
Stifling Innovation
The Decline of American
Economic Power
Quotes on Innovation
• …but if to grow success, then one must wake up anew
every morning and keep awake all day. I saw great
businesses become a ghost of a name because
someone thought that could be managed just as they
were always managed….
Henry Ford, My life and Work
• “pursuing incremental improvement while rivals reinvent
the industry is like fiddling while Rome burns”
Gary Hamel, “Strategy as Revolution,” Harvard
Business Review (July/August 1996
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What’s Innovation?
If you have a lot of off-the-wall thoughts,
you’re creative
If you can turn them into something of
value, you’re innovative
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Where Innovation Thrives
High Technology,
Finance, Fashion
Aerospace, High
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Where Innovation Suffers
Banking / Insurance
Service Industries
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Dour economic news for Ohio
Poverty Climbs, Incomes drop
• Many of Ohio’s best-educated and skilled workers – who
tend to be more successful at weathering an ailing
economy – are moving to other parts of the country.
• “It’s not surprising the Mid-west is the only region that
actually saw increases in poverty”
Daniel Lichter,
Ohio State University
Professor of Sociology
Columbus Dispatch
27 Sept 2003
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Where Innovation Suffers – Int’l Example
• Japan
– A culture where innovation is NOT generally
– A reputation of ‘copy-cat” manufacturing, done better,
faster, cheaper
– When the labor cost to quality balance made off-shore
manufacturing effective, Japan suffered
– A strikingly similar situation to the US,
and the Mid-West in particular
– Japan is showing signs of recovery. Interestingly, they are also
showing signs of some of the world’s top innovations
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Why is Innovation so Important?
• #1 – the Internet as a whole….
– Not many years ago,
• Your market was local
• Your customers did not know it was cheaper someplace else, or even
that there were alternatives
• #2 – … and eBay as a specific example
– One big swap meet
• What you used to have to find driving to (a limited number of) garage
sales, now can be done millions of times instantly on eBay
• The need to buy new, because you could not find what you need at
yard sales, has been reduced
• #3 – Return on Innovation
– A study on 17 successful innovations
• Mean return of 56% vs. an average ROI of 16%
– Innovation accounts for almost 50% of all growth in the US
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Case Study – Proctor and Gamble
• P&G (Cincinnati Ohio)
– A huge consumer products company
– Last major innovation – Pampers, 1962
– Recognized that internal innovation was non-existent
• hired new CEO, 2000 - Fired 17 months later
• WSJ Conclusion – “Tried to change the culture too fast”
– Current Innovation Strategy
• Buy Innovation
– Set up team of people that do nothing but scour the country looking for
companies that innovate, and try to acquire them
• Will it work?
– Cultures that can’t innovate, will typically stifle purchased
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Myths that Challenge Innovation
• Budgets are key
– by putting budgets above innovation, companies avoid the risk,
but they stifle the innovation
• Outsourcing saves Money
– Short term, yes, but long term, your talent, core competencies,
and capacity to innovate disappears
• The Best Product Wins
– If only…..First to market forces us to rethink the value and
profitability of quality
• Nothing is wrong in the existing environment, so there is
no need to change
– Your competitors are; if not the ones you know, then the ones
you don’t
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Symptoms of “Innovation Challenged” Cultures
• Diversity of Opinion (Dissent) not Well Received
– “We’ve always done if this way, and it worked, so leave it alone”
– When you challenge the status quo, “You’re being arrogant”
• Courage to Make Decisions is minimally existent
• Efficiency (and associated “best practices”) are counter
to trying new things
• Innovation? Something the engineers and researchers
did. Regular people just followed their bosses lead
• Success stifles innovation
– If what you are doing works, why change?
