business plan freeware - University of Detroit Mercy

Finding Funding in
Uncertain Times.
Formulating a Business Plan and
Finding Funding
Suzanne Guzelaydin MS, RN
Simulation Practice Technology Integration Center Coordinator
Business plan
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Google medical simulation business plan and
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Business Plan Freeware
Business Plan Freeware
Channel Contents
– Free Exl-Plan Free,
high-level financial planner for Excel for creating
projected income statements, cashflows and balance sheets for 2 years ahead.
Includes a free comprehensive 150-page business plan guide and Word-based
– Free Cashflow Plan Free,
an Excel-based, business cash flow planner with
roll-forward facility for short-term projections.
– Free-Plan (Biz-Plan), a free Business Plan Template for Word (48 pages) and
guide (supplied as a 90+ topic Help file and as a 100+ page PDF file for printing).
– Free Online Strategic Planner for compiling a 2-3 page strategic business
– Free Online Business Planner for developing a 5-6 page outline of a
comprehensive business plan.
– Free Online Financial Planner for generating high-level, first-cut five-year
projections of income statements, cashflows and balance sheets.
– Free Business Plan eGuides,
compilation of papers on business planning
General Elements of a Business Plan
Market and Industry Analysis
Company Structure
 Product
or Service Description
Marketing Plan
3-year Financial Projections per lending
Executive Summary
Elements of a Business Plan con’t
 Define
the beneficiaries and expected
 Identify the necessary resources and
barriers to implementation.
 Timeline
 Describe the current problem/issue that
your project will address.
 Describe how you will evaluate whether
your project has created an improvement.
Market and Industry Analysis
& Organization Structure
Background: 2005-2006
 Building
infra-structure for day to day lab operation
– Establishing and communicating lab time for
clinical courses and open lab hours
– Developing a Policy and Procedure manual for lab
– Establishing a faculty requisition schedule to order
supplies and equipment for lab activities
– Student/Faculty Lab expectations/orientation
 Literature Review
 Grant
writing workshop
– Grants 101: Professional Grant Proposal
Simulation Conference
– Developing network of contacts related to
technology and simulation
Creating a buzz
 Faculty
Resource and
Development Committee
 Tech Fair to overview new
technologies to enhance
teaching strategies:
Licensing agreements
Clinical equipment
Electronic Health Record
Computerized manikins
Handheld Personal Data
Collaborative Activities
 Introduction
at College of Health Professions
(CHP) Retreat
 Inclusion on McAuley School of Nursing
Meeting Agenda throughout year
 Chair of Grant Taskforce within the CHP
 Faculty in Second Degree Option Program
 Developing network of internal/external contacts
related to technology and simulation
 National
Institute of Health Webcast: e-filing
 Annual Health Resources and Services
Administration Technical Assistance workshop
 Registering for Federal Grants
 Submission
of HRSA grant - 2006
 Pursuit of funding opportunities
– Foundations
» Letters of Intent
 Investigation
and acquisition of equipment
 Integration of vital-sim manikins into curriculum
– Development and implementation of training activities
related to new equipment
 Site
visits to area Universities, Colleges and
Community Colleges
 Survey of Faculty Lab Utilization Satisfaction
 Membership in International Nursing Association for
Clinical and Simulation Learning
Social networking
 Twitter
– 140 character ‘tweet’
 Linkedin
– Useful for finding contractors & to identify
people in companies you are planning on doing
business with
 Youtube
– Great way to provide information to prospects
 Online
» Opportunities Posting Update
– Institute for Healthcare Improvement
» a new online tool to assist interested parties in
locating information about Health Center Controlled
Network (HCCN) resources.
Getting Started
Business Plan
The Idea
Driving Force of the project
The Idea
 Creation
of a Maureen A. Fay Teaching
Learning Center within the College of
Health Professions
Resources Available or Needed
 Know
your organization
– Expertise
» May be internal or external
» Advancement Office
» Consultant
» Workshops
– Funding
» Endowments
» Alumni
» Organizational Initiatives
SWOT Analysis
The Idea
the project scope:
– Who will the project involve
– Timeframes
– Resources available +/or needed
The Idea
are the project goals?
How will the goals be achieved?
What benefits will come from
achieving the goals?
Teaching Learning Space Expansion: To expand the clinical
laboratory practice space to accommodate the growing student
population class size in all CHP programs.
Simulation: To integrate leading edge technology into our clinical
curriculum through acquisition of computerized life-like
simulation equipment and web-based digital recording equipment
to enhance student-centered-learning through synchronous,
asynchronous and distance learning experiences.
