Hatboro-Horsham High School Online Databases Home Use URLS and Passwords September 2013 Names ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases and E-books EBSCO High School E-Book Collection Gale Online Databases Gale Virtual Reference Library Library Catalog Marshall Cavendish ebooks Noodletools ProQuest Salem History Salem Literature Salem Psychology and Mental Health Salem Science: Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Encyclopedia of Global Resources Sharpe Online Reference (ebooks) SIRS Knowledge Source World Book, Advanced Online URLS http://databases.abc-clio.com http://ebooks.abc-clio.com http://search.ebscohost.com Passwords Username: hhhs Password: hhhs Username: hatters Password: Horsham http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/hatterslib Password: welcome http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/hatterslib Password: welcome http://destiny.hatboro-horsham.org Use own username and password to access Webpath Express http://www.marshallcavendishebooks.com Username: Hatboro Password: Horsham http://www.noodletools.com Create your username and password [School code: hatters Password: welcome] http://proquestk12.com Username: HHHS Password: hatters http://history.salempress.com Password: hatters http://literature.salempress.com Password: hatters http://health.salempress.com Password: hatters http://www.science.salempress.com Password: hatters http://sharpe-online.com http://sks.sirs.com http://worldbookonline.com Username: Hatters Password: HHHS Username: PL2298H Password: 19044 Username: Hatterslib password: Welcome Databases that include multiple databases with the program: ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases Gale Online Salem History Salem Science Sharpe Online Reference ABC-CLIO e-books Gale Virtual Reference Library SIRS Knowledge Source American Government, American History, World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society, World History: Ancient and Medieval, World History: Modern Era Student Resources in Context, Opposing Viewpoints Resources in Context, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Literature Resource Center and Biography in Context Notorious Lives, Music and Composers of the 20th Century, Inventions Encyclopedia of Global Warming, Encyclopedia of Global Resources World Terrorism, Culture Wars In America Creation Myths of the World, Religions of the World, Greenwood Encyclopedia of Homes through World History, Popular Controversies in World History, Religions of the World, Women’s Roles in 18th Century Europe Multiple books are available for your research. Check publication list. SIRS Leading Issues, SIRS Government Reporter, SIRS Renaissance Ebsco’s High School E-Book Collection comes with information on using the program at http://support.ebscohost.com/ebooks