• Change is always difficult; most people like “routine”
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7 Stages of Suppressing Dissent 1 – 1 & 2
• Stage 1 – Arguing
It’ll never work
The boss will never go for it
It is not what we do around here
Things are OK just the way they are
• Stage 2 – Listening but not Hearing
(persisting with a wrong-headed view)
– Yes, we’ve heard from you on that. Anybody else got some
different ideas
– Thanks for your contribution
– Maybe you should put that in writing so we all have a good idea
of what you mean
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“Creating the Innovation Culture”, Frances Horibe
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7 Stages of Suppressing Dissent 1 – 3, 4 & 5
• Stage 3 – Laughing it Off
“If you’re so smart, how come you aren’t rich?”
“Can I give you a quarter so you can call someone who cares?”
The focus moves from the idea to the dissenter himself
This idea may be inconvenient, a CLM, or difficult
• Stage 4 - Ignoring
Ridicule didn’t work, let’s try silence.
Rolling eyeballs and sighs are prominent
– “I don’t think we will get to your item today. Maybe next time”
• Stage 5 – Invisibility
– Not notified of Meetings, removed from memo distribution,
decisions without input
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“Creating the Innovation Culture”, Frances Horibe
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7 Stages of Suppressing Dissent 1 – 6 & 7
• Stage 6 – Forbidding
– “I forbid you to work on that.”
– “Deal with your assigned tasks only.”
– Any idea the dissenter has would never be done now
• Stage 7 – Getting Rid of the Dissenter
“I don’t think your skills are up to this position.”
“You need to report to Bob now. He’ll vet your ideas.”
“We don’t have a place for you in our organization.”
“Somebody has to be laid off. I regret it has to be you.”
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“Creating the Innovation Culture”, Frances Horibe
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Strategies for Success 2
• Dissent does not have to be subversive
• Dissenters almost always have the best interest of the
company are heart
• Keep dissent in the open. The open flow of ideas invites
• Reward failure as well as success
• “Group speak” is not always best – individual
contributions outside group dynamics often return great
• Speak truth to power
The Assumption Here is Management Supports Dissent
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Why is Innovation Discouraged?
• Your parents probably told you….
– “It is not you that is bad, it is your behavior”
• Now if the parents could only learn that lesson……
– Every time you question some existing product, process, effort,
etc. you are challenging the person, not the thing
– Those that are threatened by open ideas, typically have low selfesteem, or been rewarded for consistency
• “Shooting the Messenger” sends a message that you
can’t tolerate hearing bad news
• Passion, drive, out-of-the-box thinking – cause difficulties
for organizations which see them as arrogance,
unreasonableness, and an inability to compromise. You
can’t get one without the other.
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• What makes a team work?
– A bunch of people that “get along”
– A group that has a similar objective
• True? disband the team – drive individual performers
• If a team is a collaboration of different ideas, that,
collectively, lead to a higher purpose, or greater good, then
that is “teamwork”
• Years ago, the controversial Judge Borke was to be
nominated to the Supreme Court. Protest arose, as his
views were contrary to the rest of the court and
mainstream thinking.
– My opinion: If you want 9 judges with the same perspective, fire 8
of them
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Teamwork – What is Healthy?
• From “IS Survival Guide” by Bob Lewis
– If Julie thinks Fred’s idea is all wet, don’t you think it would be
refreshing for Julie to say “Fred, that idea is all wet. Here is why I
think so, here’s what I think is better and why.”
– If your team had that kind of conversation, and nobody takes
offense, you have a healthy team. Otherwise, it’s time to figure
out how to fix your team.
• Cultures that support the free flow of ideas, without
“personalizing” the activity, excel at innovation.
• You need to ask “why?”, an average of 5 times in any
situation, to get to the root reason for performing an
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• E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One
– Diversity made this country great
– Striving for efficiency, and the associated consistency, has
discouraged looking at alternative approaches
– Diversity, particularly of Opinion, is Key to Driving Innovation
• Typical US Coastal Cultures Encourage this process
• Success stifles this process
• NOT suggesting leaving Mid-West; this should be
recognized, not as a problem, but as an opportunity
– Strategies for mitigating this situation are another discussion
• Your teams need to NOT discount any option and
encourage dissenting opinions, as diverse viewpoints
often bring clarity to direction, EVEN IF IT DOES NOT
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