March 14, 2016
Magna cum laude with honors, Brandeis University, 1973
Major - Biophysics
Ph.D. Yale University, 1977
Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry
Thesis - Thermodynamic Studies of Membrane Phase Transitions
Thesis Advisor - Julian M. Sturtevant
Kenneth S. Cole Professor of Physiology, July 1, 2005; of Neuroscience, Feb. 1, 2010
Professor of Physiology, University of Wisconsin Medical School,
July 1, 1990; Member of Center for Neuroscience and Center for Cardiovascular
Associate Professor, Department of Biology
University of California, Los Angeles. 1987 - 1990
Member of UCLA MRRC, Ahmanson Laboratory of Neurobiology, and Brain
Research Institute
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology,
University of California, Los Angeles. 1981 - 1987
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Staff Fellow, NIH Laboratory of Biophysics, 1978-1981,
Supervisor, Harold Lecar
Leaves of absence
4/87 - 1/88 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany (host Bert
8/89 - 7/90 Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Gottingen, Germany (host
Arthur Konnerth)
1/02 – 3/02 John Curtin School for Medical Research, Canberra, Australia (host Steve
9/08 - 1/09 Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
(host Mike Edwardson)
Graduate student teaching assistant at Yale University in introductory chemistry and
molecular biophysics (1974-1975).
Undergraduate and graduate courses in Biology at UCLA:
Animal Physiology (15-30 lectures) 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988
Biophysics (30 lectures), 1981, 1985
Neurobiology (15 lectures), 1982, 1986
Cell Biology (6 lectures), 1986
Advanced Topics in Cell Biology (Director, 3 lectures), 1985, 1986
Advanced Seminar in Neurobiology (Director), 1984, 1986, 1989
Invited instructor in workshop on single channel techniques at Cold Spring Harbor, 1981.
Invited instructor in workshop "From Neuron to Brain", in Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
Invited instructor: Cold Spring Harbor Course on Ion Channels, 1999.
Medical instruction at Wisconsin
Physiology 720, Renal section (8-9 lectures) 1991 - 1994
Physiology 720, Neurophysiology discussion groups (6-8 discussions) 1995 - 2001
Graduate instruction at Wisconsin
Cellular Biophysics (12-14 lectures) 1992, 1994, 1996
Special Topics for graduate students (director, 3-5 lectures) 1995, 1998
Pharmacology 711, Molecular Pharmacology (2-3 lectures) 1996, 1998, 1999, 2003,
Physiology 610, Neurophysiology (4-8 lectures, 1-2 discussion) 1999, 2001
Chemistry 872, Topics in biophysics, seminar course for the Molecular Biophysics
Ph.D. Program (1/2 lecture and 34 meetings per year), 2009-present.
Undergraduate instruction at Wisconsin
Hilldale Fellow supervisor
Silvia Kang, 1997
Patrick Lupardus, 1998 (Recipient of Undergraduate Research Award
in Neurobiology)
Summer Research Program Students, 2003-present
Director of a subgroup in the Summer Research Opportunites Program, 2010-present
Ways of Knowing Biology (2 hours), 1998
Physiology 533, Molecular Physiology, 2004 (15 lectores), 2005 (15 lectures), 2007
(23 lectures), 2009 (18 lectures), 2011 (18 lectures), 2013 (17
Neuroscience 523, 2004 (one lecture), 2007 (one lecture)
Synaptic Transmission
Ion Channels
Neural Imaging
Membrane Biophysics
Statistical Mechanics
R01 NS44057, 2002-2016 (PI Jackson)
Single Channel Studies of the Fusion Pore
R01 NS072905, 2011-2016 (PI Jackson, PI Chapman)
Localizaton, Interactions, and Functions of Synaptotagmin in the Pituitary
R21 NS078301, 2013-2015
Transgenic Mice for Hybrid Voltage Sensor Imaging of Neural Circuitry
R01 NS059854, 2008-2013 (PI Cynthia Czajkowski)
Structural Rearrangements in GABA-A Receptors
R01 EY019663, 2010-2015 (PI Michele Basso)
An In Vitro Model of Saccadic Eye Movement Choice
T32 GM008293, 2012-2017
Predoctoral Training in Molecular Biophysics
R25 NS083065, 2013-2018
Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates in Neurosciece
Yale University Graduate Fellowship, 1973
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1978-1979
Basil O'Connor Grant, March of Dimes, 1982-1984
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, l984-1988
Research Career Development Award, NIH, 1986
Alexander von Humboldt Award, 1987
Jacob Javits Investigator, NIH, 2000
Kenneth S. Cole Professor (WARF named professorship), 2005
Parke Davis Exchange Fellowship, 2008
Kenneth S. Cole Award from the Biophysical Society, 2012
Society for Neurosciences
Biophysical Society
American Physiological Society
Organizing Committee of the Annual meeting of the Biophysical Society (2007)
Biophysical Journal, Editorial Board Member (1986-1992; 1998-2000, 2006 - 2007),
Associate Editor (2000-2006)
Science, Board of Editorial Reviewers (2001 – 2007)
Trends in Neuroscience, Editorial Advisory Board (2003 - present)
Member of Study Section BNS-1, 1993-1994
Ad-hoc service for NLS-1, NLS-3, Neuro-B1, BSCT, MDCN4
Member of NIH study section BPNS, 2010
Ph.Ds. awarded
Jerrel L. Yakel, 1983- 1988, Senior Investigator NIEHS, RTP, NC
Thesis research recognized with Scherbaum Award
G. Joe Strecker, 1985-1990, Computer company, Ft. Collins CO.
Klaus Bielefeldt, 1991-1993, Assoc Prof, University of Pittsburgh.
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Shuanglin Zhang, 1989-1993, Computer company.
Hai-guang Zhang, 1991-1996, General Electric.
Janet L. Branchaw, 1991-1996, Director, Center for Biology Education, UW
Rezan Demir, 1993-1998, Medical practice in The Netherlands
Chih-Tien Wang, 1995-2001 Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University.
