reflection Proof Academic Advising October 30 2009 Meeting with Academic Advisor to review my elementary school and 7th grade scores and my interest inventory from September this year. Reviewed my choices for classes here at Mason Middle School and next year’s academic menu at Ballard High School. I good at math and science classes. I like it when the projects ask me to work alone. I love seeing the “whole” and enjoy playing with the “parts.” Signature of advisor on file Core Academic Courses Mrs. Thomas said that if I get an A or B in Pre-Algebra I can start getting college credit for Algebra classes in 9th grade. My Mom was happy. Electives Courses August 22 2009 Course transcript record Core Career and Technical Courses On Campus Tours Front Range professors were so involved in projects and seemed really interested in the new circuits tools when they arrived by semi. We unloaded them, too. Community Colleges: Aims CC December 1-10 2009 Front Range CC The sophomore guides at University of Denver told me that most students have laptops. Class is only M-W-F for Math. That is hard to study for. FOCUS! 4 Year University: University of Northern Colorado Signature of advisor on file University of Denver Visit to next year’s Ballard H. S. a) January 8 2010 b) c) Walk about campus and do 2 class guest passes Student- 2- Student lunch 15 minute visit with counseling office to: ID classes for next 4 year consideration, Learn required pre-requisite classes Learn HS graduation choices Applied Academic Learning Experience March 8 2010 Odyssey of the Mind Competition: Laser Design to Detect Fire And We lost. But so did 55 other districts which got into competition. The reason for our loss was the assumption that laser was strong enough to “see” through smoke. It was more than a battery problem. It was a design problem. The Boys and Girls Club project was much more challenging than I expected. We had to design and build a bridge from the park to the parking lot with an architect. Boys and Girls Club Career & Technical Education I learned that HS has many different choices and so friends are split up. I learned that I can get out of high school sooner if I pick classes required and take a few exit exam practices in a variety of profession/college categories. Page 4 Signature of advisor on file Signature of advisor on file DATE My Financial Plan Reflection Proof May 15 2010 I opened a checking account at First Bank. Bank Account Manager showed me the Rule of 72. I hope I can wait 7 years! Bank statement May 22 2010 My Dad opened a 529 Colorado account. What if I don’t go to College? I think they are expecting I will someday. College Invest 529 Savings Plan I want one of the scholarships. My Mom would be proud! Middle School counselor signature Next year’s High School Counselor visited our class and gave out swag bags for our Middle School “graduation.” May 28 2010 We got a thumb drive with the HS logo on it (!) and a list of local scholarships given out in high school for students who earn grade point averages and work hard. My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Bragg Mickele Geotech Runs internships for Geotech and has a nice dog! Lee Mary CDE Tracks all Colorado scholarships. Her brother goes to AIMS like my cousin. Runs student learning gaming tool for all kids with a District 51 password. Larson Brent School District 51 Martin John Warren Tech Could give me mentor if I later need help in an engineering job King Steven Mile High United Way Was nice to me during Odyssey of the Mind. Banker at First Bank who gave me a free SAVINGS account after CHECKING account. She knew I was scared and made me laugh about putting my $215.00 in the bank. Allen Margaritte First Bank Career & Technical Education Page 5 Was the kind judge to our team at Odyssey of the Mind. Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series ICAP: Manufacturing Engineering Path 9th grade Short Term Goal: Research of my Talents, Choices, Networks and $’s My Interests and Ability Explorations a. What connections can I make between what I do in school and what I do for my career? My Career Explorations a. b. c. d. e. Going outside of school, who can I shadow for a few days that do things of interest to me? What unpaid internships or longer project based-experiences on a real job can I try? Who can help me find internships? Where do I look? How do my beliefs fuel decisions? How do people get their work accomplished? What tools do they use? Where do they network? My Academic Management a. Is school about doing time in class or more about learning things deeply which is valuable? b. How do I practice resisting giving up when I fail at something? c. What in me can get mentally stronger and more persistent when I struggle to master difficult subjects and skills? d. How do I judge my progress