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Bio-data of Dr. Tapas Pal
I Personal Vitae
Full Name: Tapas Pal
Date of Birth: 18th July 1986
Institutional Address: Department of Geography, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan 731235, West Bengal, contact :( 91) 9832416637(mob.),
II Academic Qualifications
B.A. with Hons. in Geography in 2007, M.A. in Geography in 2009, B.Ed in 2010., Ph.D. in Socio-cultural & folk Geography in 2013 from Visva-Bharati, India as a UGC NET
JRF & SRF Scholar of India Govt. PG Diploma in Disaster Management in 2011 and PG Diploma in Folklore & Cultural Studies in 2012 from IGNOU, PG Diploma in Remote
Sensing & GIS from Jadavpur University in 2013, [Hobby (to accrue knowledge and degrees):: Msc. in Envi. Sc. from TGOU, Nagaland, MA (Education) From TGOU, Nagaland]
(Ph.D. Topic: Geo-environmental appraisal of Sacred Groves and its related traditional practices in West Bengal)
III Teaching Experience
1 year 1 month in the Burdwan Raj College, University of Burdwan, India
IV National Awards Received
UGC NET-JRF & SRF Scholarship (Govt. of India) for doing Ph.D. in India during 2010-13
UttarBanga Natya Jagat 31st Gunijon Sambardhana, 2013 by UttarBanga Natya Jagat , Siliguri, W.B., India
Adaitya Mallya Burman Smarak Samman 2013, by Adaitya Mallaburman Research Foundation, Kolkata, India
V Research area
Socio-Cultural-Folk -Environmental Geography,Tribal Geography, Traditional & Indigenous Geography
VI Life Members of
National Association of Geographers India (NAGI), New Delhi, India
National Geographic Society
People of Animals (PFA), New Delhi, India
VII Associated with the expert bodies of
Reviewer of Research Journal, Maharashtra, INDIA
Indian stream research journal, Maharashtra, INDIA
European Journal Of Social Science, Arts And Humanities, Progressive Academic Publication, UK
European Journal Of Religion Studies, Progressive Academic Publication, UK
European Journal Of Management Science, Progressive Academic Publication, UK
Member of Editorial Board Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources, Wudpecker Journals, NIGERIA
Member of International Editorial Board of EAR, ROMANIA, EU
Member of International Editorial Board International Review of Basic And Applied Science PAKISTAN
Advisory Review Board - European Social Sciences Research Journal, Mary & Sam Research Academia - UK
Advisory Review Board - European Journal of Arts and Humanities. Mary & Sam Research Academia - UK
Advisory Review Board - European Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. Mary & Sam Research Academia - UK
Advisory Review Board - European Journal of Management Sciences and Economics. Mary & Sam Research Academia - UK
Member of Editorial Board And Reviewer of Snaman Research Groups, Johar Town, Lahore, PAKISTHAN
Peer reviewer on honorary basis of Human and Social Science Research, ORIC Publications, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Member of editorial board of Golden Research Thoughts. INDIA
International Journal of Wildlife and Endangered Species Conservation, Academia Scholarly Journals. Central East London,U. K.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Reviews, Academia Scholarly Journals Central East London, U.K.
