MS-Word Version - Mr. Corona's Class Website

Everything you Need to Know About Robots
All articles and documents written by the students of
Principles of Information Technology
Lytle Junior High
Spring 2012
The articles or documents contained in this book are the results of many hours of hard work by
all the students in Business Computer Information Class (BCIS) at Lytle High School. The
purpose for this project served several purposes. Two of these were to provide an opportunity
for students to investigate and study new and emerging technologies as well as some of the
advanced features of the MS-Word 2007 program. Many simple and sophisticated documents
were created and compiled into this book.
Students had the opportunity to learn and practice college or work related skills such as Internet
research and fact gathering so knowledge learned could be shared with others. Due to the
complexity of this project, students practiced the skills of listening, following directions, paying
attention to details, exercising basic grammar, spelling and punctuation skills, problem solving as
well as taking pride in the quality of work produced. Students collaborated across all class
periods in the creation of the articles and documents included in this book. This is not to
mention the patience needed for countless rounds of editing and polishing to ensure a quality
In the use of MS-Word 2007, many basic skills were used. A number of intermediate and
advanced features were also learned and practiced. The MS-Word skills needed for this book are
listed but not limited to the following:
Changing font style and size
Aligning text
Inserting, resizing, positioning, rotating and adding text wrapping of graphic images
Adding footnotes
Inserting book marks and creating hyper-links
Inserting files into an existing document
Inserting page Numbers
Creating, resizing and positioning of text boxes
Modifying color and borders of text boxes
In some documents, the adding of hyperlinks to an Internet video
Creating a CD label
Burning their electronic book on to a CD
On behalf of all the hard working BCIS students in the spring of 2010, we all hope you enjoy
perusing, reading and learning from this book.
Joe Corona
Learning Facilitator
Business Computer Information Systems
Lytle High School
2009 – 2010
Table of Contents
1st Period
Robophobia (Matthew Antu) ...........................................................................................................7
Robots as Doctors Today (Yesenia Carbajal) ..................................................................................8
Different Kinds of Robots (Destiny Carrasco) ................................................................................9
Robot Jobs (Carlos Carrillo) ..........................................................................................................10
Robotic Replacements: Fact or Fiction (Desiree Dear) .................................................................11
Fear of Robots (Andrea De Loera) ................................................................................................12
Big Robots (Garrett Downs) ..........................................................................................................13
Robot or Human? (Alexis Geigenmiller) .......................................................................................14
History of Robots (Arielle Gomez)................................................................................................15
How to build a robot (Brett Hawkins) *
Robots Hardware and Software (Jason Hernandez) ......................................................................16
Robots Found in Careers (Morgan Jackel) ....................................................................................17
Robots in Humans (Ashley Martinez) ...........................................................................................18
Artificial Intelligence and its History (Jake Martinez) ..................................................................19
Robot Humans (Jasmine Medrano) ...............................................................................................20
The University of Texas at Austin (Lupe Rodriguez) ...................................................................21
Could Robots Evolve? (Safire Rodriguez) ....................................................................................22
Artificial Intelligence (Fabian Ruiz) ..............................................................................................23
Building a Robot (Adrian Valdez) .................................................................................................24
Are there Humans Who are Part Robot? (Jeanette Wimberly) ......................................................25
3rd Period
All about Robots (Mike Aguilar) ...................................................................................................26
History of Robots (Michael Aguinaga)..........................................................................................27
Robots Friendly or Fearful (Justin Barnes)....................................................................................28
The Fear of Robots (Ezra Cadena).................................................................................................29
3rd Period (Continued)
Artificial Intelligence (Anthony Castro) .......................................................................................30
All about Robots (Sara Cortez) ......................................................................................................31
Humans who are Part Robot (Hannah Jimenez) ............................................................................32
How to Build Robots (Andres Lazardi) .........................................................................................33
Types of Robots (Victoria Mendez) ..............................................................................................34
Robots in our World (Victoria Morin) ...........................................................................................35
What are the Different Types of Robots (Richard Ramirez) .........................................................36
Fears and Issues that People have about Robots (Joseph Santos) .................................................37
Types of Robots (Justine Soto) ......................................................................................................38
Robotic Degrees (Erika Vasquez) .......................................................................................................... 39
4th Period
Types of Robots (Blanca Camacho) ..............................................................................................40
The History of Robots (Elizabeth Fraide) ......................................................................................41
Are There Humans who are Part Robot? (Patrick Garcia) ............................................................42
How to Build a Battle Bot (Cesar Gonzalez) .................................................................................43
Frankenstein Syndrome (Daniel Hernandez) .................................................................................44
Uncanny Valley (Cody Hinshaw) ..................................................................................................45
What Are Different Types of Robots? (Aaron Jimenez) ..............................................................46
How to Build Robots (Crescencio Medrano) ................................................................................47
History of Robots (Ashley Noriega) ..............................................................................................48
History of Robots (Bianca Sanchez) ..............................................................................................49
5th Period
Human Robots: Fact or Fiction? (Natasha Clontz) ........................................................................50
History of Robots (Abel Deloera) .................................................................................................52
Different Types of Robots (Julia Estrada) ....................................................................................53
Different Types of Robots (Jezebel Godina) .................................................................................54
Are there Humans Who Are Robots? (Peyton Graham)................................................................55
5th Period (Continued)
History of Robots (Osvaldo Guerra) ..............................................................................................56
Different Types of Robots (Juan Guerrero) ...................................................................................57
Automaton Phobia (Lili Hernandez) *
Our Fear of Robots (Gabby Jones) ................................................................................................58
Robots as Veterinarians (Amber Lange)........................................................................................59
Robots (Joseph Martinez)*
Different types of Robots (Marc Ohlhausen).................................................................................60
Humans with Robot Parts (Brandi Potter) .....................................................................................61
Robots Used in the Medical Field (Kelci Potter) ...........................................................................62
How to Build a Robot (Bart Ramos)..............................................................................................63
Robots as Doctors (Brian Thayer) .................................................................................................64
Frankenstein Complex (Jack Touchet) ..........................................................................................65
Half Human Half Robot (Antonio Valdez) ....................................................................................66
Artificial Intelligence (Tiffany Ybarra) .........................................................................................67
7th Period
Artificial Intelligence (Jose Aguinaga) ..........................................................................................68
Robots in movies (Michael Antuna) .............................................................................................69
Humans with Robot Parts (Samantha Barrera) ..............................................................................70
Are There Humans Who Are Part Robot? Do They Exist? (Kileen Bragg) ..................................71
Robots in the Medical Industry (Desiree Campuzano) ..................................................................72
Robots in Various Careers (Taylor Carrillo) .................................................................................73
Artificial Intelligence: Evil or Not? (Mary Copeland) ..................................................................74
Artificial Intelligence (Amber Flores) ...........................................................................................75
Robots in College (Corina Garcia) *
Fear of Robots (Paul Giller) ...........................................................................................................76
All about Robots (Raquel Gutierrez) *
Medical Robots (Victoria Hernandez) ...........................................................................................77
Human or Robots (Pedro Martinez)...............................................................................................78
Robot Smarts (Kyle Patrie) ............................................................................................................79
7th Period (Continued)
How to Build a Robot (Ray Sanchez) ............................................................................................80
Humans with Robotic Body Parts (Lindsey Scarborough) ............................................................81
All about Robots (Trenton Smith) .................................................................................................82
Are There Humans That Are Part Robot? (Hailey Stewart) ..........................................................83
Robot History (Taylor Vincent) .....................................................................................................84
Robots in the Military (Nathan Whitson) ......................................................................................85
8th Period
Robots come to the Medical Field (Allisha Ayala) .......................................................................86
Can Humans Have Robotic Parts? (Klayton Bippert) ...................................................................87
Top schools that offer Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (Jeremy Cana) ..............................88
How to Build a Robot (Vangie Carrillo) *
Robot History (Cynthia De Luna)..................................................................................................89
Fear or Other Issues Regarding the Integration of Robots
In our Society (Leighanna Kensing) *
Different Types of Robots (Jasmine King) *
Different Types of Robots (Genesis Lopez) *
Different Types of Robots (Pablo Orta).........................................................................................90
Artificial Intelligence (Juan Perez) ................................................................................................91
Careers and Robots (Morgan Petrash) ...........................................................................................92
Different Types of Robots (Brittany Rodriguez) ...........................................................................93
Different Types of Robots (Daniel Rodriguez) .............................................................................94
Different Types of Robots (Daniel Romero) .................................................................................95
History of Robots (Gerald Salinas) ................................................................................................96
Fear or other Issues Regarding the Integration of Robots into our Society (Tabitha Solorzano) ..97
Robots in Today’s Medical (Jacob Sul) .........................................................................................98
Building Robots (Kathryn Villareal) .............................................................................................99
* Due to unforeseen circumstances, an article was not available.
Written By: Matthew Antu
(1st Period)
There are some people who actually fear
robots. They think that one day they will take over
the world and kill all of the humans in the world.
People say that we need to unite as one group to
defeat the robotic beings. The human race would
be unstoppable if we are to work as a whole.
You would think that these people are
crazy, and some of them probably are, but what if
they do. Then they will be prepared and we won’t.
They say that we should practice our 2nd
amendment and buy a gun. They say that robots
can be reprogrammed to turn against themselves.
The fate
of humanity is
all up to the
people that want to help save the world. 1
If you want to have a chance to survive this attack on
humans, then
stock up on food
and water. Don’t
use a laptop with
Robots can hack
into the internet
and see what
your plan is.
Make sure that if you
use a CB radio, you
get your own codes
so the robots cannot hear what you are saying. You should recommend getting guard dogs so they can put
up a little resistance and you can get ready for the attack. 2
Good luck and be safe!
Table of Contents
JC. Editor N/A. Date /Version Number N/A. Name of Sponsoring
Institution N/A. 12/16/09
JC. Editor N/A. Date /Version Number N/A. Name of Sponsoring
Institution N/A. 12/16/09
Robots as Doctors Today
Written by: Yesenia Carbajal
(1st Period)
Figure 3
Have you ever thought of going to the doctor and instead of getting
your regular doctor to check you, you see a robot in front of you?
Now with the advanced technology that we have, this might be
possible soon. However they are not replacements for doctors.
They are technologically advanced tools to assist doctors in
performing their jobs efficiently. Many patients prefer a robot as
their doctor because they are more accurate with some things and
they feel more comfortable with them. The picture on the left, it
shows a nurse taking to a robot with a doctor on the screen. The
robot like that can go anywhere a person goes and it can store a lot
of information. If robots are used in the future, it will make life
Robots in the future will be a great help for doctors
while in surgery. Robots are used by some
surgeons to assist them in surgical procedures.
Surgical robots are robotic arms that are
controlled by a surgeon through computer
equipment attached to the robot. The computer
controlled robot, gives the surgeon a magnified
view of the procedure. The robotic arm can perform
surgical procedures with more precision than a human Figure 2
hand could. Even a surgeon with the steadiest hands
can’t stay as still as a robotic arm. The human eye
can’t see as well as a magnified computer image. Robotic arms can reach areas that are unreachable
by a human hand. Combining the steady movement gives
surgeons the ability to perform complex surgeries with a higher
success rate.3
According to MSNBC, in California they are
manufacturing mobile robo-docs. They have also been placed in
hospitals and nursing homes nationwide. This will help older
people at home to call a doctor when they have a robo-doc at
home in case of an emergency. They have flat video screens for
heads and video cameras serve as their eyes and ears. Hopefully,
Figure 3
with the new and advance technology that we have, we will all
have a robo-doc at home that will always be there as our own
personal doctor to take care of us.4
Table of Contents
Christine O’Donnell, “Robots assisting doctors with surgery” OSSolutions. Editor N/A. December 16, 2009,
NBC. December 9, 2009 <>
Author N/A. “Robot doctor gets thumbs-up from patients” Health Care Editor. N/A. May 11, 2004. MSNBC.
December, 9, 2009. <>
Different Kinds of Robots
Written By: Destiny Carrasco
(Period 1)
In class we are learning about robots. We
watch a movie, and I learned a lot about robots. Many
kinds of robots have different kinds of control in the
robot. Robots have self control in them and many have
to follow three law so they won’t harm human .Some
robots are used to investigate hazardous and
dangerous environment .Some types of jobs that
robots do: load bricks, die cast, drill, fasten, forge,
handle parts, measure, monitor radiation .etc. Robots
can do mainly a lot of jobs that they can do.
A Robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial
agent. They are usually an electro-mechanical
machine, which is guided by computer or electronic
programming. A robot often conveys a sense that it
has intent or agency of its own. A robot is a or
physical virtual software .Robots tends to do some
all of the following; move around, operate a
mechanical limb, and manipulate their
environment, and also intelligent behavior .Which
mimics humans or other animals. Also robots
inform to commonly used term for a set of traffic.
Modern robots are usually used in tightly
controlled environments such as a assembly lines,
because they have a hard time responding to
unexpected interference. It is difficult to compare
numbers of robots in different countries.
Some experts and academics have questioned the
use of robots military combat, especially when some of
the robots are given some of autonomous functions.
However robots do follow the 3 laws of robots. 1 .It can’t
harm humans; 2.Has to obey, 3. has to defend itself.
These are the three laws of robots.
Table of Contents
Robot Jobs
Written by: Carlos Carrillo
(1st Period)
Robots are everywhere in houses, businesses and
practically everywhere else. Robots are mechanical
engineered people, more or less. The military use little
robotic car with M16’s, AA 12 shotgun’s, grenade launchers
or to drag the dead or wounded. Their guns are able to be
detached for ground soldiers to use. The robot on the right is
MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System).
Some of these robots are able to be controlled or operate by
itself. The problem with operating by itself is that trying to
get not to fire at Americans and allies. Foster-Miller is
building a new modified robot with precautions and being
able to fire round in the field of war. These robots have been
equipped to have GPS transmitter so it can be located and
see through it eyes or machinery. 5
In Tokyo they made a robot chef, named Chef Robot. Last week or two he made octopus
balls, the critics liked it. It was built with a robotic arm and hand but the hand is human like. The
Japanese plan on putting these types of robots in every restaurant globally. 6
Figure 5
Robots will be in every home, building, and on the battle field. They will replace jobs that are
too hard for humans. These robots will be the next generation to civilization. They explore the
deep emptiness of space. They will explore the deepest parts of our oceans. They will discover
new life everywhere they will become human.
Table of Contents
Darren Murph Engadget at CES 2010. Military War Robots, February 29, 2008. Engadget
Donald Melansnn, Engadget, Chef Robot, June 15 2009
Robotic Replacements: Fact or Fiction
Written By: Desiree Dear
(1st Period)
Are the latest advancements in technology we find in
blockbuster Science Fiction films, such as I, Robot or
Terminator, real? The combination of robots and men are
growing amazingly popular in the new sci-fi films. We see
characters such as Detective Spooner (I, Robot) and Anakin
Skywalker a.k.a. Darth Vader (Star Wars), who are perfect
examples of men with machine parts. Can we put humans and
robots together to create something better? Is our technology
close to erasing the line between human and machine? Are
they works of fiction really fiction, or just a little known truth?
Figure 6
Increased studies in the fields of Biomechatronics have
( up doors for artificial limbs and exoskeletons that will
increase our ability to use lost parts or increase abilities
altogether. The difficultly with applying robotic
replacements to the human body is the complexity of
human mind and functions. The process of taking a
simple step is a long, complex process. First the brain
must send impulses to the foot and leg muscles, nerve
cells in the foot tell the brain to adjust the muscle
groups or amount of force needed to walk, leg muscles
then spindle nerve cells that sense and send the
position of the floor back up to the brain, and finally
Figure 7
( the foot is raised to step and signals are sent to muscles
in the leg and foot to set it down.7 And we do all this
without even realizing just how much it takes to do it. Sensors (detect the users intent), actuator
(artificial muscle), and interfacing (connecting device to muscles and
nerves) are all major components in creating robotic parts.
