
Last Edit 11/3/15
All Resources Used in
the Series WORD
For the genuine seeker of truth, each of these
resources will help clarify what’s being said in
the text. While I’ve included a list in the back of
each book specifically pertaining to that book it
should also be helpful to have a master
document listing them all.
If we believe not,
yet he abideth faithful:
he cannot deny himself.
—2 Time. 2:13
General Visuals
1. Many of the films can be found on
YouTube, the library being another
good option.
2. The films about the Bible should be
watched after having read the biblical
account and then scrutinized so that
you are aware of the actual biblical
story without buying into the changes
sinners have made to God’s WORD.
understanding the biblical record but
you have to be careful to discern the
difference between fact and fiction.
History/New World Order
9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out
9/11 Press for Truth (2006)
9/11: Road to Tyranny (2002)
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (1991)
The End of America (2008)
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2008)
Fall of the Republic (2009)
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers
Hollywood Unmasked 1 & 2 (pub dates ?)
The Kinsey Syndrome (2009)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Loose Change (2014)
Megiddo: March to Armageddon: Bible
Prophecy and the New World Order (2004)
Megiddo II: The New Age (2005)
The New World Order: A 6000 Year History
Police State: The Rise of FEMA (2009)
Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of
Washington, DC (2007)
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The
New Atlantis (2010)
Tares Among Wheat (2012)
TerrorStorm: A History of Government
Sponsored Terrorism (2006)
The Obama Deception (2009)
Welcome to the Truth Full Documentary 2014,
Uploaded by Nebulous 1982
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook New 2015
Documentary (2015)
Biblical History
Animated Stories from the Bible, Nest Learning
(a collection of cartoons about the Old and
New Testament)
Abraham (1994) Gen. 11:26-25:10
Jacob (1994) Gen. 25;19-50:14
Joseph (1995) Gen. 30:22-Ex. 1:8
Joseph: King of Dreams (2000) Gen. 30:22-Ex.
The Prince of Egypt (1998) Ex. 1:9-Deut. 34:7
The Book of Daniel (2013) Ezra 1-6, Isa. 44-45,
Messiah: Prophesy Fulfilled (2004) Gospel
The Miracle Maker (2000) Gospel
Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2011) Gospel
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003)
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of Matthew (1993)
The Visual Bible: Acts (2004)
God's Outlaw (1986) About William Tyndale
John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation
John Hus (1977)
Luther (2003)
Martin Luther (1953)
The Radicals (1990)
The Forbidden Book (2006)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the
Bible (2009)
Tares Among Wheat: Sequel to a Lamp in the
Dark (2012)
Resources by Book
The categories include the following:
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Google Images
TV Programs
YouTube Channels
YouTube Clips
YouTube Songs
1 = WORD: We Asked for It!
2 = WORD: For Such a Time as This
3 = WORD: There’s Joy While Waiting
4 = WORD: Can You Hear Me Now?
* = WORD: It’s Christianeasy
** = Not directly referenced in the text.
Little Women (2004), Focus on the Family (4)
The Annals of the World, James Ussher (1)
The Beginner’s Bible, Zonderkidz (1, 4)
Behold a Pale Horse, William Cooper (*)
Between Heaven and Ground Zero, Leslie D. Haskin
(2, 4)
Children of the King, Max Lucado (2)
Eat to Live, Dr. Joel Furhman (4)
The Emancipation of Robert Sadler: The Powerful
True Story of a Twentieth-Century Plantation
Slave, Robert Sadler with Marie Chapian (2)
Extreme Devotion, Voice of the Martyrs (2)
Fish Out of Water, Abby Nye (4)
The Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, John Foxe (2)
George Müllers Autobiography (2)
Handbook of Denominations (3)
Hiroshima, John Hersey (2)
The Homeschooling Father, Michael P. Farris (4)
In His Steps, Charles Sheldon (2)
Jesus Wants All of Me, Phil A. Smouse (1, 3)
Matthew Henry’s Commentary (1, 3)
Mary Jones and Her Bible, Mary Ropes (4)
Maya Makes a Mess, Rutu Modan (2, 3)
Mimosa: A True Story, Amy Carmichael (4)
The Pilgrim Church, E. H. Broadbent (2)
The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan (2)
The Puritans: Their Origins and Successors, D.M.