and see gains in my peers? e. What do employers expect me to know and be able to do? My Financial Plan a. What is involved in getting a bank loan or line of credit? How does insurance work? b. Where are other sources of potential funding for where I am going? c. Who have I chosen as my financial planner now? (My Helpful Network) a. Who did I meet this week that does what I may want to do for a career? b. Who did I meet this week that may help me get where I am headed? c. What will I write as a note to remember their significance to me? Career & Technical Education Page 6 My Interest and Ability Explorations Date Reflection Proof Analyze my District Interest Inventory with: JUMPSTART counselor Job Corps Counselor September 20 2010 Chamber of Commerce VP CAMA/The EDGE/CACI representatives Survey says I am good at logic, planning and design. Everyone was just My Survey telling us about how much money this Results and skill can give me! No one got me too business cards confused. Just showed me job paths in for my network. any industry. Sounds like logic and planning pays off. US Navy outreach officer 1. Go to CWDC or CCCS website to pull down logistic related jobs in Colorado. 2. October 15 2010 Charted four things needed for a job interview: The chart I made shows me one thing pretty clearly. Experience and strong education proof gives me a monthly salary ranging between $75,000$80,000 before my third year of work! My top jobs worksheet. Complete seeing 20 fun manufacturing job videos I think that the jobs that I like best are the ones that have a variety of things that happen each day. I think the people who work for Lincoln Electric in the videos though were the adventure seekers. Me…not that much. The www.links to my top 20 occupation videos. Every Tuesday for 30 minutes exploring my interests, career paths, and job videos on College in Colorado (CIC). When I click on the EXPLORE button it feels like I could drown in choices. When I don’t know what looks like a good fit I remember to look at the reviews from teachers, Odyssey judge, Boys and Girls Club Leader, and my interest inventories. What I think about doing is different than what my friends want to do. Is this going to make me lonely? Counselor signature that my CIC account is in place and functional. a. Skills Needed b. Academic and Education Training Cert. c. Expected Salary by When (benefits, etc.) d. Prior Experience Expected December 15 2010 February 15 2011 Career & Technical Education Page 7 Date My Career Explorations Reflection Proof November 15 2010 Attended Region 5 Career Fair with 400 businesses in attendance. This year I had small check list of tables and demo’s to see because my weekly EXPLORE button on College in Colorado helped me to be more focused. The signature of counselor for attendance. Attended the Manufacturer’s Expo with an Odyssey of the Mind sponsor I think this Business to Business demo was MUCH more interesting than the Career Fair! Real and new tools (esp. technology maps, robotics, radar, and traffic pattern tables) were very cool to study AND TOUCH. The signature of counselor and pictures from the Expo. Solar Industry: Job Shadowing Expo offered Job Shadow Every Month for April, May and Summer. Solar technology is interesting to me. Still, it burns hot and bird can be killed. It was sad to see how hot the panels get and what it does to nature. I would think something could be done about that because solar has less waste. The signature of Job Shadow rep. and pictures from the Summer. STEM unpaid “internship” Spent 2 weeks at CDOT as an aide. The civil engineering used in tunnels and in canyons are designed for maximum vehicle safety. CDOT showed us accident simulators which gauge weather and road conditions. These are used to give traveler advisories during bad weather. Job shadow visa signed by CSP and counselor. December 6 2009 April 15-Aug 1 2011 April 25 2010 Career & Technical Education Page 8 Date My Academic Management Reflection Proof Managing how to deeply learn, produce work and fit in is not easy. Signature of advisor on file Classroom learning is “one and off” from how I learned to do my tasks at Coca Cola and CDOT. How do I link the two? Now a good teacher for me is one who bridges how Geometry is used…not just what the “right answer” is. I do not feel successful here yet. Signature of advisor on file and College in Colorado tracker link to grades/job Academic Advising October 30 2010 Meeting with Academic Advisor to check on my freshman experience. My grades are lower than middle school. I don’t understand how to juggle homework, Kite Competition and my home life. Core Academic Courses December 22 2010 Electives Courses Core Career and Technical Courses This year, the higher education campus visit feels more serious to me. Academic study takes deep concentration in one subject. How I apply this takes concentration, too. On Campus Tours Community Colleges: Pikes Peak CC December 1- 10 2010 The senior at Colorado Community College Aurora told me about a study team she attends twice a week for success. They order pizza and invite an instructor if they don’t understand. Higher grades mean more scholarships, trips, summer internships and fun with tech tools! CCA 4 Year University: Metro State CSU Denver Applied Academic Learning Experience SKILLS USA : Robotics Team June 8 2011 April 2 2011 Traveled to Omaha, NE with my 9th -12th grade Applied Technology class to compete nationally. We came in 22nd place. 