Teaching Sustainability - Center for Global Studies

Teaching Sustainability: Resources for Educators
Resources Developed by the Center for Global Studies
 Lesson Planet: Teaching Sustainability Educator’s Workshop
Resources Developed Penn State’s Sustainability Institute:
Articles, Essays & Repots
 Business, Governance & Health
 Disciplinary Lenses of the Arts and Science
 Education for Sustainability
Environmental Problems and Possibilities
Philosophy of Sustainability
Consilience “is run by a dedicated team of undergraduate students
and is based out of Columbia University in New York City. By
providing a public platform for discussion, we hope to encourage a
global community to think more broadly, thoroughly and analytically
about sustainable development. This publication aims to bring
students, researchers, professors, and practitioners from a variety
of disciplines and geographical regions in direct conversation with
each other through an online, academically rigorous medium” that
pushes the conversation.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability“aims to track
the emergence of a new innovative sustainability science discipline
by integrating across regional and global systems with their typical
dimensions, human-environment interactions and management
challenges. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability thus
emphasises the actual interdisciplinary sustainability research
approaches, the solutions it provides and their dissemination and
Energy, Sustainability, and Science “provide[s] an international
and interdisciplinary forum for the discourse between natural
scientists, engineers, social & political scientists as well as experts
from industry who drive the innovation of sustainable energy
systems. It is the particular aim of this journal to publish articles
extending across different disciplines and providing a substantial
contribution to the holistic innovation of these energy systems.”
Engineering Sustainability provides a forum for sharing the latest
thinking from research and practice, and increasingly is presenting
the ‘how to’ of engineering a resilient future. The journal features
refereed papers and shorter articles relating to the pursuit and
implementation of sustainability principles through engineering
planning, design and application. The tensions between and
integration of social, economic and environmental considerations
within such schemes are of particular relevance. Methodologies for
assessing sustainability, policy issues, education and corporate
responsibility will also be included.
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability “is a crossdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the
understanding of sustainability in agricultural and food
systems. IJAS publishes both theoretical developments and critical
appraisals of new evidence on what is not sustainable about
current or past agricultural and food systems, as well as on
transitions towards agricultural and rural sustainability at farm,
community, regional, national and international levels, and through
food supply chains.”
The International Journal of Environment and Sustainability “is
an interdisciplinary journal directed towards academics,
practitioners and policy makers within and across nations.”
The IJES publishes on a wide range of topics that includes
sustainability indicators, energy, globalization, hazardous wast, soil
science, water quality, and more.
The International Journal of Illich Studies “is an open access,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to engaging
the thought and writing of Ivan Illich and his circle.
Articles/Reviews/Reflections are invited on any subject that
intersects with the wide range of IIlich’s ideas, or that represent a
version of the social critique for which he became famous on
matters such as modern socio-economic development,
industrialized “progress,” institutional bureaucratization &
professionalism, the privatization of the commons, and
sustainability conceived in light of his views” of progress,
development, and conviviality.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher
Education “specifically address[es] the need for the dissemination
of information on sustainability matters at higher education
institutions.” It is an excellent resource for learning about
pedagogical and operational practices for sustainability in higher
education around the globe.
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment seeks to
understand the broad spectrum of the built environment on our
lives. The journal recognizes that the built environmnet “contributes
to air pollution, land use and contamination, fossil fuel depletion,
water depletion, water pollution, materials depletion, impacts on
human health, and climate change. Responsible urbanization
practices on micro and macro levels can mitigate the negative
effects of the built environment. The philosophical and analytic
framework of sustainability draws on and links with numerous
different fields and disciplines.”
International Journal of Sustainable Development and
Planning is an interdisciplinary journal covering the subjects of
environmental design and planning, environmental management,
spatial planning, environmental planning, environmental
management and sustainable development in an integrated way as
well as in accordance with the principles of sustainability. In the
beginning of the 21st century, despite major scientific and
technological accomplishments, the struggle for a cleaner
environment as well as for rational organization of space is not
settled. It is clear to us that environmentalists, planners, policy
makers, engineers and economists have to work together in order
to ensure that environmental protection, spatial co-ordination and
economic development could all be achieved without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own requirements.
The Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability “publishes papers
in all aspects of agriculture and sustainability, including but not
limited to: agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal
science, agronomy, plant science, theoretical production ecology,
horticulture, plant breeding, plant fertilization, and soil science,
Aquaculture, Biological engineering, Environmental impacts of
agriculture and forestry, Food science, Husbandry, Irrigation and
water management, Land use, Waste management, innovative
practices, new technology, integrated Pest management, Organic
and biodynamic farming, sustainable energy use, social and
philosophical aspects of sustainable agriculture, linking
conservation and agriculture, landscape agroecology, agriculture
and global climate change, indicators of sustainability, sustainable
farm policy, and future projections.”
Journal of Environmental Education “is a research-oriented,
refereed periodical intended to provide a forum for critical and
constructive debate on all aspects of research, theory and practice
in environmental and sustainability education (EE & SE).
Publication of diverse theoretical and methodological approaches
and perspectives for international audiences is aimed at improving
the quality of research and practice in the fields of EE & SE.
Articles are encouraged that focus on methodological issues,
challenges to existing theoretical discourses, conceptual work that
links theory and practice and that crosses disciplinary boundaries.”
The Journal of Management for Global Sustainability “is a peerreviewed scholarly journal devoted exclusively to the publication of
original research in the field of management and global
sustainability. Global sustainability is the broad set of
interconnected issues that encompass, but are not limited to,
achieving environmental preservation, social entrepreneurship,
poverty eradication, social justice, desirable production and
consumption patterns, species preservation, and spiritually rich
lives at this time in our species’ history on this planet. The journal
publishes articles on how productive enterprises contribute to
realizing and achieving global sustainability to create socially just
and spiritually-whole ways for all species to thrive forever.”
Journal of Sustainability Management “strives to serve as an
outlet for researchers, academics, practitioners, and industry
leaders to develop tools, case studies, research studies, and
reviews, that can shape our understanding and conversation of
such a broad and developing topic.”
The Journal of Sustainable Development ”carries original and
full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments
in both theoretical and practical aspects of Environment, Economic
and Society with Sustainability. It provides an academic platform for
professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the
field.” Articles focus on climate change, ecology, environmental
economics and policy, and other areas.
The Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment “is an
international peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that publishes
theoretical, experimental and applied results in the science,
engineering and policy aspects of sustainable energy and
environment. The journal aims to provide a multidisciplinary and
international forum for the dissemination of the latest high-quality
research results, particularly those related to or with implications for
the Asian region.”
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development “is a forum
for academics and practitioners to share and critique innovations in
thinking and practice in the emerging field of Education for
Sustainable Development (ESD).”
Journal of Environmental Sustainability serves “as a bridge
between academic and practitioner communities to guide policy
and management practice to achieve environmental sustainability.”
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy “is an online-only
journal dedicated to publishing significant advances covering all
aspects of renewable and sustainable energy relevant to the
physical science and engineering communities.” The journal has an
international scope and is published online only on a bi-monthly
basis (6 issues per year).
Journals of the the Sustainability Knowledge Community are
home to papers presenting innovative theories and practices of
sustainability. “The journals in this collection are cross-disciplinary
in their scope, a meeting point for natural and social scientists,
researchers and practitioners, professionals, and community
representatives.” They include The International Journal of
Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability:
Annual Review; The International Journal of Environmental
Sustainability; The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and
Practice; The International Journal of Sustainability
Education, and The International Journal of Sustainability in
Economic, Social, and Cultural Context.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism “is a leading tourism journal
which advances critical understanding of the relationships between
tourism and sustainable development. It publishes theoretical,
conceptual and empirical research that explores one or more of the
economic, social, cultural, political, organisational or environmental
aspects of the subject. Critical views and perspectives are
encouraged, as well as new ideas and approaches in relation to the
theory and practice linking tourism and sustainability.”