Reviewer of Wudpecker Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, Lagos, NIGERIA
Reviewer of Wudpecker Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, Lagos, NIGERIA
Reviewer of Asian Social Science, Toronto, CANADA
Honorary Peer Reviewer of Global Journal of Humanities And Social Science,Global Journals Inc.(US) by Open Association of Research Society,U.S.A
Honorary Peer Reviewer of GJRE, Global Journals Inc. (US), sponsored by Open Association of Research Society, U.S.A (OARS)
Review board member of Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, HONG KONG
Reviewer of Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Asian Online Journals, USA
Reviewer and editorial board member of World Journal of Social Science, Sciedu Press, Toronto, CANADA
Managing Editors of International Journal Of Science And Nature- Society for Science and Nature, LUCKNOW, INDIA
Member of editorial Board of International Review Of Management And Business Science
Review and editor of Time Journal of Social Sciences
Member of Advisory Board of Journal Of Harmonized Research, BILASHPUR, MADHYA PRADESH, INDIA
Advisory Board Member of Science Park, INDIA
Member of Editorial board of Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, PUNE, INDIA
Honorary Associate Editor International Journal of Interdisciplinary Current Researches. KOLKATA, INDIA
Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Marine, Atmospheric and Earth Sciences. Modern Scientific Press, USA
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering Research, NEWYORK, USA
Editor of Research Journal’s TM Journal-of-sociology. Balasore, Odisha, INDIA
Member of Review board of NAS Publisher, KERALA,INDIA
Review Committee Members International Journal of Modern Business Issues of Global Market
Reviewer of Theoretical Economics Letter, scientific research. CALIFORNIA, USA.
Member of Geography Forum of American research Institute for policy development (AAIR),USA
Member of editorial board and reviewer of International Journal of Culture and History. Macrothink Institute. Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.
Editorial board member/peer reviewer of Science Journal of Earth Science, Science Publishing Group, USA.
Editorial board member. International Journal of Geography and Environmental Sciences. Voyage Journals.
Editor, reviewer and Advisor of International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies. JHARKHAND,INDIA
Advisory Editorial Members of Journal of Ecology And Environmental Sciences. Yelahanka New Town, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA. By Research & Reviews
(Shastri Educational Trust®)
Advisory Review Board member of EJOBM
VIII Books and Papers published in International and National level
In International Books: 11,
In National: 2 ,
In International Journals: 11 Papers,
In National Journal: 15 Papers
IX Special Experience
Survey (6,031 Km within 37 Days) a Whole State (West Bengal, India) On Byke To Get The Data Of Sacred Groves And Sacred Trees
X Attending Seminars/Conference at National and International Level: Total 22
List of significant Books published in International and National level
2012: Vedic Geography: The Theoretical Survey. Publisher Obaidullah Mamoon For Bonsai Publication, Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh
ISBN 978-984-33-5051-0
2012: Jader Korecho Apoman. Publisher Obaidullah Mamoon for Bonsai Publication, Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh. ISBN 978-984-335050-3
2012: Folk-Worshipping In West Bengal: Lore Of Folk Geography. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-16226-8
2012: Rendezvous with Ancient Indian Society- From Manusanhita. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-17276-2
2012: Solid Waste Manoeuvre-Espy On ‘Environment-Friends. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-18847-3
2012: Sacred Groves: An Issue Of Identity Crisis. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-19379-8
2012: Folk-Beliefs and Environmental Nourishment the Nano-Culture and Folk-Mathematics. Laplambert Publication, Germany,
ISBN 978-659-20784-6
2012: Wall Culture the Dawn of Cultural Geography. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-21049-5
2012: Therapeutic Religious Trees the Values in Medical Geography. Laplambert Publication, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-200601
10. 2013: Women, Folk-Culture and Environment. Laplambert Publication, Germany ISBN: 978-3-659-32395-9
11. 2013: Traditional Knowledge and Disaster Management. Laplambert Publication, Germany ISBN: 978-3-659-38136-2
12. 2013: Saitris Din (37 Days) {On The Basis Of My State- Tour Experience in West Bengal On Bike.} Laxmi Book Publication,
Maharashtra. ISBN: 978-81-925596-9-8
13. 2013: Manishider Naribhabna (Women in the Contemplation Of Sagacious Men). Laxmi Book Publication, Maharashtra. ISBN:
List of significant papers published in National Journals and Books
2010 : Socio-Economic Status Of Urban Poor: A Case Study Of Workers In Private Garages Of Raiganj Town, West Bengal.