9th Grade Off Boarding Assembly Principal, Deans and Workforce presented: 1. Our 9th grade class’ academic performance to date (minus PARCC test) 2. Revealed how last year’s graduates from our high school did in life after high school (remediation rates, employment rates, etc.) [trend data] 3. Regional job openings 4. Graduation choice/ threshold for proof 5. Tutoring, mentoring, free online summer study [no matter grade rank) Career & Technical Education Page 9 This is the best experience in high school so far! The organization, team work, contest prep, and professionalism was terrific. We had even had to wear particular shoes and colors of clothes or be disqualified! The math needed to solve the Robot Challenge was one year above me. Still our 9th-12th grade team showed off their higher math knowledge, creativity, our physics knowledge, and engineering ability when the robots battery pack failed. Only 70% of last year’s graduates are either in college, in the Marine Corp, or working. What are the other 30% doing? Signature of advisor on file Copy of the Robotic Team Application, SKILLS USA score card and signature of advisor on file Handout from the CHS assembly. Date My Financial Plan Jan 15 –Feb 18 2011 Junior Achievement and SCORE leaders gave us a personal literacy course (amortization, wealth, checking, savings, stocks, insurance, tax) using fake money and game tools with examples of critical life financial occurrences May 22 2011 I listed on my College in Colorado account year- long internships I might like to try to get which are either paid or for credit. I will send emails to my Network Email list for letters of recommendation. May 22 2011 Interview Financial Planner Career & Technical Education Page 10 Reflection After this class, what I thought my “hot jobs” offered in salary [75-83,000 dollars] has changed! That was pre-tax, prehealth, pre-rent, etc.] Proof Signature from JA Leader. I need a job that pays more in 3 years if I want to live in downtown Boulder without a bad credit score It is time to make money or credit while I learn. Life after high school takes a monthly income! Signature of counselor. I learned a new concept: The Velocity of Money. (Make it and keep it moving and appreciating. Taxes, binge buying and .5% savings accounts SLOW the velocity of my money.) Signature of financial planner and my parent. My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Bragg Mickele Geotech Runs internships for Geotech and has a nice dog! Lee Mary CDE Tracks all Colorado scholarships. Her brother goes to AIMS like my cousin. Larson Brent School District 51 Runs student learning gaming tool for all kids with a District 51 password. Was the kind judge to our team at Odyssey of the Mind. Martin John Warren Tech Could give me mentor if I later need help in an engineering job King Steven Mile High United Way Was nice to me during Odyssey of the Mind. Allen Margaritte First Bank Banker at First Bank who gave me a free SAVINGS account after CHECKING account. She knew I was scared and made me laugh about putting my $215.00 in the bank. Watson Sy Boys and Girls Club Sy is the son of the Coca Cola distributor for Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, and Denver. Mason Tommy Legos Lego executive leadership Scott Rebecca Tyco Vice President, Tyco Career & Technical Education Page 11 Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series ICAP: Manufacturing Engineering Path 10th grade Short Term Goal: Participation of my Talents, Choices, Networks and $’s My Interests and Ability Explorations a. b. c. d. What is the typical lifestyle for people in careers that interest me? Is that work style a good fit for me and my personality? What other new careers excite me and fit me even better? Which proofs will I use to graduate? My Career Explorations a. b. c. d. e. Going outside of school, which four (4) career fairs or interviews most impressed me? How can I be paid or compensated in other ways while I intern? How do I meet or find a temporary mentor? Who can help me refine my resume? Where do I post this for easy access? What tools and networks get me richer experiences within the job fields that