Lloyd-Jones (4)
Quest Study Bible, Zondervan (4)
A Requiem for Love, Calvin Miller (4)
Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing
Bodies, Tupper Saussy (1, 3)
Surprised by Faith, Dr. Don Bierle (1)
The Table of Inwardness, Calvin Miller (3
Unbroken, Laura Hillendbrand (4)
We Would See Jesus, Hession and Hession (2)
9/11: Explosive Evidence Experts Speak Out (2012)
9/11 Press for Truth (2006) (**)
9/11: Road to Tyranny (2002) (**)
Apocalypse: WWII (2009) (2)
Between Heaven and Ground Zero (2012) (2)
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith (1991) (1)
Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the
Georgia Guidestones (2015) (1)
The End of America, Naomi Wolf (2008) (2)
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (2007)
Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill (2009)
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2008) (**)
Fall of the Republic (2009) (**)
The Forbidden Book (2006)
God Grew Tired of Us (2006) (2)
The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers (2005)
Hiroshima (2005) (2)
Hitler’s Children (2011) (2)
Hollywood Unmasked 1 & 2 (pub dates ?) (**)
Horatio’s Drive: America’s First Road Trip (2)
The Imposter (2012) (2)
The Kinsey Syndrome (2009) (1)
A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible
(2009) (**)
Little White Lie (2014) (2)
Loose Change (2014) (**)
Megiddo: March to Armageddon: Bible Prophecy
and the New World Order (2004) (**)
Megiddo II: The New Age (2005) (**)
The New World Order: A 6000 Year History (2013)
New World Order Bible Versions (2014) (1, *)
The Obama Deception (2009) (**)
Obsession: Radical Islamic War Against the West
(2007) (2)
The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan (4)
Police State: The Rise of FEMA (2009) (**)
Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of
Washington, DC (2007) (**)
Robber of the Cruel Streets: The Prayerful Life of
George Müller (2006) (2)
Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings: The New
Atlantis (2010) (**)
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Tares Among Wheat (2012) (**)
TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored
Terrorism (2006) (**)
They Sold Their Soul for Rock and Roll (2004) (2)
Triage: Dr. Orbinski’s Humanitarian Dilemma (2008)
Trouble in Amish Paradise (2009) (2)
The True Cost (2015) (2)
Twelve Years a Slave, Solomon Northup (3, 4)
The Unwrapping of Christmas (2000) (2)
Vegucated (2011) (2, 4)
The War on Democracy (2007) (4)
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook New 2015
Documentary (2015) (**)
We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013) (2)
Welcome to the Truth Full Documentary 2014,
Uploaded by Nebulous 1982 (**)
Which Way Home (2009) (3)
William Tyndale (**)
Needing Getting, OK Go (3)
The Police, O My God (2)
Seek and Destroy, Metallica (4)
10 Things that Every American Should Know about
the Federal Reserve (1)
150 Human Animal Hybrids Grown in UK Labs (2)
American Wealth Compared to the World (2)
Bonsai Virtual Tour, U.S. National Arboretum, Slide
#25 (2)
Christ’s Ekklesia and the Church Compared, Richard
Anthony (2)
D. L. Cuddy: Chronological History of the New
World Order (1)
Democracy vs. Republic, uploaded by AuntieZionist
Ekklesia—Bible Truth Cooper P. Abrams (2)
False Flags (1)
False Prophets Today Geoengineering Climate
Change (1)
FEMA Death Camps (1)
Flood Stories from Around the World (2)
Genetically Modified Organisms (1)
John Stossel Students for Liberty: A Trip Back to
College (4)
Los Escandalosos Amores de los Filosofos PDF (3)
Merriam-Webster Impeccable (2)
Michael David Cohen Ignored Warnings, Mauled by
Shark in Cape Town, South Africa (Video) (1)
Mother Teresa: Holiness in the Dark (2)
My Utmost, April 22. The Light that Never Fails (1)
My Utmost, May 9: Reaching Beyond Our Grasp (2)
My Utmost, September 1: Destined to Be Holy (*)
My Utmost, September 2: A Life of Pure and Holy
Sacrifice (3)
My Utmost November 11: The Supreme Climb (4)
My Utmost September 12: Going Through Spiritual
Confusion (4)
My Wild Affair: The Rhino Who Joined the Family
New Republic, The Hell of American Day Care: An
Investigation into the Barely Regulated, Unsafe
Business of Looking After our Children, April
15, 2013 (2)
Newsweek, The Bible: SO Misunderstood It’s a Sin
(01/02/2015-01/09/2015) (2)
Olive Tree Bible Study App (1)
Protestant Pastor Scandal (1)
Sexual Assault at Patrick Henry (4)
Some Things You Should Know about C. S. Lewis!