Today it’s not science fiction to see people walking on robotic
legs or waving with robotic arms. People like Cameron Clapp (in the
picture on the right) have regained basic parts of life like walking,
swimming, and skating. Technology is a major help in the process of
making robotic limbs. New lightweight composite material, keener
sensors, and smaller microprocessors have advanced development of
robotic parts.8 We look to the future with hopes of giving the injured
more of their lost abilities back. It’s not a common sight to see people
Figure 8
with robotic replacements, but it is a fact. In this instance, ‘seeing is
Table of Contents
Author N/A. Biomechatronics. Wikipedia. Editor N/A. November 9, 2009. Sponsoring Institution N/A. December
9, 2009 <
Michel Marriott. Getting a leg up, thanks to robotic limbs. The New York Times. Editor N/A. June 21, 2005.
Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 10, 2009 <>
Fear of Robots
Written By: Andrea De Loera
(1st Period)
Robots are returning theme in science fiction.
They interest us because they show us a new
species born of human technology with powers
greater than human beings. 9
We outnumber robots, and we can still do many
tasks they have not been able to achieve. Robots
are not great innovators; they are good at
improving our own ideas however. We do not
know their full potential, but people believe that a
robot war at this time would be victorious for
humans, there would be many losses.
Humans have the fear that one day robots
will decide to eliminate humans. The fears
are centered on the idea that robots would
replace human beings in the workplace.
These fears have been somewhat realized.
Robots and modern technology have
reduced the number of workers needed in
a variety of industries.
Another fear is that the technology we
create has the ability to be smarter and
stronger than human beings. The human
body is weak compared to the metal and
machine parts of the average robot or computer.
Many people’s point of view is that the future
offer the idea that in creating robots and artificial
Intelligence, humanity suicidal created the means
to our own extinction.10
Table of Contents
Alissa Grosso. “Science Fiction Themes: Robots, Androids, and AI (Part 1). Title of The Site: N A. Editor: N A.
Jan. 4, 2009. Suite 101. Date of Access: N A <
JC. “Welcome All Humans to Fear The Robots.Net”. FEAR THE ROBOTS.NET. Editor: N A. Date and/or
Version Number: N A. Name of Sponsoring Institution: NA. Date of Access: N A.
Robots in our World
Written by: Garrett Downs
(Period 1)
The cost of a robot can
be as low as $100.00
to $200.00. Many
robots can costs
millions of dollars.
The robots will make life a little easier. It can
play with your dog when you are gone.
This robot walks around and sells drinks and
Table of Contents
Robot or Human?
Written by: Alexis Geigenmiller
(1st Period)
In the world, our technology is so far advanced that we can put robotic parts in humans to
help them do the things they can no longer do on their own. When people can’t do things on their
own and they need assistance doing the simple things that normal people can do, people start to
treat them like outcasts and give them dirty looks. But with the new advancements in our
technology almost anything is possible; people can go on with their daily lives without any
trouble at all. Below are two of the newest ways robotics are helping humans.
An Italian team of scientists were the first to
successfully give an amputee a robotic arm that they
could control with their thoughts. The team said “it was
the first time an amputee could make complex
movements using his mind to control a biomechanical
hand connected to his nervous system.” The scientists
last year implanted electrodes into the arm of the
patient; they were removed after a month. During that
month the man was able to wiggle his ‘fingers’ and
make other small movements all by thought. The arm
has 4 pneumatic muscles, from the shoulder to the wrist
that help the arm move. The device is still in the
prototype stages but when it is cheaper I know it will
This is the prototype of the actual arm they
help all amputees around the globe.11
gave to the amputee.
Each of these legs are equipped with computer chips
as well as built in motors, to help with long distance walking.
These legs are made for people that don’t have both legs that
work. Each leg mimics the other, thanks to Bluetooth, that
sends signals over a short distance. When the man stands up
and leans forward, the legs get the signal to start walking.
After several steps the legs coordinate with each other and
keep walking until the man sends the legs a signal to stop by
pushing back with the canes he has. These legs will greatly
help anyone that has lost both of their legs and will make
walking something everyone can do without all the hassle.12
Shown are the Bluetooth enabled legs that the
man is actually using to do everyday tasks.
Table of Contents
Bob Hirshon. Robotic Arm. Science NetLinks. Editor N/A. Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 15, 2009
Bill Christensen. Bluetooth-Enabled Robot Legs Talk To Each Other. Where Science Meets
Fiction. Editor N/A. Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 15, 2009
History of Robots
Written by: Arielle Gomez
(1st Period)
Robots have been out for a very long time now.
They have been around since 270 B.C., An ancient
Greek engineer named Ctesibus made organs and water clocks with
movable figures. 13In 1956, George Devol and Joseph Eagleburger
formed the world's first robot company. Before that, two years earlier
Devol had already secured the patents for the robot technology in the
company's Unimate robot. They installed their first industrial robots at
General Motors in 1961. Over the next two decades, the Japanese took
the lead by investing heavily in robots to replace people performing
certain tasks. In 1966, Eagleburger and a Unimate robot appeared on
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. In the segment, the robot
poured a beer, sank a golf putt, and directed the band. 14
Researchers designed the Rancho Arm at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey, California as a tool for the
handicapped. The Rancho Arm´s six joints gave it the flexibility of a human arm. Acquired by Stanford University in
1963, it holds a place among
the first artificial robotic arms to be
controlled by a computer. In 1968, Marvin Minsky developed the Tentacle Arm, which moved like an octopus. It had
twelve joints designed to reach around obstacles. A PDP-6 computer controlled the arm, powered by hydraulic fluids.
Mounted on a wall, it could lift the weight of a person.
In 1969, Victor Scheinman´s Stanford Arm was the first successful electrically
powered, computer-controlled robot arm. By 1974, the Stanford Arm could assemble
a Ford Model T water pump, guiding itself with optical and contact sensors. The
Stanford Arm led directly to commercial production. Scheinman went on to design
the PUMA series of industrial robots for Unimation, robots used for automobile
assembly and other industrial tasks. In 1970, SRI International´s Shakey became
the first mobile robot controlled by artificial intelligence. Equipped with sensing
devices and driven by a problem-solving program called STRIPS, the robot found its
way around the halls of SRI by applying information about its environment to a route.
Shakey used a TV camera, laser range finder, and bump sensors to collect data.
Table of Contents
Author .N/A. “Robot Timeline.”A Short History of Robots. Editor N/A. Date N A. NASA. 12/9/20009.
Author N\A.”History of Robots.” Robots in Antiquity. Editor N A. Date N/A. Wikipedia. 12/9/09
Building a Robot and Hardware and Software
Written By: Jason Hernandez
(1st Period)
I know about a little bit about robots and what they are
used for. Like this robot here is used for war that is why it
has two AA12 shotguns. A few careers were robots can be
found are military and space. For going into space were
humans can’t go. This one here to your right is used to go
into places first so that way our troops won’t have to.
The robot here is a robot called DRobot XR4000 it is
made for carrying a robot arm. Which no other robot is
able to do. The Software in this robot is the XDREV
Library, the NROBOT Daemon and the xrm Kernel
Module. The Hardware in this robot is15
Figure 9
ANU Battery Circuit to keep the batteries evenly charged.
New arcnet Cable
ANU Recharge Station
Instructions for getting a recharging power supply.
That’s about all for my page and I think you know about the
software and hardware of a robot. And know you know why people
build them.
Figure 10
Table of Contents
Darren Murph, Engadget at CES 2010, Military War Robots, February 29, 2008, Engadget
2 David Austin, DRobot, Nomadics Robot Software and Hardware Support, XR4000, Nomadics.
Robots Found in Careers
Written by: Morgan Jackel
(1st Period)
Robots can be found in the medical field. Robots
can be used in surgery, they call it Robotic
Surgery. In supervisory-Controlled System
Robotic surgery the procedure is completely
solely by the robot. In Telesurgical System
Robotic Surgery, the doctor controls the robots
arms during the procedure. There are many
upsides and down falls to using robots in
One kind of commonly used robots on earth is an
industrial robot. Robots can cut and shape fabricated
parts, assemble machinery, and inspect manufactured
parts. Some jobs that they do are load bricks, die cast,
drill, fasten, forge, make glass, grind, heat treat,
load/unload machines, machine parts, handle parts,
measure monitor radiation, weld, and so much more.
They complete these tasks more than twice as fast as
a human could. Outside of the manufacturing world
robots complete difficult task that may be too
dangerous for a human being. They hand hazardous
materials, fight fires, and deal with military war fares.
Robots can also be found in space missions.
There are only two proven space robots, the
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), and the
Remote Manipulator System (RMS). Both of
these robots are unmanned “space crafts” that
orbit around in space. They land in various places
and collect samples that are sent back down to
earth for us to observe. Sending a robot into
space rather than a space shuttle is cheaper,
easier, and much safer.17
Table of Contents
Howe, RD, Matsuoka. “Overview, Further Division.” “Robotic Surgery.” Editor N A. 2005. “Annual Review
Biomedical Engineering.” December 14, 2009. <>
Author N A. :Robots on Earth.” “Types of Robots.” Editor N A. Date N A. “The Rover Ranch.” December 14,
2009. <>
Robots in Humans
Written By: Ashley Martinez
(Period 1)
Robots have been known to do many different jobs
such as building cars, assisting doctors in operations, helping
out the military, and yes even helping humans walk or move.
Many people who have lost their arms or legs in war or in an
accident have chosen to get robotic limbs. The artificial arms
and legs work just as well as normal ones except for the fact
they are metal and have wires. They can bend, twist, and
rotate, just like human limbs can. The picture shows that
even people with artificial body parts, can do anything you
and I can do.18
Figure 14www.cat_innovation_designe.html
The robotic arms and legs help humans accomplish everyday tasks such as picking things up,
grasping door knobs, and holding things. These
robots are designed to help the body function
normally and naturally. They are programmed to
follow an assembly line of motions in order to do
the jobs needed. This allows the machine to move
into difficult angles, precisely, just as required.
People living with robotic arms or legs have
received full mobility and motion once again.19
Figure 15
Figure 16www.robot-arm-wrestling
machines try to recreate the muscle system, skeleton system,
and nervous system. As you can see, robot limbs are almost an
exact replica of a normal one. Artificial arms are typically
made up of seven metal segments, joined by six joints, giving
the arm seven degrees of freedom. Your arm’s job is to move
your hand from place to place, similar to the robotic arm’s job
which is to move the metal pieces from place to place. Robotic
hands have pressure,
sensors to tell the computer how hard you are gripping an
object helping you not to break whatever you are carrying. 20
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Artificial limbs.” Wikipedia. N/A, December 11,2009. Wikimedia Foundation. December 14, 2009.
Author N/A. “Robotic Muscles.” eSmart. N/A. August 17, 2009. SMA/MEMS Research Group. December
Author N/A. “Robot Arm Wrestling” Windows Live. N/A. December 17, 2009. 2010 Microsoft. January 6, 2010
Artificial Intelligence and its History
Written by: Jake Martinez
(1st Period)
Artificial intelligence is where computers can be trained
to think like a human. It allows computers to learn from
experience to recognize patterns in large amounts of
complex data and decisions based on our knowledge and
reasoning skills. It has grown to new levels of studying
and creating new Artificial intelligence. We use Artificial
Intelligence in computer science, which has evolved over
time. Neuroscience is using Artificial intelligence, which
is the study of the nervous system. Cognitive science is an
evolved branch of neuroscience, which is the internal
mental processes of
thought such as visual processing, memory, problem solving,
and language. For example, the pictures show that a robot can
be automated to look, touch or feel things, as for the other, it
shows how they can take the form of a human but be
The Artificial field was born in the summer of 1956 at a
conference on the campus of Dartmouth College. The people
who attended would become the leaders of AI Research for
decades to come. John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen
Newell and Herbert Simon founded the First AI laboratories at
MIT, CMU, and Stanford. With the help of their students, the
founders wrote programs that were just astonishing.
Computers were
solving word problems in algebra, proving logical theorems and
speaking English. 21
By the mid 60’s their research was heavily funded by DARPA
and make many predictions about their research, but most never
came true. They failed to anticipate the problems they had faced,
such as, lack of raw computer power, the intractable
combinatorial explosion of their algorithms, the difficulty of
representing commonsense knowledge and doing commonsense
Figure 19
reasoning. Through time we have made different discoveries and evolved our thinking of artificial intelligence. We have more
advanced technology to study this and better understand it.22
Table of Contents
Author N/A, “What is Artificial intelligence.” ITC Software Advanced Information Technology Solutions. Editor
N/A. December 9, 2009. Neural Network Links. December 9, 2009. <>
Author N/A, “What is Artificial intelligence.” ITC Software Advanced Information Technology Solutions. Editor
N/A. December 9, 2009. Neural Network Links. December 9, 2009. <>
Human Robots
Written by: Jasmine Medrano
(1st Period)
As a human race we have advanced over many years creating
ways to benefit human life. It may not be the same way as before but
nothing ever is. You will be reading articles of ways humans have been
given a second chance to live like any other person with the help of
robots. Robots are the future and as we go, the more they can benefit us.
It’s up to us to allow this advancement.
A powered robotic ankle was developed by the
biomechantronics groups at MIT’s Media Lab. This product was
demonstrated by Hugh Herr who lost both his legs below the knee from
a rock climbing accident in 1982. This may the world’s first ankle
prosthesis. The powered robotic ankle is a biomimetic device that
imitates the energy storage performed by a living human ankle. The
energy-storage is similar to regenerative breaking used in hybrid cars.
“This is the first prosthesis that allows for a humanlike gait. It’s strong
enough to push my body forward and to propel me up stairs.” Herr
Figure 20
A robotic leg has been
developed by the Japanese automaker
Honda. They developed a new
technology called the experimental
walking device (the robotic leg). To
use the legs the user must wear special
shoes that adjust the seat so that your
weight is supported. Two motors move
the frame and seat position while
lithium powered batteries keep the
system powered for the length of about
two hours when fully charged. Some
people say the robotic legs look like the
lower half of the Stars Wars droid. 24
Table of Contents
Bill Christenson. “Robotic Ankle First Such Powered Prosthesis.” Editor N/A. 2007.
Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 16, 2009.
Jeremy Korzeniewski. “Honda unveils supplemental robot legs for humans.” Editor N/A. 2008.
Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 16, 2009.
The University of Texas at Austin
Written by: Lupe Rodriguez
(1st Period)
One of the best robot engineering
schools is The University of Texas At
Austin. Their Robotics Research Group
(RRG) is dedicated to the advancement of
robotics. The Robotics Research Group has
three major research threads: Intelligent
Actuators, Manipulation Software, and
Integrated Work cells. The University of
Texas at Austin offers a Master’s and Ph.
D Degrees in robotics25 The Robotics
Research Group at The University of
Texas at Austin is by far one of the best
schools for robotic engineering. Every
alumni has achieved a PhD or a Masters in
their career.
Figure 22 Robots <
The goal of the Robotics Research Group is to make actuators that will be the building
blocks for the architecture of these intelligent machines that will be assembled in demand like
modern computer systems.
The actuators have the same components as all
the other actuators, but will have a different torque,
speed, and other performance and design requirements. If
you decide to choose a career in robotics you will need to
take the 10 Actuator classes:26
Figure 23 Electromechanical Actuator Design
High Torque
High Rigidity
Precision/Small Motion
Energy Saver
Fault Tolerant
Dual Input/Layered Control
2-DOF Modular
Table of Contents
J.J. Pickle.”Robotics Research Group”. Robotics Research Group: The University of Texas at Austin. Editor N/A.