interest me? My Academic Management a. b. c. d. e. What classes precisely get me farther toward my career and faster out of high school? What can I do now to strengthen my weaker problem solving skills? What simulations, field labs and experiences best enrich my academic/in-school learning? If I meet or exceed the standards of school, can I ask for credit? Am I already eligible to graduate this year? My Financial Plan a. How do I double the money I have now? b. Where are other sources of potential funding for where I am going? c. What are the precise monthly calculated expenses I will have after graduation? (My Helpful Network) a. Who did I meet this week who does what I may want to do for a career? b. Who did I meet this week who may help me get where I am headed? c. What will I write as a note to remember their significance to me? Career & Technical Education Page 12 Date September 15-29 2011 All year My Interest and Ability Explorations Reflection I think that overall, I am in the right space. Interview the lives of Engineers, Technicians, Each job type makes different salaries but City Planners: the commonalities include words like: - What are their personalities? - We think about it ahead of schedule - What is the lifestyle? - I know where the pinch points are - What do they enjoy? - I design better ideas for success - What is the pay out, benefit, quality of - We know where things can blow up colleagues? - I read and imagine so that when called - What is the fit for you? on I can give the very best advice I enjoy time looking at websites like Burning Glass. Career & Technical Education Page 13 I want to study and train in places near Ft. Collins. Proof My Interview Results and their business cards for my network list Counselor signature that my account is in place and functional Date November 15 2011 My Career Explorations Attended Region 5 Career Fair with 621 businesses in attendance Reflection Proof Found in advance the names of the companies in the Engineering Pathways who were attending. Was first at tables for internships, mentorships and inquiries for scholarships. Business cards Got all their cards for my network list. Participated in mock interviews at Community Colleges and filled in job applications December 6-18 2011 (All the parts!) I completed my resume Not used to the details of following instructions on an application. (Forgot to come back to a section I thought I would come back around to, forgot to get my 1st year transcript, and forgot to attach my “resume” of middle school, summer time and recent high school experiences. Forgot to sign the application! The signature of Community College lead of the mock interview and pictures of the applications. Attended Longmont Community panel on job mentors and how business can connect with and build aspiring talent. April 15-Aug. 1 2012 During the lunch break I added 10 more of my freshman and sophomore favorite career network names and email addresses. Job Corps: Mentor Panel SCORE: Mentor Panel Business cards No connections here…but I listened carefully to what employers really need. July 2 2012 Spent 2 weeks at a Computer Repair Store (Milton CPS). Got to see the most common and fragile parts broken on cell phones and laptops, attended daily staff meetings, built an Excel spreadsheet demonstrating costs when parts are late to the store. STEM unpaid “internship” Career & Technical Education Page 14 Excel spreadsheet signed Date My Academic Management Reflection Proof I need better school choices to do the jobs I want in the next 4 years. Signature of advisor on file Academic Advising October 30 2012 Meeting with Academic Advisor to check on my Sophomore experience. My grades are much better than last year. I know how to do my homework for the next day during class (!), ask better class questions, and turn off my attention to things that don’t help and how to take classes that matter to my career. Core Academic Courses MY CHOICES! Made with new online friend. Electives Courses December 22 2010 Taking better classes online will be fun. Khan Academy online account Core Career and Technical Courses On Campus Tours This year, the higher education was exclusively about technology and formula generating lessons. Community Colleges: December 1-10 2010 Pueblo Community College Honestly, Colorado State (Gates Foundation funding) meets both my tech and engineering needs 4 Year University: Western State Applied Academic Learning Experience UCLA Online Class: Nano Technologies July 19 – 30 2011 Signature of high school counselor and class advisor on file My technical skills are not keeping up with “on the ground” people habits. This class is teaching me to look for the power of “small” in my future work. Signature of advisor on file Official Nat Geo test score 10th Grade Off Boarding Assembly Principal, Superintendent, College Deans and Regional Workforce reps presented: 1. April 2 2011 2. 