Andy Foster May 1, 2010 (2)
Sovereign Grace Ministries Uses First Amendment as
Defense in Sex Abuse Case (4)
Start Something that Matters, David Bowden (2)
Statistics on Pastors – Into Thy Word (4)
Ten Steps to Close Down an Open Society, The
Huffington Post, April 24, 2007 (2)
Vaccine Depopulation Agenda (1)
Google Images
Anatomy of Back Muscles (2)
HotShock A50 (2)
Humpty Dumpty The Real Story (2)
Pain is Good Hot Sauce (3)
Precious Feet Lapel Pin (4)
The Prince of Peace by Harry Anderson (4)
Survivors of Hiroshima (2)
Abraham (1994) Gen. 11:26-25:10
Amazing Grace (2006) (2)
Amistad (1997) (1)
Antwone Fisher (2002) (4)
Apocalypse: WWII (2009) (2)
As it is in Heaven (2004) (1)
Avatar (2009) (2)
Babe (1995) (4)
Babette’s Feast (1988) (4)
Beauty and the Beast (1991) (1)
Behind Enemy Lines (2001) (2)
The Best of Me (2014) (2)
Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2008) (4)
Beyond the Next Mountain (2004) (4)
Black Beauty (1994) (3)
The Book of Daniel (2013) Ezra 1-6, Isa. 44-45,
Daniel (1)
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The Book Thief (2013) (2)
Born Yesterday (1950) (2)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) (2)
The Changeling (1980) (2, 4)
Charlotte’s Web (1973) (3, 4)
China Cry (1990) (1)
Cold Mountain (2003) (4)
The Crucible (1996) (4)
Dan in Real Life (2007) (4)
Dances with Wolves (1990) (4)
Duplicity (2009) (4)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) (1, 2)
Eight Below (2006) (2)
Exam (2009) (2)
Facing the Giants (2006) (2)
The Fanny Crosby Story (2003) (3)
Fidel (2002), Bravo Films (4)
First Fruits (1982) (2)
Frequency (2000) (2)
Frozen (2013) (2)
Gentleman’s Agreement (1947) (4)
God’s Not Dead (2014) (1)
God's Outlaw (1986)
Gold through Fire (1987) (3)
Grand Canyon (1991) (4)
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967) (4)
The Help (2011) (2)
The Hiding Place (1975) (4)
House of Sand and Fog (2003) (4)
Hugo (2011) (2, 4)
In His Steps (1964) (2)
Innocent Voices (2004) (3)
It Happened One Night (1939) (4)
It’s a Kind of Funny Story (2010) (4)
Jacob (1994) Gen. 25;19-50:14
Jacob’s Ladder (1990) (4)
Jesus: He Lived Among Us (2011) Gospel
John Hus (1977) (**)
John Wycliffe: Morning Star of the Reformation
(1984) (**)
Joseph (1995) Gen. 30:22-Ex. 1:8
Joseph: King of Dreams (2000) Gen. 30:22-Ex. 1:8
Kate & Leopold (2001) (4)
The Killing Fields (1984) (2)
Legend of the Guardians (2010) (2)
Lincoln (2012) (2)
Little Women (1933) (4)
The Lives of Others (2007) (4)
Luther (2003) (2)
The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005) (2)
M 10:28 (1999) (4)
Mandela (2013) (4)
Martin Luther (1953) (3)
Meet John Doe (1941) (3)
Megamind (2010) (4)
Messiah: Prophesy Fulfilled (2004) Gospel
The Miracle Maker (2000) Gospel (1)
The Miracle Worker (1962) (2)
Misery (1990) (3)
Missing William (2014) (2)
Morning Glory (2010) (3, 4)
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) (2)
Mr. Smith Comes to Washington (1939) (2, 4)
My Fair Lady (1964) (2)
For My Father (2008) (4)
Never Ashamed (1984) (4)
One Day (2011) (1)
Out on a Limb (1987) (1)
Pieces of April (2003) (4)
Pilgrim’s Progress: Journey to Heaven (2008) (2)
Pretty Woman (1990) (2)
Primary Colors (1998) (4)
The Prince of Egypt (1998) Ex. 1:9-Deut. 34:7 (1)
Princes Diaries (2001) (4)
The Radicals (1990)
Raising Izzie (2012) (1)
Ratatouille (2007) (1)
Roman Holiday (1953) (4)
Seraphim Falls (2006) (4)
Sergeant York (1941) (1
Speak (2004) (4)
Star Wars (1997) (4)
The Stoning of Soraya M (2008) (2)
Supremacy (2014) (1)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) (1, 2)
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003)
The Visual Bible: The Gospel of Matthew (1993)
The Visual Bible: Acts (2004)
A Vow to Cherish (1999) (4)
War Horse (2011) (2)
War Room (2015) (3)
TV Programs
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1958), Final Escape (4)
American Greed (2)
John Stossel, What Ever Happened to Grit? (4)
Undercover Boss (2)
Websites (1) (4) (1, 2, *) (*) (1) (1) (4) (1) (1) (1, *) (1) (*)
Last Edit 11/3/15 (2) (4) (1, *)
YouTube Channels
YouTube Clips
2 Timothy 2, Katalyst Streetlights (4)
3D Art (4)
25 Sobering Statistics that Might Upset You (4)
40 Years Ago…Allende, Chile’s Coup & the United
States, uploaded by Chingon Domino (4)
The 2012 NDAA – The Most Dangerous Law Since
PeopleAgainsttheNDAA (2)
2014 July Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA
Animal DNA (2)
Angelina Jolie Receives the Jean Hersholt
Humanitarian Award at the 2013 Governor’s
Award (4)
Animated Bible Story of Jesus, the Son of God.