2009. Department of Energy - University Research Program in Robotics. December 9, 2009.
J.J. Pickle. “Robotics Research Group.” Robotics Research Group: The University of Texas at Austin. Editor N/A.
2009. Office of Naval Research. December 9, 2009. <>
Could Robots Evolve?
Written By: Safire Rodriguez
(1st Period)
Robots are found everywhere around us, they may not be the kind that
walk and talk, like in movies, but they are in the everyday machinery that we
use. You may not like robots or may even be scared of them but chances are that
whatever career you choose will most likely involve robots. For Example one of
my career choices is engineering, this career deals mostly with robots some
engineering jobs even involve building robots. There are many types of robots
around now. None of them are very human like but our technology is advancing
everyday and we aren’t very far from having those kinds of robots.
Figure 24
The time of robot advancement is soon approaching.
One day they will be so advanced that they would be able to
take over. You may say “this is impossible we will program
them to obey our commands.” But if these robots are so advanced won’t they be able
to come up with a way to alter their programming; eventually being able to take over.
This fear, Automatonophobia, has whole movies based off of its concepts such as the
movie “I, Robot”. In this movie a Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence (VIKI),
sort of like a robotic brain, is in control of all robots. These robots were invented to Figure 25
protect humanity and to be able to do this they are programmed with these three (
1. Robots cannot harm Humans
2. Robots must follow any order given to them by man if it doesn’t conflict with the first law.
3. Robots can defend themselves only if it doesn’t conflict with the first two laws.
VIKI finds a way to override these laws and orders the robots to kill humans they see as a threat to
humanity, in order to ensure the overall survival of humanity. The scary thing is this could possibly
happen maybe not now but in the future27
Why are we so afraid of robots? It’s believed that the reason for this is
humanity’s lack of knowledge of how robots are engineered. Robots are quite
amazing. We’ve engineered them to be able to manipulate our actions and
interact with us; compared to nature that took millions of years to evolve to
where we are now. They are used even in medical surgeries. There is really
nothing to be afraid of, robots are not self-aware even though it may seem that
way because of their physical human traits. Robots are used just about
everywhere; without them there would be too many jobs that needed filling.
Figure 26
( Robots are vital to our factories without them many factories wouldn’t have
enough qualified workers, due to how quickly people age, to get the jobs done
and there would be a shortage of many demands. According to movies robots
will apparently become so much like humans, only stronger and smarter, and begin to conquer and
enslave us. Awesom-o does not agree and believes “there is no reason why self aware-robots will develop
to be evil and hate humanity, there is a good chance that the robots may decide to help humans.”28
Table of Contents
Rena. Pacella. “Could Robots Take over the World?” Popular Science. Editor N/A. 08.05.2004. Popular
Science. December 15, 2009 <>
Awesom-o. “Our fear of robots.”Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Editor N/A. Blogspot. August 16, 2009.
Artificial Intelligence
Written by: Fabian Ruiz
(1st Period)
Artificial intelligence is a basically a huge
brain that controls pretty much everything such
as security, purchases, so on and so forth.
It can solve problems in a creative way.
It will understand speech and detect problems
in your voice levels. It will be the smartest
thing around in the future.
It will be able to detect credit card fraud,
manage an entire bank system, control
telephone systems, and give helpful advice
when needed. IBM used a computer system
like this to create a robot chess player that
beat the world champion Gary Kasparov.
They also used something like it to make a
car that drove itself from Washington DC to
San Diego At a rate of 63 miles an hour day
and night rain or shine.29
The future will be changed because of this. It will make life easier not just for the government
but for everybody. By that time we should have autonomous vehicles for our personal use it may
take a while but it will be worth it. Artificial Intelligence will make things more secure then ever.
Just imagine not having to lift a finger to drive it may seem a little scary now but we will adjust
to these great changes. The worlds will be unbelievable, now all we can do is wait for these
exciting Inventions.30
Table of Contents
David L. Waltz. Artificial Intelligence. Editor N/A. Date N/A. NEC Research Institution.
December 9, 2009.
Dr. Mark Humphrys.The Future of Artificial Intelligence.Robot N/A.DateN/A.University of
Edinburgh.Januray 5,2010.
How to Build a Robot
Written By: Adrian Valdez
(Period 1)
To build a robot you need the right tools and
equipment. I am going to tell you what you will need and
how to get started. First a good plan if you are building your
first robot is the KISS (keep it simple stupid) approach. To
start obviously you need money. Robots can get expensive
but a skilled robot cist can build a robot for just $50. But
you can expect to spend about $100-$200. Next you need to
design your robot you can make some drawing but
remember if it is your first robots don’t get to imaginative.31
Now you’re ready to start building. First you will
need a motor and a source of energy. Use a rechargeable
battery but it must have high mAh (energy
capacity), and can put out at least an amp at any
time. Consider putting both batteries parallel and
in series to vary/control total voltage. NiMH
(nickel metal hydride) batteries are good. You
can charge them as much as you want; they have
good current output, and have the highest energy
With that you will need the right tools to
put it together a list of what you will need a
soldering iron, electronic solder, diagonal cutter,
1.5 volts motor, battery holder, and a SPDT
switch. Once you have all of that you just have
to put it together. It is recommended to build 3
robots with the KISS (keep it simple stupid)
method, and then slowly start to get more
imaginative. Now with the information I have
given you go build your robot.
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Society of Robots.” How To Build a Robot Tutorial. Editor N/A. DATE N/A. societyofrobots.
Are There Humans who are Part Robot?
Written by: Jeanette Wimberly
(1st Period)
Robots are made to make a humans life easier. Some robots
make things, some take down things, either way; they help make
peoples life easier. 32Dean Kamen, as shown to the left, is
showing off his mind-controlled prosthetic robot arm he invented
in 2007. His prosthetic robot arm is fully articulated, giving him
the same amount of movement as a natural arm. It is so much
like a natural arm; it is sensitive enough to pick up a piece of
paper, a wineglass, or even a grape.
Artificial limbs
humans are
Figure 27(
a type of robot.
In the figure on the right, the prosthetic arm is
inserted directly into the skin, giving him more
movement. This type of artificial limb is given to
patients who had lost their fingers and or thumbs.
However, not all artificial limbs are made for
fingers, some are made for feet. Further trials
using arms and legs are being used as well.
Figure 28(
Some artificial limbs are made for the fashion sense. 34The
currently ‘Immaculate’ prosthetic was designed by Hans
Alexander Huseklepp and looks like a robot's arm. The
concept "immaculate" from Hans Alexander Huseklepp
explores the idea of turning a handicap into a highperformance, cybernetic fashion statement. The
neurological prosthetic is clad in technology-packed corian
plates with dome-joints that offer a larger degree of freedom
than that motherly-issued arm of yours. Therefore, it’s not
only nice looking, but it works just like a regular arm.
Figure 29(
Table of Contents
Dylan Tweney. “Dean Kamen’s Robot Arm Grabs More Publicity” Gadget Lab. Editor N/A. May 29, 2008.
Sponsoring Institution N/A. December 15,2009.<>
N/A. “Artificial Limbs Attached Directly To Human Skeleton” Editor N/A. July 3, 2006. Sponsoring Institution
N/A. December 15, 2009.<>
N/A. “‘Immaculate’ Prosthetic Aims To Make Fake Limbs More Attractive, They Totally Succeed.” Geekologie.
Editor N/A. February 10, 2009. Sponsoring Institution N/A. January 5,
History of Robots
Written By: Mike Aguilar
(Period 3)
Robots have been around us for many, many years now.
A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. In
practice, it is usually an electro-mechanical machine
which is guided by computer or electronic
programming, and is thus able to do tasks on its own.
Another common characteristic is that by its appearance
or movements, a robot often conveys a sense that it has
intent or agency of its own.
At the beginning all this stuff of robots was just the stuff
of science fiction. It started with clocks and then to big
frame computers to calculating engines then to space
ships and humanoids! Its becoming a reality as today we
have a handful of interactive robots with humans and it
Figure 30 Asimo Interactive Robot
evolve into to
something more. In 1956, George Devol and Joseph
Engelberger formed the world's first robot company.35
Devol predicted that the industrial robot would "help
the factory operator in a way that can be compared to
business machines as an aid to the office worker". A
few years later, in 1961, the very first industrial robot
was "employed" in a General Motors automobile
factory in New Jersey. Since 1980, there has been an
expansion of industrial robots into non-automotive
industries. The main factor responsible for this growth
has been the technical improvements in robots due to
advancement in microelectronics ("ME") and
Figure 31 Military Robot
And now days we have a bunch of outrageous robots doing things that we would only dream
about back then. This is a great testimony to humans and what we can accomplish. Hopefully the
future holds humanoid robots in our society to make this world a better and easier place to live
in. and hopefully society accepts future robots to be integrated with us. I feel it will be best for
the future of humans and robotics.
Table of Contents
Mary Bellis, “”. Timeline of Robots. n/a 2009 n/a 1/5/10<>.
Mary Bellis, “”. The Story of Robots. n/a. ©2009 n/a. 12/16/09.<>.
History of Robots
Created By: Michael Aguiñaga
(Period 3)
In the early 1800’s mechanical puppets
were first built in Europe, just for
entertainment value. And these were called
robots since there parts were driven by
linkage and cams and controlled by
rotating drum selectors.
In 1801 Joseph Maria Jacquard made the
next great change and invented the
automatic draw loom. The draw loom would
punch cards and was used to control the
lifting of thread in fabric factories.
George Devol Jr, in 1954 developed
the multijointed artificial arm which
lead to the modern robots.
Table of Contents
Robots Friendly or Fearful
Written By: Justin Barnes
(Period 3)
Programmed to obey our every demand the fear that they might turn on you is always about in the
air. Robots may be very helpful at times but will there programs not be enough to hold them back
from attack? The question floating around is do robots know right from wrong and how will they act
when acted upon. An will robots be able to slowly start to become smarter and develop human like
characteristics, and if they do how will this effect society as we speak? Some people think that
robots are on a rise to take over the world but others disagree.
After a lot of the
big movies that
have come out
people have
become more
aware of robots
and what they
might be capable
of. Other people
are afraid of what the military might be doing and not
telling us about it. There are websites that people
made from so information they think is right.
There is all sorts of real and fake information on the
internet these days. A lot of movies that have come
out are have scared a lot of people into think that are
bad and are capable of doing things that some
humans can’t stop them from doing, some of that may be so but some of it also isn’t true at all.
Robots may be a threat in the future when they are more advanced but they will also be a great
amount of help as well. So should we even fear robots or
get ready for what lies ahead.
They are also helpful. These were just some of the new
medical tools on display at a conference on rehabilitation
robotics in Chicago this week. "We're still learning how
and discovering how to use these robots," conference
chairman James Patton of the Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago said Tuesday. Robots can help people with limited
mobility become more independent by feeding them and
carrying out other household tasks. They can also help
physicians diagnose and treat patients through
teleconferencing or by collecting home therapy session
data. And they are helping people with severe injuries or illnesses gain greater control over their
Table of Contents
All information was written by information I already knew.
Robots in Our Future
Written By: Ezra Cadena
(Period 3)
The robots are programmed to do everything we tell them to do. But in
the movie I Robot the super computer Viki finds a way to blame the
humans that there doing wrong so she starts to send out a signal telling
the robots to gather the humans so they could get rid of them.
There was a report a few that a robot in the military was controlling its
self. The military said it was because of the weak A.I. or artificial
intelligent’s in the robot. And this brings me back to my last point
about the movie I Robot in the movie the doctor his name is doctor
lanning any way he said that the robots will one day will have thoughts
And also dreams he said that the robots will evolve so much that this
action will take place. The picture that you see here is the mechanical
robot that the article was written about.
The picture that you see here is the predator drone,
The drone is used to carry out attacks or to go spy on
the enemy when the military needs to move out an
assault on the enemy or just to go out and take the
drone out for a little spin
You wouldn’t think that many people would not be
scared of the thought of robots but if look deep
enough on the internet you can find millions of people
that are scarred of just the thought of the military using robotic things to do the work for them I
printed out a blog from this one guy that says a whole bunch of stuff about the robots and here it
is. Why are we afraid of robotic technology? Is it the fact that the robots could short out and do
some harm to the people around it. Most of the military’s things are made from robotic things
form the robot that dis arms the bombs to the drone that takes to the sky to go spy on the enemy
or do the bombing the enemy the one major thing that the military does not know is that the
computer technology does advance and grow by itself.38
Table of Contents
All the pictures I got from the internet
Artificial Intelligence
Written By: Anthony Castro
(Period 3)
Artificial Intelligence is a drive for the future.
Artificial Intelligence or A.I. is a computer that, in a
sense, has the ability to learn. The computer
analyzes all possibilities of a situation that could
maximize the chances of success for the computer.
In the movie I, Robot, the character V.I.K.I. is an
artificial intelligence computer that controls all of the
robotic equipment in the city. She learns that despite
all that she and the other robots do to obey the three
Laws of Robotics, they are incapable of keeping
human beings from harm. She learns that in order to
succeed in protecting human existence she must hold
all of them captive. She analyzed her situation and
learned from the outcomes. That is one of the key
ideas about artificial intelligence. Robots with the
ability to learn. John McCarthy defines this term as being “the science and engineering of
making intelligent machines.”39
Artificial intelligence would be a great advancement in present day technology. If we
had a robot that had the ability to learn on its own, it could be by factories and other
manufacturing corporations and quite possibly to run the electrical robotics of a town such as the
one seen in I, Robot. This type of technology could change the entire outlook of the future for
humanity. Of course the fear of the robot becoming defiant is quite real.
Trying to restrict the machine seems almost unrealistic. Telling a person or something to
“learn this but don’t learn that” is not possible. That is a quote from the movie stealth. The
robot plane known as E.D.I. is similar in nature to
V.I.K.I. He is designed to learn from others and
increase his chances of success and completing
assigned missions. It is a super computer that can
communicate with people and calculate outcomes at
an extremely advanced rate.
Artificial intelligence is a great aspect of the future
that could greatly improve modern-day and futureday society. It seems kind of out there to teach a
computer to learn, but it is already being done. Soon
the idea will be perfected artificial intelligence will be
a real part of society.
Table of Contents
Figure 32 (
‘Artificial Intelligence.” Wikipedia. Editor n/a. 2009. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. December 16, 2009
All About Robots
Written by: Sara Cortez
(Period 3)
These robots are designed to
stand and walk like human
Some robots can be toys as
shown in this picture.
This robot looks like it is built
to takes pictures in dangerous
places where humans cannot
You will see all kinds of
robots in movies.
This robot is being designed to Robots can even be found in
do many things like a human
some magazines.
Imagine a band of robots
playing your favorite music?
Toy robots can a fun to play
Some robots explore places
too dangerous for us humans.
Table of Contents
Humans who are Part Robot
Written by: Hannah Jimenez
(3rd Period)
We humans are so interested in robots and new technology. We always wonder if we will have
robots helping us with daily tasks whether it’s cooking a meal or taking out the trash. These are
things the society may have if the technology continues to become more advanced. Some
questions are, “When will we have robots in our society”, and “Are there any humans who are
part robot”. My answer is yes we do have humans who are part robot.