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Vitaly Klyatchko, 1998-2002, Asst. Prof. Washington University
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Xue Han, 2000-2004, Asst. Prof. Boston University
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Yukiko Muroi, 2000-2006, Post-doctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University
Yun-Peng Payne Chang, 2000-2006, Post-doc researcher, University of Texas, Austin
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Zhenjie Zhang, 2002-2008, Post-doc researcher, University of California, Berkeley
Zhen Zhang, 2003-2009, Post-doc researcher at NIH
Thesis research recognized with Rose Award
Molly Johannessen 2005-2010, Asst. Prof. Ross University Medical School,
Dongsheng Wang, 2006-2012, Post-doc researcher at NIH
Current Ph.D. Students
Shane McMahon (Biophysics)
Che-Wei Chang (Physiology)
Nima Ghitani (Neuroscience)
Brandon Wright (Physiology)
Chung-Wei Chiang (Biophysics)
Yihe Ma (Physiology)
Guest graduate students
Andre Kooyman (Netherlands) 1991
Suzanne Hansen (Denmark) 1996-1997
Henrik Tang Westergard (Denmark) 2001
Past postdoctoral trainees and present position
Laurence Trussell, 1983-1985, Professor OHSU.
Barbara Swartz, 1984-1987, Director, Epilepsy Program, Cleveland.
David M. Finch, 1985-1989, UCLA.
Xuesi M. Shao, 1987-1990, UCLA
Matthew Banks, 1993-1996, Assoc. Prof. Anesthesiology, UW Madison.
Shyue-fang Hsu, 1993-1997, Researcher, University of Saarland
Russell Wilke, 1996-1998, Practicing physician, Milwaukee
Gerard Ahern, 1996-1999, Assoc. Prof. Pharmacology, Georgetown University
Eric Fisher, 1997-1999, Asst. Prof. Illinois College, Springfield
Ebru Aydar, 1998-2002
Jihong Bai, 2003-2004, Asst. Prof. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Camin Dean, 2004-2010, Group leader, ENI, Gottingen
Current postdoctoral trainees
Peter Bayguinov (Ph.D. University of Nevada, Reno)
Paanteha Moghadam (Ph.D. University of Saardland)
Visiting faculty
Jeff Tasker, Professor, Department of Cell, Molecular and Developmental
Biology, Tulane University (1993)
Gail Robertson
Jeffery Walker (Chair)
Edwin Chapman (Chair)
Elaine Alarid (Chair)
Matt Jones
Eric Dent
Xuelin Lou (Chair)
Training Committee, Neuroscience Training Program, 1990-present
Executive Committee, Center for Neuroscience, 1991-present
Neuroscience Training Program, First year students committee, 1994-1995
Physiology Department faculty Search committees, 1991, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 (chair),
Medical School Research Committee, 1995-1997
Brain Awareness Week, Laboratory Tour, 1996
Reviewer for Howard Hughes Fellowship competition, 1998
Biophysics Training Program Admissions Committee, 1998-present
Center for Neuroscience Outreach Committee and organizer for Brain Awareness Week,
Center for Neuroscience Outreach - Brain Awareness Week public lecture, 1999
Graduate School Research Committee, 1998-2000
Neuroscience Training Program Executive Committee, 2000-2001
Faculty Senate, 2000-2004
Biophysics Training Program Steering Committee, 2005-present
Biophysics Program Director, 2008-present
Biophysics Program Admissions Committee, 2010-present
US Patent # 5,550,120, Regulating Neuropeptide Hormone Secretion, Aug. 27, 1996,
Inventor, Meyer Jackson.
US Patent # 5,763,431, Method for Regulating Neuropeptide Hormone Secretion, June 9,
1998, Inventor, Meyer Jackson.
1981 Workshop on single channel recording techniques
Cold Spring Harbor NY
1982 Workshop on Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Santa Ynez CA
1983 UCSF, San Francisco, Physiology Department,
Conference on Neurophysiology of the Newborn, Dept. of
Neurology, Baylor Univ., Houston TX
International Symposium on Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies
San Diego CA
Biophysical Discussions, Airly, VA
1984 City of Hope, Duarte CA
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA
Laboratory of Biophysics, NIH, Bethesda MD
Dupont Chemical Co., Wilmington DE
1985 Workshop on theoretical aspects of single channel recording
Irvine CA
Second International Conference on Biothermodynamics
Graz, Austria
1986 Dupont Chemical Co., Wilmington DE
1987 Session chair, Biophysical Society Meeting
Universitat Bielefeld, Germany, Department of Chemistry
Techischen Universitat Munchen, Germany
Physiologisches Institut Munchen, Germany
Universitat Heidelberg, Germany, Department of Physiology
1988 Salk Institute for Biotechnology, San Diego CA
1989 Washington University, St. Louis, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
Washington University, St. Louis, Department of Chemistry,
Conference on Adenosine receptors in the nervous system,
University of Cincinatti, Department of Physiology and Biophysics,
Kyoto University
1990 University of Mainz, Germany, Department of Physiology
Hoffman LaRoche, Switzerland
University of Homburg, Germany, Department of Physiology
British Brain Research Association Meeting, Bristol, England
Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany, Department of Physiology
University of Munich, Germany, Department of Physiology
Max Planck Institut for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
Georg Augustin University, Gottingen, Germany, Department of Physiology
Gottingen Neurobiology Meeting, Germany
Woods Hole Marine Biology Laboratory
1991 Workshop entitled "From Neuron to Brain" Jerusalem, Israel
1992 University of Tennessee, Memphis, Department of Anatomy
Hippocampus Meeting, Grand Cayman Island
European Neuroscience Association, Munich, Germany
University of Illinois Medical School - Chicago, Department of Physiology
University of Chicago, Department of Pharmacology and Physiology
Duke University, Department of Neurobiology
Dupont Chemical Co.