NestLearning (4)
Anita Renfroe William Tell Momism Official (2)
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Amazing Motivational
Story, uploaded by StormJB1 (4)
Audio Bible Psalm 37 (2)
Best Blue Angels Music Video: Pump Up The
Angels, Uploaded by tuvix72 (4)
Books of the Bible – 1 Samuel, uploaded by Buck
Denver (2)
Breakfast Scene The Miracle Worker (2)
Christian the Lion (4)
End Church Abuse Now! Uploaded by EndofDeceit’s
Channel (2)
Exclusive Footage John MacArthur Confronted.
Uploaded by Dorma Productions (1)
Ezekiel 37 – Valley of the Dry Bones…Rise O’
Israel, Rise!!! Uploaded by Judah’s Back (2)
Facing the Giants Death Crawl (2)
The Few, Piper, Washer, Ravenhill, Conway, Leiter,
uploaded by Linda Mann (2)
Georgia Guidestones (1)
G.O.S.P.E.L Propaganda (Full Video) (1)
The Great Commission Only for Obedient (Matthew
28), uploaded by Trulylatino (1)
Greatest Commandment, uploaded by Dioxide9 (2)
I Believe In Scripture Spoken Word, David
Bowden (1)
Indefinite Detention (1)
Illuminati Evolution (2)
The Inner Net, David Bowden (3)
Johan Hubers Noah’s Ark (2)
John F. Kennedy’s Secret Society Speech (1)
Motorcycle Crashes between Two Trucks, uploaded
by logifacts (3)
My Worship is for Real Mime Dance, uploaded by
missjackson918 (4)
Nike Sweatshops: Behind the Swoosh, uploaded by
TeamSweat (1)
No Excuse, David Bowden (2)
One World Religion (1)
Palm Sunday God’s Way. Uploaded by
HyperPixelsMedia (1)
Parody of Our Modern Church Services, uploaded by
Kade Hawkins (2)
Potter and the Clay, uploaded by Seeds TV (2)
The Powerful Burning Bush Scene, uploaded by Get
Beyond (1)
Preview: The Lion Whisperer (4)
Proof that the News is Scripted (1)
The Prophet’s Story: A Movie on Jesus, Uploaded by
theprophetsstory (1)
Psychologist Bruce Levine: Surviving America’s
Depression Epidemic (4)
Repentance is Our Only Hope! Audio by David
Wilkerson, uploaded by Puregospeltruth (3)
The Road to World War 3, uploaded by
StormCloudsGathering (3)
Seussical: The Musical (4)
She without arm, he without leg – ballet –Hand in
Hand, uploaded by semjase76 (4)
Sheep on a Ship, uploaded by Reading4Children (3)
Simba in the Valley of Dry Bones (4)
That’ll Do Pig—Babe 9/9 Movie Clip (1995) (4)
Undercover Boss Trailer with Larry O’Donnell (3)
Wealth Inequality in America (2)
William Cooper (*)
Willard Wigan’s Tiny World (4)
Woman at the Well, uploaded by Mehmet gündüzeli
YouTube Songs
10,000 Reasons, Matt Redman (4)
27 Million, Matt Redman and LZ7 (3)
Above All, Michael W. Smith (1)
Agnus Dei, Jotta A (2)
Ain’t Nobody Like Jesus, Hezekiah Walker (4)
Aja Usey Thu Chak Lay – Hindi Christian Song,
uploaded by The REDDY PRAKASH (4)
Alabaster Box, Cece Winans (2)
All Around Me, David Crowder Band (3)
All My Praise, Selah (3)
All that I Am, The Afters (3)
All the Way My Savior Leads Me, Chris Tomlin (2)
Amazing Grace, Aaron Neville (4)
Amazing Grace, Lena Park (3
Amazing Grace – Different Languages, uploaded by
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Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Chris Tomlin
American Dream, Casting Crowns, uploaded by
CastingCrownsVEVO (1)
The Anchor Holds, Ray Boltz (4)
Another Soldier Down, The Isaacs (4)
As for Me and My House, John Waller (4)
As in the Days of Noah, Misty Edwards (2)
As the Deer, Salvador (2)