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainable
Development “publishes research or project reports, teacher
education programme evaluation, case studies of practice, action
research reports, reports on teaching practice or techniques”
around sustainability and sustainable development.
JSTOR: Sustainability Beta “Currently in beta, the new website is
the product of JSTOR and DataLab’s collaborative effort to help
scholars in interdisciplinary fields understand and navigate
literature outside of their core areas of expertise. By using
advanced metrics, the site generates topic pages on key subjects in
sustainability studies such as environmental law and applied
ecology. These topic pages include a brief subject overview, lists of
the top journals and authors in the field, background reading
recommendations, and unique features such as an interactive
timeline of articles that have been most influential for a topic.”
Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and
Sustainability “focuses on sustainability policy and politics in
relation to theory, concepts and empirical studies at the nexus of
justice and the environment. It is a forum for the critical
examination, evaluation and discussion of environmental, social
and economic policies, processes and strategies which will be
needed in movement towards social justice and sustainability –
“Just Sustainability” – at local, regional, national and global scales.”
MRS Energy & Sustainability: A Review Journal “will publish
reviews on key topics in materials research and development as
they relate to energy and sustainability. Topics to be reviewed are
new R&D of both established and new areas; interdisciplinary
systems integration; and objective application of economic,
sociological, and governmental models, enabling research and
technological developments. The reviews will be set in an
integrated context of scientific, technological and sociological
complexities relating to environment and sustainability.”
Nature Climate Change is dedicated “to publishing the most
significant and cutting-edge research on the science of climate
change, its impacts and wider implications for the economy, society
and policy.”
Society and Natural Resources ”publishes a broad range of
social science research and thinking on the interaction of social and
bio-physical processes, policies and practices occurring around the
world and at multiple scales.” They include sustainability as an area
of interest.
Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities “is a
digital, peer-reviewed journal of the Environmental Humanities. It
provides a forum for scholars from across humanities disciplines to
speak to one another about their shared interest in environmental
issues, and to plot out an evolving conversation about what the
humanities contributes to living and thinking sustainably in a world
of dwindling resources.”
Sustainable Development ”a wide interdisciplinary publication
which seeks to further debate and discuss the important concept of
sustainable development. The scope of the journal therefore allows
for contributions which have a local, national or global focus from a
philosophical to a practical perspective. All contributions are
refereed with the aim of providing the readership with high quality,
original material.”
Sustainability Science ”offers insights into interactions within and
between nature and the rest of human society, and the complex
mechanisms that sustain both. The journal promotes science based
predictions and impact assessments of global change, and seeks
ways to ensure that such knowledge can be understood by society
and be used to strengthen the resilience of global natural systems
(such as ecosystems, ocean and atmospheric systems, nutrient
cycles), social systems (economies, governments, industry) and
human systems at the individual level (lifestyles, health, security,
and human values).”
Sustainability: Science, Policy, & Practice “is a peer-reviewed,
open-access journal that provides a platform for the dissemination
of new practices and for dialogue emerging out of the field of
sustainability. The e-Journal fills a gap in the literature by
establishing a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion of empirical
science as well as practice and policy developments related to
Sustainability: The Journal of Record “speaks to the needs and
interests of the rapidly growing community of professionals
committed to advancing one of the major imperatives of this young
century— preservation and sustainability of global resources.” One
of the journal’s focus areas is sustainability in higher education.”
Higher Education Blogs, Coalitions & Centers
 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher
Education (AASHE) mission is to inspire and catalyze higher
education to lead the global sustainability transformation.It is also
an umbrella organization that covers the Higher Education
Associations Sustainability Consortium (HEASC) and
the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability (DANS).
Its Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating
System (STARS) is the most comprehensive sustainability
evaluation tool and reporting system available. Penn State received
a Gold rating on our last STARS report (2014).
American College & University Presidents Climate
Commitment (ACUPCC) is a high visibility effort by college and
university presidents to address global warming. Signatories
commit to neutralize their institution’s greenhouse gas emissions as
soon as possible, and accelerate their sustainability research and
educational efforts. Penn State is not a signatory of the ACUPCC.
Bioneers Education for Action Program works with students,
teachers and educational institutions to provide a leading-edge
source of solutions-oriented content and media materials, programs
and events.
Campaign for Environmental Literacy (CEL) seeks to secure and
increase the amount of federal funding dedicated to environmental
literacy, including funding for environmental education in NOAA and
EPA. AASHE supports CEL’s efforts by signing letters to Congress
and informing our members.
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
(USPESD) is a voluntary partnership of individuals, organizations,
and institutions dedicated to fulfilling the goals of the U.N. Decade
of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). AASHE is
an active partner.
Pennsylvania Environmental Resource
Consortium (PERC) enables Pennsylvania’s colleges and
universities to share knowledge and take action towards a
sustainable future. Penn State has been a consistent participant in
PERC and three of our staff have been presidents in the last
several years.
Arizona State University: Global Institute of Sustainability “The
Global Institute of Sustainability is the hub of Arizona State
University’s sustainability initiatives. The Institute advances
research, education, and business practices for an urbanizing
The Atkinson Center for Sustainabilityat Cornell works “toward a
future where the world’s needs for reliable energy, a resilient
environment, and responsible economic development can grow, not
as competing demands, but as complementary spokes on the
wheel of prosperity.”
Boston University: Sustainability at BU mission is “to lead the
University in a more sustainable direction and integrate
sustainability into the culture and structure of Boston University.
Through this effort, the University will reduce its use of natural
resources, operating costs, and improve environmental and social
Colorado State University School of Environmental
Sustainability ”develop[s] new strategies for global sustainability
that informs solutions to global environmental problems. The
School of Global Environmental Sustainability will accomplish this
by using a linked societal-environment-economics framework to
advance understanding and generation of sustainability science.”
Dickinson College is a national leader in educating for a
sustainable world. Their commitment to sustainability is infused into
every part of the institution.
Earth Institute at Columbia University ”brings together the
people and tools needed to address some of the world’s most
difficult problems, from climate change and environmental
degradation, to poverty, disease and the sustainable use of
resources…By blending scientific research, education and practical
solutions, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, is working to
help guide the world onto a path toward sustainability.”
Facing the Future focuses on sustainability lesson plans and
standards-aligned textbooks equip and motivate students to
develop critical thinking skills, build global awareness, and engage
in positive solutions for a sustainable future. They work out of
Western Washington University.
Falk School of Sustainability at Chatham University was
founded in 2010 after the tremendous gift of the 388-acre Eden Hall
Campus from the Eden Hall Foundation. One of the earliest schools
of its kind in the country, the Falk School is a wellspring for
leadership and education to overcome current and future
sustainability challenges.
Harvard Project on Climate Agreements “help[s] identify and
advance scientifically sound, economically rational, and politically
pragmatic public policy options for addressing global climate
change. Drawing upon leading thinkers in Argentina, Australia,
China, Europe, India, Japan, and the United States, the Project
conducts research on policy architecture, key design elements.”
Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future recognizes that as
the “world’s population and consumer demand continue to grow,
there is urgent need to improve human health, prevent disease,
and meet basic needs for food, water and shelter equitably for all
The Oberlin Project “is a joint effort of the City of Oberlin, Oberlin
College, and private and institutional partners to improve the
resilience, prosperity, and sustainability of our community.”
Portland State University: Institute for Sustainable
Solutions “The Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS) advances
sustainability research, education, and outreach at Portland State,
leading the University to be a powerful catalyst and model for a
more equitable, ecologically balanced, and economically vibrant
The Piedmont Project “emerged as a grassroots effort on the part
of a group of faculty to strengthen Emory’s engagement with
environmental issues and sustainability. At the heart of the project
is a curriculum development effort that seeks to foster an
invigorated intellectual community to address global issues and
local sustainability challenges.”
University of California-Irvine was named the “coolest” school in
the United States by the Sierra Club in 2015. UC Irvine is
committed to preparing the next generation of thinkers, innovators,
and entrepreneurs to help the world meet its profound
environmental and social justice challenges.
United Nations University: Our World 2.0 “Solutions to the global
challenges of climate change, food security, biodiversity loss and
peak oil are within our reach. The Our World 2.0 web magazine
shares the ideas and actions of citizens around the world who are
transforming our lives for the better.”
Yale University: School of Forestry and Environmental
studies “prepares new leadership and creates new knowledge to
sustain and restore the long-term health of the biosphere and the
well-being of its people.”
Advocacy, Media and Tools
 101 Top Web Resources on Climate Change “From general
climate change news to specific scientific information and even
social advocacy surrounding humanity’s influence on climate
change, these sites cover many important aspects of the study of
climate change.”
 350.org their “online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass
public actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer
organizers in over 188 countries.”
BALLE“our work is focused on creating real prosperity by
connecting leaders, spreading solutions that work, and driving
investment toward local economies. BALLE equips entrepreneurs
with tools and strategies for local success, and we provide the
national forum for the most visionary local economy leaders and
funders to connect, build their capacity and innovate.”
Center for Sustainable Development Since 2008, The Center for
Sustainable Development—CSDi—has specialized in providing
sound, evidence-based information, tools and training for
humanitarian development professionals worldwide. Youo can
create your own personal field course by interweaving online
assignments with your work. Develop projects from the ground up,
learn project management, attract donors.
Ceres: Mobilizing Business Leadership for a Sustainable
World is “an ongoing conversation with investors, corporations,
policy makers and public interest groups about how they are
adapting business strategies and financial markets to address the
risks and opportunities of climate change and
other sustainability issues.
Climate Reality Project is dedicated to “unleashing a global
cultural movement demanding action on the climate crisis. Despite
overwhelming international scientific consensus on climate change,
the global community still lacks the resolve to implement
meaningful solutions.”
Climate Web is both an encyclopedia and a constantly evolving
galaxy of actionable information that circles a central hub. Because
it is evolving and chasing updates, the site constantly changes.
Common Cause is “for those Americans who want to help in the
rebuilding of the nation.”
Conservation International “Through science, policy and field
work, we’re applying smart solutions to protect the resources that
we all depend on. We help communities, countries and societies
protect tropical forests, lush grasslands, rivers, wetlands, abundant
lakes and the sea. Only through properly valuing the essential
services these ecosystems provide can we create a sustainable
development path that will benefit all people for generations to
Dot Earth is the blog kept by Andrew C. Revkin, Senior Fellow for
Environmental Understanding at Pace University’s Pace Academy
for Applied Environmental Studies and former science writer
for The New York Times. ”By 2050 or so, the human population is
expected to pass nine billion. Those billions will be seeking food,
water and other resources on a planet where humans are already
shaping climate and the web of life.”Dot Earth “examines efforts to
balance human affairs with the planet’s limits.”
“Earth Beat is “the radio show that’s all about us. Each week, we
look at the highs and lows of life on this planet. With a unique mix
of global stories, Earth Beat will make you rethink your
surroundings and offers a window into other environments.”
Earth Charter Initiative promotes “the transition to sustainable
ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical
framework that includes respect and care for the community of life,
ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity,
economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.” They seek to
integrate the Earth Charter into formal and informal education to
create a transition to global sustainable society.
Earth Policy Institute was the institutional home of Lester Brown.
The EPI provided reviews, analysis and policy guidance for leaders
and the general public on matters of food, energy and the
environment with a vision of attaining a more sustainable state.
Ecofirms has a mission to connect eco friendly companies and
different organizations in the world. They inform visitors about their
various products and services.
The Encyclopedia of the Earth (EoE) is “an electronic reference
about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with
society. The EoE is a free, expert-reviewed collection of content
contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and
other experts who collaborate and review each other’s work. The
content is presented in a style intended to be useful to students,
educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public.”
Environment Victoria envision “a sustainable state where the
climate is safe and stable, where nature has been restored and
healthy ecosystems support our lives, and where every Victorian
lives within the means of the one planet we share.”
GOOD is a “global community of, by, and for pragmatic idealists
working towards individual and collective progress.”
GreenBiz “advances the opportunities at the intersection of
business, technology and sustainability. Through its websites,
events, peer-to-peer network and research, GreenBiz promotes the
potential to drive transformation and accelerate progress — within
companies, industries and in the very nature of business.”
Green Jobs “connects people who are seeking jobs that focus on
environmental or social responsibility with jobs and career
development resources.”
GreenPeace “uses peaceful protest and creative communication to
expose global environmental problems and to promote solutions
that are essential to a green and peaceful future.”
Grist uses “Clarity-o-Meter to draw out the real meaning behind
green stories, and to connect big issues like climate change to daily
life. We count on our users to bring their stories to the table, too —
through blogs, photos, and whatever else they care to share.”
Idealist ”connects people, organizations, and resources to help
build a world where all people can live free and dignified lives.”
International Institute for Sustainable Development
(IISD) “champions sustainable development around the world
through innovation, partnerships, research and communications.”
Their work includes education about and for the skills, knowledge,
and values needed for sustainable development.
The Land Institute mission is to “collaborate with public institutions
in order to direct more research in the direction of Natural Systems
National Wildlife Federation “works closely with those who span
the social and political spectrum, but who are closely connected by
a common commitment to conservation.”
Northwest Earth Institute wants to inspires people to take
responsibility for Earth.
Oxfam International is “an international confederation of 17
organizations networked together in more than 90 countries, as part
of a global movement for change, to build a future free from the
injustice of poverty.”
Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture
(PASA) “continues working to bring farmers together to learn from
each other, and to build relationships between those farmers and
consumers looking for fresh, wholesome, locally and sustainably
produced food.”
Rodale Institute has, for sixty years, been “researching the best
practices of organic agriculture and sharing our findings with
farmers and scientists throughout the world, advocating for policies
that support farmers, and educating consumers about how going
organic is the healthiest option for people and the planet.”
The Sustainable Campuses “is dedicated to promoting
sustainable campuses throughout the world. We have links to the
many resources available to help your campus transition to a more
sustainable future.”
Sustainable World Radio “brings you interviews, news and
commentary about ecology, Permaculture, organic gardening,
sustainability, natural building, regenerative farming and
World Resource Institute mission is “to move human society to
live in ways that protect Earth’s environment and its capacity to
provide for the needs and aspirations of current and future
Worldwatch Institute “works to accelerate the transition to a
sustainable world that meets human needs. The Institute’s top
mission objectives are universal access to renewable energy and
nutritious food, expansion of environmentally sound jobs and
development, transformation of cultures from consumerism to
sustainability, and an early end to population growth through
healthy and intentional childbearing.”
Yes! Magazine ”empowers people with the vision and tools to
create a healthy planet and vibrant communities”
Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
(DSIRE) contains “information on incentives and policies that
support renewables and energy efficiency in the United States.
National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center
(NCCWSC)The earth’s climate, including changes in temperature,
weather patterns, and precipitation, will likely result in significant
effects on our nation’s fish and wildlife resources now and in the
future. Relatively little scientific information exists on which to base
management strategies to help fish and wildlife adapt to climate
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
(PADEP) mission is to “protect Pennsylvania’s air, land and water
from pollution and to provide for the health and safety of its citizens
through a cleaner environment. We will work as partners with
individuals, organizations, governments and businesses to prevent
pollution and restore our natural resources.”
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable
Development (UNDESD) envisions “a world where everyone has
the opportunity to benefit from quality education and learn the
values, behaviour and lifestyles required for a sustainable future
and for positive societal transformation.“ UNDESD features a large
number of resources for educators interested in sustainability at
global, regional, and local scales and across disciplines including
ethics, social, biological, and physical sciences, engineering, and
United States Environmental Protection Agency mission is to
“protect human health and the environment.”
U.S. Department of Interior Climate Science Centers provides
“scientific information, tools and techniques that land, water, wildlife
and cultural resource managers and other interested parties can
apply to anticipate, monitor and adapt to climate and ecologicallydriven responses at regional-to-local scales.”
Bardaglio, Peter, Putman, Andrea and Cortese, Anthony eds.
(2010). Boldly Sustainable: Hope and Oppritunity for Higher
Education in the Age of Climate Change. National Association of
College and University Business Officers.
Barlett, Peggy and Chase, Geoffrey eds. (2011). Sustainability on
campus: stories and strategies for change. The MIT Press.
Bartles, Kirsten A and Parker, Kelly eds. (2012) Teaching
Sustainability/Teaching Sustainably. Stylus Books.
Berry, Wendell. (1977) The Unsettling of America. Sierra Club
Berry, Wendell. (1981) The Gift of Good Land. Rodale Press.
Berry, Wendell. (1987) Home Economics: Fourteen Essays.
Berry, Wendell (1990) WHAT ARE People FOR? North Point
Berry, Wendell (2000) Life is a Miracle: An Essay Against Modern
Superstition. Counterpoint.
Blewitt, John and Cullingford, Cedric. (2009) The Sustainability
Curriculum: The Challenge for Higher Education. Earthscan.
Bowers, C.A. (2001) Educating for Eco-Justice and Community.
University of Georgia Press.
Callenback, Ernest (2009). Ecotopia.BantamCambrin- McCabe,
Nelda, et al. (2012). Schools That Learn: A Fifth Disclipline
Fieldbook for Educators, Parents, and Everyone Who Cares About
Education. Doubleday.
Carson, Rachel (2012). Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Chapman, Paul. (2012) Greening America’s Schools: The
Environmental Sustainability Movement in K-12 Education. National
Association of Independent Schools.
Collett, J. & Karakashian, S. (1996) Greening the College
Curriculum: A Guide to Environmental Teaching in the Liberal Arts.
Island Press.
Creighton, Sarah Hammond. (1998) Greening the Ivory Tower. MIT
Desha, Cheryl and Hargroves, Karlson ‘Charlie’ (2010).
Engineering Education & Sustainable Development. Earthscan.
Dopplet, Bob (2009). Leading Change Toward Sustainability: A
Change- Management Guide for Business, Government and Civil
Society. Green Leaf Publishing.
Edwards, Andres (2005). The Sustainability Revolution: Portrait of a
Paradigm shift. New Society Publishers.
Ehrenfeld, John R. (2009). Sustainability by Design: A Subersive
Strategy for Transforming Our Consumer Culture. Yale University
Eisenstein, Charles (2012). Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and
Society in the Age of Transition. Evolver Editions.
Esty, Daniel and Winston, Andrew (2009). Green to Gold: How
Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create
Value, and Build Competitive Advantage. Wiley.
Friedman, Thomas L. (2009). Hot, Flat and Crowded: Why We
Need a Green Revolution– and How It can Renew America. Farrar,
Straus and Giroux.
Goerner, S., Dyck, R., & Lagerroos. (2008) The New Science of
Sustainability: Building a Foundation for Great Change. Triangle
Center for Complex Systems.
Goleman, Daniel, Bennett, Lisa and Barlow,
Zenobia(2012). Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating
Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence. Wiley, John & Sons,
Gore, Al (2010). The Assault on Reason. Penguin Books
Hitchcock, Darcy and Willard, Marsha (2008). The Step- by- Step
Guide to planning Sustainability: How to Create and Implement
Sustainability in Any Business and Organization. Earthscan
Hamschmidt, Jost and Pirson, Michael (2011). Case Studies in
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