University of Rochester, Department of Physiology
Loyola University, Chicago, Department of Physiology
Northern Illinois University, De Kalb, Department of Biology
Tulane University, Department of Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology
Membrane Biophysics Subgroup Symposium of the Biophysics Meeting
University of Ottawa, Loeb Institute
Session Chair, Gordon Conference on Ion Channels
Cornell University, Deparment of Pharmacology
Merck Pharmaceuticals
NIEHS (Research Triangle Park)
Emory University, Department of Pharmacology
Acea/CoSensys Symposium (Neurosciences Meeting, San Diego)
Northwestern University, Department of Neurobiology
Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies (San Diego)
Congress on Neurohypophysial Hormones (Montreal)
Chair of Gordon Conference on Synaptic Transmission
Colorado State University, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy
New York Academy of Sciences Meeting on the Parahippocampal Region
Gordon Conference on Synaptic Transmission
Jefferson University, Philadelphia
Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Finch University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School
Workshop at Tulane University in conjunction with Annual Meeting of the Society
for Neuroscience, New Orleans
Satellite Symposium of IUPS Meeting on Synaptic Transmission in the Central
Nervous System, Heron Island, Australia (Speaker and Discussion
1 International Biophotonics Symposium, Madison WI (Organizer and Discussion
University of Iowa
National Minority Research Symposium, Cancun, Mexico
Epilepsy Society of America, Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania
Australian National University
30th anniversary of merocyanine 530 (Woods Hole)
Case Western Reserve University
Biophotonics Workshop, Hawaii
NIDA – NIH, Baltimore
Neural signalplexes and ion channel regulation symposium (Okazaki, Japan)
Biophotonic Symposium (Satellite for Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting, San
Antonio, TX, Speaker and Session Leader).
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaigne
Symposium to honor Erwin Neher’s 60th birthday, Gottingen
Gordon Conference on Synaptic Transmission (Session Chair)
University of Chicago
2005 Exocytosis/Endocytosis Subgroup of the Biophysical Society, Symposium chair-elect
Australian Advanced Neuroscience Research Initiative, Stradbroke Island, Australia,
University of Quensland, Brisbane, Australia
Symposium to honor Steve Redman, Heron Island, Australia
Northwestern University
University of Alabama
2006 Exocytosis/Endocytosis Subgroup of the Biophysical Society, Symposium chair
Society for Neuroscience – Milwaukee chapter meeting
Australian Advanced Neuroscience Research Initiative, Stradbroke Island, Australia
University of California, Berkeley
2007 35th anniversary of merocyanine 530 (Woods Hole)
Society for General Physiology meeting (Woods Hole)
2008 Gordon Conference on Synaptic Transmission (Session Chair)
LMB-MRC, Cambridge
Dept. Pharmacology, Cambridge
Department of Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, Cambridge
London Metropolitan University
University of Leicester
2009 University of Minnesota
Australian Advanced Neuroscience Research Initiative, Stradbroke Island, Australia,
Janelia Farm, Ashburn VA
MathBio Symposium, UW
2010 Symposium in membrane biophysics, Telluride
University of Pennsylvania
Symposium to commemorate the career of Richard Horn
Oregon Health Science University
2011 Universite Centrale del Caribe, PR
Max Planck Institute, Jupiter FL
St Olaf's College, Northfield MN
International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology-16, Beijing
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
Symposium, University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany
2012 University of Miami, Miami FL
2013 Symposium in membrane biophysics, Telluride
International Symposium on Chromaffin Cell Biology-17, Rouen
Refereed articles:
Sprague, K.U., Kramer, R.A. and Jackson, M.B. The terminal sequences of Bombyx
mori 18S ribosomal RNA. Nucleic Acids Research 2:2111-2118 (1975).
Jackson, M.B. A
-coupled gauche kink description of lipid bilayer transitions.
Biochemistry 15:2555 (1976).
Jackson, M.B. and Sturtevant, J.M. Studies of the lipid phase transitions
of Escherichia coli by high sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry.
J. Biol. Chem. 252:4749 (1977).
Jackson, M.B. and Sturtevant, J.M. Phase transitions of the purple membranes of
Halobacterium halobium. Biochemistry 17:911-914 (1978).
Jackson, M.B. and Sturtevant, J.M. Phase behavior of lipids from Halobacterium
halobium. Biochemsitry 17:4470-4473 (1978).
Jackson, M.B. and Cronan, J.E. An estimate of the minimum fluid lipid required for
the growth of Escherichia coli. BBA 512:472 (1978).
Cronan, J.E., Reed, R., Taylor, F.R. and Jackson, M.B. On the properties and
biosynthesis of cyclopropane fatty acids in E. coli. J. Bacteriol. 138:118-121
Jackson, M.B. and Lecar, H. Single channel currents of acetylcholine receptor in
tissue cultured muscle. Nature 282:863-864 (1979).
Jackson, M.B. and Berkowitz, S.A. Nucleation and the kinetics of microtubule
assembly. P.N.A.S. 77:7302-7304 (1980).
Jackson, M.B., Stephens, C.L., and Lecar, H. Single channel currents induced by
complement in antibody-coated cell membranes. P.N.A.S. 78:6421-6425
Jackson, M.B., Lecar, H., Mathers, D.A., and Barker, J.L. Single channel currents
activated by GABA, muscimol, and (-)pentobarbital in cultured mouse spinal
neurons. J. Neurosci. 2:889-894 (1982).
Jackson, M.B., Lecar, H., Brenneman, D., Fitzgerald, S., and Nelson, P.G.
Electrophysiological development in spinal cord cell cultures. J. Neurosci.
2:1052-1061 (1982).
Jackson, M.B., Lecar, H., Askanas, V., and Engel, W.K. Cholinergic single channel
currents in cultured human muscle. J. Neurosci. 2:1465-1473 (1982).
Jackson, M.B., Wong, B.S., Morris, C. Lecar, H., and Christian, C.N. Successive
openings of the acetylcholine receptor channel are correlated in open time.
Biophys. J. 42:109-114 (1983).
Adler, M., Wong, B.S., Sabol, S.L., Busis, N. Jackson, M.B., and Weight, F.F. Action
potentials and membrane ion channels in clonal anterior pituitary cells.
P.N.A.S. 80:2086-2090 (1983).
Morris, C.E., Wong, B.S., Jackson, M.B., and Lecar, H. Single-channels currents
activated by curare in cultured embryonic rat muscle. J. Neurosci. 3:2525-2531
Jackson, M.B. The electrostatic activation enthalpy for ion transport through a
membrane channel. Biophys. J. 45:99-100 (1984).
Jackson, M.B. Spontaneous openings of the acetylcholine receptor channel.
P.N.A.S. 84:3901-3904 (1984).