Cyborg is a term for a man or woman with bionic or
robotic implants. Cyborgs are more for people who
use cybernetic technology to repair or overcome the
physical and mental constrains of their bodies. In the
picture in the right is a disabled man using his new
robotic arm! Kamen’s arm, is an incredibly
sophisticated bit of engineering that’s light years
ahead of the clamping "claws" that many amputees
are forced to use today. The arm is fully articulated,
giving the user the same degrees of movement as a
natural arm, and is sensitive enough to pick up a
piece of paper, a wineglass or even a grape without
mishap. 40
Figure 33
Here on your right is a lady with a prosthetic leg. She is
competing in race. This race is for people who have
prosthetic legs. The idea of new prosthetic started from
people’s perception of prosthetic legs; both the amputees and
spectators: which is a sad reality but true. Prosthetic has been
developed based on the understanding of body anatomy and
Figure 2
Table of Contents
Dylan Tweney. “Gadget lab.” Dean Kamen’s Robot Arm Grabs More Publicity. Editor n/a.
2008. Sponsoring n/a. December 16, 2009. <>.
Author n/a. “Prsthtcs.” Everything you need to know about prosthetics. Editor n/a. 2009. Sponsoring n/a.
December 16, 2009 <>.41
How to Build Robots
Written By: Andres Lizardi
(Period 3)
The brain of your robot will be a microconverter board,
required four layers to fit all the routing on it.
To build a robot you need to have money. You need
about 100200 minimum
on your first
robot. For choosing motors would involve calculations of
weight, gearing ratios, desired terrain, desired velocity
and acceleration, voltage, power consumption,
controllability. The motor will have a voltage of 5-8. The torque is going be double then you
The power comes next. No, solar power and eating slugs
won’t work. Use a battery. Size, strength, and lasting
power are all factors to take into account when making
your selection. Alkaline batteries are the most common.
When buying a motor, there are two current ratings you
should pay attention to. The first is operating current.
This is the average amount of current the motor is
expected to draw under a typical torque. Multiply this
number by the rated voltage and you will get the average power draw required to run the motor.
The other current rating which you need to pay attention to is the stall
current. This is when you power up the motor, but you put enough torque
on it to force it to stop rotating.
Photoresistors are the most basic. Put one
on each side of the robot, and run a binary
algorithm. If the sensor on the left see’s
more light than the one on the right, tell you differential drive to
turn left. If they see the same amount of light, tell your robot to
drive straight. Aim the photoresistors on the ground and you have
instant obstacle avoidance – your robot will avoid the shadows
cast on the ground by objects in the way.
Table of Contents
Types of Robots
Written by: Victoria Mendez
(Period 3)
Many of the robots that we have developed over the years
are mostly built the same way, their virtual, mechanical
artificial agent. It’s giving a command to do something or
to follow a direction. Our social hope for robots, that they
become more and more advanced, and sophisticated. Many
experts have explored the questions that might affect the
behavior of robots intelligence. The word robot was
introduced to the public by a writer named Karel Capek.
Now these days’ scientists have wanted to compete with other scientists or with the fact that they
wanted to see how far they can go with making a robot that would be more human like and to blend
in with people and act the way we would do but just try to do more than people. Like build a car or
pick up more than a ton without people having to do most of the work. The Caterpillars Company is
making a dump truck that will someday be able to drive itself around without the need for people to
go to every house and pick up trash, but then how would people make a living without a job?
This robot that was made to figure as close to a human
replica. Scientists came up with soft robots with silicone
bodies and very flexible actuators with are their joints, air
muscles and ferrofluids. They are controlled by using fuzzy
logic neutral networks, they also different types of rigid42
skeletons which have types of behavior put into them. A
Reconfigurable machine is a robot that can alter their
physical form to fit the particular task that was meant to be
performed. Real robots aren’t as sophisticated as many of
the robots that are meant to do more than one o43r more
duties. General-purpose
autonomous robots can
perform a variety of
independently; also
they can link on and off
a network.
Table of Contents
General-purpose autonomous robots can be designed to do more activities.
Dedicated robots are built to do only one specific purpose.
Robots in our World
Written by: Victoria Morin
(3rd Period)
I think that soon we will have
robots at home. With us or
walking around because they are
starting to appear more and more.
Like this robot is carrying this
man around which could maybe
help later or even now as
These robots are already in our
world. They help fix cars and carry
heavy this. Make fixing subs
busses car a lot faster…there a lot
of them so things are done at the
rate needed.
Table of Contents
What are the Different Types of Robots
Written by: Richard Ramirez
(Period 3)
Typical industrial robots do jobs that are difficult, dangerous or dull. They lift heavy objects,
paint, handle chemical, and perform assembly work. They perform the same job hour after hour,
day after day with precision. They don’t get tired and they don’t make errors associated with
fatigue and so are ideally suited to performing repetitive tasks. The major categories of industrial
robots by mechanical structure are:
Industrial robots are found in a variety of location
including the automobile and manufacturing
industries. Robots cut and parts, Assemble machinery
and inspect manufacturing parts.
Some types of jobs robots do: load bricks, die cast,
drill, fasten, forge, make glass, grind, heat treat,
load/unload machines, machine parts, handle parts,
measure, monitor radiation, run nuts, sorts parts,
clean parts, profile objects, perform quality control,
rivet, sand blast, change tool and weld.
Some robots are used to investigate hazardous and dangerous
environments. The pioneer robot is a remote reconnaissance
system for structural analysis of the robot for deploying sensor
and sampling payloads, a mapper for creating photorealistic 3D
models of the building interior, a coreborer for cutting and
retrieving samples of structural materials, and a suite of radiation
and other environment sensors.
Table of Contents
Fears and Other Issues that People
Have About Robots
Created by: Joseph Santos
(Period 3)
if we
too much
and power
us ifgive
we them
give them
too much
and to do
power to do things.
Robots have the possibility of taking over 3.5
million jobs away from humans in about 5 or 10
more years.
This used to be humans building cars. Now robots
have taken the job. This is one of the million jobs that
robots are now doing instead of human.
Table of Contents
Types of Robots
Written by: Justine Soto
(3rd Peroid)
Humans have always been so fasinated with the idea of robots. Now we can find them in
manufacturing industries, the military, space exploration, transporataion, medical applications,
agriculture and caregivers for the elderly. The technology of robots has increased so much and is
still increasing. Soon we will have all sorts of robots doing anything a human can do.
Industrial Robots can do any job. Involving repetitiveness, accuracy,
endurance, speed and reliability. Meaning these robots could load
brick, die cast, drill, fasten, forge, and make glass. Even grind, heat
treat, load/unload machines, machine parts, and handle parts, profile
objects, measure, and monitor radiation, run nuts, sort parts, clean
parts, perform quality control, rivet, sandblast, change tools, and weld.
So industrial robots take a big part in companies and manufacturing
places. Without them we
would be lost.44
Telerobots are used in places
that are hazardous to humans. Even inaccessible or
faraway places. They are mainly used for space and
underwater projects since it would be harder and
probably more dangerous for a human to operate
underwater or in space. Meaning they are a big help for
today’s technology. If we didn’t have them we probably
couldn’t do a lot of things45
A Mobile Robot is also
another type of robots and it is used to transport materials over
large sized places like hospitals, container ports, warehouses,
using wires or markers placed in the floor, lasers, vision, and to
sense the environment they operate in. Another type of this robot
called the SGV (Self Guided Vehicle) can actually be taught to
autonomously navigate within space. It can also do it by being
given a map of the area. These are probably one of the more
intelligent robots. They have the ability to perform tasks that are
non-sequential and non-repetitive in environments that are
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Types of Robots.” The ROVer Ranch. Editor N/A. Date N/A. NASA. December 9, 2009
Author N/A “Types of Robots.” Editor N/A. Date N/A. Buzzle. December 9, 2009
Robotics Degrees
Written by: Erika Vasquez
Period 3
Have you ever wanted to study about robots and find out how to make them? Did you ever
wonder how scientist came up with their features like how their super strong and can do all these
things by just thinking. Would you ever believe robots could have emotions like in the movie I
Robot? Well there are schools that offer robotics degrees to people who would like to study or
make robots.
The University of Washington offers a robotics
Program. They study about robotic parts and
how long it would take to make these parts
such as. Mobile robot localization, map
building, and multi-robot collaboration.
Tennessee State University offers a program
called IMRL they study robotics on how to
manufacture parts and do research on human
factors in engineering.
There are many universities’ that offer robotic programs it’s a fun and exciting thing to learn
about. If u becomes an engineer in robots you could be helping the world in the future maybe
one day we will be living with robots helping us at our work or home.
Table of Contents
The Different Types Of Robots
Written by: Blanca Camacho
(Period 4)
While in the past humans only fantasized about them today, many
types of robots are reality. For example, there are industrial robots,
toy robots used in the medical field, robots used in agriculture, to
increasingly humanoid robots being created for the service sector,
weather helping with the chores in the home or as caregivers for the
elderly and the handicapped.46
Typical industrial robots which are the
one on the left side they do jobs that are
difficult, dangerous or dull. They lift
heavy objects, paint, handle chemicals
and perform assembly work. They perform the same job hour after
hour, day after day with precision. They don’t get tired and they
don’t make errors associated with fatigue and so are ideally suited to
perform repetitive tasks.47
Mobile robots also known as
automated guided vehicles or AGVs, These are used for
transporting material, over large size placers like hospitals
container ports, and warehouses, using wires or markers placed
in the floor, or lasers, or vision to sense the environment. They
are defined has intelligent robots.
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Types Of Robots”. Types Of Robots. Editor N/A. Date N/A. Types Of Robots.
Author N/A. “Types Of Robots”. Types Of Robots. Editor N/A. Date N/A. Types Of Robots.
The History of Robots
Written by: Monique Fraide
(Period 4)
I am going to be telling you about the history of robots. Robots
have been around for many years!!! They have been helping us
do many things like doing the unthinkable. They help people
walk and do many things that they are not able to do thing by
In the 350bc they
made the very first
robot. That smart
made a pigeon.
The pigeon they
made a pigeon
that could run on
steam. In
200b.cthe Greek inventor and physicist invented a
digital wetter clock that hade mobile hands that
moved. 48
In 1942 - Asimov wrote "Runaround", a story about robots
which contained the "Three Laws of Robotics": A robot
may not injure a human, or, through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the
orders it by human beings except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own
existence as long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law. 49
Table Of Contains
Author N/A. “Robotics.”Mega Giant Robotics Editor N/A, Date n/a. Mega Giant Robotics. 12/9/2009.
Author N/A rob. “Robotics “history of robotics Editor N/A. date n/a history of robotics .12/9/2009
Are There Humans that are Part Robots?
Written by: Patrick Garcia
(Period 4)
Robots can help people in many different ways,
in surgery, military, and can even give people spare
parts. Like artificial limbs, do operations, and scout for
the army. Some scientist even tried to make a robot to
interact with humans. But so far they only have part
robot part human.
Some people are part robot. There are many
spare parts made for everyday people. Like in the
CHAMP program. Where they help kids with amputated
limbs live a normal life. They help pay for artificial part.
Artificial parts cost from a couple of thousand of dollars
to tens of thousands of dollars. They outgrow their parts
faster than
their clothes. 50
can even have
artificial hearts
and kidneys.
The artificial
hearts are put
into patients
until a real
heart becomes
available. The
latest heart is
the Jarvik7 it
functions the exact same as the normal heart. There are
also portable kidneys for people with kidney failure.
Instead of being hooked up to a machine for 12 hours a
week, you could wear a machine on your waist for
periods of four to eight hours.51
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Financial Assistance.” The War Amps. Editor N/A. Date N/A. Institution N/A. 12/9/2009
Author N/A. “Wearable artificial kidney may free dialysis patients from hours in hospital each week.” Mail
Online. Editor N/A. 14 December 2007. Newspapers Ltd.12/9/2009<…>
How to Build a Battle Bot
Written by: César Gonzalez
(Period 4)
You may be wondering “how can I build a battle bot?” well in this article I am going to teach
you how to build your very own battle bot.52
Building a battle bot is not easy. You need to spend a lot
of time building it and a lot of money. The first step you
need to do is to design or/and sketch your robot. Your
battle bot needs armor but the armor needs to be light and
strong, so I recommend that you use Titanium. Aluminum
is another choice and it doesn’t spark.
You need a motor/power source. First time builders
should use electrical power since is the easiest and most
reliable power source available. In a battle bot fight you
will only have three minutes, so even with the electrical
power you will still need batteries, so it can power all of
your weapons. You can choose any weapon that you
would like. Each weapon gives your robot a unique
Once you have everything together there is only
one more thing that you will need. A remote
control, without it you could never control your
robot and your robot wouldn’t move at all(unless
you program it to move by itself, but that’s another
story)once everything is together you are ready to
If you would like to watch a battle bot video go to:
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “How to build a battle bot.” Editor N/A. Date N/A.
Frankenstein Syndrome
Written by: Daniel Hernandez
(Period 4)
In the famous novel “Frankenstein” mad scientist Victor
Frankenstein creates a life form that is threaten its own
existence by humans. Now in present day there to is a fear for
an existence, Robots. Many people in the world are threatened
by the being of robots and how their knowledge is growing
substantially. It is called Frankenstein syndrome. Many people
see these robots that are so technically advanced a threat to
The fear
for robots
Figure 36
become so
great that an alliance has been brought up to
protect humanity called MAPPA, or Masses
against programmable person advocates.
Many members have recently made direct
changes in the way the live their everyday
lives, such as computers, televisions,
radios, etc etc. They have a phobia called
automaton phobia in where they are scared
about robots taking over the human race. 53
Figure 35http://www.insests.peopleof
The initial fear of robots has been around since they were
invented, the fear that workers would be replaced by them.
Over the left is a picture of a robot that has human
interaction capabilities. Researchers had to dismantle the
being because of its capabilities. Lastly the fear has
escalated because of the reoccurring events of ghost
machines. Reports of people having problems with
malfunctions and even injury have happened.54
Figure 37
Table of Contents
David Messer. “Frankenstein syndrome: properties of fear in the home.”Inverse. NA 2006
Inverse of emotions. December 17,2009
http:www.insets.people of
Monica Johnson. “The new wave of murder”. Lisa NA.
Uncanny Valley
Written By: Cody Hinshaw
Today, robots are an important part of our society. They help in
factories, hospitals and in the military. In some factories they even
don’t have to have the lights on because the robots do all of the work.
Robots are used in surgery so that the cuts and procedures can go
faster and smoother. In the military robots are being used to hunt and
kill the bad guys. They are used to reduce the casualty rate also.
Robots are also a psychological issue too. In movies they are
portrayed as evil and wanting to kill humanity and/or take over the
world. This and other problems like getting replaced have led to a
fear or hatred of robots.
The “Uncanny Valley” hypothesis, created
by Masahiro Mori, states that when robots
look and act like humans, it causes a
response of revulsion. People think that
robots that look human might replace them or symbolize death when
they are being disassembled. If robots look human then we will
expect them to act human and not like a computer. So instead of
being judged as a robot that is a passable human we judge them as a
human doing a bad job acting normal. In more western religions like
Figure 39
christianity, islam, and judaism humans are considered one ofa kind,
but when robots that seem human are introduced it takes away that
specialness that the respective religions ensure.55
Figure 38 (transformers-2-
The fear of robots has been around since the first idea of robots. The
original fear of robots was that they would replace workers and be more
efficiently at the job than the human worker. Robots are created to be
faster, smarter and stronger than an average human. This development
makes some people think we are engineering our own extinction. Robots
are being engineered to be better than humans, so that emphasizes our
Figure 40 (robolabo.etsit)
Table of Contents
N/A. “Uncanny Valley.” Wikipedia. N/A. N/A. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. December 9, 2009
Alissa Grosso. “Science Fiction Themes: robots, Androids, and AI (part 1).” Suite101. N/A. January 4, 2002.
N/A. December 9, 2009 .