Economic Challenger. No.12, iss.46, AJMER, RAJASTHAN. 63-67. ISSN 0975-1351
2010: Women Participation In Sacred Grove Tradition: A Developmental Approach. Women and Human Rights-The
Northeast Indian Context.pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-81-910812-0-6(Seminar proceeding)
2010: Globalization and Changing Barber Culture: A Study From Bolpur Town, West Bengal, India. Man In India. VOL.9,
NO.3-4. NEW DELHI. pp. 649-658. ISSN 0025-1569
2010: Management Of Geo-Hazards In India. Geo-Hazards In Sub-Himalayan North Bengal (Seminar Processing). By
Registrar of NBU, 2010. North Bengal. W.B. pp. 181-188. ISBN 978-81-921692-0-0(Monograph 1,SRP-SAP-DRSI UGC)
2010: Social Area Analyze Of Barber And Changes: A Micro Level Study Of Bolpur Town, West Bengal, India. The Journal of
International Social Research. Vol.3, issue 15. Prof. Dr. M Kuzubus, TURKY. pp. 440-447. ISSN 1307-9581
2011: Geography Of Urban Cobblers (Muchi Or Shoe Maker): An Overview In Bolpur Town, West Bengal, India.
International Journal Of Business And Social Science. Vol.2, no.3. Centre For Promoting Ideas.USA. pp. 238-245. ISSN
2219-1933(print) 2219-6021(online)
2011: Change In Socio-Cultural Dimension And Its Impact On Existing Sacred Groves. International Journal Of Humanities
And Social Science. Vol.1, No.10. Centre For Promoting Ideas.USA. pp. 242-250. ISSN 2220-8488
2011: Geographical Assessment of Sacred Groves in Bolpur Subdivision, India. The Ethiopian Journal Of Environmental
Studies And Management. Vol. 4.No. 2. Dept.of Geography, Bahir Dar University, ETHOPIA. pp. 52-55. ISSN 1998- 0507.
2011: Changing Tribal Culture: A Photo-Geographical Explanation. Current Research Journal Of Social Science. Vol 3,
Issue 6. London, Maxwell Science Publication. pp. 483-489. ISSN 2041-3238(Print)2041-3246 (Online)
10. 2011: Tagore’s Aesthetic Visions : Pioneer Of Geo-Environmental Awareness. British Journal Of Humanities And Social
Science. Vol 2(1). British Academic Journal, CAMBRIDGE. pp. 138-147. ISSN 2048-1268
11. 2011: Health Concerns And Status Of Rikshawalas In Raiganj Town: On The Light Of Their Socio-Economic-Behavioral
Geography. Research and Evaluation. Vol.2,issu 17. JAIPUR,RAJASTHAN. pp. 36-39. ISSN 0975-3486(control from
12. 2011: Contemporary Technology In Agriculture: An Assessment. Indian Stream Research Journal. VO.I, ISSUE, xi. Solapur,
Maharashtra. pp. 40-44. ISSN:2230-7850, impact factor: 1.0674 (UIF).
13. 2011: Revival Of Sacred Groves For Challenging Climatic Modification Issues. Golden Research Thoughts. Vo. I, issue V,
by H N Jagpath. Solapur, Maharashtra. pp. 43-45. ISSN:2231-5063.
14. 2011: Deviated Sacred Groves Perception: An Upcoming Disaster. International Journal Of Environment And Development.
Vol. 8 (No.2). Serials Publications, New Delhi. pp. 153-159. ISSN 0973-3574
15. 2011: Saga of Globalization and Modernization. Geo-Analyst. Vol.1, no.2, Dec. Geographical Society of North Bengal. pp.
133-135. ISSN 2249-2909
16. 2011: Geographical Impacts And Extension Of The Philosophy Of Sri Sri Thakur Harichand. Thakur Sri Sri Harichand
Manav Purush: Adhyatya Purush ( Edited By Sri Santash Kumar Barui). Publisher: Sri Manmoth Ranjan Mandal, Durgapur.
pp. 131-143.