3. 4. 5. Our 10th grade class’ academic performance to date (short of PARCC test results). Revealed how last year’s graduates from our high school did in life after high school (remediation rates, employment rates, etc.) [trend data] Regional job openings Graduation choices and threshold for each proof Do summer study & free online tutoring. Career & Technical Education Page 15 I am only going to work with a free Goodwill tutor right before school starts in August 1-15th to strengthen my writing skills. I am not always good about saying in written words what I need to express for team projects. Signature of Goodwill Tutor Date My Financial Plan Reflection Proof May 15 2011 Wash cars every day with cousin on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays to build up with my cousin a second savings account Bank Account Manager giving us a line of credit (credit card!) if we can build a savings of $2100.00. Second account compounds faster if my cousin adds her part time income and car washing income. Bank application May 22 2011 Get final letters of recommendation for Fall 2011-12 scholarship applications By including my applied experience photos, people I worked with during internships are much more helpful in writing a letter of support! Letters on file. It is time to make money or credit while I learn. Life after high school takes a monthly income! CIC applications May 22 2011 I listed on my College in Colorado account year- long internships I might like to try to get which are either paid or for credit. I will send emails to my Network Email list for letters of recommendation. Career & Technical Education Page 16 My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Bragg Mickele Geotech Runs internships for Geotech and has a nice dog! Lee Mary CDE Tracks all Colorado scholarships. Her brother goes to AIMS like my cousin. Larson Brent School District 51 Runs student learning gaming tool for all kids with a District 51 password. Was the kind judge to our team at Odyssey of the Mind. Martin John Warren Tech Could give me mentor if I later need help in an engineering job King Steven Mile High United Way Was nice to me during Odyssey of the Mind. Allen Margaritte First Bank Banker at First Bank who gave me a free SAVINGS account after CHECKING account. She knew I was scared and made me laugh about putting my $215.00 in the bank. Watson Sy Boys and Girls Club Sy is the son of the Coca Cola distributor for Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, and Denver. Mason Tommy Legos Lego executive leadership Scott Rebecca Tyco Vice President, Tyco LaMar Ann First Bank Teller at First Bank Detweil Fanta Napa Parts Napa logistics chief Tooley Marie Garmin GPS Garmin designer Zed Ernie Raytheon Raytheon technician Etley Marilyn CO Logistics Engineer at Colorado Logistics Graham Brittany Propulsion INC. Mechanical Supervisor at Propulsion INC. Morrison Tiffany Aero MAC Team Leader at Aero Mac Career & Technical Education Page 17 Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series ICAP: Manufacturing Engineering Path 11th grade Short Term Goal: Applied Experience of my Talents, Choices, Networks and $’s My Interests and Ability Explorations a. b. c. d. Of jobs I typically want, which industries are (e.g. aerospace, manufacturing, transportation)? What are the college majors or national certificates each require or recommend? Where my job interests are typically needed (Miami, Denver, etc.)? Which schools are traditional partners (e.g., George Washington University or Front Range)? My Career Explorations a. Which internship pays or compensates me? Does it add value to my career path? b. At the end of the year, what parts of my resume need additions? Transcripts? My Academic Management a. How can I improve my academic learning progress? What classes have more rigor? b. What proofs will I use to graduate? Am I already eligible to graduate this year? c. Which applied courses can I take to maximize my career portfolio? d. Who can I work with to tutor me, strategically decide courses which benefit my career, or pay me as I learn? Does concurrent enrollment play a role? My Financial Plan a. If I choose to borrow state and federal funds and later pay these institutions back, which applications for funding need to be completed? b. What financial networks, Kiwanis, or religious associations ay invest in me? (My Helpful Network) a. Who did I meet this week that does what I may want to do for a career? b. What will I write as a note to remember their significance to me? Career & Technical Education Page 18 Date My Interest and Ability Explorations Reflection Proof Explore CAEL website THEN chart the skills and salaries for most of the national manufacturing Engineering