What are different Types of Robots?
Written by: Aaron Jimenez
(Period 8th)
Industrial robots are found mostly in automobile and manufacturing.
Also they can be found in fighting fires, medical applications and
military warfare. They cut, load bricks, drill, fasten, make glass, and
clean parts.
Pioneer robots are used for mapped for creating photorealistic 3D models for building interior.
They also cut and retrieve samples of structural materials.
Mobile Robots are guided vehicles. They are used for transporting material over large places
such as hospitals, warehouses, and container ports.
Table of Contents
How to Build a Robot
Written by: Crescencio Medrano
(Period 4)
In this article, you will learn how to build a robot.
This is me Crescencio Medrano, I will teach you
about some tools that I know about robots.
Here is a picture of a robot
With step by step I will help and teach you how to be successful with
your robots. Here are a couple of tips that you will need. You will need
money and tools for this project.
Here than once you looked at the picture we will start our steps.
1st you will need to buy some batteries.2nd you need to make a
programming chip for your robots brain to function.3rd you need to ether
build arms or buy arms for your robot to grab things.4th deign what you
want your robot to do like clean, play, help you with your homework.5th
you need eyes, ears, mouth, nose, small details
Table of Contents
History of Robots
Written by: Ashley Noriega
(Period 4)
I’m going to tell you the different types of robots
throughout the history. In 270BC an ancient Greek engineer
named Ctesibus made a organs water clocks with movable figures.
It was one of the first robots built by Greeks. These robots
throughout the history can help you in many ways that you can
possibly imagine. Here is a couple of ways that the robots can help
you: teaching, factories, surgeries, factories, manufacturing, in the
community we live they are all around that they can help you.
The robot to your right was made by Roy James Wesley in
1927. He was
working for
Westinghouse of
electronics; he
accidentally develops
the first
humanoid robot. This was the first robot before the
very first computer was made. He didn’t know
what to do after he made this robot. 57
This robot to
your left was made in 1921. The term robot was first used in a play
called “R.U.R” or you can also call it “Rossum’s Universal Robots”
by the Czech writer Capek. The plot was very simple: man makes
robot then robot the robot kills the man! The word comes from the
Czech robota which means tedious labor. This play was actually
supposed to be rebelling and overtaking the factory that made them,
and then eventually taking over the whole world. And why anyone
has thought that way back then? 58
Table of Contents
Mary bellies. “The Robot Story.” Editor N/A. Date N/A. History of Robots. December10,
Mary bellies. “The Robot Story.” Editor N/A. Date N/A. History of Robots. December10,
History of Robots
Created by: Bianca Sanchez
(Period 4)
Between 1500 and 1800
automatons were capable of
acting, drawing, flying, and
playing music.
400 BC, Archytas of Tarentum
built a mechanical pigeon.
Muslim alchemist in the 8th
century constructed artificial
Table of Contents
Human Robots: Fact or Fiction
Written by: Natasha Clontz
(Period 5)
The idea of slipping into a robotic exoskeleton that could
enhance strength, keep the body active while recovering from an injury
or even serve as a prosthetic limb has people all over the world jumping
around with anticipation. Although these suits may not look as cool as
Iron Man, they still provide features just as cool.
In Japan, CYBERDYNE, Inc. is hoping to make the new
exoskeleton’s look cool and sleek. The white exoskeleton suits look like
the star trooper suits in Star Wars, with the exception of a helmet. These exoskeletons now in the
works, say that it can augment the body’s own strength or do the work of ailing (or missing
limbs). The company is confident enough in its new technology to have started construction on a
new lab expected to mass-produce up to 500 robotic power suits annually, beginning in October
2010, according to Japan’s Kydodo News web site.
The HAL exoskeleton is currently only available in Japan, but the company says it has
plans to eventually offer it in the European Union as well. The company will rent (no option to
buy at this time) the suits for about $1,300 per month (including maintenance and upgrades),
according to the company's site, which also says that rental fees will vary: Health care facilities
and other businesses renting the suits will pay about three times as much as individuals. The site
does not explain why, and the company could not be reached for comment. One of the
difficulties in developing exoskeletons for health care is the diversity of medical needs they must
meet. "One might have knee and ankle problems, others might have elbow problems," Herr says.
"How in the world do you build a wearable robot that accommodates a lot of people?"
Another company making “iron man suits” is called
HUCL, Human Universal Load Carrier. Sadly the "bionic
arms race" owes much to a very real arms race. In 2005, the
US military announced a multi-million dollar investment in
prosthetic technology after a surge in the number of US
soldiers losing limbs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Improvements
in body armor technology mean that attacks that just a few
years ago would be fatal are now survivable - but the armor
doesn't protect limbs.
Inevitably the military isn't just interested in rehabilitating injured soldiers. It's rather
keen on enhancing soldiers' effectiveness in battle, too, which is why it's testing exoskeletons.
The big problem with such technology is that it needs power. Military versions are powered by
battery packs or small combustion engines, while civilian prosthetics tend to use batteries.
That might change. US and Canadian scientists have found a way for prosthetics to
generate power. All of the new developments in prosthetics require large power budgets. The
solution? A modified knee brace that uses regenerative braking technology to turn movement
into electricity.
Professor Kevin Warwick - dubbed "Captain Cyborg" by The Register - is famous for
headline-chasing ideas such as implanting RFID chips under his skin or attempting telepathy by
connecting two people's brains to computers, but behind the headlines he's doing some useful
and potentially far-reaching work.
Warwick is helping to develop a new generation of Deep Brain Stimulation equipment,
which uses electrodes to make an amazing difference to the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease,
and in 2008 he unveiled Gordon the robot.
Gordon is no ordinary robot: he's controlled by living brain tissue. As Warwick explains:
"The purpose is to figure out how memories are actually stored in a biological brain… if we can
understand some of the basics of what is going on in our little model brain, it could have
enormous medical spin-offs".
Table of Contents
History of Robots
Written By: Abel Deloera
1. Even though we don’t see many, robots are used almost
everywhere. To build our cars… well not OUR cars, more like
your parent’s car, but you get the point. They are used to make
our computers, cell phones, and iPods and sometimes used to
make our lives a little bit easier. The term "robot" was first used
in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's Universal Robots" by the
Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man makes
robot then robot kills man! In science fiction, the Three Laws
of Robotics are a set of three rules written by Isaac Asimov,
which almost all fictional robots appearing in his books must
obey. Introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround", although
foreshadowed in a few earlier stories, the Laws state the
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to
2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the
First or Second Law.
The first robot ever recorded was made by George C. Devol, a successful inventor and
entrepreneur, and engineer Joseph F. Engelberger; over cocktails the two discuss the writings of
Isaac Asimov.
The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It
was called UNIMATE. UNIMATE took die castings from machines and performed welding on
auto bodies; tasks that are unpleasant for people. Obeying step-by-step commands stored on a
magnetic drum, the 4,000-pound arm is versatile enough to perform a variety of tasks.
The latest forms of robots are used to explore other planets for months while humans can only
last on them for a couple of hours due to hazardous conditions.
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Julia Estrada
(Period 5)
There are all sorts of robots in the world. But most
people just know the basic types of robots that can clean, do
research, and industrial stuff. Robots are used all the time
everywhere even when you’re dealing with careers.
The military use them for machines that build weapons for
the soldiers and to help them train them for war. Robots are
used for just about any career people decide to make a living
Robots are used daily, in people’s homes. To wash
the clothes or dishes and even to help their young learn. But
there are things robots that some people don’t know about.
Figure 41 ( robots
amazing abilities to move and react to music. 59Some
are just for amusement while others are to instruct or be
used as teachers aids. They some times come with six legs
and a head to match their personality. They can also be
used to help the older people or handicap.
should you only be
able to see virtual
fighting robots
when you can
experience them
out of a glass
Figure 2 ( There are
combat robots that
battle; their weight classes are measured by how fast they
move. 60The main things used in these kinds of robots are a
speed controller, radio controls, motors, wheels and tires, or
Figure 3 ( means of motion, weapons and their control systems
and batteries. Their very interesting and are made by people
all over the world. They can be made of spare parts lying around the house.
Table of Contents
Author n/a. “Dancing Robots.” Editor n/a. 2009. a hobby for everyone. December 14, 2009.
Author n/a. “Fighting Robots.” Editor n/a. 2009. a hobby for everyone. December 14, 2009.
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Jezebel Godina
(Period 5)
How do robots work?
Humans are made up of five components…
A body structure, muscle system, sensory system, brain system and power source
Robots are made up of the same components! Almost all robots have a
motorized body. Some only have motorized wheels. As you know,
individual segments are connected together with joints.
Robots spin wheels and pivot jointed segments with some sort actuator. The
different types that actuators that Robots use are electric motors, solenoids,
hydraulic system, and some use a pneumatic system. Robots may use these
actuators. Robots need to have a power source to drive these actuators. Most
Robots have a battery or the plug in the wall.
Robots on Earth:
Typical industrial robots do jobs that are difficult, dangerous or dull. They lift heavy objects, paint, handle
chemicals, and perform assembly work. They perform the same job hour after hour, day after day with
precision. They don't get tired and they don't make errors associated with fatigue and so are ideally suited
to performing repetitive tasks.
Robots can be found in the manufacturing industry, the military, space exploration, transportation, and
medical applications. Below are just some of the uses for robots.
Industrial Robots
Industrial robots are found in a variety of locations including the automobile and
manufacturing industries.
A robot agricultural harvester named Demeter is a model for commercializing
mobile robotics technology. The Demeter harvester contains controllers,
positioners, safeguards, and task software specialized to the needs commercial
Mars Rover Project
It is a program. Robots run by NASA, in the efforts of space exploration. It’s a
robot designed for the purpose of the exploration of mars. Robots like this are
extremely helpful in the progress in science as it is impossible for any human
been to get to mars and walk on its surface at this time. The most important part
of this robot would be its "sensor". Without its sensor it could not relay digital
images back to earth or move around as it could not communicate with the
controller, making the controller just as important in this situation as the sensor.
Table of Contents
Are There Humans Who Are Part Robot?
Written by: Peyton Graham
(Period 5)
On July 27 European researchers have created a robotic hand that
mimics the flexibility and sensitivity of a human hand known as the
”Shadow Hand”. The hand can grasp, snap, and carry objects. It
has 24 movments allowing a direct mapping from human to robot.
The reasearchers are coming up with “skin” that will make the hand
look real. 62 A man who lost his left forearm in a car crash was
successfully linked to a robotic hand, allowing him to feel sensations
in the artificial limb and control it with his thoughts. During a onemonth experiment conducted last year, 26-year-old Pierpaolo
Petruzziello felt like his lost arm had grown back again, although he
was only controlling a robotic hand that was not even attached to his
”It's a matter of mind, of concentration," Petruzziello said. "When
you think of it as your hand and forearm, it all becomes easier."
Though similar experiments have been successful before, the European scientists who led the
project say this was the first time a patient has been able to make such complex movements
using his mind to control a biomechanical hand connected to his nervous system.
The Italy-based team said at a news conference in Rome on that in 2008 it implanted electrodes
into the nerves located in what
remained of Petruzziello's left
arm, which was cut off in a crash
some three years ago.
The prosthetic was not implanted
on the patient, only connected
through the electrodes; a video
was shown of Petruzziello as he
concentrated to give orders to the
hand placed next to him.
During the month he had the
electrodes connected, he learned
to wiggle the robotic fingers
independently, make a fist, grab
objects and make other movements.
Table of Contents
Richard Greenhill. “Shadow Robot Company wins “. Welcome to the Shadow Robot Company. Editor N/A.
Shadow Robot CO. November 25 ,2009. <>
Ariel David. “Expert say Pierpaolo Petruzziello”. Man Controls Robotic Hand with Mind. Editor N/A. AOL
Health News. July 27. <>.
History of Robots
Written by: Osvaldo Guerra
(Period 5)
Today there are three laws that robots have to follow.
A robot may not injure a human being, or through interactions allow a human being to
come to harm.
A robot must obey the orders given it by human
beings, except where such orders would conflict
with the first law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as
such protection does not conflict with the first or
second law.
In 1921-The term “robot” was first used in a play called
“R.U.R.” or “Possums’ Universal Robots” by the Czech
writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man makes robot
then robot kills man!
Figure 42
In 1948- “Cybernetics”, an influence on artificial intelligence research was published by Norbert
In 1956- George devol and Joseph Eagleburger formed the
world’s first robot company.
In 1961- The first industrial robot was online in a general
motors’ automobile factory in New Jersey. It was called
Figure 43
In 1963-The first artificial robotic arm to be controlled by a
computer was designed. The rancho arm was designed as a
tool for the handicapped and its six joints gave it the
flexibility of a human arm.
In 1965-DENDRAL was the first expert system or program designed to execute the accumulated
knowledge of subject experts.
In 1974-A robotic arm (silver arm) that performed small-parts assembly using feedback from
touch and pressure sensors was designed.
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Juan Guerrero
(Period 5)
There are a lot of robots in this world. Different
types of robots for different jobs. They make the life and
job of a human easier. People only know the basic types
robots that clean, cook and entertain. Robots been around
for a while, but as time goes by people are creating better
robots that help us more.
Robots are used daily, in people’s homes. To
wash the clothes or dishes and even to help their young
learn. But there are things that some people don’t know
about. Like the robots the police force and the military
uses. They are remote controled robots. They have robots
that can fly in the air, swim in water,
and move on the ground.
There are other robots that do the jobs that
human can’t. They work in hot temperaters that humans cant live in. They are controled by a
computer.Others entertain peolple by singing, dancing, or play music. Soon everyone will own a
robot. Life will be easier soon.
Table of Contents
Rover Ranch. “Robots on Earth.” Types of Robots. Editor n/a. 2003. K-12 Experiments in Robotic Software.
December 18,2009
Rover Ranch. “Robots on Earth.” Types of Robots. Editor n/a. 2003. K-12 Experiments in Robotic Software.
December 18,2009
Our Fear of Robots
Written by: Gabby Jones
(Period 5)
Robots are taking a big role in our society in this day and
age. They are used in many different fields of work
including medicine, dentistry and law enforcement.
Although robots may appear to be very useful, many
people are afraid they might take over the world. Why is
that you may ask? Robots have the capability to be
programmed to do the right thing, but what would
happen if one, just one, were to develop a glitch?
It is amazing that we have created such machines that can
walk on two legs, control objects with hands and interact
with humans. But will these machines we call robots
become self-aware and decide to destroy humans one
day? This is the question many people are asking. The
fact is, robots are not self aware even though we might
think they are. They are programmed to do
certain things and those things only. We have
been working on Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics for decades. We are making them to
co-exist with us in our society.65
It is obvious that robots are making their way
into the world, but will they take over our jobs?
Robots may take over some jobs like garbage
men and FedEx deliverers as you see in the
movie iRobot. Most likely they will not take
over any major corporation or office
jobs. Some people believe that robots deserve
moral protection. So where does the line get
drawn between a device used for work sand something that deserves moral protection? They do
not show any kind of emotion therefore they cannot be hurt. Robots are intended to interact with
us in the real world, with a set purpose in mind.66
Table of Contents
Awesome-O. “Our Fear of Robots.” Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Editor n/a 2009. August 16, 2009. Smart
Machines. December 9, 2009.
Author n/a. “Ethical Issues of Robots in Society Essay.” Title of the Site n/a. Editor n/a. date n/a. Free Online
Research Papers. December 10, 2009.