At the Cross, Hillsong (2)
Atmosphere, TobyMac (2)
Basic Instructions, Burlap to Cashmere (2)
The Basics of Life, 4Him (2)
The Battle is Not Yours, Yolanda Adams (4)
Be Like Him, Kirk Franklin (2)
Be My Escape, Relient K (3)
Beautiful, Pro (feat. PK) (4)
Beautiful, Beautiful, Francesca Battistelli (4)
Beautiful Feet, Lecrae (2)
Beautiful Love, The Afters (4)
Beauty and the Beast, Celine Dion & Peabo Bryson
with Lyrics (4)
Beauty & the Beast Little Town (4)
Beauty for Ashes, Crystal Lewis (4)
Because of Who You Are, Vicki Yohe (4)
Beds are Burning, Midnight Oil (3)
Before the River Came, 4Him (4)
Blessing in the Storm, Kirk Franklin (4)
Blessings, Laura Story (4)
Born Again, Third Day (1)
Born Again Live, Uploaded by Gather VEVO (1)
Bread of Heaven, Fred Hammond (2)
Breath Away, 1NC (4)
Breath of Heaven (Mary’s Song), Amy Grant (1 )
Breathe, Sixpence None the Richer (4)
Breathe Into Me, Red (2)
Bridge Over Troubled Water, Aaron Neville (2)
Broken Hallelujah, Mandisa (4)Bump in the Road,
Jonny Lang (2)
Burn for You, TobyMac (3)
By Faith, Keith & Kristyn Getty (2)
By His Wounds, Mac Powell (1)
Call on Jesus, Bruce Parham (4)
Can’t Go On, Group 1 Crew (4)
Caro Mio Ben (My Dear Beloved), uploaded by Beau
Davidson (4)
Carry My Cross, Third Day (2)
Carry Us Through, Sarah Masen (4)
Catchafire, TobyMac, HOT Z TEAM (3)
Change My Heart Oh God, Eddie Espinosa (1)
Children of the Living God, Fernando Ortega (4)
Citizen Journalist, David Bowden (4)
City on a Hill Animated, Casting Crowns uploaded
by Casting Crowns (1)
Closer to the Edge, Burlap to Cashmere (4)
Cold World, B. Reith (4)
Come and Dine in the House of Wine, Julie Meyer
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King, Robert
Robinson (4)
Come Unto Me, Nicole C. Mullen (4)
Consume Me, DC Talk (4)
Courageous, Casting Crowns (4)
Crazy Enough, MercyMe (4)
Cry of Ramah, Colleen Fulmer (1)
Day of Freedom, Rachael Lampa (2)
Daniel Prayed, Patty Loveless (2)
Days of Elijah, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (4)
Daystar (Shine Down on Me), Jason Crabb (3)
Declaration (This is It), Kirk Franklin (4)
Desert Song, Hillsong (3)
Distraction, Andrae Crouch (2)
Do Something, Matthew West (3)
Does Anybody Hear Her, Casting Crowns (4)
Don’t Give Up Hope, Third Day (4)
Down to the River to Pray, Alison Krauss (4)
Eagles, Third Day (1)
The Enemy Has Been Defeated, Hillsong (1)
Enough, Chris Rice (2)
Everlasting God, Chris Tomlin (2)
Every Knee Shall Bow, Dottie Peoples (2)
Every Perfect Gift, Casey Darnell (1)
Everything Glorious, David Crowder Band (4)
Exalted (Yahweh), Chris Tomlin (4)
Eyes on the Prize, Sara Groves (2)
Face Down, Casting Crowns (2)
Face of Christ, Chris Rice (2)
The Face of Love, Sanctus Real (2)
Face to Face, The Sensational Nightingales (4)
Fairest Lord Jesus, Christy Nockels (2)
Faithful is Our God, Hezekiah Walker (4)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Matt Redman (4)
Fill My Cup, Cece Winans (4)
Fire, Krystal Meyers (3)
Fire from Heaven (Obsession), Sacred Warrior (2)
Fly Like an Eagle, Steve Miller Band (4)
Follow Me There, Third Day (2)
Follow You, Leeland (2)
Forgive Us Lord, Steve Mitchinson (2)
The Fragrance of Christ, David Haas (4)
Free, Switchfoot (2)
Freedom Reigns, Jason Upton (4)
Freedom Song, Mandisa (4)
Freedom Step, Christafari (4)
