New Mathematics Student Orientation

Monday, September 22nd, 2008
Rowland Hall 101
I. Welcome
II. The World of Mathematics
III. Overview of the Mathematics Department
IV. Tips for Success in Math Courses
V. Mathematics Opportunities
VI. Questions
(Dr. Alice Silverberg)
Cancer Modeling
(Dr. Natalia Komarova)
Differential Geometry
(Dr. Zhiqin Lu)
Planetary Tides
(Dr. Sarah Eichhorn)
High School Math Teacher
Community College Math Professor
College Math Professor
Software Designer
Government Lab Researcher
Financial Analyst
Industry Analyst/Engineer
Education Materials Developer
Industry Consultant
High Schools, Colleges, Universities
Government Labs
Hoffman LaRoche Laboratories
Lisa Frank
Kodiak Group
Eastman Kodak
Aerospace Corporation
Northrup Grumman
Proctor and Gamble
Theta Engineering
Texas Instruments
LL Bean
Allstate Insurance
Department Statistics
~ 36 professors (asst., assoc., prof.)
~ 50 lecturers, postdocs, visiting professors
~ 230 undergraduate students
~ 95 graduate students
5 major specializations
∞ mathematical possibilities
Major Requirements
Lower division
2A,2B – Single Variable Calculus
2D,2E – Multivariable Calculus
2J – Infinite Series and Linear Algebra
3D – Differential Equations
3A – Linear Algebra
*13 – Intro to Abstract Math
1 year Physics or Chemistry
1 quarter Computer Science
Upper division
- 14 classes
- Depends on specialization chosen
- Breadth and Depth
- Electives
*Talk with advisor in selecting upper division
courses appropriate to your career goals
Specialization / Concentration Options
- Mathematics Major (pure)
- Concentration in Mathematics for Economics
- Specialization in Applied and Computational
- Specialization in Mathematics for Education
- Specialization in Statistics
Do lots of problems
Learn to read mathematics books
Never “cram” for math exams, you should be
learning the material throughout the quarter
Seek help early if you are confused
Learn to read, understand, and create proofs
Save everything (old texts and notes!)
Try to figure out how different course’s
material are related to each other
Do lots of problems
Do lots of problems
Honors Program
Earn distinction upon graduation by
- completing special course requirements,
- earning a high GPA,
- attending an honors math seminar, and
- completing an honor thesis.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
There are many opportunities for
undergraduates to get involved in research
Once you have completed a few upper division
courses, ask faculty about how you could be
involved in research if you are interested.
Consider looking for internships, REUs,
summer research programs, and independent
reading courses.
Anteaters Mathematics Club
Club for undergraduate math enthusiasts –
All are welcome!
Club activities include math talks, game nights,
movies, conference attendance, volunteer
opportunities, math problem sessions, study
groups, advising sessions, etc.
** First Meeting: Wed., Oct. 1, 3:00-4:00 pm
in RH 306
Math Club Meeting : Wed., Oct. 1, 3:00-4:00
in Rowland Hall 306
Mathematics of Numb3rs (Freshman Seminar):
Mondays 3:00-4:50
(listed as Univ. Stud. on the class schedule)