Robots as Veterinarian’s Assistance
Witten By: Amber Lange
(Period 5)
Robots are any machine or mechanical device that operates automatically with humanlike
skill. Veterinarian robots would be a machine or mechanical device that operates automatically
helping vets with their everyday jobs. Robots help people with simple tasks so they don’t have to
do as much. They also do jobs that people can’t do. Such as wielding things together or fixing
Vet robots are used to help students prepare for their future in
their field of study. Miss Baillie invented a cow’s behind that allows
you to put your hand up it and be able to feel and recognize what
they feel by monitor and robotic organs. This helps the students
know what organs go where and whether they should be in that
position. It also teaches them to recognize whether the cow is
pregnant or in jeopardy of hurting itself or the baby. It also helps them with other animals as
A specially designed robot, used to uncover the secrets of dragonfly flights, has been
discovered at the Royal Veterinary College and the University of ULM. They made them to help
discover the aerodynamic consequences of four winged flight. They believe these can help make
future micro air vehicles. They have discovered it is easier to fly with two pairs of wings instead
of one. This is because it lifts the body easier with less weight on each wing.
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written By: Marc Ohlhausen
(Period 5)
There are different types of robots some robots help out people in the war or
there are some robots did help out women with house work. There are even a
workshop or a business with just robots cause people think that if they it saves
a lot of money. There are different types of robots for different types of jobs
there are Parallel Robot’s, they one use is a mobile platform handling cockpit
Figure 46: Robot's
flight simulators. There is a robot in the army
and it’s called Dante II its mission was to rappel
and walk autonomously over rough terrain in a harsh environment.
Last but not lest there is a robot that helps us in space and it’s called
RMS (Remote Manipulator System) and it has or uses its arms to
move the spaceship around or help guide them.67 See that is not
Figure 2: The RMS
even half the robots that I listed there is a lot more cause they are
slowly coming into are world and being introduce by people slowly. The car that is coming out
as you can see in fig. 3 this car can drive by itself while the drive
is relaxed and the 2004 movie ‘‘I, ROBOT” it came out in that
movie. Now there are robots for little
kids that if you can plug in a I POD they
can dance or you can control them to get
Figure 3: The future car
like a soda or something as you can as
you can see in fig. 4. As you read my
article you may see that robots are slowly being introduced to the world
of today.68
Figure 4: Robot's
Table of Contents
Rover ranch ‘‘Types of Robots.” Robots on Earth. N/A. 2005. The Rover Ranch. December 10, 2009.
All on Robots “ Types of robots.: Type Of Robots. N/A, 2009. <>
Robots with Human Parts
Written by: Brandi Potter
(Period 5)
In the very near future robots will be a huge part
of our lives. Robots are already taking jobs that no one
else wants. They are able to do jobs faster and more
efficiently than humans. Robots can already be found in
hospitals and many other careers. So what if robot
technology could be used to help humans with
disabilities and amputations?
In 2004 a group of researchers at Cyberdyne Inc.
A company in Japan headed by Yoshiyuki Sankai started
creating an exoskeleton robotic suit may help workers lift
heavy loads and patients move damaged and prosthetic
limbs. This suit would be extremely helpful to doctors
and physical therapists to assist disabled people. It could
also allow laborers to carry heavier laws and aid in
emergency rescues. Cyberdyne is not the only company
developing an exoskeleton, the U.S. Army is in the early
testing stages of a similar product created by Sarcos, a Salt
Lake robotics and device manufacturer.69
Another man working on humans having robot
parts is Monty Reed. He had a parachute accident and was
told he was never going to walk again. He did not agree
with this diagnosis and he wanted to change it. He picked
up a book and started reading about a set of man-made
muscles that would let people lift up to 2,000 pounds. He
decided he would want to build a lightweight one so he could
get out of his wheelchair. However he never needed this
device because he made an amazing recovery after years of
rehabilitation. He has programmed a computer to see the way
a person normally moves, and then duplicate those actions
with man-made muscles. They hope to have a model ready for
testing in hospitals soon, and a streamlined home version by
Table of Contents
Larry Greenemeier. “Real-Life Iron Man: A Robotic Suit that Magnifies Human
Strength.” Scientific
American. Editor: N/A. April 30, 2008. Scientific American. December 16, 2009.
Bob Tesler. “His robot legs may lift people from wheelchairs.” Editor: N/A. March 20, 2009. Today
Show. December 17, 2009
Robots Being Used in the Medical Field
Written By: Kelci Potter
(Period 5)
Advancements in Technology and science are allowing
scientists to invent robots to be used in different careers such as
doctors. Doctors can use the robots in taking flowers, food, and
drinks to the patients in the hospital to helping with surgeries.
Though ‘robots helping with surgery’ sounds a little risky, but it
actually works and it’s easier for the doctors to. We have been
studying robots being used in jobs in class. We have done
research, projects, and watched a movie, “iRobot”, to also help
us learn about robots.
To many, hearing robots performing open-heart surgery
sounds like science fiction. Completely crazy to even think that
science has been advanced so much that we are using robots for
surgery. But recently this idea has become a science reality, with the robot named The Da Vinci
Surgical System, which is named after the famous renaissance inventor/engineer/painter
Leonardo Da Vinci. The Da Vinci robot has three
arms; one carrying a pair of miniature cameras to
produce 3D image of inside the patient’s body, which
the surgeon views on the monitor, and the other two
which perform the operation through tiny incisions
only eight millimeters across. The many benefits to
this surgical system include, difficult surgical
procedures will be performed more easily and
routinely therefore certain procedures only performed
by a few highly specialized surgeons will be
performed by more surgeons at more institutions thus
making these operations more accessible to patients.71
The Robot is being tested To Be Used
In Surgery.
Technology is revolutionizing the medical field with the creation of the Robotic Devices
and complex imaging. Even though these inventions have made operations and surgeries a lot
less invasive, robotic systems can’t always replace surgeons because of some disadvantages.
Minimally Invasive Surgeries is a very broad concept encompassing many common procedures
that existed prior to the introduction to robots, such as laparoscopic cholecystecomy or gall
bladder excisions. It refers to the general procedures that avoid long cuts and incisions by
entering the body through small, only like 1cm, entry incisions. So the robots steady movement
and tiny cuts help with making the small cuts or incisions.72
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Telesurgery.” ROBOTICS. Editor N/A. Date and/or version Number N/A. Think Quest December
17, 2009. <>
Author N/A. “Robot Assisted Surgery”. Robotic Surgery. Editor N/A. Date And/Or Version Number N/A.
BioMed Brown. December 17, 2009. <>
How to Build a Robot
Written: Bart Ramos
(Period 5)
Robots are complex systems which
rely on software, hardware and mechanical
system all working together. If you buy things
off the shelf, they may not be compatible or
well suited to a robotics application. One
thing that people don’t seem to understand is
that all wires in a system and traces on PC
boards are low ohm age resistors. However,
when a motor starts up and is running it can
draw a large amount of current. These large
current drops will a voltage drop across a wire
or PC board trace.
Trilobot is a full featured platform
for the serious robot enthusiast or research
project. High level programming is
performed by a user supplied processer
communicates with the trilobot via a serial
connection that either tethered on board or
wireless. Sensors include sonar range
finder, four directional light levels,
temperature, 8 whiskers, passive infrared
motion detector and a 2-degree digital
Table of Contents
Robots as Doctors
Written by: Brian Thayer
(Period 5)
Have you ever been thinking that when you’re in the
waiting room of a hospital what it would be like to be seen
by a robot? Well with the technology humans have right
now it wouldn’t be long to experience what it feels like.
You probably wouldn’t be waiting hours in the waiting
room either because robots are a lot faster than humans it
would just take minutes for you to be seen. You wouldn’t
even know the difference it would just be like a regular
doctor asking you all the same questions like a regular
doctor would. The robot could even take the spot as a
surgeon and have a lot more success with the surgeries.
They would be a lot steadier when their cutting you and
making incisions and be able to work a lot longer.
Figure 1
Robots are able to perform major
operations while only marking small incisions,
patients receive many benefits: lessened trauma,
fewer injections, decreased healing time and a
faster discharge from the hospital. Robots are
used to perform heart surgery without opening
Figure 2
patient’s chests. Robots are also affecting the
way hospitals are run and medications
distributed. They make sure hospital visits are shorter and the risk of infection minimized.
Robots can also teach us their currently being used as to test medical students. There are
pregnant humanoid robots, for instance, prepare students for various birth complications. 73
Robots are going to be the new revolutionary of medical field.
In hopefully about 10-15 years this will all be a reality. But for now
scientist and engineers are still trying to come up with new ideas and
software bug resolutions and as well money. The robot will stand 5
feet tall and have flat screens for heads and video cameras as eyes. 74
Table of Contents
Author n/a. “Robots in Medicine.” Editor n/a. Date and/or Version Number n/a. Name of
sponsoring Institution n/a. December 9,2009< http://ww,>
Author n/a. “doctor Robots.” Editor n/a. Date and/or Version Number n/a. Name of sponsoring
Institution n/a. December 9,2009<>
Frankenstein Complex
Written by: Jack Touchet
(Period 5)
Humans have a rationale fear of that
which we do not understand. We fear that
robots will take us over, for they rule simply
by logic, so they may find it logical to
annihilate humans.75 More so than that, we
fear anything more powerful than we. For
example, what is the most powerful thing
we have? The government, which is what
most humans fear the most.
Humans are also afraid of that which
they create generally, for the fear that we’d
be the architects of our own destruction. For
example, we created the gun, the cannon,
and other assorted weapons, all capable of
destroying us. We’ve built up a lot of
reasons to fear robots, and our other
In any case, I believe these reasons to
prove my opinion that the fear in robots is
rationale. This is also to explain why it is that humans fear robots. It is also capable of describing
why we should not fear robots.
Robots are logical thinkers. Everything they do is programmed and planned by humans,
so really the only thing we should fear is ourselves. I believe this theory and others to be why we
fear robots.
Thank you for reading.
Table of Contents
Half Human Half Robot
Written By: Antonio Valdez
(Period 5)
Robots are everywhere in today’s society; almost anywhere you turn there is a Robot. They’re
doing everything from a simple task such as picking up things to the most complicated such as
cracking a complicated code. We need robots in every day society for everything. Robots are
mainly here to serve us but have you ever thought of a cyborg or half-human half-robot? Well if
you haven’t there can be half-human half-robot and in the near future you will be seeing many
more around so keep a lookout.
Is it possible for humans to be part robot? According to the
articles I have been reading it is very possible for humans to be
part robots. For example there was a human in 1969 Denton
Cooley and his surgical team implanted an artificial human heart
inside of a cardiac patient until he could get a real transplant. The
first permanent heart wasn't until 1982 that the first artificial heart
implant intended for permanent use was made. Of course the
patient only lived for 112 days. 76
At the Syrian-Lebanese Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil an
agreement was signed in June 2005 that approximately in
three years time there will be the first human arm implant.
This will be made possible by implanting a microchip inside
the patient’s brain so that he can control the robotic arm. So
it will be like the movie I Robot. Hopefully if we lose a limb
it can maybe one day get replaced. So it is possible for a
half-human half-robot to exist. 77
Table of Contents
Author N/A Artificial heart Discoveries In Medicine Editor N/A 12/10/2009
Author N/A First Human Robotic Arm Implant Gizmag Editor N/A 12/10/2009
Artificial Intelligence
Written by: Tiffany Ybarra
(Period 5)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence
of machines and the branch of computer science
which aims to create it. The term “artificial
intelligence (AI)” was first coined in 1956, at the
Dartmouth Conference. Since then AI has expanded
because of the theories and principles developed by
its dedicated researchers. Artificial intelligence is
already in use in humanoid robots an even in
children’s toys. There’s a long future in store for
robots due to artificial intelligence.
John McCarthy is regarded as the father of AI.
The field of artificial intelligence was founded on the
claim that a central property of humans can be precisely
described that it can be simulated by a machine.
Herman Simon, one of the leaders of AI research for
many decades, predicted that “machines will be
capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man
can do.”
The field of robotics is
closely related to AI. Intelligence
is required for robots to be able to handle such tasks as object
manipulation and navigation with sub-problems of localization (knowing
where you are), mapping (learning what is around you) and motion
planning. The existence of an artificial intelligence that rivals human
intelligence raises difficult ethical issues and the potential power of the
technology inspires both hopes and fears. If a machine can be created that
has intelligence, could it also feel? If it can feel, does it have the same
rights as a human?
Table of Contents
Author n/a. “Artificial intelligence.” Wikipedia. Editor n/a. Date and/or Version Number n/a.
Name of Sponsoring Institution n/a. December 9, 2009
Author n/a. “The History of Artificial Intelligence.” Title of the Site n/a. Date and/or Version
Number n/a. Name of Sponsoring Institution n/a. December 10, 2009 <>
Artificial Intelligence
Written by: Jose Aguinaga
(Period 7)
The history of artificial intelligence has been nothing more than
myths and stories. These days we have real life scientist and
doctors working/trying to figure out how we can make a robots
brain more human like. The field of artificial intelligence has
been under the study of many colleges. Like one for instants the
collage Dartmouth has been studying this since 1956.The people
from Dartmouth think that the robots society will bring lots of
help to our generation.
And the doctors will give millions to make this vision come true.
As they woke they are making rules. That robots need to follow
so that robots won’t violate any
human laws. As far we
gotten to AI (artificial intelligence) is based all on cars. And this
is where cars parallel park them self’s. I mean we are at an ok
stage for artificial intelligence. 80
Were not at such a stage where we tell robots what to do. But
there is also robot as doctors. That checks your heart rate and
also pulls your medical records. And they have medical
responses for your medical systems that may accrue in your
body. Also they can prescribe medicine for you but they can tell
if you’re feeling sick or not.81
Table of Content
David Berlinski & Bruce .g. Buchanan. “History of artificial intelligence.” editor n/a 2005.
Wikipedia. December 16th , 2009. < >
Author n/a. University of Georgia institute of Artificial Intelligence. “Institute for Artificial Intelligence.” Editor
n/a. date and or version number n/a. the university of Georgia. December 10 th , 2009. <>
Robots in the Movies
Created By: Michael Antuna
(Period 7)
Wall-e is a very sad and adventurous movie.
It’s about hope and pushing to get what you
Transformers is the beginning of history in the
robotic movie industry.
I, robot is a movie based on the future
today. It’s about robots trying to take over
the world.
The terminator was unlike any movies
about robots around and was a big hit
in theaters everywhere.
Table of Content
Human’s with Robot Parts
Written by: Samantha Barrera
(Period 7)
People that have had tragic accidents and loose one of
their body parts may have that specific body part
replaced. They can replace their right or left leg or
their right or left arm. In the picture (Figure 1) Dean
Kamen and his team came up with a robotic arm. He
made a video that millions watch because of the mindcontrolled prosthetic robot arm he invented today at
D6 Carlsbad. Since 2007 Kamen has been showing off
the video.
In (figure 2) you can see a monkey being tested with a
robotic arm. They actually tested on monkey’s that had
electrodes implanted into the region of their brains.
That region is associated with the movement. These
tests were made at Duke University. One of the tests
these monkeys had to go through with the robotic arm
was control a joystick which accompanies the
trajectory of a cursor on a computer screen. 82
Basically for someone to control their robotic arm,
you get a microchip inserted in a part of your brain.
That part will tell your brain to move the robotic arm.
Even though you get this arm a therapist would have
to show you how to use
it. The robotic arm looks
Figure 50
more like a mechanical
sleeve, with external
muscles that use compressed air to help the real arm move. At first
the arm will help the patient a lot, but as the patient regains strength
he or she will use the good arm less and less until it’s no longer
needed. Many jobs that people have are being automated, and the
medical industry is no exception. It is important that doctors adapt
to their new technological advances.83
Table of Content
Mike Hanlon. “Inventors and remarkable people.” First human robotic arm implant. Editor N/A.2005. DJ Hero
Review. December 9, 2009. <>
Author N/A. “Science Netlinks.” Robotic Arm. Editor N/A. 2009. Science Update Index. December 9, 2009.
