• Working Together: A Profile of Collaboration How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference, 1st ed., by David D. Chrislip and Carl E. Larson, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994. • Online survey of DFC members who had attended at least one DFC meeting (N=51) • Thirty people responded (59%) • Confidential – no connection of answers to individuals What one change would most improve the effectiveness of this collaborative effort? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lots of local media attention Bring more stakeholders to the table. Not just representatives of stakeholders, but the individuals themselves so they can hear first-hand what it is that needs to be done and what they can do. Need to have more involvement of students/young people and passionate community volunteer Defining our purpose and stay the course. It is not a change but accelerate and continue to share what coalition members do in their work environment. Continue to share what each person/organization has to offer other members. Very effective group. Without DFC, we would not have had the drug collection in Waukesha CountyFall 2009. Have a little longer meeting sometime, like a half day to have this survey processed and do some small group work around disagree or don't know areas. Data collection services available to all members. More involvement of community decision makers. Going great so far! More residents from the NRSA neighborhoods and the Sussex area in Waukesha. Some small amount of County financial contribution. Money to hire a support staff person. There needs to be a stakeholder from each school district. I think Waukesha is sometimes viewed by the other county districts as the state's districts views MPS--we need everyone at the table because school is where kids spend the majority of their time. Developing a sustainable organizational structure that will lead the DFC to a strong future. I cannot think of anything at this point that needs improvement. This collaboration is very action-oriented, so we make a lot of progress between meetings. We have a comprehensive group of stakeholders represented in our membership. I have just recently been invited to join the collaborative effort, therefore some of my final answers were listed as "don't know". I am attending as many meetings as I can in order to better understand our goals and methods of attaining them. Thus far, I am very impressed by the groups involved as they represent parties key to making our efforts a success. Getting the website up and running so others can learn more about us! Make sure all 80 people are involved in some way. Overall, what is your impression of the survey results? What specifically strikes you? What stands out as important issues to address? How can this information be used to improve the quality of the DFC Coalition?