Jackson, M.B. The stochastic behavior of a many channel membrane system.
Biophys. J. 47:129-137 (1985).
Trussell, L.O. and Jackson, M.B. Adenosine-activated potassium conductance in
striatal cell cultures. P.N.A.S. 82:4857-4861 (1985).
Jackson, M.B. The kinetics of unliganded acetylcholine receptor channel gating.
Biophys. J. 49:663-672 (1986).
Jackson, M.B. The influence of specific contacts on the stability and structure of
proteins: A theory for the perturbation of a harmonic system. Biophys. J.
51:313-321 (1987).
Jackson, M.B. Bounds to thermodynamic changes resulting from perturbations of a
harmonic system. J. Phys. Chem. 91:3621-3624 (1987).
Trussell, L.O. and Jackson, M.B. Dependence of an adenosine-activated potassium
current on a GTP-binding protein. J. Neurosci. 7:3306-3316 (1987).
Jackson, M.B. Dependence of acetylcholine receptor channel kinetics on agonist
concentration in cultured mouse muscle fibres. J. Physiol. 397:555-583 (1988).
Yakel, J.L., Trussell, L.O. and Jackson, M.B. Three serotonin responses in cultured
mouse hippocampal and striatal neurons. J. Neurosci. 8:1273-1285 (1988).
Yakel, J.L. and Jackson, M.B. 5-HT3-receptor mediated responses in cultured
hippocampus and in a clonal cell line. Neuron 1:615-621 (1988).
Jackson, M.B. Perfection of a synaptic receptor: The kinetics and energetics of the
acetylcholine receptor. P.N.A.S. 86:2199-2203 (1989).
Strecker, G.J. and Jackson, M.B. Curare binding and the curare-induced
subconductance state of the acetylcholine receptor channel. Biophys. J. 56,
795-806 (1989).
Krestchatisky, M., MacLennan, A.J., Chiang, M.-Y., Xu, W., Jackson, M.B., Brecha,
N., Sternini, C., Olsen, R.W., and Tobin, A.J. A novel alpha-subunit in rat brain
GABAA receptors. Neuron 3:745-753 (1989).
Finch, D.M., Fisher, R.S., and Jackson, M.B. Miniature excitatory synaptic currents in
cultured hippocampal neurons. Brain Res. 518:257-268 (1990).
Finch, D.M. and Jackson, M.B. Presynaptic enhancement of synaptic transmission in
hippocampal cell cultures by phorbol esters. Brain Res. 518:269-273 (1990).
Yakel, J.L., Shao, X.M., and Jackson, M.B. The selectivity of the channel coupled to
the 5-HT3 receptor. Brain Res. 533:46-52 (1990)
Jackson, M.B., Imoto, K., Mishina, M., Konno, T., Numa, S. Sakmann, B. Spontaneous
and agonist-induced openings of an acetylcholine receptor channel composed of
bovine muscle
- and
-subunits. Pflugers Arch. 417:129-135 (1990).
Jackson, M.B., Konnerth, A., Augustine, G.J. Action potential broadening and
frequency-dependent facilitation of calcium signals in pituitary nerve terminals.
P.N.A.S. 88:380-384 (1991).
Yakel, J.L, Shao, X.M., and Jackson, M.B. Activation and Desensitization of the 5-HT3
receptor in a rat gliomaXmouse neuroblastoma hybrid cell J. Physiol.
436:293-308 (1991).
Shao, X.M., Yakel, J.L., and Jackson, M.B. Differentiation of NG108-15 cells alters
channel conductance and desensitization kinetics of the 5-HT3 receptor. J.
Neurophysiol. 65:630-638 (1991).
Jackson, M.B. Cable analysis with the whole-cell patch clamp: Theory and experiment.
Biophys. J. 61:756-766, (1992).
Bielefeldt, K., Rotter, J.L., and Jackson, M.B. Three potassium channels in rat posterior
pituitary nerve terminals. J. Physiol. 458: 41-67 (1992).
Jackson, M.B. Binding specificity of receptor chimeras revisited. Biophys. J. 63:14431444 (1992).
Zhang, S.J. and Jackson, M.B. GABA activated chloride channels in secretory nerve
terminals. Science 259, 531-534 (1993).
Jackson, M.B. Passive current flow and morphology in the terminal arborizations of the
posterior pituitary. J. Neurophysiol. 69, 692-702 (1993).
Bielefeldt, K. and Jackson, M.B. A calcium-activated potassium channel causes
frequency-dependent action potential failures in a mammalian nerve terminal. J.
Neurophysiol. 70, 284-298 (1993).
Jackson, M.B. On the time scale and time course of protein conformational transitions.
J. Chem. Phys. 99, 7253-7259 (1993).
Lee, H.-J., Rocheleau, T., Zhang, H.-G., Jackson, M.B., and ffrench-Constant, R.H.
Expression of a Drosophila GABA receptor in a baculovirus insect cell system.
FEBS Lett. 335, 315-318 (1993).
Bielefeldt, K. and Jackson, M.B. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation modulate a
Ca2+ activated K+ channel in peptidergic nerve terminals. J. Physiol. 475, 241254 (1994).
Bielefeldt, K. and Jackson, M.B. Intramolecular and intermolecular enzymatic
modulation of ion channels in excised membrane patches. Biophys. J. 66, 19041914 (1994).
Zhang, H.-G., ffrench-Constant, R.H., and Jackson, M.B. A unique amino acid of the
Drosophila GABA receptor determines drug sensitivity by two mechanisms. J.
Physiol. 479, 65-75 (1994).
Jackson, M.B. Single channel currents in the acetylcholine receptor: A direct
demonstration of allosteric transitions. TIBS 19, 396-399 (1994).
Strecker, G.J., Jackson, M.B., and Dudek, F.E. Blockade of NMDA-activated channels
by magnesium in the immature hippocampus of rat. J. Neurophysiol. 72, 15381548 (1994).
Zhang, S.J. and Jackson, M.B. Neuroactive steroids modulate GABAA receptors in
peptidergic nerve terminals. J. Neuroendocrinol. 6, 533-538 (1994).
Shotkoski, F., Lee, H.-J., Zhang, H.-G., Jackson, M.B., and ffrench-Constant, R.H.