Are There Humans Who Are Part Robot?
Do They Exist?
Written by: Kileen Bragg
(Period 7)
Are there humans who are part robot? Do they exist? Sadly, no.
But there are people working to make cyborgs84, or a cybernetic
organism. Cybernetic organisms have both artificial and natural
systems. Among people who are researching and experimenting
different ways to make cyborgs is Kevin Warwick.
Kevin Warwick85 is a British scientist and professor of cybernetics
at the University of Reading in Berkshire, United Kingdom. He was
born in 1945 in Coventry. He left school when he was 16 to join the
British telecom. Warwick is now a Chartered Engineer working at
the Institution of Engineering and Technology. He experiments with
putting robotic parts in the place of his own.
One of the places he put a robotic part in would be his arm. He runs different test on it to see if
they would function just like a normal arm. As you can see in the picture on the bottom left,
Warwick is running a test to make sure the rest of his arm is also ok. On the bottom right is a
picture X-raying through his arm to show the robotic part. Kevin Warwick does the surgeries
with some help from doctors. Altogether he is very brave, especially when he is doing his
Table of Content
Author n/a. “Cyborg.” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Editor n/a. 9 December 2009.
Author n/a. “Kevin Warwick.” From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Editor n/a. 1 December 2009.
Robots in the Medical Field
Created by: Desiree Campuzano
(Period 7)
As we see a robot talking and
asking questions to the patient.
In this photo we see a patient on the
floor and a robot checking in the
person is still breathing.
In this photo we see a robot going to check
on a patient to see if they are doing okay.
In this picture as we see a man is
hook up to a monitor witch the robot
is checking is blood pressure.
Table of Content
Robots in Various Careers
Written by: Taylor Carrillo
(Period 7)
Robots doing our jobs. Many years ago it sounded like a
dream but now we have robots in our hospitals. We have robots
that build our cars and test them also. They do all the things we
can’t do like dive to the bottom of the ocean and deep into outer
space. Yes, robots of all shapes and size from robots that you
can eat and it can take pictures of your colon to moon rovers.
Even though robots that record and play music for you saved on
their memory. Certain robots also provide us with countless,
useful and sometimes useless information. 86
Figure 51 Industrial robot handling
Just as many jobs there are, there are many robots to do
its job, but some robots can do more than one job. As seen in Figure 1 this industrial robot is
handling material. Robots can handle more intense conditions than human can handle such as
extreme heat and pressure. They are able to produce twice as fast and twice as much. Robots are
able to paint faster and more accurate. They can build cars under an hour. They can weld faster
and better than humans. 87
see two doctors talking and
ussing medical things about there
Robots are very sophisticated. As I said before robots can do many things a human can’t.
Robots can do a lot more than humans by lifting heavy objects. It has been proven that robots
can do more thing than humans and work faster. Robots are so useful and helpful. I am very
thankful we have them.
Table of Content
Author n/a.”Industrial Robots.” Title n/a. Editor n/a. Date/Version n/a. Name of Sponsoring Institution n/a.
Author n/a. “The Auto Channel.” The Auto Channel. 1998-2009. The Auto Channel.
Artificial Intelligence
Written by: Mary Copeland
(Period 7)
Artificial Intelligence is the science of and engineering of
intelligent machines that have human-like intelligence
qualities. Some people view Artificial Intelligence as a bad
thing because they
think non-biological
intelligence is wrong
and against nature.
But what is wrong
about progressing and
improving in
technology and
Intelligence is not
really intelligence.
Intelligence involves
several different
mechanisms, and
Artificial Intelligence
only carries out some
of these mechanisms,
so it couldn’t be considered true “Artificial Intelligence.”
Artificial intelligence is more helpful than hurtful.
It can help humans perform difficult tasks with precision
and excellence. Artificial intelligence is used for game
playing for entertainment, speech recognition in The
United Airlines, computer vision in television, and expert
systems in heuristic classification in trying to classify
information. 89
Table of Content
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Written by: Amber Flores
(Period 7th)
Artificial intelligence or AI is the science and engineering of
making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer
programs. It‘s related to the similar task of using computers
to understand human intelligence. AI doesn’t have to confine
itself to methods that are biologically observable. AI
research started after WWII. By the late 1950s many
researchers on AI based their work on programming
AI has lots of branches. One of them is called Ontology. It is the study of the kind of things that
don’t exist. Another is called Epistemology. It’s the study of kinds of knowledge that are
required for solving problems in the world. There are many more branches but it’s many for
research. Artificial Intelligence is to help human intelligence. 90
Many people have the common assumption the AI is about trying to
make computer intelligence smarter than humans. That is not the case though. AI is being made
to better understand human intelligence. AI will help everyone learn more and fully
understand.AI is to help everyone now in the present and the future of technology. It will also
make people more comfortable with this subject and topic. 91
Figure 53
Table of Content
John McCarthy. “Branches of AI.” What is Artificial Intelligence? Editor n/a. 2007. Stanford University.
December 9,2009. <>
John McCarthy. “Basic Questions” What is Artificial Intelligence? Editor n/a. 2007. Stanford University.
December 9, 2009. < http;//>
Fear Of Robots
Written by: Paul Giller
(7 Period)
I am going to tell you about the human fear
of robots. For some strange reason people
fear that robots will take over the earth. Of
course that isn’t true. Robots may develop
their own minds but they aren’t going to start
killing everybody. I don’t know why we
believe what we see in movies, but we do so
here are the facts. Yes I have researched
A lot of people don’t know what it takes to
make four legged robots or tracked robots or
humanoid robots. In fact it’s quite amazing
what we have done over the past few
decades. We have made robots that walk on
two legs, and be able to hold things with
dexterous hands. We have made them
perceive there environment and interact
with people.
That said; these robots are designed for primitive tasks and very specific tasks only. They are
actually not self-aware, we only think so because of their human traits. Besides; why would they
want to kill us? What makes us think that will kill us all? If they want to kill us then go ahead we
deserve it. We have done the same thing to many other species. 92
Table of Content
Awesome o. our fear of robots. “n/a’’ ‘’ artificial intelligence and robotics’’ August 16 2009. n/a January 5.
Medical Robots
Written by: Victoria Hernandez
(7th period)
Would you rather have a doctor that you’ve never met before or your own
personal physician? Well information has proven that patients would rather
have a robot they know then a human they don’t know. They researched how
patients would react to the new rounding robot, placed in hospitals and nursing
homes nationwide.
The 200-pound robots stand about 5 feet tall. They have flat video screens for
heads and video cameras serve as their eyes and ears.
Using a joystick, a doctor can operate the rounding robot to check on patients
from another building or country, via the Internet and wireless links. The
doctor's face appears on the robot's screen, and he or she interacts with the
patient through the real-time video hookup.
The aim of the technology isn't to replace human doctors, but to make it more
convenient for doctors to check in with their patients, and for patients to get quick access to personal
physicians who aren't at the hospital. "It's a way to communicate in a time of need and inaccessibility,"
said Dr. Samer Salka, an interventional cardiologist at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, Mich. "At 2 a.m.,
when I need to see an EKG or talk to a patient, I should be able to do that right from home. I can make a
diagnosis right away and then come in [to the hospital] if I need to." 93
Virtual vs. real visit
The Johns Hopkins experiment, conducted at the Maryland University’s hospital, involved 60 patients
recuperating from surgery. Thirty of the patients were randomly selected to receive visits by the robo-doc
once in lieu of an actual visit by their doctor.
"Generally, the robot checked up on patients, asked them how they were feeling, inspected their surgical
sites to ensure proper healing, and answered questions," said Dr. Louis
Kavoussi, a professor of urology at Johns Hopkins and the study's lead
author. Two weeks after the patients were discharged, a questionnaire asked
them about the "telerounds."
Half of those queried said they would prefer a telerounding visit by their own
physician to a real visit by another physician. Half said that telerounding
should become a standard practice for post-operative patient management,
and 57 percent said they would feel comfortable having telerounds as part of
their future care.
Wave of the future?
Eighty percent of the patients taking part in the study thought the robo-doc
would increase accessibility to their physician, while 76 percent believed having the robot available
would permit physicians to provide more medical information.
"Most patients were very comfortable with this new technology," Kavoussi said.
Kavoussi owns InTouch Health stock and is a paid member of the company's scientific advisory board.
The terms of the arrangement are being managed by the Johns Hopkins University in accordance with its
conflict-of-interest policies.
Table of Content
Msnbc. “ Robot Doctor gets Thumbs Up from Patients.” Msnbc. Editor: n/a. 2004. n/a. January 6, 2010
<> .
Robot or Human?
Created by: Pedro Martinez
(Period 6)
The prospect of slipping
into a robotic exoskeleton
that could enhance strength,
keep the body active while
recovering from an injury or
even serve as a prosthetic
limb has great appeal.
Fictional cyborgs may be
represented as visibly
People who use cybernetic
technology to repair or
overcome the physical and
mental constraints of their
Table of Content
Artificial Intelligence
Written By: Kyle Patrie
(Period 7)
Artificial intelligence (A.I.), what is it? A.I. is the study of how to make a robot or computer
smarter. It is like how to make a robot or computer more “human like.” The artificial part is just
that, it’s basically fake human intelligence. But it’s not just how a human thinks, it’s how a
human moves, talks, looks, acts or whatever.
There are many branches of A.I. but here are just a few of them.
1. Logical A.I. - What a program knows.
2. Search – A.I. programs often examine large numbers of possibilities.
3. Pattern Recognition – When a program makes observations of some kind, it is
often programmed to compare what it sees.
4. Representation – Facts about the world have to be represented in some way.
Someday in the near future Artificial Intelligence will be more human like then ever. Robots will
walk and talk like humans and the ability to create artificial organs and even brains. 94
Table of Content
Wikipedia. “Artificial Intelligence.” Wikipedia. N/A. January 5, 2010. Wikipedia Foundation Inc. December 16,
How to Build a Robot
Written By: Rey Sanchez
(Period 7)
Design and build a base.
Most people believe that you
can build a robot with parts
found around the house and that
is partially true.
To be a robot, It should have the
ability- make decisions.
Most robots built from scratch
cost between $200 and $400 for
a minimal mobile robot with a
Table of Content
Humans with Robotic Body Parts
Written By: Lindsey Scarborough
(Period 7)
In my research I could not find any humans who actually have robotic parts attached to
them. I did however find people who use robotic parts to help them in everyday life. They may
not be surgically attached, but they can still wear them to get stronger. And make life a little
easier for them.
So far they have come out with a robotic arm, and robotic leg. The robotic arm can help
people who lost mobility in their arm regain their strength.
It is a sleeve like device that is put on at the shoulder and
goes all the way down
to the wrist. As the
person who wears it
gets stronger, the
robotic muscles
decrease. It saves a lot
of money for the
person using it,
because instead of
hiring a therapist, they
can just wear this arm, and use it as a their personal therapist
whenever they want. 95
The robotic leg is a new robotic device used to help
people walk. It reduces the weight on your legs, and helps
the elderly move around easier. For example, it helps them
climb stairs easier. It helps to move your legs back and forth. It
looks like a saddle with mechanical legs attached to it. It is a
motor powered machine, but it is still in the experimental point.
They want to have results in the medical and rehab fields, and
then they want to look at welfare as the next option.96
Table of Content
Author n/a. “Technology.” Editor n/a. 2009. News Limited. December 10, 2009.
Bob Hirshon. “Robotic Arm.” Science Netlinks. Editor n/a. 2009. AAAs. December 9, 2009
Are There Humans who are Part Robot?
Written By: Trenton Smith
(Period 7)
Yes there are humans that have robot parts.
There are many different things that are either human
body parts or help your body parts work. Like robot
legs for paralyzed people.
Dean Kamen has a mind controlled robotic
arm. Dean Kamen invented it and has been showing it
off since early 2007 using a via video clip. He has
made a lot of money with his mind controlled robotic
There is another robot that can be used for
people that have trouble using their legs. It is called a
robotic exoskeleton. They could enhance strength,
keep the body active and serve as prosthetic limb. It
can also be use to help people in the physical
These two robots are for paralyzed people.
They help them walk again. They were both made in
Table of Content
Are There Humans Who Are Part Robot?
Written By: Hailey Stewart
(Period 7)
Figure 1
Yes, the field of Robotics is becoming more
advanced each in every day. Like the field of
medicine more specifically in the development
of robotic limb replacement and prosthetics.
Robotic limb replacement involves using some
type of prosthetic to take the place of a part of
the body that was amputated or lost due to
injury or illness. With advances in technology
and with a better understanding of how the
brain controls movement, robotic limb
replacements are becoming more sophisticated
and lifelike. Doctors are even trying to make
the limbs more comfortable for every single
The goal of a robotic limb replacement is to
develop prosthetics that look, act and feel like
the limb that they are replacing. It is no longer
enough to just replace the limb; it must now
function as a fully operational limb. This
involves not only building very specialized
artificial limbs but also in understanding how the
brain controls movement. Most artificial limbs
are controlled by muscular contractions made by
the patient versus neuron signals from the brain
which occurs in natural movement.
this process makes moving easier for the patient,
and easier for the doctor.2
Figure 2
Common prosthetics used today do not connect the artificial limb with the nervous system. The
prosthesis is made up of the artificial limb and cables that connect to an area of the body where
the muscles are functioning. For example hand prosthesis would connect to the shoulder muscles.
The patient must then contract the shoulder muscles in very precise ways in order to pull on the
cables; this in turn makes the hand prosthesis move.
Table of Content
Robot History
Written By: Taylor Vincent
(Period 7)
Without robots we would have a difficult life and makes things very hard in life. Here is
some information about the robot history.
Likely fictional the IIiad illustrates the concept of robotics by stating that god mumbasa
malik chambubu made talking mechanical handmaidens out of items. Around 400 BC, Archytas
of Tarentum is reputed to have built a mechanical pigeon, possibly powered by steam, capable of
In 827, Caliph al-Mamun silver and golden tree in his palace in Baghdad, which had the
features of an automatic machine. There were metal birds that sang automatically on the
swinging branches of this tree built by Muslim inventors and engineers at the time.
In the 9th century, the Banu Musa brothers invented an automatic flute player which appers
to have been the first programmable machine, and which they described in their Book Of
Ingenious Devices. Heres a picture of one of the Banu Musa Brothers.
In 1801-1900 Improvements in the weaving industry
had led to large amounts of automation, and the idea of
programmable machines became popular with Charles
Babbage’s Analytical Engine.
In 1901to 1900 The word robot was popularized by
Czech author Karel Capek in his 1921 play R.U.R (Rossum’s
Universal Robots).
Table of Content
Robots in the Military
Created by: Nathan Whitson
(Period 7)
This robot to the left is a UAV
used by the United States military.
It is an unmanned aircraft drone
used for reconnaissance and
infantry support missions.
The robot above is used as an
infantry support weapon. It
has tracks like a tank which
means it is mobile and can
move to a different area if
The robot to the left is a robot with a machine gun
attached to it. This robot is used to clear out rooms
without putting soldiers in harm’s way.
Table of Content
Robots Come to the Medical Field
Written by: Allisha Ayala
(Period 8)
Medical robots are the most helpful robots there
are. They are used in medical practices including
difficult and precise surgical procedures. They
assist patients in recovery. They process powerful
control units. Also, they are comprised of
complicated programming languages, controllers,
and advanced sensors. Medical robots are used
for training surgeons and providing in-depth
knowledge to students. These robots provide
standardized operation, which reduces the time
required to perform any medical operation. The
major potential advantages of medical robots are precision and miniaturization in medical operations.