17. 2012: ‘Wall-Culture’: A ‘Neo-Corona’ In Geography. American Journal of Computing And Information Sciences. Vol. 1, No.
1. New York. pp. 99-105. ISSN 2162-8882
18. 2012: Physical Geography During Vedic –Civilization: A Literature Survey. International Journal Of Academic Research In
Progressive Education And Development. Jan.2012, Vol. 1, No. 1. Pakisthan,Greece, Romania, Iran, U.K. Published
By Human Resource Management Academic Research. pp. 15-30. ISSN: 2226-6348
19. 2012: Risk Assessment With Solid Waste Problems And Management: A Behavioral Approach. International Journal Of
Business And Behavioral Sciences. Vol.2,No.2. Published By CPRE, Dubai. pp. 13-21. ISSN: 2222-6990
20. 2012: Supervision Of Sacred Groves On Environment Management: Diagrammatically Explained. International Journal of
Applied Science & Engineering Research. Vol.1.No.2. Integrated Research Publication, China. 364-371. ISSN 2277-9442.
Vol1.No.1 2012. 54-63. ISSN 2167-1141
21. 2012: A ‘SACRED-BOURN’ OF 2500 YEARS: The Culture Of ‘Do Ecology’. International Journal Of Traditional & Natural
Medicines. Vol1.No.1. Modern Scientific Press, Florida, USA. pp. 54-63. ISSN 2167-1141
22. 2012: A Compendium Of Expedition Of ‘Paribrajak’ Vivekananda: A Religiously Geographer. Vol.1, ISSU 8, Review In
Research. Maharashtra. pp. 1-4. ISSN 2249-894X (Online)
23. 2012: The Geographical Thought of Swami Vivekananda. Antarmukh (Social Journal). Vo.2, ISSU.1. Bardwan. pp. 85-93.
ISSN 2249-3751(Bengali journal)
24. 2012: The Scratch of Research on 15 Minutes Street Life. International Pathsala. VOL. 1, ISSU 2. Kolkata. 100-103.
ISSN2230-9594(Bengali journal).
25. 2013: The Multi-View Of Women: Relevance Of Environment. Antarmukh (Social Journal). Vol. 2, ISSU 3 Issue. Bardwan.
pp. 65-72. ISSN 2249-3751(Bengali journal)
26. 2013: Sacred Groves: History And Contemporary Geography. International Pathsala. Vol.2,ISSU 2. Kolkata. pp. 90-100.
ISSN2230-9594(Bengali journal)
1.Presented paper entitled “Existing pattern of international immigrants studying at Santiniketan, Birbhum, West Bengal” in UGC sponsored NATIONAL
SEMINAR at Maynaguri college, held on 11-12 July 2007 at Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.
2.Presented paper entitled “Sustainable energy: a potential innovative approach to curtail Global warming” held on 22nd February, 2008 in Seminar, organized
by Deptt. of Geography,Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, West Bengal.
3.Presented paper entitled “Technological environment vis-a-vis diversification of agriculture with special reference to kandi block, Mursidabad, west Bengal”
4. Presented paper entitled “Critical phases of environmental degradation and pertinences of Rabindra literature “in seminar proceedings entitled
“Environmental Degradation: Challenges and Remedies” held on 13-14 March, 2008, organized by M.M.E. college, Ambala, Haryana.
5. Presented paper entitled “Impact of agricultural technologies on environment: a case study of Goalpara village, Bolpur Santiniketan Block, Birbhum district,
West Bengal” in UGC sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR held on 28th March, 2008 at Sahid khudiram college, Kamakhaguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.
6. Presented paper entitled “Nourishment of Sacred Groves to reduce environmental disaster: An overview on Bolpur subdivision,Birbhum” held on February,
2008 in Seminar, organized by Deptt. of Geography,Visva Bharati,Santiniketan,West Bengal.