Occupations (which I have already identified as your preferred career) NOTE: September 8- October 22 2012 Identify which industry the job is in (aerospace manufacturing transportation?) Chart the college majors each require or rec’d Where the job typically is needed (Miami Denver?) Schools and institutes which work as partners to these businesses (Geo. Wash. Univ. or Front Range Community College?) My Occupation Chart I wish I had the tool of Geo-Tech to import this chart! Contacts for my network list I want to study and train in places in the Metro area. Get CAMA contacts. All year Go to CAMA events all year long Date My Career Talent Development Reflection Proof December 6-18 2012 Go to Armed Forces Career Fair Best technology I have seen in the past 5 years. Signed document by counselor. Join Mobile Manufacturing Learning Lab This weekend based project integrates producers supply line leaders repair crews and engineers in order to develop a victory situation. Signed document by counselor. Jan-Feb 2 2012 Begin paid internship with Wolf Robotics April 15-Aug 1 2013 Find related scholarships for now and next year Both are related to engineering and manufacturing July 2 2013 STEM mentorship or job shadowing Career & Technical Education Page 19 Wolf Robotics has the coolest equipment. I like the way work gets done. My online instructor got me a mentor at Lockheed to help me focus more on how to write better science reports and insert better graphic visuals. Business cards Produce final product for concurrent enrollment credit. Cache scholarship applications. Transcript and pay stub. Date My Academic Management Reflection Proof Academic Advising October 30 2012 Meeting with Academic Advisor to check on my Junior experience. My grades are much I feel calm about this year and about how better than last year. I know how to do my to reach my career goal. homework for the next day during class (!) ask better class questions and turn off my attention to things that don’t help and how to take classes that matter to my career. Core Academic Courses December 22 2012 MY CHOICES! Despite my friends advice. (Scared but ready) Electives Courses Core Career and Technical Courses On Campus Tours December 1-10 2012 July 19-30 2013 August 5-9 2013 Community Colleges: Otero Junior College 4 Year University: University of Colorado Boulder Applied Academic Learning Experience STEM Lab: USAF telecom design project Online credit with Berkeley software consultants Concurrent enrollment with Front Range Community College for Introduction to PreTrigonometry FRCC credit Signature of advisor on file Signature of high school counselor and class advisor on file. High School transcript Khan Academy online account This year the higher education tours are overnight events. I have discovered that the tech tools are really available 24/7! U of Colorado, Boulder has super strong classes and powerful network friends. Signature of advisor on file Learning about: 1.Hacking dilemmas 2.Complex math to solve high speed distribution issues This is an exceptionally demanding summer. American Airlines clinic stub. Rand proof of earned credit. All summer I will use Khan Academy on Monday Wed and Friday on the preprogramed lessons and quizzes to keep me sharp. Signature of Goodwill Tutor Quiz Scores from each week. 11th Grade Off Boarding Assembly April 2 2013 Principal Superintendent College Deans and Regional Workforce reps presented: 1. Our 11th grade class’ academic performance to date (short of PARCC test results). Revealed how LAST YEAR’S graduates from our high school did in life after high school (remediation rates employment rates etc.) [trend data] 2. Regional job openings 3. Graduation choices and threshold for each proof 4. Invited us study and mentor. Career & Technical Education Page 20 Date My Financial Plan Reflection Proof May 22 2011 Send scholarship applications The details are really involved in sending a complete application. USPS stub May 22 2011 I listed on my College in Colorado account year- long scholarships I might like to try to get which are either paid or for credit. The military and industry scholarship amounts are significant. List on file My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Bragg Mickele Geotech Runs internships for Geotech and has a nice dog! Lee Mary CDE Tracks all Colorado scholarships. Her brother goes to AIMS like my cousin. Larson Brent School District 51 Runs student learning gaming tool for all kids with a District 51 password. Was the kind judge to our team at Odyssey of the Mind. Martin John Warren Tech Could give me mentor if I later need help in an engineering job King Steven Mile High United Way Was nice to me during Odyssey of the Mind. Allen Margaritte First Bank Banker at First Bank who gave me a free SAVINGS account after CHECKING account. She