Introductions DOE Grant Specialists Heather Harrell Jahlisa Knight (850) 245-0897 (850) 245-0859 Management Organizations Yolanda Miranda-Hill– Grant Director (850) 245-9077 Here we come to save the day! Louise Thomas (850) 245-5138 CSP GRANT TRAINING Part 1 Grant Process Overview. Which path did you choose? What road are you on? Planning, Design & Implementation Combined timelines<=36 Months Planning: <=18 Months Implementation: <=24 Months Implementation Only Total project<=24 Months School opens year following RFP (no deferrals) Sliding scale for phase? If I can generate it? How do I get the rest of the money? Spend your money. You can’t get more until you spend what you have! Track Spending, turn in your reports to your specialist quarterly (October 1, December 1, March 1, June 1) See Document #8, Itemized Expenditure Report. Track as you spend, so you don’t get behind. Keep all vendor purchase orders, invoices, receipts, payments, and market analysis. Failure to turn in reports may result in penalties How do I get the rest of the money? Track your Inventory- Add to Inventory Report and Label upon receipt . Log all inventory on Inventory Log, Document # 7 Conduct inventory at least once/year Labels: Property of [District Name] [School Name] Item # Purchased with Federal CSP funds Need to change your budget? Contact your specialist for assistance. Use DOE 150 and DOE 151 forms from “Resources” How do I get there from here? Plan how to spend the next phase of your money. Planning to Implementation 1: Use DOE 150 and DOE101s Implementation 1 to Implementation: Use DOE150 and DOE151 Finish submitting your documentation on See Document #3, for documentation required by phase. If a document is rejected, fix it and update it. Make sure your obligations to the district are fulfilled. home page If you haven’t been to this site and used it, contact your specialist immediately after today’s session. Home Page Update contact information Documents- Supporting Documents Resources Budgets- Do not touch this! Ticketing- The BEST way to communicate with your specialist! Reports Implementation timeline screen Document upload and tracking To upload click on document name, choose your file and click upload. Upload documents as a single file. No document size should exceed 30 mb. File too big? Use the directions on handout #7 If we reject your document our comments will show under the feedback section. You will need to upload a new file with requested revisions. CSP GRANT TRAINING Part 2 Budgeting and requesting your next grant phase. Participant Packets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CSP Grant Paperwork Checklist Allowable Cost Sheet Code Sheet Flow Chart Inventory Sample Itemized Expenditure Report Sample How to reduce file size Resource Sheet for Charter Schools Tracking Sheet- How we know you were here! How can I spend the money? Project funds must be used for activities that directly support the accomplishment of the project purpose, priorities and expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with applicable state and federal laws, regulations and guidance. Call your grant specialist if you are not sure if an expense is allowable when you are creating a new budget or budget amendment Handout 4 List of Allowable Expenses Sheet Do you need to do a budget amendment? Approved budgets show allowable line items with function/object codes, descriptions, and estimated costs. Actual costs may vary within reason if unit cost estimates were too low/too high* Budget amendments are required when: 1. Line item description is not on the approved budget 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. School wants to purchase additional units of any approved capital outlays Function/object code associated with new line item is not on approved budget Reallocate funds between approved line items to new line items. District requests you to submit an amendment when actual costs vary significantly from budgeted* District requests you to submit an amendment when their grant/budgeting systems do not allow actual expenditures to exceed budgeted* amount Look at Form #8- the Itemized Expenditure Report. How to calculate indirect costs Indirect costs are only assessed against the funds remaining after the school subtracts all capital outlays (600 series object codes) from the total award amount. Increases in Capital Outlays DECREASE Indirect Costs. Decreases in Capital Outlays INCREASE Indirect Costs. If you amend your budget you may need to recalculate indirect costs. Include Indirect Costs in your budget if you signed Attachment K. Indirect Cost Calculation Example. Six step-process to calculate indirect cost (School completed Attachment K) 1. Start with total grant award amount = A 2. Sum together all capital outlays (Line items with 600 series object codes) = B 3. Subtract Capital Outlays (B) from Total Award (A) = C 4. Divide result C by 100 plus I/C rate = D (format as a percent) 5. Rewrite result from Step 4 as a ‘number’ = E 6. Subtract result E from result C= F (Total I/C for grant award) Example Matching Worksheet: A. Grant Award Amount = B. Total Capital Outlays = C. Result C (Non-Capital) = D. Result D (Result C/100+IC) = E. Result E (D as a ‘number’)= F. Result F ( C minus D) = $175,000.00 $133,545.00 $41,455.00 36,669.86% $36,669.86 $ 1,785.14 A quick note on completing budgets Use the correct forms- Only new Implementation 1 requests need a 101s, use a 151 for Implementation 2 and amending your budget. Make sure to include detail o Location of items, cost per item times number of items. The number of items you are allowed may be reduced due to enrollment numbers. Check your math. Across AND down. Know your allowable expenses (Form ##) If you have a special circumstance, contact your specialist. Function and object codes must reflect the red book found here: Or you can use our cheat sheet (Form 3) Always send the Grant Specialist a MS Word or Excel copy. We can make small fixes for you. The correct DOE 150 has 2 signature spots. Charter Head is the Governing Board Chair Agency Head is the District Superintendant Both signatures must clearly be original signatures. Use colored ball point pens that leave an impression. About the DOE 150…. Download the most recent forms from our website. ls/charter_general_Info_and_forms.asp Is the most recent commissioner’s name at the bottom of the form? (Hint, that’s Pam Stewart) Does it have two signature spots? Charter head is signed by Governing board chair/president Agency head is signed by your sponsor’s head, usually district Superintendant. About those signatures… Pens matter! Color and indentions are indicators of original signatures. Please use Blue ball-point pens to sign. If your DOE 150’s do not have clearly original signatures, they will not be approved! Questions regarding the budget? Break time! See You In 10 Minutes Get ready to get moving! WELCOME BACK! Hope you’re feeling refreshed! CSP GRANT TRAINING Part 2 Award Letter Relay Break into Teams Tracking Sheet 1. 