SCUSD Common Core Mathematics Lesson Planning Guide Unit Title: Expressions Approx. time: Lesson: #2 50 + minutes A. Focus and Coherence Students will know… Conventions of algebraic notations. When to use order of operations. Vocabulary that represents parts of an expression: sum, product, factor, quotient, variable, and coefficient CCSS-M Standards: 6 Expressions 2a, 2b B. Evidence of Math Practices What will students produce when they are making sense, persevering, attending to precision and/or modeling, in relation to the focus of the lesson? Students will be able to… Describe each part of an expression including the operation(s) and operational order using appropriate mathematical terms. Students will make sense of problems by restating them with variables in expressions. Student prior knowledge: Know the vocabulary of sum, difference, product, factor, quotient, variable, constant and coefficient Variable is an unknown term, constant is a number- known term Whole number exponents Which math concepts will this lesson lead to? Order of operations Evaluate expressions with variables, whole numbers and exponents SMP 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. SMP 4: Model with mathematics. Students will apply the conventions of algebraic notations in order, not c5, but 5c, and that variables are in order in sequencing; for example- 2a + g + 2w or x2 + x + 4 (x0 = 1) SMP 6: Attend to precision. Students will attend to attend to precision by using the words : sum, product, factor, quotient, variable, and coefficient while discussing and writing problems Guiding Question(s) When do we use expressions with variables? When and why is it useful to use expressions in real life? When and why does the order of operations and other math properties apply to variable expressions? How do variables effect interpreting expressions? Formative Assessments Group chart presentations Anticipated Student Preconceptions/Misconceptions That the order of variables does not matter for example c5 instead of 5c, and a + b + c The sequence of variables does not need to be in alphabetical order That the variable is always “x” instead of using “h” for hamburger which is more logical and perfectly okay Grade: 6 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 Materials/Resources: Set A cards for the warm up ( premade and attached) Math journals Set B cards for homework C. Rigor: fluency, deep understanding, application and dual intensity What are the learning experiences that provide for rigor? What are the learning experiences that provide for evidence of the Math Practices? (Detailed Lesson Plan) Warm Up Give each group of students the attached Set A cards: vocabulary, definitions, examples, and blank set for them to make up own expressions. Have them cut them out. Have them play a matching game. Start with definitions and vocabulary. Have them match the mathematical term to the definition. Then have the student match the numerical/ variable expression to the term and definition. Have them discuss in groups why each expression goes with the term and definition. Lesson 1. Scaffold/ Review a. What does the word variable mean in an everyday context? (answer: subject to change) b. What do you think variable means in math? (answer: a letter or symbol with no fixed quantitative value) c. Why are variables important in math? (answer: they can be used whenever you do not know a number or when the number could change based on the situation) 2. Teacher says to students that at the end of the lesson, groups will use blank chart paper to create expressions from today’s lesson to demonstrate understanding. Pass out chart paper for students to write expressions as the lesson progresses. 3. Have each student open his/her journal. 4. Write on the board 3 + 4 = 7, and students copy into journal. The numbers in this expression are constants which mean they do not change. Explain that 3, 4, and 7 are each terms that are separated by an operator (operation) and they can be represented by letters which are called variables. Variables can change. For example 3 can be replaced with a variable such as “a” or any other in the alphabet. So that the expression now reads: a + 4 = 7. Just as easily, 4 can be replaced in the original expression by “b”. So the new expression reads 3 + b = 7. You can do that with the 7 as well. Say: 7 is the sum of a number and 4 in this particular problem. 5. Then change the problem to its inverse operator (difference). C – 4 = 3. Ask the class why using “b” or “a” to represent the number 7 in this particular example may or may not be the best idea (because they represent 3 and 4 from previous expressions). 6. In the group, give them this expression to practice using a variable. Example: “Find a number plus 2”. Let the group work together to create the expression. As each group creates the expression/ or after as they share out, teacher clarifies that the variable is first in the expression. “ n + 2”. So why “n”? Well, “n” for number makes logical sense and variables can be any letter. They are not always “x” and have to hold a singular, specific value. 7. Write on the board 8(3) = 24, and students write in journal. Tell students that in expressions, the multiplication sign is often omitted. So if the student replaced the factor 3 with a variable, the expression would read 8w = 24. Practice with the students using variables for 8 and 24 and rewriting the equations. 8. Before you move on, take a moment to explain that the “ 8w” in 8w = 24 is a coefficient. 9. Now in their group, give them this expression to practice using coefficients. Example: “Multiply a number by 9 to equal 27”. Let the group work together to create the expression. As the group creates the expression/ or after as they share out, teacher clarifies that “9p” is a coefficient. 10. Change this problem to its inverse operation (quotient). 24/w = 8. Ask the class, is w a coefficient in division? (no, not in division). 11. Student challenge: in groups give this expression: “multiply a number by 3 and then add 2”. So if they are applying the concepts of “expressions, variables and constants”, the student groups should be able to talk Grade: 6 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 through and arrive at “ 3s + 2” . Teacher should revisit what are the variables and constants in the expression. Closure 1. Have students look at chart paper and discuss as a group their expressions. They can either add on to their chart of expressions they did during the lesson, or they can correct misconceptions they had. They need to have an example from each of the four operations different from the examples in the lesson. 2. (This may be the next day’s opener if you run out of time) Have groups stand up and describe to their classmates each part of their expressions including the operation using appropriate mathematical terms. Suggested Homework/Independent Practice 1. Give Set B cards for homework. This homework asks the student to transfer mathematical words into expressions. ** If you would like word problems for homework, see Glencoe Chapter 3-2 Resource Manual. Grade: 6 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 Sum Quotient Product Variable Factor Coefficient Difference Constant The solution of an addition problem Grade: 6 The solution to a division problem Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 The solution to a A symbol that multiplication problem represents an unknown quantity Two or more numbers that are multiplied together to form a product The numerical factor of a multiplication expression that contains a variable The solution of a subtraction problem A number 3+4=7 12 ÷ 4 = 3 3 x 4 = 12 x 27 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 33 3x Grade: 6 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 12 – 3 =4 Grade: 6 3 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2 CARD B HOMEWORK Double a number, and Sixteen divided by a then subtract 1 number Multiply n by two, then A number add six divided by 5 Nine added to a A number plus 4 number Eight times a number, Ten times a number, then subtract three subtract six Challenge: Challenge: Square a number, then Square a number times add three six Grade: 6 Unit: Expressions Lesson: 2