knew I was scared and made me laugh about putting my $215.00 in the bank. Watson Sy Boys and Girls Club Sy is the son of the Coca Cola distributor for Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, and Denver. Mason Tommy Legos Lego executive leadership Scott Rebecca Tyco Vice President, Tyco LaMar Ann First Bank Teller at First Bank Detweil Fanta Napa Parts Napa logistics chief Tooley Marie Garmin GPS Garmin designer Zed Ernie Raytheon Raytheon technician Etley Marilyn CO Logistics Engineer at Colorado Logistics Graham Brittany Propulsion INC. Mechanical Supervisor at Propulsion INC. Career & Technical Education Page 21 My Career Network Last Name First Name Gulford Zimmerman John Charles Mills Mike Allied Steve Roberts Juarez James Ann Juan Marty Pack Gary Fagbayi Anderson McFerran Mutui Tom Watson Barnes Jim Company e-Mail Comments Martin Marietta Wolf Robotics Mobile Manufacturing Lab TKL Director Admission Job Counselor Goodwill U S Bank Air Force Academy Bliss Unlimited National Guard STEM CEI Thunder Ridge HS Tech Engineer at MM He runs apprenticeships and is a recruiter. Program Director Director Big database of Boulder employers. Employer Specialist Loan Officer for technology customers. Telecom Specialist Former Kodak COO Engineering Specialist Grant Director Job Specialist Career & Technical Education Page 22 Advanced Manufacturing ICAP Series ICAP: Manufacturing Engineering Path 12th grade Transition to Work or Further Study Short Term Goal: of my Talents Choices Networks and $’s My Interests and Ability Explorations a. What skills and knowledge have I mastered? What other feedback from people who know me well can I learn from as I leave high school? Or am I just barely competent? b. How would I rate if I use the specific annual job evaluation of work I would like to do? My Career Explorations a. How do I secure internships apprenticeships which may have a “graduation to occupation” connection? b. Which professional association job fairs or collegiate activities should I pursue? c. What does it take to start my own business? d. At the end of the year what parts of my resume need additions? Transcripts? My Academic Management a. b. c. d. How is my learning going to be applied after graduation? Which of my proofs of competency will be used for graduation? Will my proofs be finished and approved in time for graduation exercises this year? How do I package these proofs for college credit or increased income after graduation? My Financial Plan a. How can I negotiate book costs and payback schedules when accepting college offers? b. How can I leverage a job offer using any corporate education funds? (My Helpful Network) a. Who did I meet this week who does what I may want to do for a career? b. Who did I meet this week who may help me get where I am headed? c. What will I write a note to remember their significance to me? Career & Technical Education Page 23 Date My Interest and Ability Explorations September 11-30 2013 Reflection Ask your advisor and mentors to refine your resume. Ask instructors and peers to give candid feedback about your talents and struggles Ask Counselor to give you a 60 minute critique of the ACT scores you just got back. Compare these result against your PARCC scores/SAT scores or ASVAB results. Use chart to decide which better prove your competencies in math writing English Science and History. Decide which course to concurrently enroll. Add these results to my resume. Identify last year needs for remedial instruction Proof My Occupation Chart Contacts for my network list I am really interested in how they: November 2013 Travel with my big brother to New Jersey to see Bell Labs Make situations Tackle problems Cope with expensive failure Convention program Great graphics and simulations! Date November 15 2013 December 6-18 2013 My Career Talent Development Reflection Attended ALL Relevant Career Fair with 350 businesses in attendance. Go to Armed Forces Job Career Fair Found in advance the names of the companies in the Engineering Pathways who were attending. Was first at tables for internships mentorships and inquiries for scholarships. International travel and manufacturing challenges in second and third world countries are interesting. May be able to solve problems before they are manufactured rather than trying to fix bad design in mass production! Proof Got all their cards for my network list. Business cards and program. Begin paid internship with Verizon Find related scholarships for April 15-Aug 1 2014 Produce final product for concurrent enrollment credit. now and next year Both are related to engineering and communication manufacturing Career & Technical Education Page 24 Cache scholarship applications. Timesheet and supervisor’s signature. Date My Academic Management Reflection Proof I don’t test well. I don’t