Functional expression of insecticide-resistant GABA receptors from the
mosquito Aedes aegypti. Insect Molecular Biology 3, 283-287 (1994).
Zhang, S.J. and Jackson, M.B. GABAA receptor activation and the excitability of nerve
terminals in the rat posterior pituitary. J. Physiol. 483.3, 583-595 (1995).
Jackson, M.B. and Zhang, S.J. Action potential propagation and propagation block by
GABA in rat posterior pituitary nerve terminals. J. Physiol. 483.3, 597-611
Zhang, S.J. and Jackson, M.B. Properties of the GABAA receptor of rat posterior
pituitary nerve terminals. J. Neurophysiol. 73, 1135-1144 (1995).
Zhang, H.-G., Lee, H.-J., Rocheleau, T., ffrench-Constant, R. H., and Jackson, M. B.
Subunit composition determines picrotoxin and bicuculline sensitivity of
Drosophila GABA receptors. Mol. Pharmacol. 48, 835-840 (1995).
Jackson, M. B. and Scharfman, H. E. Positive feedback from hilar mossy cells to
granule cells in the dentate gyrus revealed by voltage-sensitive dye and
microelectrode recording. J. Neurophysiol. 76, 601-616 (1996).
Banks, M. I., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Layer-specific properties of the
transient K-current (IA) in piriform cortex. J. Neurosci. 16, 3862-3876 (1996).
Hsu, S.-f. and Jackson, M.B. Rapid exocytosis and endocytosis in nerve terminals of
the rat posterior pituitary. J. Physiol. 494, 539-554 (1996).
Shotkowski, F., Zhang, H.G., Jackson, M.B., ffrench-Constant, R.H. Stable
transformation of an insect cell line with an insect GABA receptor gene. FEBS
Lett. 380, 257-262 (1996).
Hsu, S.-f., Augustine, G. J., and Jackson, M. B. Adaptation of calcium-triggered
exocytosis in presynaptic terminals. Neuron 17, 501-512 (1996).
Jackson, M. B. Inversion of markov processes to determine rate constants from single
channel data. Biophys. J. 73, 1382-1394 (1997).
Branchaw, J. L., Banks, M. I., and Jackson, M. B. The Role of Ca2+ in the inactivation
of Ca2+ channels in nerve terminals of the neurohypophysis. J. Neuroscience 17
5772-5781 (1997).
Wilke, R. A., Hsu, S.-f., and Jackson, M. B. Dopamine D4 receptor mediated inhibition
of potassium current in neurohypophysial nerve terminals. J. Pharmacol. Exp.
Therapeut. 284, 542-548 (1998).
Demir, R., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Voltage imaging of epileptiform activity
in slices from rat piriform cortex: Onset and propagation. J. Neurophysiol. 80,
2723-2742 (1998).
Demir, R., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Sustained and accelerating activity at
two discrete sites generate epileptiform discharges in slices of piriform cortex. J.
Neurosci. 19, 1294-1306 (1999).
Hansen, S. L., Fjalland, B., and Jackson, M. B. Differential blockade of GABAA
receptors by the neuroactive steroid dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in posterior
and intermediate pituitary. Mol. Pharmacol. 55: 489-496 (1999).
Wilke, R. A., Lupardus, P. J., Grandy, D. K., Rubinstein, M., Low, M. J., and Jackson,
M. B. K+ channel modulation in rodent neurohypophysial nerve terminals by
sigma receptors and not by dopamine receptors. J. Physiol. 517.2: 391-406
Wang, C.-T., Zhang, H.-G., Rocheleau, T., ffrench-Constant, R. H., and Jackson, M. B.
Cation permeability and cation-anion interactions resulting from a point
mutation in a Drosophila GABA-gated chloride channel. Biophys. J. 77: 691700 (1999).
Wilke, R. A., Mehta, R. P. Lupardus, P. J., Chen, Y. Ruoho, A., and Jackson, M. B.
Sigma receptor photolabeling and sigma receptor-mediated modulation of
potassium channels in tumor cells. J. Biol. Chem. 274: 18387-18392 (1999).
Ahern, G. P., Hsu, S.-F., and Jackson, M. B. Activation of rat neurohypophysial Ca2+activated K+ channels by nitric oxide. J. Physiol. 520: 165-176 (1999).
Hsu, S.-F., Ahern, G. P., and Jackson, M. B. Ultra-violet light-induced changes in
membrane properties in secretory cells. J. Neurosci. Meth. 90: 67-79 (1999).
Demir, R. Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Sustained plateau activity precedes and
can generate ictal-like discharges in slices from rat piriform cortex. J. Neurosci.
19: 10738-10746 (1999).
Demir, R., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Characteristics of plateau activity during
the latent period prior to epileptiform discharges from rat piriform cortex. J.
Neurophysiol. 83: 1088-1098 (2000).
Lupardus, P. J., Wilke, R. A., Aydar, E., Palmer, C. P., Chen, Y., Ruoho, A., and
Jackson, M. B. Membrane-delimited coupling between sigma receptors and K+
channels in peptidergic nerve terminals. J. Physiol. 526: 527-539 (2000).
Ahern, G. P., Hsu, S.-F., Klyachko, V. A., and Jackson, M. B. Induction of persistent
sodium currents in nerve terminals by nitric oxide. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 2881028815 (2000).
Hsu, S.-F., O’Donnell, P. J., Kliatchko, V. A., Badminton, M. N., Thomson, A. W.,
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Klyachko, V. A., Ahern, G. P., and Jackson, M. B. cGMP-mediated facilitation in nerve
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Demir, R., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Epileptiform discharges with in vivo-like
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Wang, C.-T., Grishanin, R., Earles, C. A., Chang, P.-Y., Martin, T. F. J., Chapman, E.
R., Jackson, M. B. Synaptotagmin Modulation of Fusion Pore Kinetics in
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Demir, R., Gao, B.-X., Jackson, M. B., and Ziskind-Conhaim, L. Interactions between
multiple rhythm generators produce complex patterns of oscillations in the
developing rat spinal cord. J. Neurophysiol. 87:1094-1107 (2002).