Informatics: To integrate informatics literacy components across
the curricula of the CHP by forming partnerships with an
electronic health record company, a point-of-care medical resource
technology company and healthcare systems in the Metropolitan
Detroit area
Expected Benefits
Meet the clinical
practice/assessment space needs
of our students and
Provide recruitment advantages
in establishing a reputation for
technological leadership in the
areas of simulated learning and
informatics literacy.
Position our graduates to
be leaders in the areas of
workforce design and
informatics utilization in
healthcare once they enter
into practice.
Enhance all aspects of
curricula within the
College of Health
Prepare our graduates to be
leaders in the everchanging healthcare field.
Provide faculty with dynamic
pedagogical strategies to
invigorate curricula.
Collecting Quotes: Renovation
 Architect
Floor plan design
Electrical outlets
Heating & cooling
Support from vendor for
 IT
Wired and wireless
Smart carts
Smart boards
Digital recording
Quotes: Technology
 Simulators,
Warranties, Scenario programs
– Adult
– Pediatric
 Adjunct equipment to support simulations
 Electronic Health Record licensing contract & support
 Point-of-care licensing contract & hardware costs
 Digital Recording , duplication & storage equipment
Quotes: Manpower
– Transportation, hotel, meals
Work Release for development of
scenarios & workshop development
Funded line for lab technician (FTE)
IT support costs
Timeframes for Quotes
vendors will honor quotes for 90
– Federal Grants take 6 months for approval
– Foundations may have an annual window for
reviewing/approving applications
– Board of Directors or Presidents Council may
meet quarterly
Timeframe Planning
–Microsoft Project
–Gantt chart
Gantt Chart
Gantt chart allows you to plan for how
long a project should take.
A Gantt chart lays out the order in which
tasks need to be addressed.
Gantt chart helps manage the
dependencies between tasks.
Gantt Chart con’t
Gantt chart allows you to see
immediately what should have been
achieved at a point in time.
Gantt chart allows you to see how
remedial action may bring the project
back on course
Gantt Chart
Gantt Chart
Funding Sources
 Which
venue make the most sense for your
»Organizational funds
»Federal grant:
»State grant
»Foundation grant: www.
Review 990’s
»Private donor
»Industry partner
Funding Sources
a relationship with the funding source
General Elements of a Business Plan
Market and Industry Analysis
Company Structure
Describe the current
problem/issue that your project
will address.
Define the beneficiaries and
expected accomplishments.
Product or Service Description
Marketing Plan
Identify the necessary resources
and barriers to implementation.
3-year Financial Projections per
lending guidelines
Describe how you will evaluate
whether your project has
created an improvement.
Executive Summary
of Intent
Full proposal
Letter of Intent
 Funding
source guidelines
 Get their attention with your creative idea
 Discuss how your project is a match to their
funding preferences
 Funds requested
– In-kind funding
 Be succinct
– Don’t use jargon
 Maximum 1 to 2 pages in length
 Goals
& objectives
 Background
– Renovation
– Informatics
– Simulation
– Technical support
 Expected Benefits
Utilize the literature to support your
Describe your student & curriculum
Describe challenges that education faces
in preparing students for the workforce
Stress how the funding will overcome
these barriers
– Excel file
– Budget
Other Funding
On-going Expenses
– 3 year projection
Budget Justification
Renovation of Maureen A. Fay Center Space:
IT Infrastructure and Equipment:
» Infrastructure:
 Digital recording and duplication equipment
» Simulation Equipment:
» Electronic Health Record Contractual agreements:
» PDA equipment and Software:
Equipment and supplies for Simulation rooms and Assessment lab
» Acute care Ancillary equipment:
» Disposable Medical Supplies
» Office Supplies:
Personnel Expenses:
» Simulation Instructional Technician
» ITS Computer Services
Total project costs:
Budget Formatting: Federal grants
A. Key Personnel: appointments
– Calendar & academic months
– Salary
– Fringe benefits (34%)
B. Other Personnel
– Post doctoral Associates
– Graduate students
– Undergraduate students
– Secretarial/ clerical
– other
C. Itemize Equipment exceeding
D. Travel
E. Participant/training
support costs
F. Other Direct costs
Publication costs
Rental fees
Computer services
G. Total Direct costs (A thru
H. Indirect costs (8%)
Next funding period
Cumulative total (A thru H)
Executive Summary
 Begin
writing when you are half way through
developing your proposal. Finish after you have
completed the proposal.
 Develop
a one page synopsis of the key points
of the business plan. Its purpose is to explain the
fundamentals of the proposal in a way that both
informs and excites the reader.
Executive Summary con’t
 Write
with the intended reader in mind.
 The
best executive summary, and the plan itself,
shows an understanding of what issues and
questions are important to the reader and
addresses them in a straightforward and
comprehensive manner.
Conclude the executive summary with the
purpose of the business plan
Proposal Assembly
of Contents & Appendices
the reader find the
information you have developed
Thank you!