interact well with others (shy). I think but don’t always apply what I know to situations. My advisors says I lack confidence. Signature of advisor on file Academic Advising October 30 2013 Meeting with Academic Advisor to check on my Senior experience to determine my exit strategy. I predict that my ASVAB math and science scores will be the best proof for competency (officer training level of rigor and certificate) and I will probably use my ACT reading score and PARCC writing test for evidence. Use my History AP score. Core Academic Courses Electives Courses Core Career and Technical Courses December 22 2013 MY CHOICES! Half are off campus this year. Concurrent Courses Signature of high school counselor and class advisor on file Khan Academy online account Certificates Campus Applications August 1-10 2013 July 19-30 2014 August 5-9 2014 Front Range Community College Colorado Springs, CSU Applied Academic Learning Experience Summer Industrial Management Learning Lab: Sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers and Supply Chain Leaders Online credit with Verizon boot camp and their software for fast solutions and number one customer ratings redistribution Both are my top choices for next year. Signature of advisor on file Should get one national certificate. Should get more informal certificate or credit while working with national corporation. Stub of NAMSCL Home Depot stub I will accept college offers based on scholarship and FAFSA response. Use the College in Colorado account My account My account Signature of Goodwill Tutor Quiz Scores from each week. 12th Grade Off Boarding Assembly Principal Superintendent College Deans and Regional Workforce reps presented: 1. Our 12th grade class’ academic April 2 2014 2. 3. 4. performance to date (short of PARCC test results). Revealed how LAST YEAR’S graduates from our high school did in life after high school (remediation rates employment rates etc.) [trend data] Regional job openings Graduation choices and threshold for each proof. Online summer study. Career & Technical Education Page 25 Date My Financial Plan Reflection Proof May 15 2011 Negotiate books schedules and payback schedule when accepting a college offer. This can be a big chunk of funding for my decision to be national certified in manufacturing engineering focused on telecom and distance data warehousing. Sample of my response letter on file May 22 2011 Consider job offer if the pay-off includes corporate education trust fund. Supplemental support will not disqualify my FERPA application efforts. Signature of my counselor My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Bragg Mickele Geotech Runs internships for Geotech and has a nice dog! Lee Mary CDE Tracks all Colorado scholarships. Her brother goes to AIMS like my cousin. Larson Brent School District 51 Runs student learning gaming tool for all kids with a District 51 password. Was the kind judge to our team at Odyssey of the Mind. Martin John Warren Tech Could give me mentor if I later need help in an engineering job King Steven Mile High United Way Was nice to me during Odyssey of the Mind. Allen Margaritte First Bank Banker at First Bank who gave me a free SAVINGS account after CHECKING account. She knew I was scared and made me laugh about putting my $215.00 in the bank. Watson Sy Boys and Girls Club Sy is the son of the Coca Cola distributor for Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, and Denver. Mason Tommy Legos Lego executive leadership Scott Rebecca Tyco Vice President, Tyco LaMar Ann First Bank Teller at First Bank Detweil Fanta Napa Parts Napa logistics chief Tooley Marie Garmin GPS Garmin designer Zed Ernie Raytheon Raytheon technician Career & Technical Education Page 26 My Career Network Last Name First Name Company e-Mail Comments Etley Marilyn CO Logistics Engineer at Colorado Logistics Graham Brittany Propulsion INC. Mechanical Supervisor at Propulsion INC. Gulford John Martin Marietta Zimmerman Charles Wolf Robotics Mills Mike Allied Steve Roberts Juarez James Pack Fagbayi Anderson McFerran Barnes Markel Ann Juan Marty Gary Mutui Tom Watson Jim Pi Mobile Manufacturing Lab TKL Director Admission Job Counselor Goodwill U S Bank Air Force Academy Bliss Unlimited National Guard STEM CEI Thunder Ridge HS Verizon Belkin Kia CAMA Ontero Tating Martino Zak David Pete Channel 9 Telecom Designer Hispanic Chamber Career & Technical Education Tech Engineer at MM He runs apprenticeships and is a recruiter. Program Director Director Big database of Boulder employers. Employer Specialist Loan Officer for technology customers. Telecom Specialist Former Kodak COO Engineering Specialist Grant Director Job Specialist Runs Verizon boot camp Project Coordinator manufacturer assoc. Cable and satellite repair tech Engineer at Sonar Frontier Employer Recruiter Page 27