Aydar, E., Palmer, C. P., Klyachko, V. A., Jackson, M. B. The sigma receptor as a
ligand-regulated auxiliary potassium channel subunit. Neuron 34:399-410
Klyachko, V. A. and Jackson, M. B. Capacitance steps and fusion pores of small and
large-dense-core vesicles in nerve terminals. Nature 418, 89-92 (2002).
Scharfman, H. E., Sollas, A. L., Smith, K. L., Jackson, M. B., Goodman, J. H.
Structural and functional asymmetry in the normal and rat dentate gyrus. J.
Comp. Neurol. 454:424-439 (2002).
Jackson, M. B. and Redman, S. J. Calcium dynamics, buffering, and buffer saturation
in the boutons of dentate granule cell axons in the hilus. J. Neurosci. 23:16121621 (2003).
Hansen, S. L., Fjalland, B., and Jackson, M. B. Modulation of GABAA receptors and
neuropeptide secretion by the neurosteroid allopregnanolone in posterior and
intermediate lobe. Pharmacol. Toxicol. 93 91-97 (2003).
Edwardson, J. M., Wang, C.-T., Gong, B., Wyttenbach, A. Bai, J. Jackson, M. B.
Chapman, E. R., and Morton, J. Expression of mutant Huntingtin blocks
exocytosis in PC12 cells by depletion of complexin II. J. Biol. Chem. 278:
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Wang, C.-T., Lu, J.-C., Bai, J., Chang, P.-Y., Martin, T. F. J., Chapman, E. R. and
Jackson, M. B. Different domains of synaptotagmin control the choice
between kiss-and-run and full-fusion. Nature 424: 943-947 (2003).
Wang, P. Wang, C.-T., Bai, J. Jackson, M. B., and Chapman, E. R. Mutations in the
effector binding loops in the C2A and C2B domains of synaptotagmin I
disrupt exocytosis in a non-additive manner. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 4703047037 (2003).
Chang, P. Y. and Jackson, M. B. Interpretation and optimization of absorbance and
fluorescence signals from voltage-sensitive dyes. J. Membr. Biol. 196: 105116 (2003).
Bai, J., Wang, C.– T., Richards, D. A., Jackson, M. B., Chapman, E. R. Fusion pore
dynamics are regulated by synaptotagmin t-SNARE interactions. Neuron 41:
929-942 (2004).
Han, X., Wang, C.-T., Bai, J., Chapman, E. R., Jackson, M. B. Transmembrane
segments of syntaxin line the fusion pore of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis.
Science 304: 289-292 (2004).
Han, X. and Jackson, M. B. Response to comments on “Transmembrane segments of
syntaxin line the fusion pore of Ca2+-triggered exocytosis”. Science 306:
813c (2004).
Han, X. and Jackson, M. B. Electrostatic interactions between the syntaxin
membrane anchor and neurotransmitter passing through the fusion pore.
Biophys. Lett. 88: L20-22 (2005).
Wang, C.-T., Bai, J. Chang, P. Y., Chapman, E. R., Jackson, M. B.
Synaptotagmin•Ca2+ Triggers Two Sequential Steps in Regulated Exocytosis
in rat PC12 cells: Fusion Pore Opening and Fusion Pore Dilation. J. Physiol.,
570.2: 295-307 (2006).
Han, X. and Jackson, M. B. Structural Transitions in the Synaptic SNARE Complex
during Ca2+ Triggered Exocytosis. J. Cell Biol. 172: 281-293 (2006).
Muroi, Y., Czajkowski, C., Jackson, M.B. Local and global ligand-induced changes
in the structure of the GABAA receptor. Biochem. 45: 7013-7022 (2006).
Chang, P. Y. and Jackson, M. B. Heterogeneous Spatial Patterns of Long-Term
Potentiation in Hippocampal Slices. J. Physiol. 576: 427-443 (2006).
Chang, P. Y., Taylor, P. E., and Jackson, M. B. Voltage imaging reveals the CA1
region at the CA2 border as a focus for epileptiform discharges and long-term
potentiation in hippocampal slices. J. Neurophysiol. 98:1309-1322 (2007).
Zhang, Z., Klyachko, V., and Jackson, M. B. Blockade of phosphodiesterase type 5
enhances rat neurohypophysial excitability and electrically-evoked oxytocin
release. J. Physiol. 485.1: 137-147 (2007).
Zhang, Z. and Jackson, M. B. Temperature dependence of fusion kinetics and fusion
pores in Ca2+-triggered exocytosis from PC12 cells. J. Gen. Physiol. 131:
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Muroi, Y., Theusch, C. M., Czajkowski, C., Jackson, M. B. Distinct structural
changes in the GABAA receptor elicited by pentobarbital and GABA.
Biophys. J. 96:499-509 (2009). PMC 2716461
Zhang, Z., Bhalla, A., Dean, C., Chapman, E. R., Jackson, M. B. Synaptotagmin IV:
a multifunctional regulator of peptidergic nerve terminals. Nature Neurosci.
12:163-172 (2009).
Fontanilla, D., Johannessen, M., Hajipour, A. R., Cozzi, N. V., Jackson, M. B.,
Ruoho, A. E. N, N’-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) as an endogenous ligand for
the sigma-1 receptor. Science 323:934-7 (2009).
Johannessen, M., Ramachandran, S., Riemer, L. , Ramos-Serrano, A., Ruoho, A. E.,
Jackson, M. B. Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Modulation by Sigma
Receptors in Cardiac Myocytes and Heterologous Systems. American Journal
of Physiology - Cell Physiology 296:1049-57 (2009).
Dean, C., Liu, H., Dunning, F. M., Chang, P. Y., Jackson, M. B., and Chapman, E.
R. Synaptotagmin-IV is recruited to synapses by activity and scales synaptic
strength pre and post-synapticaly. Nature Neurosci. 12:767-776 (2009).
Jackson, M. B. Minimum Membrane Bending Energies of Fusion Pores. J. Membr.
Biology 231:101-115 (2009). PMC2833281
Zhang, Z., Hui, E., Chapman, E. R., Jackson, M. B. SynaptotagminPhosphatidylserine Interactions in the Regulation of Fusion Pores During in
Ca2+-Triggered Exocytosis. Mol Biology Cell 20:586-95 (2009).
Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., Jackson, M.B. Synaptotagmin IV modulation of vesicle size
and fusion pores in PC12 cells. Biophys. J. 98: 968-978 (2010). PMC
Carnally, M. S., Johannessen, M., Henderson, R. M., Jackson, M. B., Edwardson, J.
M. Demonstration of a direct interaction between sigma-1 receptors and acidsensing ion channels. Biophys. J. 98: 1182-91 (2010).
Zhang, Z. Jackson, M. B. Membrane Bending Energy and Fusion Pore Kinetics in
Ca2+-Triggered Exocytosis. Biophys. J. 98: 2524-2534 (2010). PMC 2877347
Jackson, M. B. SNARE Complex Zipping as a Driving Force in the Dilation of
Proteinaceous Fusion Pores. J. Membr. Biology 235: 89-100 (2010).
Zhang, Z., Hui, E., Chapman, E. R., Jackson, M. B. Regulation of Exocytosis and
Fusion Pores by Synaptotagmin-Effector Interactions. Mol. Biology Cell 21:
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Vokoun, C. R., Jackson, M. B., Basso, M. A. Intra and Interlaminar Activity within
the Rodent Superior Colliculus Visualized with Voltage Imaging. J.
Neurosci. 30:10667-10682 (2010).
Wang, D. Zhang, Z. Chanda, B. Jackson, M. B. Improved probes for hybrid voltage
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Johannessen, M., Fontanilla, D., Mavlutov, T., Ruoho, A. E., Jackson, M. B.
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Wang, D., Zhen, Z., Dong, M., Sun, S., Chapman, E. R., and Jackson, M. B. Syntaxin
Requirement for Ca2+-Triggered Exocytosis in Neurons and Endocrine Cells
Demonstrated with an Engineered Neurotoxin. Biochemistry 50:2711-3 (2011).
Zhang, Z., Wu, Y., Wang, Z., Dunning, F. M., Refuss, J., Ramanan, D., Chapman, E. R.,
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Dean, C., Liu, H., Staudt, T., Stahlberg, M., Vingill, S., Bückers, J., Kamin, D.,
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Wang, D., McMahon, S., Zhang, Z., and Jackson, M. B. Hybrid Voltage Sensor Imaging
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Yoo, J., Jackson, M. B., Cui, Q. A Comparison of Coarse-Grained and Continuum
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Jackson, M. B. Recall of Spatial Patterns Stored in a Hippocampal Slice By Long-Term
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Ghitani, N., Bayguinov, P. O., Vokoun, C. R., McMahon, S., Jackson, M. B., and Basso,
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of the Superior Colliculus. J Neurosci. 34: 6822-33 (2014).
Vokoun, C.R., Huang, X., Jackson, M. B., and Basso, M. A. Response Normalization in
the Superficial Layers of the Superior Colliculus as a Possible Mechanism for
Saccadic Averaging. J Neurosci. 34: 7976-87 (2014).
Wright, B. J. and Jackson, M. B. Long-Term Potentiation in Hilar Circuitry Modulates
Gating by the Dentate Gyrus. J. Neurosci. 34: 9743-53 (2014).
Invited reviews, book chapters, and symposium papers:
Jackson, M.B., Lecar, H., Morris, C.E., and Wong, B.S. Single channel current
recording in excitable cells, In: Current Methods in Cellular Neurobiology (Eds.
J.L. Barker and J.F. McKelvy) ch. 3, pp. 61-99 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY.
Jackson, M.B. Chemically activated channels in muscle and spinal cord. Annals
Neurol. 16:S52-S58 (1984).
Jackson, M.B. Towards a mechanism of gating of chemically activated channels.
Advances in Neurology 44 Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies Ch. 7 pp.171189. (Eds: A.V. Escueta, A.A. Ward, D.M. Woodbury, and R.J. Porter) Raven
Press, New York (1986).
Yakel, J.L., Trussell, L.O., and Jackson, M.B. Cytoplasmic modulation of transmitter
gated K+ channels in cultured mammalian central neurons. In: Ion Channel
Modulation, A Memorial to Roger O. Eckert (Eds. Grinnell, Armstrong,
Jackson) pp.291-302, Plenum Press (1988).
Trussell, L.O. and Jackson, M.B. Potassium currents coupled to an A1 receptor by a Gprotein in cultured central neurons. In: Adenosine Receptors in the Nervous
System (Ed. J. A. Ribeiro) Taylor and Francis, New York, pp. 177-185
Jackson, M.B., Fisher, R.S., Leveille, P., and Attardo-Pascowski, L.,
Neurophysiological development in primary cell culture. In: Problems and
Concepts in Developmental Neurophysiology (Ed. P. Kellaway and J.L.
Noebels) Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, pp. 161-185 (1990).
Olsen, R.W., Bureau, M., Khrestchatisky, M., MacLennan, A.J., Chiang, M.Y., Tobin,
A.J., Xu, W., Jackson, M.B., Sternini, C., Brecha, N. Isolation of
pharmacologically distinct GABA-benzodiazepine receptors by protein
chemistry and molecular cloning. In: GABA and Benzodiazepine Receptor
Subtypes: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Practice. (Eds. G. Biggio and E.
Costa) Raven Press, New York, pp. 35-49 (1990).
Tobin, A.J., Khrestchatisky, M., MacLennon, A.J., Chiang, M.-Y., Tillakaratne, N.J.K.,
Xu, W., Jackson, M.B., Brecha, N., Sternini, C., and Olsen, R.W. Structural,
developmental, and functional heterogeneity of rat GABAA receptors. In:
Neuroreceptor Mechanisms in Brain. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 287 (Eds. S. Kito, T.
Segawa, and R.W. Olsen) Plenum Press, New York, pp. 365-374 (1991).
Jackson, M.B. Stationary single channel analysis. In: Ion Channels (Methods in
Enzymology) vol. 207, pp. 729-746, Eds. Iverson, L. and Rudy, B. (1992).
Jackson, M.B. Cell-attached patch clamp. In: Practical Electrophysiological Methods:
A Guide for In Vitro Studies in Vertebrate Neurobiology. 279-283, Eds. H.
Kettenmann and R. Grantyn (1992).