Freefall, Royal Tailor (Official) (2)
Friend of God, Israel Houghton (2)
Friend of Sinners, Matt Redman (2)
Get Down, Audio Adrenaline (2)
Get in the Boat, The Purple Hulls (2)
Get Out of My House, Cece Winans (4)
Girl America, Mat Kearney (3)
Give Me That Old Time Religion, Gary Cooper (1)
Last Edit 11/3/15
Give Me Your Hand, Ray Boltz (4)
Giving You All Control, Jeremy Camp (3)
God is Able Work Tape, Hillsong (2)
God is Trying to Tell You Something, The Voices of
CCC, uploaded by TheTrueSeven (2)
God Speaking, Mandisa (1)
God’s Not Dead, Newsboys (4)
Good, Tye Tribbett (4)
Goodbye Ordinary, MercyMe (4)
The Great I Am, Donnie McClurkin (3)
The Hammer, Ray Boltz (4)
The Harlot, Misty Edwards (4)
He is Able, Maranatha Praise (2)
He Who Began a Good Work in You, Steve Green
He Will Carry Me, Mark Schultz (4)
He Will Supply, Kirk Franklin (4)
He is with You, Mandisa (4)
He Reigns, Newsboys (4)
Heal Our Land, Michael Card (3)
Healing Hand of God, Jeremy Camp (2)
Hear Me (Tears into Wine), Jim Brickman (3)
Heavenly Father, Cece Winans (4)
Held, Natalie Grant (4)
Hello Fear, Kirk Franklin (4)
Help, Vanessa Bell Armstrong (2)
He’s Alive, David Phelps & Gaither Vocal Band (1)
Higher Ground, Purple Hulls (3)
His Eye is on the Sparrow, Darius McCrary (3)
Hold Me, Jamie Grace & TobyMac (3)
Holy Captivated, Nicole C. Mullen (2)
Holy Ghost Fire, T Haddy (3)
Hosanna (Official), Christafari (4)
Hotel California, Eagles (4)
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us, Sarah Sadler (4)
How He Loves Us, David Crowder Band (4)
How We Need the River, Terry MacAlmon (3)
I AM, Donnie McClurkin (3)
I Am, Jill Phillips (2)
I Am, Mark Schultz (3)
I am Pierced, Audio Adrenaline (2)
I Believe, Jonny Lang (2)
I Can Only Imagine, MercyMe (4)
I Give Myself Away, William McDowell (2)
I Live for You, Rachel Lampa (4)
I Live with You, Salpi Keleshian (4)
I See You, Leona Lewis (4)
I Surrender All, Israel Houghton (4)
I’m Diving In, Steven Curtis Chapman (2)
I’m Letting Go, Francesca Battistelli (4)
I’m Not Alright, Sanctus Real (4)
I Need You Now, Smokey Norful (4)
I Used to Do it Too, Lecrae (4)
I’ve Come to Serve You, Ray Boltz (2)
I Will Run, Misty Edwards (2)
I Won’t Go Back, William McDowell (1)
Identity 1: We Fell, Tedashii (1)
Identity 2: Adoption, Tedashii (2)
In Christ Alone, Michael English (2)
In Christ Alone, Owl City (2)
In the Garden, Bill Dean & Susan Ashton (3)
In Remembrance of Me, Robert Kochis (2)
Inhabited, Open My Eyes, WOW Hits (4)
The Invasion (Hero), Trip Lee (1)
Is Your All on the Altar? Yolanda Adams (2)
It is Well with My Soul, Uploaded by HD
Barbershop Multitrack (2)
It’s a Small World, Disney (4)
It’s Not in Vain, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (2)
It Takes a Little Time, Any Grant (3)
Jesus Draw Me Close, Rick Founds (2)
Jesus is a Friend of Mine, Aaron Neville (4)
Jesus, King of Angels, Fernando Ortega (1)
Jesus Lover of My Soul, Darlene Zschech (1)
Jesus, The Son of God, Chris Tomlin & Christy
Nockels (1)
Job Suite, Michael Card (2)
Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho, Elvis Presley (4)
Joy in the Journey, Michael Card (2)
The Joy of the Lord, Deitrick Haddon (2)
Just as I Am, Brian Doerksen (4)
King of Kings, Cece Winans (1)
King of the World, Darius de Haas (4)
Kingdom Come, Nicole C. Mullen (2)