2. Write your teammates’ names on your tracking sheet. Take your tracking sheet with you to each station. Teamwork counts—walk through all stations as a team. Charter Head Sign Here! Game Goal Move through the award letter approval process with as few delays as possible. • Use the Tracking Sheet to acquire approvals from each department listed on it in numerical order. • The Team with the shortest processing time Wins! Take a look at Form 6. this is the ideal path! Five Signatures/Approvals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Charter Head Signature District Superintendent Grants Management Office Charter School Grants Office Bureau Chief’s Office Collect a Card at Each Department The cards will tell you where to go and what to do. Get a signature from each Department. Department Cards Beware of Penalties or Delays Questions regarding the Game? The Relay Begins First 5 teams please rise. FINISHED! Was any team unable to finish? Game Over You have submitted paperwork after your grant expired. Your Grant has ended. Go to the Bureau Chief’s office and turn in your tracking sheet. Not even the Governor can save you now. What Delays did you face? How many of these do you have on your cards? You can’t miss every challenge, but these are places that better management of the grant and timelines would have saved time and money! The Moral of the Game Send in your paperwork early, not at the last possible moment! Begin your budget amendments at least 4 months before your project/budget period ends. If you have <2 months remaining in your project award period, send the dual signed DOE 150/DOE 151 forms to the Office of Grants Management RIGHT AWAY. Do not encumber funds before you get an approved award letter. Work with your Grant Specialist. Questions? Congratulations!!! The Team that completed the task in the shortest amount of time is? Your Prize – Project Award Notification Yep, because it’s all for the money! While we’re here…. Remember that purchases for each phase MUST be made within the timelines on your grant. Purchases made before/after your grant cycle ends will be disallowed. If your award letter gives you an end date before the end of your total allowable time, we will send you a no-cost extension. If you have questions about your beginning/ending dates, call your specialist. How to find your timeline for the grant What does your future hold? Fame and Fortune (Fame, not Notoriety, please.) Site Monitoring Visits Increased functionality for You will work frequently with a dark haired LESS THAN mysterious person... Don’t forget, your destiny is in your hands! Site Monitoring Visits- Spring 2014 50/50 chance you will see us 1-2 weeks notice, along with draft monitoring rubric. (Form##) Who should be there: Greater odds for Co-located schools and schools missing documentation and reports. Principal and those involved with school decision making, including board members and management company staff District personnel welcome. What to have ready: Documentation showing school complies with approved policies Lottery/Admission Procurement Inventory Segregation of Financial Duties Detailed Board minutes What should be on board minutes? Lottery/Admissions Policy should be on hand, and match approved policies. Be prepared to provide the following: Completed student applications Results from lottery with exemptions clearly noted Documentation of advertised registration dates Procurement Policy Policy should be on hand, and match approved policies. Purchases should match budgeted items. Be prepared to provide the following: Vendor Purchase Orders, Invoices, Payments Market Analysis for purchases >$500 1. 2. Includes 3 potential vendors with printed justification Includes written notation explaining vendor selection List of District/State approved vendors (if used). Multiple approval process for purchases over $750.00 on purchase orders OR checks. Inventory Policy should be on hand, and match approved policies. CSP-funded purchases can ONLY be used by students attending the grant recipient school. Not daycare, Sunday School, before/after school programs, Pre-K, Adult Ed, etc. A quick inventory will be observed while touring the school. Have all capital outlay (items with 600 series object codes) purchases labeled and inventoried. Property of: [Insert School District Name] [Insert Grant Recipient School Name] Item # 3067 [shows ID number matching to inventory report] Purchased with Federal CSP Grant Funds Be prepared to provide the following: Inventory Report with Item #, Item description, Funding Source (CSP), Acquisition Date, Cost, Location/Room #, Condition, and Disposition Date. What Else? Marketing- Are you doing it? CSP funds may be used. Signage- Do you clearly identify the school as a “TuitionFree Public Charter School? Clear Separation of religious spaces from schools. Discussion of segregation of financial duties. Board minutes: Approval of ALL policies by type/name (ex. “Inventory Policy”) Financial statements reviewed and mentioned by month/year, and sample statements. Budget and enrollment discussions. Review/approval of major financial transactions and vendors. Co-Located schools Be prepared to submit documentation to verify that all schools operate as separate and equal schools. Lottery- Each co-located grant recipient school conducts its own admissions and lottery. Exemptions do NOT extend across co-located schools. School can demonstrate that a significant number of applicants most recently attended other schools not at the same location. Marketing- Advertising is grant-recipient school specific and the website, signage, etc. clearly identify each of the colocated schools. Inventory- Can not be shared between schools! Clear separation of space. Any CSP-grant funded purchases must be placed in areas only used by the grantrecipient school students. Grant recipient school has its own instructional leadership. Future Training *No, this is not my cat, or my house* January 15- Webex Tutorial for •Call your specialist with any concerns or questions you may have. •Enjoy the rest of the conference! THE CHARTER GRANTS OFFICE THANKS YOU FOR PARTICIPATING Enjoy the rest of the conference!