Jackson, M.B. Energetics of activation of membrane receptors. In: Thermodynamics of
Membrane Receptors and Channels. 227-248, Ed. M.B. Jackson, CRC Press,
Jackson, M.B. Activation of receptors directly coupled to channels. In:
Thermodynamics of Membrane Receptors and Channels. 249-294, Ed. M.B.
Jackson, CRC Press, (1993).
Jackson, M.B. Activation of receptors coupled to G-proteins and protein kinases. In:
Thermodynamics of Membrane Receptors and Channels. 295-326, Ed. M.B.
Jackson, CRC Press, (1993).
Jackson, M.B. and Yakel, J.L. The 5-HT3 receptor channel. Ann. Rev. Physiol. 57, 447468 (1995).
Jackson, M.B. Presynaptic excitability. Intl Rev Neurobiol. 38, 201-251 (1995).
ffrench-Constant, R.H., Zhang, H.-G., and Jackson, M.B. Biophysical analysis of a
single amino acid replacement in the Rdl GABA receptor reveals a novel dual
mechanism for cyclodiene resistance. In: Molecular Actions of Insecticides on
Ion Channels. Ed. J. M. Clark, ACS symposium series 591, 192-204 (1995).
Mommaerts, W., Junge, D., and Jackson, M.B. Excitation and nerve conduction. In:
Human Physiology. Eds. R. Gregor, U. Windhorst, Springer, Berlin, 283-294
Jackson, M. B. Whole-cell patch clamping. In: Current Protocols in Neuroscience. Ed.
M. Rogawski, John Wiley & Sons, New York, Unit 6.6, pp. 6.6.1-6.6.30 (1997).
Branchaw, J. L., Hsu, S.-f., and Jackson, M.B. Membrane excitability and secretion
from peptidergic terminals. In: Modulating Mechanisms of Neuroendocrine Cell
Activity. (eds. H. Arechiga and H. Gainer), Special issue of Cell. Mol.
Neurobiol. 45-63 (1998).
Jackson, M. B. Adding up the energies in the acetylcholine receptor channel: Relevance
to allosteric theory. In: Neuroscience Intelligence Unit Series on the
Acetylcholine Receptor. Ed. F. Barrantes, R. G. Landes, 61-84 (1998).
Jackson, M. B. Single-channel recording. In: Current Protocols in Neuroscience. Ed. M.
Rogawski, John Wiley & Sons, New York, Unit 6.8, pp. 6.9.1-6.9.17 (1998).
Jackson, M. B. Allosteric mechanisms and the activation of ligand-gated channels. In:
Textbook of Biophysics Eds: V. Bloomfield and Louis DeFelice, The
Biophysical Society (1998).
Wilke, R. A., Ahern, G. P., and Jackson, M. B. Membrane excitability in the
neurohypophysis. (In: Proceedings of the 1997 World Congress on
Neurohypophysial Hormones. Vasopressin and Oxytocin: Molecular, Cellular
and Clinical Advances. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 449).
Eds. H. H. Zingg, C. W. Bourque, and D. G. Bichet, Plenum Press, New York,
193-200 (1998).
Jackson, M. B. Ligand-gated channels: Postsynaptic receptors and drug targets. In:
Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies. Advances in Neurology Vol. 79
Eds. A. V. Delgado-Escueta, W. Wilson, R. W. Olsen, and R. J. Porter,
Lipponcott-Raven 511-524 (1999).
Demir, R., Haberly, L. B., and Jackson, M. B. Imaging Epileptiform Discharges in
Slices of Piriform Cortex with Voltage-Sensitive Fluorescent Dyes, Annals NY
Acad. Sci 911, 404-417 (2000).
Ahern, G. P., Klyachko, V. A., and Jackson, M. B. cGMP and S-nitrosylation: two
routes for modulation of neuronal excitability by NO. Trends in Neuroscience
25, 510-517 (2002).
Palmer, C. P., Aydar, E., and Jackson, M. B. Sigma receptor modulation of ion
channels. In: Sigma Receptors: Chemistry, Cell Biology, and Clinical
Implications. Ed. R. Matsumoto, Kluwer Academic Publishers (in press, 2006).
Jackson, M. B. and Chapman, E. R. Fusion pores and fusion machines in Ca2+-triggered
exocytosis. Ann. Rev. Biophys and Biomol. Struct. 35, 135-160 (2006).
Jackson, M. B. In search of the fusion pore of exocytosis. Biophys. Chem. 126, 201208 (2007).
Klyachko, V., Zhang, Z., and Jackson, M. B. Low-noise recording of single-vesicle
capacitance steps in cell-attached patches. In: Exocytosis and Endocytosis
Methods Protocols. Ed. A. Ivanov, Humana Press Ch. 22 pp. 275-287 (2008).
Jackson, M. B. and Chapman, E. R. The Fusion Pores of Ca2+-Triggered Exocytosis.
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 15: 684-689 (2008).
Jackson, M. B. Inferring the structures of fusion intermediates in Ca2+-triggered
exocytosis. Current Topics in Membranes, Volume 68, Membrane Fusion.
Ed. L. Chernomordik and M Koslov. 185-208 (2011).
Vokoun, C. R., Jackson, M. B., and Basso, M. A. Circuit dynamics of the superior
colliculus revealed by in vitro voltage imaging. Annals NY Acad Sci 1233:
41-7 (2011).
Moghadam, P. K. and Jackson, M. B. The functional significance of synaptotagmin
diversity in neuroendocrine secretion. Frontiers Endocrinol. 4: Article 124
Jackson, M.B. Subtle shades of permeability (New and Notable). Biophys. J. 84, 27932794 (2003).
Jackson, M. B. Advances in ion channel structure. Trends in Neuroscience 27:294
Jackson, M. B. Open channel block and beyond. (Classical Perspective). J. Physiol.
588.4:553-554 (2010).
Grinnell, A., Armstrong, D., and Jackson, M.B., (editors) Ion Channel Modulation, A
Memorial to Roger O. Eckert, Plenum Press (1988).
Jackson, M.B., (editor) Thermodynamics of Membrane Receptors and Channels.
CRC Press, (1993).
Jackson, M. B. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. Cambridge University Press (2006).