MUS 105 Final Exam Study Guide - Greer Middle College || Building

MUS 105
Final Exam
Describe Eine Kleine Nactmasik.
Mozart is remembered today as:
Mozart died while writing his:
What is the most important instrumental genre of the Classical Period?
What is the themes from the early Classical symphony characterized by quickly ascending themes with strong rhythmic
Where were quick crescendos and the four movement cycle in symphonies developed?
Which group of instruments serves as the ensemble’s nucleus in the Classical orchestra?
How many players are typically in a Classical orchestra?
What form is the first movement of symphony usually in?
Who is the “Father of the Symphony”?
How did Haydn’s Military Symphony earn its nickname?
What country are Jannisary bands associated with?
How did Beethoven support himself?
What ailment did Beethoven suffer from?
How many symphonies did Beethoven write?
Which work by Beethoven is called the Choral Symphony?
Who is the text of Ode of Joy by?
What is unusual about Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5?
What is the form of the second movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5?
What Beethoven symphony was selected to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall?
How many movements are in a Classical concerto?
What is a typical feature of a concerto that has a free solo passage without orchestral accompaniment?
What was not a favored sonata instrumentation in the late eighteenth century?
What is a theme in musical compositions?
A theme may be fragmented by dividing it into smaller units called a:_________
What is repeating a motive at a higher or lower pitch level called?
What is a short, repeated musical patter called?
What is absolute music?
What movement is the most highly organized and most characteristic of the multimovement cycle?
What are the three main sections of sonata-allegro form?
What section in sonata-allegro form features the most tension and drama through modulation and motivic interplay?
What is a common characteristic(s) of the second movement of a multimovement cycle?
Theme and variation form often utilizes which compositional technique?
What is the third movement in the classical multimovement cycle?
What does a string quartet consist of?
A piano trio consists of what?
Why was the nickname “Emperor” given to Haydn’s String Quartet?
Where did Haydn serve as a choir boy?
What was Haydn’s principal patron?
What is Eine Kliene Nachtmazik an example of?
What is the musical element that makes the widest and most direct appeal?
What describes a melody that moves by small intervals?
Why is Beethoven’s Ode to Joy easy to sing?
What is the basic unit of rhythm that dives time into equal segments called?
What are organizing patterns of rhythmic pulses called?
What is the first accented beat of a measure called?
Meters in which each beat is subdivided into three rather than two are known as:_____
What is music that moves without a strong sense of beat or meter called?
What is the first note of the scale called?
What would the harmony include a great deal of in a horror movie?
What is a combination of tones that sounds discordant, unstable, or in need of resolution called?
What is the smallest interval in our Western musical system called?
What does tonality mean?
What is an interval smaller than a semitone, or half step called?
What pattern is ternary form?
A basic technique in thematic development is the fragmentation of themes into:___________
What is Osinato common in?
What tempo markings is the fastest?
What does Accelerando mean?
Of the following, which is NOT a property of a musical sound?
What does timbre mean?
What voice has the lowest range?
What are instruments that produce sound from a vibrating string called?
What is a chordophone? Give examples.
How do idiophones produce sound?
What are the four groups of instruments of the Western orchestra?
What is the correct order of bowed string instruments from highest to lowest in range?
Describe woodwind instruments.
What is the highest sounding member of the woodwind family?
Give examples of double-reed instruments.
Give examples of percussion instruments.
Who was a female religious leader and a prominent figure in literature and music?
What is the Notre Dame style of polyphony called?
Describe subjects of poems by the troubadours and trouveres.
What were German aristocratic poet-musicians called?
What is an end-blown flute with a breathy tone called?
What are the movements of the Ordinary of the Mass?
What section of the Ordinary of the Mass is a confession of faith?
What is a cantus firmus?
What was the most important secular genre of the sixteenth century?
Word painting is a hallmark of what?
Why are the madrigals of Arcadelt so special?
Describe the character of Farmer’s Fair Phyllis.
What would be considered an appropriate outdoor instrument?
What is a lively circle or line dance often performed outdoors?
Tietman Susato published music in which major European center?
Describe brass instruments.
What is the bass instrument in the brass family called?
True or false: The guitar is most likely of African origin.
True or false: A setting of plainchant with many notes per syllable is called syllabic.
Define the following terms:
Mezzo piano
What is a drama that is sung called?
What is the vocal style that imitates the natural inflections of speech called?
How was opera born?
What is a highly emotional song in an opera called?
What is the orchestral introduction heard at the beginning of an opera called?
What is the text of an opera called?
Who is best viewed as the first master of opera?
Where did the earliest operas derive their plots from?
What is a type of English entertainment combining music, poetry, and dance?
Who is the greatest native-born English composer of the Baroque era?
What epic poem was Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas based on?
Dido sings her famous lament in Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas just prior to what happening?
What was the sacred cantata an integral part of?
Bach was most famous in his day for what?
What are some characteristics of an oratorio?
Where are stories for oratorios generally drawn from?
What was George Frideric Handel considered a master of?
Late in life, Handel turned his efforts from the opera to what?
Handel’s Messiah is considered a what?
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion” from Messiah is an example of what?
What is the famous choral climax in Part 2 of Handel’s Messiah?
What are some major differences between Baroque and modern violins?
What are some wind instruments that are not made of wood?
What is Water Music by Handle best described as?
What is the dominant instrument in Mouret’s Rondeau?
What is the form of the rondeu?
What is the instrumental form based on the contrast of two dissimilar masses of sound called?
How many movements does a typical solo concerto have?
Vivaldi was known as “the red priest” because:
What is the solo instrument in the Spring, from the Four Seasons?
What are some characterizations of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons?
Who composed the Brandenburg Concertos?
What is the accompanying group in a concerto grosso called?
What is the solo group in a concerto gross called?
What are the important keyboard instruments in the Baroque?
What is the keyboard instrument in which the strings are plucked by quills called?
What is a toccata?
What is a chorale prelude?
What is the keyboard form based on the principle of voices imitating onoe another?
What is the principle element of a fugue?
After the fugue subject is stated, the second entrance of the subject is called the:
In a fugue, the technique of stating the theme in a faster rhythmic values is called:
What is the opening section of a fugue called?
How many preludes and fugues are contained in the two Well-Tempered Clavier volumes?
Bach’s last demonstration of contrapuntal mastery was:
How many voices or individual lines are there in Bach’s Contrapunctus from the Art of Fugue?
The Beggar’s Opera is best described as:
Opera Buffa is comic opera from: