Preparing the lecture we applied figures from: • Nondestructive Testing Resource Center • Lectures of Dr. Ali R. Koymen, University of Texas, Arlington USA • Lectures of Prof. John G. Cramer, University of Washington, Seattle USA, • Lectures of Prof. Alan Murray, University of Edinburgh UK, • Lectures of Prof. Horst Wahl, Florida State University, Tallahassee USA, • Lectures of G.L. Pollack and D.R. Stump, Michigan State University, USA, • Lectures of Professor Joachim Raeder, University of New Hampshire USA, W. Borys and K. Zubko Military University of Technology, Institute of Applied Physics, Warsaw Poland Faraday's Law by W. Borys and K. Zubko (electro)magnetic induction - indukcja (elektro)magnetyczna [repelling; attracting] force - siła [odpychania; przyciągania] [N; S] pole of a magnet - biegun [pn; płd] magnesu [electric; magnetic (E-, B-)] field - pole [elektryczne; magnetyczne] electric field intensity E - natężenie pola elektrycznego E [tangent; perpendicular] to the curve - [styczny; prostopadły] do krzywej electromotive force (emf) - siła elektromotoryczna magnetic flux - strumień pola magnetycznego rate of change - szybkość zmian X to Y ratio = stosunek X/Y voltage - napięcie elektryczne current intensity I - natężenie prądu I electric circuit - obwód elektryczny current [increase; decrease (= decay)] - [wzrost; zanik] prądu time derivative of a function - pochodna funkcji po czasie equation - równanie length = długość sense of a vector = zwrot wektora [scalar; vector] product = iloczyn [skalarny; wektorowy] infinitely small = nieskończenie mały line integral - całka liniowa, cyrkulacja closed surface integral - całka po powierzchni zamkniętej [coil; turn of winding] - zwój, pętla [mutual; self-] inductance - indukcyjność [wzajemna; własna] eddy currents - prądy wirowe ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION • • • • • • • • • Review of some magnetic phenomena Motional Electromotive Force (emf) Faraday’s Law of Eectromagnetic Induction Lenz’s Law Induced Electric Fields Mutual Inductance Self - Inductance Energy in Inductor LR Circuit • Eddy Currents • Electromagnetic Waves-introduction Magnetic field around a permanent magnet. B Interaction of two permanent bar magnets. Magnetic field around a straight conductor carrying a steady current I. Magnitude of B is directly proportional to the current I value and inversely proportional to the distance from the conductor. Properties of the magnetic force F F q(v B) F q v B sin F q v B 2 Magnetic flux B B dS S B B ds cos S B Wb 1Wb 1T m 2 How is Electricity Produced? • Friction: “static electricity” from rubbing (walking across a carpet) • Pressure: piezoelectricity from squeezing crystals together (quartz watch) • Heat: voltage produced at junction of dissimilar metals (thermocouple) • Light: voltage produced from light striking photocell (solar power) • Chemical: voltage produced from chemical reaction (wet or dry cell battery) • Magnetism: voltage produced using electromotive induction (AC or DC generator). Basic Terminology • Electromotive Force ( ,E, V) – known as emf, potential difference, or voltage – unit is volt [V] – „force” which causes electrons to move from one location to another – operates like a pump that moves charges (predominantly electrons) through “pressure” (= voltage) Separating Charge and EMF Separating Charge and EMF E vlB Motional emf Apply the Lorentz Force quation: F qE qvB 0 qE qvB E vB E vB Bv Faraday’s Law Consider the loop shown: d m d dx Bl x Bl dt dt dt dx E Blv Bl dt d m Therefore, E dt CONCLUSION: to produce emf one should make ANY change in a magnetic flux with time! FARADAY’S LAW • Changing magnetic flux produces an emf (or changing B-Field produces E-Field) • The rate of change of magnetic flux is required Changing Flux due to moving permanent magnet Polarity of the Induced Emf The polarity (direction) of the induced emf is determined by Lenz’s law. LENZ’S Law The direction of the emf induced by changing flux will produce a current that generates a magnetic field opposing the flux change that produced it. Lenz’s Law B, H N S Iinduced V+, V- Lenz’s Law: emf appears and current flows that creates a magnetic field that opposes the change – in this case an decrease – hence the negative sign in Faraday’s Law. Lenz’s Law B, H N S Iinduced V-, V+ Lenz’s Law: emf appears and current flows that creates a magnetic field that opposes the change – in this case an increase – hence the negative sign in Faraday’s Law. Faraday’s Law for a Single Loop d E dt Faraday’s Law for a coil having N turns d E N dt Lenz's Law Claim: Direction of induced current must be so as to oppose the change; otherwise conservation of energy would be violated. • Why??? – If current reinforced the change, then the change would get bigger and that would in turn induce a larger current which would increase the change, etc.. – No perpetual motion machine! Conclusion: Lenz’s law results from energy conservation principle. Induced Current – quantitative xxxxxx Suppose we pull with velocity x x x x x x v a coil of resistance R through x x x x x x a region of constant magnetic xxxxxx field x I w We must supply energy to produce the current and to move the loop (until it is completely out of the B-field region). The work we do is exactly equal to the energy dissipated in the resistor, i.e. W=I2Rt v Nature of a changing flux B B dA B cos dA • How can we induce emf? - B can change with time - A can change with time - can change with time Generators Applications of Magnetic Induction • AC Generator Water turns wheel rotates magnet changes flux induces emf drives current Single-Phase Generator Three Phase Generator Three Phase Voltage 1.5000 1.0000 0.5000 0.0000 1 -0.5000 -1.0000 -1.5000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sine Sine + 120 Sine + 240 Some Other Applications of Magnetic Induction The Magnetic Playback Head of a Tape Deck • Tape / Hard Drive etc – Tiny coil responds to change in flux as the magnetic domains go by (encoding 0’s or 1’s). – Credit Card Reader – Must swipe card generates changing flux – Faster swipe bigger signal Electric Guitar Mutual induction Mutual induction • A changing flux in one element induces an emf in another total2 N 2 21 M 21i1 total1 N112 M 12i2 d 21 di1 2 N 2 M 21 dt dt d12 di2 1 N1 M 12 dt dt N 2 21 M 21 i1 N112 M 12 i2 Measurement of induced emf in coil C I1 I 0 sin t U 2 U f ( I 0 , , n2 n) U () = cos( t) const 11,000 10,000 9,000 U [mV] 8,000 7,000 y = 0,0655x - 1,4864 6,000 5,000 R2 = 0,9637 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0,000 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 f [kHz] 120,0 140,0 160,0 180,0 Transformers Transformers A transformer is a device for increasing or decreasing an ac voltage. The changing magnetic flux produced by the current in the primary coil induces an emf in the secondary coil. At the far right is the symbol for a transformer. Transformer Equations Using Faraday’s law we can write expressions for the primary and secondary voltages as follows: VS N S . t VP N P . t Dividing the above equations we get, VS NS . VP NP Assuming that there is no power loss, we can write, VS I S V P I P . VS I P N S . VP I S N P Power Loss in Transmission Lines Transformers play a key role in the transmission of electric power. PLoss I R 2 Self-induction Self-inductance (L) The alternating current in the coil generates an alternating magnetic field that induces an emf in the same circuit. The effect in which a changing current in a circuit induces an emf in the same circuit is referred to as self-induction. Definition and Units total N Li N L i d N dt di L dt Unit of L is henry (H): volt-second/meter N n l B 0nI 0 H di dt di n 2lA o dt di L dt NA o n L o n A o n V 2 2 Inductors and self inductance L and Back EMF-voltage di L dt Changing flux induces emf in same element that carries current A “back” emf is generated by a changing current emf opposes the change causing it (Lenz’s Law) LR circuit At t=0 the switch is just open. Apply Kirchhoff”s Loop Rule L IR 0 dI L IR 0 dt I R e t L R LR circuit At t = 0, i = 0, and switch is just closed Apply Kirchhoff’s Loop Rule iR L 0 di R i dt L L L t i 1 e L R L R Energy in an inductor di P I L i dt t i 0 0 Pdt Li di 1 2 W Li 2 1 2 U W Li 2 Induced electric fields Induced fields Let us discuss two ways of production of electric field: (1) A Coulomb electric field that is created by positive or negative charges; (2) A non-Coulomb electric field that is created by a changing magnetic field. Induced electric fields Let’s calculate the value of work one has to do to moving a charge along the circular path s: W F dl q0 E dl E dl l l d l E dl dt Induced fields Reminder: in electrostatics: E E d l 0 rotE 0 d E dl dt dB rotE dt Conclusions • The electric field produced by static charge is conservative: - Zero work must be done over a closed path (circuit) • The electric field due to an emf is NOT conservative – Net work must be done over a closed path (circuit) • Therefore, the closed path integral of E is non-zero – Charges will accelerate parallel to E. Eddy Currents Eddy Currents Eddy currents are induced electric currents that flow in a circular path Eddy Currents A magnetic braking system. Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.) Eddy currents flowing in the material will generate their own “secondary” magnetic field which will oppose the coil’s “primary” magnetic field. Crack Detection Crack detection is one of the primary uses of eddy current inspection. Cracks cause a disruption in the circular flow of the eddy currents and weaken their intensity. Magnetic Field From Test Coil Magnetic Field From Eddy Currents Crack Eddy Currents Material Thickness Measurement Eddy current inspection is often used in the aviation industries to detect material loss due to corrosion and erosion. Material Thickness Measurement Eddy current inspection is used extensively to inspect tubing at power generation and petrochemical facilities for corrosion and erosion. Metal Detectors Metal detectors like those used at airports can detect any metal objects, not just magnetic materials like iron. They operate by induced currents. Demo E-M Cannon v ~ side view More Applications of Eddy Currents • Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) Trains – Induced surface (“eddy”) currents produce field in opposite direction Repels magnet Levitates train S N “eddy” current rails Maglev trains today can travel up to 310 mph May eventually use superconducting loops to produce B-field No power dissipation in resistance of wires! Summary Faraday's law of induction describes the production of an electric field by a changing magnetic field. d dB E d l rot E dt dt James MAXWELL concluded that a changing magnetic field (B) will produce a changing electric field (E) and the changing E will produce a changing B. The net result of the interaction of the changing E and B fields is the production of a wave which has both an electric and a magnetic component and travels through empty space. This wave is referred to as an electromagnetic wave (EM). • “Let there be light!!!” Production of Electromagnetic Waves The speed of EM waves in a vacuum is given by v = 1/(0 o) where 0 is the permittivity of free space 0 = 8.85x10-12 C2/N m2 and o is the permeablity of free space o = 4 x10-7 T m/A. v = 3.00x108 m/s speed of light in vacuum The Electromagnetic Spectrum The History of Induction In 1831 Joseph Henry discovered magnetic induction. Joseph Henry (1797-1878) Michael Faraday's ideas about conservation of energy led him to believe that since an electric current could cause a magnetic field, a magnetic field should be able to produce an electric current. He demonstrated this principle of induction in 1831. So the whole thing started 176 years ago! Michael Faraday (1791-1867) The authors appreciate helpful discussion with Prof. Mieczysław DEMIANIUK while preparing the lecture.