7. Presented paper entitled “Urbanization, environmental problems and human perception: a case study of Bolpur town, Birbhum District, West Bengal” held
on 28-29th March 2008 in UGC sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR at Siliguri college, West Bengal.
8. Presented paper entitled “Nourishment of Sacred Groves to reduce environmental disaster: An overview on Bolpur subdivision,Birbhum” held on 25th
February, 2009 in Seminar, organized by Deptt. of Geography,Visva Bharati,Santiniketan,West Bengal.
9. Presented paper entitled “Conservation of sacred groves for regeneration of forest: a socio cultural overview, Bolpur”in 31st INDIAN GEOGRAPHY
CONGRESS held on 19-21 Feb, 2009 by NAGI in Jabalpur, MADHYA PRADESH.
10. Presented paper entitled “Impacts of friendship between globalization and tribal life in Sonajhuri village near Santiniketan” held on 07-09 October 2009 in
UGC sponsored INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at Bilaspur, Chattisgarh.
11. Participation in the UGC sponsored INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on “Global trends in teacher education and teachers role in keeping pace with it” held at
Ramkrishna Mission(Belur) Sikshanamandira on 5th Jan. 2010.
12. Presented paper entitled “Conservation of biodiversity through Sacred Groves” in UGC sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR, held on 13-14 February 2010 at
Alipurduar College, Jalapiguri, and West Bengal.
13. Participation in the discussion in an INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR entitled “Folklore studies in the sub-continent” on 22nd Feb. 2010, in the department of
Folklore, Kalyani University.
14.Presented paper entitled “Globalization, tribal life-a symbiotic relationship-a case study on Sonajhuri village, W.B” held on 04-05th October, 2010 in UGC
sponsored STATE LEVEL SEMINAR at Jhargram Raj College, Paschim Medinipur,West Bengal.
15. Presented paper entitled “Revival of Sacred Groves notion in India for challenging climatic modification issues” held on 12-13rd November, 2010 in UGC
sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR at Barbhag college, Nalbari, ASSAM.
16. Presented paper entitled “Revival of Sacred Groves notion in India for challenging climatic modification issues” held on 20-21st November, 2010 in UGC
sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR at Suri Vidyasagar College, Suri, Birbhum, West Bengal.
17. Participation in the UGC sponsored INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Education: India and global perspectives” held at Ramkrishna Mission
Sikshanamandira on Dec.12-13, 2010 at Belur.
18. Participation in the Backward Classes Welfare Department, Govt. of West Bengal sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR on “Educational and social thoughts of Sri
Sri Thakur Harichand -Guruchand” held at Paschim Banga bangla academy, Kolkata, West Bengal on 16th December, 2010 in Kolkata.
19. Presented paper entitled “Change in socio-cultural dimensions and its impact on existing Sacred Groves” held on 11-13rd February, 2011 in Seminar Hall,
Anthropological Survey of India, Kolkata organized by INDIAN GEOGRAPHICAL FOUNDATION, collaboration with Anthropological survey of India, Ministry of
Culture, Kolkata.
20. Participation in the AABAHANA organized and MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES GOVT. OF INDIA, NEW DELHI sponsored NATIONAL SEMINAR on “Coastal Line
Erosion & Irregularity In Monsoon Rain In Odisha And Its Effect On Biodiversity, Capture Fishery & Agricultural Productivity’ April 25th -26th , 2011 at
21. Presented paper entitled “Tagore’s aesthetic visions: An geo-environmental approach” held on 7th-8th September, 2011 in UGC sponsored NATIONAL
SEMINAR at Raniganj Girls college, West Bengal.
22. Presented paper entitled “Geographical movements of Radhakrishnan: the pivot of the nourish and flourish of educational philosophy” held on 5th-6th
September, 2013 in Deptt. Of Education, Vinaya Bhavana, Visva-Bharati in National Seminar at Santiniketan.
Signature of the geographer