Kings and Queens, Audio Adrenalin (2)
Lamb of God, Kirk Franklin (2)
The Last Jesus, Kirk Franklin (4)
Lead Me, Sanctus Real (3)
Let Go, Let God, Tye Tribbett & GA (3)
Let There Be Light, Andy Mineo (4)
Life Means So Much, Chris Rice (2)
Lifeline, Mandisa (2)
Light of the World, Lauren Daigle (3)
Live Like That, Sidewalk Prophets (2)
Live So God Can Use You, The Sensational
Nightingales (4)
Lord I Believe in You, Crystal Lewis (4)
Lord of Eternity, Fernando Ortega (1)
Losing, Tenth Avenue North (1)
Lost Hearts, 1NC (4)
Love Each Other, Graham Kendrick (4)
Love Never Fails, Brandon Heath (2)
Lover of My Soul, Amy Grant (4)
Made to Love, TobyMac (2
Make My Life a Prayer to You, Keith Green (2)
Make Your Move, Third Day (4)
Man of Sorrows! What a Name, Master’s Chorale (1)
Mary Did You Know, Kenny Rogers and Wynonna
Judd (1)
Message in a Bottle, The Police (4)
The Mission, Steve Green (2)
Last Edit 11/3/15
Moses the Deliverer (The Prince of Egypt), Shirley
Caesar (4)
Mountain of God, Third Day (4)
Moving On, 1NC (3)
My Desire, Heritage Mass Choir The Gospel 1,
uploaded by Heritageministry (4)
My Desire, Kirk Franklin & Fred Hammond (4)
My Desire, Salvador (4)
My Jesus, Todd Agnew (2)
My Redeemer Lives, Nicole C. Mullen (2)
Names of God, uploaded by Jason Denison (2)
Needing Getting Official Video, uploaded by OK Go.
Never Let You Fall, Ray Boltz (2)
New Doxology, uploaded by 1BelovedSon (4)
No Matter What, Kerrie Roberts (3)
Nobody, 1NC (4)
Not Guilty, Mandisa (2)
Nothing without You, Bebo Norman (2)
Nuestras Casas de Carton, uploaded by Shelley
Cook-Contreras (3)
Ocean Floor, Audio Adrenaline (4)
Oh My Dear, Tenth Avenue North (2)
Oh My Lord, Mandisa and the Fisk Jubilee Singers
One Direction – What Makes You Beautiful (5 Piano
Guys, 1 Piano), uploaded by ThePianoGuys (4)
Only a Man, Jonny Lang (2)
Orchestrated Love, Burlap to Cashmere (2)
Our God is Greater, Chris Tomlin (2)
Ouvre les Yeux de Mon Coeur, Paul Baloche &
Friends (2)
Over My Head, Brian Littrell (2)
Overnight, Amy Grant (2)
People Get Ready, Crystal Lewis (2)
People Get Ready, The Rhythm of the Lion of the
Tribe of Judah, Misty Edwards (4)
The People that Walked in Darkness Have Seen a
Great Light, Messiah, Handel (1)
Please Forgive Me, Jason Crabb (2)
Prayer for Conviction (Lyrics Video), uploaded by
GREJLDMedia (4)
Praying for You, The Katinas (1)
Praying for You, uploaded by MandisaVEVO (4)
Prepare Ye the Way, Caedman’s Call (2)
Prepare Ye the Way, Michael W. Smith (1)
Presence (My Heart’s Desire), Newsboys (4)
Presence of the Lord (Official Video), Byron Cage
Psalm 1, Kim Hill (2)
Psalm 22, Joel Limpic, The Artist Bible (1)
Psalm 51: A Sketch Montage, Sons of Korah (2)
Psalm 62, Aaron Keyes (3)
Psalm 67, Sons of Korah (4)
Psalm 69, Sons of Korah (2)
Psalm 116: The Cup of Salvation, Sons of Korah (4)
Psalm 117 LIVE, Sons of Korah, (3
Psalm 125 Like Mount Zion, Sons of Korah (4)
Psalm 130, Sons of Korah (2)
Psalm 133, Chip Andrus and Friends (1)
Psalm 139, Sons of Korah (3)
Push it to the Limit, Corbin Bleu, uploaded by
CorbinBleuVEVO (4)
Rank Strangers, Marty Stuart and Vince Gilbert (4)
Ready for You, Kutless, (3)
Refiner’s Fire, Jeremy Passion and the Katinas (4)
Renaissance, Mat Kearney (4)
Revolution, Kirk Franklin (4)
Royalty, Alberto & Kimberly Rivera – ASL,
uploaded by RachelMinistries (4)
Runaway Train, 4Him (2)
Set the World on Fire, Britt Nicole (2)
Shaken, Rachel Lampa (2)
Skillet, Hero (4)
Slavery, Delivery, and Faith, Clint Black, The Prince
of Egypt (2)
Smellin’ Coffee, Chris Rice (4)
Smile Again, Kirk Franklin (4)
So in Love, Jeremy Camp (4)
So Long Self, MercyMe (2)
Soldiers, Out of Eden (4)
Something About the Name Jesus, Kirk Franklin (4)
Something Beautiful, Needtobreathe (4)
Somewhere Down the Road, Amy Grant (4)
Soon and Very Soon, Andrae Crouch (4)
Speak O Lord, Keith and Kristyn Getty (3)
Speaking Louder than Before, Jeremy Camp (3)
Still Say, Thank You, Smokie Norful (4)
Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted, Fernando Ortega (1)
Surrender, Third Day (3)
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Alan Jackson (2)
Take Up Your Cross, Ray Boltz (2)
Talk About It, Nicole C. Mullen (2)
There is Always a Place at the Table, Gaither Vocal
Band (4)
There is Still a Dream, Rachel Lampa and Aaron
Neville (2)
They Will Know We are Christians by Our Love,
Jars of Clay (4)
This Divine Romance, uploaded by turinreza (4)
This is God, Phil Vassar, Uploaded by
PhilVassarVEVO (1
This is the Stuff, Francesca Battistelli (4)
This So Called Love, MercyMe (2)
This World is Not My Home, Jim Reeves (2)
Thirty Pieces of Silver, Wilma Lee and Stoney
Cooper (1)
Thy Word, Amy Grant (2)
Treasures in Heaven, Burlap to Cashmere (4)
True Beauty, Mandisa (4)
Trust and Obey, Hillsong (2)
Turn Around, Jonny Lang (4)
Last Edit 11/3/15
Turn Around, Matt Maher (2)
Two Sets of Joneses, Big Tent Revival (4)
UGLY Bring It On Soundtrack, uploaded by
carebearluv8895 (2)
For Unto Us a Child is Born, London Symphony
Orchestra (1)
You Don’t Love God if You Don’t Love Your
Neighbor (1)
You Still Call Me Son, John Waller (4)
Your Love Oh Lord, Third Day (2)
You're the Lion of Judah, Robin Mark (1)
Your Love (Psalm 139), Oslo Gospel Choir (2)
Unconditional, 1NC (2)
Victory is Mine, Gospel Legends, Dorothy Norwood
Voice of a Savior, Mandisa (4)
Wayfaring Stranger, Trace Adkins (4)
We are the World, Jotta A, (3)
Weeping Prophet, Bill Ellis (2)
Were You There? Aaron Neville (1)
What Faith Can Do, Kutless (2)
What If? Nicole Nordeman (2)
What If We Were Real, Mandisa (1)
What Would It Be Like, Salvador (2)
When Heaven Calls, Nicole C. Mullen (3
When You Believe, Mariah Carey & Whitney
Houston (2)
When I Rose this Morning, Mississippi Mass Choir
Where He Leads Me, Twila Parris (2)
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been, Relient K (4)
Who is Like the Father, Christine D’Claro (3)
Whole Heart, Shannon Wexelberg (2)
Whole Nation, Kirk Franklin ft. Donovan (3)
Why, Michael Card (2)
Why Have You Forsaken Me? J. Brian Craig (4)
Wonderful Merciful Savior, Selah (4)
Won’t you Be My Love, MercyMe (2)
The Word, Sarah Groves (4)
Words, Hawk Nelson (2)
The Words I Would Say, Sidewalk Prophets (2)
Worth it All, Jason Crabb (3)
Would You Be Ready if Jesus Came Today, Buck
Owens (4)
You Don’t Have to Hide, Joy Williams (4)
You are So Good to Me, Third Day (4)
You Never Let Go, Matt Redman (2)
You Raise Me Up, Secret Garden (3)
You Will Be My Ain True Love, Allison Kraus &
Sting (4)
Young Men Shall See Visions, Old Men Shall Dream
Dreams, uploaded by Garu4You (2)
Your Praise Goes On, Chris Rice (2)