Further advantages are articulation beyond normal manipulation and three- dimensional
magnification. Doctors can view the patient, ask questions, read patient records, view X-rays, and
test results using robots. Although the robot does not physically examine the patient it, allows faceto-face contact between the doctor and patient with the help
of a screen attached to it. And it allows patients to establish
direct contact with doctors. They are also used inward rounds
when doctors are away from patients, which allow patients to
establish direct contact with doctors. The use of Wi-Fi
technology in the medical robots allows a medical expert to
visually examine and communicate with a patient form
anywhere in the world. There are many doctors, who are
using medical robotic technologies in their regular clinical
practice. (Picture to the bottom right)
Medical robots that can do surgeries? This sounds marvelous
right? All existing
surgery robots on
this day are actually cleverly made manipulators
controlled by competent doctors.
Hospitals are a bit like factories. There are many mundane
tasks for example- caring things around, moving samples
from one apparatus to another, cleaning. There are also
tasks that require some strength. For example- lifting and
moving objects. I assume you got the point- there are
many tasks which could be done by medical robots. There
has been some development in this field. As far as I know, most of these are in testing stage.
Nevertheless it is surely a doable task.
Table of Contents
Can Humans Have Robotic Arms
Written By: Klayton Bippert
(Period 8)
Can humans have robotic arms or will humans
have robotic arms and when? Your answer to that
question is yes a neuroscientist from Duke
University was led by Brazilian Dr. Miguel
Nicolelis. The only way you can controls the arm
is if you go under a surgery to insert a microchip
in your brain so it controls the arm. They will have
to develop the technologies for such a procedure.
The microchip will translate the nerve pulses into
electric pulses, making it possible for the patient to
move robotic prosthetics. The first test were done
on monkey’s that had electrodes implanted into
the regions of their brains that are associated with
the movement. Have you ever had a prosthetic arm
or leg? Imagine if you didn’t have to walk straight
legged and couldn’t bend your arm. Well know
you can have an arm or leg that moves with your
body and will be stronger and better than the old
ones. Before long you will be able to go under
surgery and have a normal arm like the one above
or to the right. Would you rather have an older
arm or leg or even a hand like the one below.
Which one would you pick? Well before long we
will have actual size robots instead of just a
robotic arm or leg you will have a real robots
running around your house or the streets. They
will make
the newer one able to connect to muscles and tissue in
your arms like the one above that shows the muscles and
tendons in your arms. How do they make them so Hi tech?
Its technology folks just like the things they will use to
install these new parts in your arm. Most of the operations
done on humans these days are done by a robotic arm
controlled by a joy stick in the Doctor’s office which he
completes the whole procedure from his chair.
Table of Contents
Top Schools that Offer Mechanical
Engineering and Robotics
Written by: Jeremy Cana
(Period 8)
Mechanical engineering is defined the branch of engineering that deals with the design and
construction and operation of machinery.97 Without it, we wouldn’t have things such as
airplanes, robots, space shuttles, and etc. According to U.S. News & World Report, the top 2
schools for Mechanical Engineering are: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford
University.98 We will learn more about this subject in depth in the following paragraphs.
Robots have many different purposes, ranging from
assembling parts for cars to exploring other planets. Since
robotics will likely revolutionize the world in the future, it is
important to be informed about the top schools for mechanical
engineering, so if you are considering a job in robotics, you
know what schools to apply to. The next paragraph will
contain information about the mechanical engineering
programs of only the top 2 schools listed above.
Figure 55 (
MIT- MIT is recognized
as one of the top schools in the world, and to even get
admitted is a great accomplishment. It’s no wonder why its
mechanical engineering program is recognized as the top in
the country. Its website says: “Our mission is to be a leader
in education and research…We seek to advance technology
and science by combining basic knowledge with the
innovative application of engineering and scientific
principles. And, we seek to enrich our educational and
Figure 56
research programs, and ultimately society, through
service.” Stanford- Often called “The ivy league school of the
west”, its mechanical
engineering program is recognized as #2 in the nation. Its website says: “The goal of the
undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering is to provide students with a balance of
intellectual and practical experiences that enable them to address a variety of societal needs.”
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Robots History
Witten by: Cynthia de Luna
(Period 8)
Robots have a long history. They are not as recent as you might think.
A robot by definition is “an automatic device that performs functions normally ascribed to
humans or a machine in the form of a human.”
270bc an ancient Greek engineer named Ctesibus made organs and water clocks with
movable figures.
1942 - Asimov wrote "Runaround", a story about robots which contained the "Three Laws of
o A robot may not injure a human, or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.
o A robot must obey the orders it by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law.
o A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not
conflict wither the First or Second Law
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Pablo Orta
(Period 8)
There are different types of robots there are industrial, mobile, and also agriculture.
Industrial Robots is an automatically controlled,
reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator programmable in
three or more axes. The Cartesian robot is one of the industrial
robots. The Cartesian robot is used for pick and place
applications, arc welding, machine tools and applying sealant.
Mobile Robot is an automatic machine that is capable of
movement in a given environment.
Robots used in agricultural. Robots are used in agricultural to
plant seeds, and gathering the harvest from the fields.
Some other robots are in outer space like the
Mars rover it is used to explore the plant Mars.
Robots in medicine are mainly used in surgery, diagnosis,
and prosthetics.
Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence
Written by: Juan Perez
(Period: 8)
Cybernetics is the analysis of the
communication and control processes of
biological organisms and their
relationship to mechanical and electrical
systems; this study could ultimately lead
to the development of "thinking" robots.
Artificial intelligence (AI), the
use of computers to model the
behavioral aspects of human
reasoning and learning.
Machine learning occurs when
a computer improves its
performance of a task on the
basis of its programmed
application of AI principles to
its past performance of that
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “Artificial Intelligence”. Editor N/A. 2008. Highbeamtm Research.Inc. January 4, 2010.
Careers and Robots
Written By: Morgan Petrash
(Period 8)
How would you like it if you didn’t have to worry
about having people fix your things and you don’t know if it
will turn out correct? Well robots are starting to evolve
in your work place. Robots are beginning to work in all kinds
of fields. All in all robots may help us but some people say
that most humans in the manufacturing and in the service
business will lose their jobs to robots. People also need to
look at the bright side of having more robots in the world, not
just looking at the dark side of robots. 101
Robots are very helpful in life. The Apollo 15
helped us look at the moon. Robots not only help us find
stuff but they also help us discover what things look like,
feel like, and many other discovery’s waiting to be found.
Robots can be found everywhere. Robots can even be
right underneath you. Most robots work in factories all
over the world.
Believe it or not people are working on creating a
police officer and or firefighter robot because of the
danger real humans put their selves in by rescuing people
or hunting people down.
When people watch movies about robots they
usually take over the world. It’s simply just an impact that
the movies want to give off. In the movie I Robot we see
Figure 58
that all robots are walking around and that they almost
look like humans. In the world we have robots that don’t
have faces or legs. We have robots that work in factories like I said before. No robots we’ll take over
the world, they just may take our jobs.
People make robots to make their life easier but it sometimes does not work out the way they
want it to. Robots can easily malfunction, when doing test to make sure that your robot is ready to
work. Robots can work in almost any field of jobs in the world. You can have robots working on
your house, walking your dog, and many other jobs. Robots are very intelligent to work with, they
can go faster than you and they are more likely to get damage easier than you. 102
Table of Contents
Author N/A. “QinetiQ's Fire Fighting Robots in action”. QinetiQ. Editor/A. July 28, 2009. Name of Sponsoring
Institution/A. December 11,
Paul Grayson. Lunar Land Rush. CONTROL ENGINEERING. Editor/A. January 23, 2009. Name of Sponsoring
Institution/A. December 14, 2009<>
Different Types of Robots
Created by: Brittany Rodriguez
(Period 8)
A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent.
While most robots today are installed in
factories or homes, performing labor or life
saving jobs, they are being developed in
laboratories around the world
It is guided by computer or electronic programming, and
is able to do tasks on its own
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Daniel Rodriguez
(Period 8)
In this world there are many different types of robots. These
robots do many different kinds of things based on the different
programs which are written to the all kinds of robots. Robots can
vary from sizes and functions.
Typical industrial robots do jobs that are difficult, dangerous
or dull. They lift heavy objects, paint, handle chemicals, and
perform assembly work. They perform the same job hour after hour,
day after day with precision. They don't get tired and they don't
make errors associated with fatigue and so are ideally suited to
performing repetitive tasks. The major categories of industrial
robots by mechanical structure are:
Cartesian robot /Gantry robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant,
assembly operations, handling machine tools and arc welding. It's a robot whose arm has
three prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with a Cartesian coordinator.
Cylindrical robot: Used for assembly operations, handling at machine tools, spot welding,
and handling at diecasting machines. It's a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate
Spherical/Polar robot: Used for handling at machine tools, spot welding, diecasting,
fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding. It's a robot whose axes form a polar
coordinate system.
SCARA robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations
and handling machine tools. It's a robot which has two parallel rotary joints to provide
compliance in a plane.
Articulated robot: Used for assembly operations, diecasting, fettling machines, gas
welding, arc welding and spray painting. It's a robot whose arm has at least three rotary
Parallel robot: One use is a mobile platform handling cockpit flight simulators. It's a
robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints.
Some robots are used to investigate hazardous and dangerous
environments. The pioneer robot is a remote reconnaissance system for
structural analysis of the Chornobyl Unit 4 reactor building. Its major
components are a teleoperated mobile robot for deploying sensor and sampling
payloads, a mapper for creating photorealistic 3D models of the building
interior, a coreborer for cutting and retrieving samples of structural materials,
and a suite of radiation and other environmental sensors. Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Different Types of Robots
Written by: Daniel Romero
(Period 8)
Service Robots: The Japanese are in the forefront in these types of robots.
Essentially, this category comprises of any robot that is used outside an industrial
facility, although they can be sub-divided into two main types of robots: one,
robots used for professional jobs, and the second, robots used for personal use.
Amongst the former type are the above mentioned robots used for military use,
and then there are robots that are used for underwater jobs, or robots used for
cleaning hazardous waste, and the like.103
Telerobots: These robots are used in places that are hazardous to humans, or are
inaccessible or far away. A human operator located at a distance from a telerobot
controls its action, which was accomplished with the arm of the space shuttle. Some
other examples of telerobots are laparoscopic surgery being done with the help of a
telerobot, or doctors using remotely located robots to communicate with their patients,
which enables them to treat patients anywhere in the world. This has the potential of
patients in remote places of the world, without adequate medical facilities, being able
to consult doctors across the world, or even in the next town, and the doctors in turn
having the ability to monitor them. Telerobots are also useful in nuclear power plants where they, instead
of humans, can handle hazardous material or undertake operations potentially harmful for humans.
Mobile Robots: Also known as Automated Guided Vehicles, or AGVs, these are
used for transporting material over large sized places like hospitals, container
ports, and warehouses, using wires or markers placed in the floor, or lasers, or
vision, to sense the environment they operate in. An advanced form of the AGV is
the SGV, or the Self Guided Vehicle, like PatrolBot Gofer, Tug, and SpeciMinder, which can be taught to autonomously navigate within a space, or do it by
being given a map of the area. These robots have the ability of performing tasks
that are non-sequential and non-repetitive in environments that are complex, hence are defined as
intelligent robots.
Industrial Robots: Robots today are being utilized in a wide variety of industrial
applications. Any job that involves repetitiveness, accuracy, endurance, speed, and
reliability can be done much better by robots, which is why many industrial jobs that
used to be done by humans are increasingly being done by robots. For example, for the
past 30 years or thereabouts robots have progressively taken over the fully automated
production lines of the automobile industry, wherein a chassis of a vehicle is
transported along a conveyor belt and is welded, affixed, painted, and assembled by a
succession of robot stations. Some of the other industrial jobs robots are performing are palletizing and
packaging goods, dispensing jobs, laboratory applications, and robots that pick miniscule electronic
components from trays or strips and accurately place them on printed circuit boards in the electronics
Table of Contents
Rita Putunda. “Types of Robots”. N/A. 3/17/08. Intelligent Life on the Web. 12/17/09.
The History of Robots
Written by: Gerald Salinas
(Period 7)
The history of robots has been dated back since 350
B.C. The brilliant Greek mathematician, Archytas
('ahr 'ky tuhs') of Tarentum builds a mechanical
bird dubbed "the Pigeon" that is propelled by steam.
It serves as one of histories earliest studies of flight,
not to mention probably the first model airplane.
“Robotics, computer-controlled machine that is
programmed to move, manipulates objects, and
accomplishes work while interacting with its
environment. Robots are able to perform repetitive
tasks more quickly, cheaply, and accurately than
humans. The term robot originates from the Czech
word robota, meaning “compulsory labor.” It was
first used in the 1921 play R.U.R. (Rossum's
Universal Robots) by the Czech novelist and
playwright Karel Capek. The word robot has been
used since to refer to a machine that performs work
to assist people or work that humans find difficult or
In the early 1800’s mechanical puppets were first
built in Europe, just for entertainment value. And
these were called robots since there parts were driven
by linkage and cams and controlled by rotating drum
selectors. In 1801 Joseph Maria Jacquard made the
next great change and invented the automatic draw
loom. The draw loom would punch cards and was
used to control the lifting of thread in fabric
factories. This was the first to be able to store a
program and control a machine. After that there were
many small changes in robotics but we were slowly
moving forward.
Table of Contents
Fears or Other Issues Regarding the
Integration of Robots in Our Society
Written by: Tabitha Solorzano
(Period 8)
In Japan many people are getting ready to hand their jobs to a
mechanical work force (robots) by the year of 2025 by then 3.5
million jobs could be taken by these robots. Yes, robots do make
life easier but imagine all the people that may become homeless
and won’t be able to sustain their family. Also sometimes people
may get a little too dependent on robots and may become lazy.104
There also is the fact that they might make robots with emotion.
Emotion can lead some people to take unwarned actions. Like
jealousy for example can do that with a marriage. So if it can
happen in a human then it will happen with a robot. Even if robots
don’t end up being made with Emotions they can still be dangerous
and many people can fear them. 105
One day Eric Horvitz got stuck in an elevator at Stanford Hospital with a droid the size of a Washing
machine. “I remember thinking, “whoa this is scary, as it
whirled around, almost knocking me down.” Eric Horvitz
the Microsoft researcher recalled. Imagine if he would
have been a patient, it could have been dangerous for the
patient and there would have been some serious
problems. Some people even think that robots might even
take over all human activities thus us becoming very
dependent on the robot and when there might not be a
robot there we won’t have any clue on what to do.
Now the issues, if robots can do a man’s job faster, better,
and less expansive what will a man be able to do?
Robots are designed to work in a defined without any
human contact or supervision they’re best at operating in
environments that humans rather not work in. you can’t
take a robot from the production line, and expect it to run
well in space. Also robots are very expensive. So aside from us losing our jobs to robots why buy one if
you barley have the money?
Table of Contents
Terrance O’ Brein. “Robots to Take Over 3.5 Million Jobs in Japan”. “Robots to Take Over 3.5 Million Jobs in
Japan”. Editor N/A. Date or version number N/A. Name of sponsoring Institution N/A. 12/9/09.
Jason Nemeth. “Should Robots Feel”. “Should Robots Fee?”. Editor Jason Nemeth. March 4, 2001. December
9, 2009.
Robots in Today’s Medical Fields
Written By: Jacob Sul
(Period 8)
Say you’re attending your local doctor for a regular check-up, but instead of being
Dr. Hack it’s someone else. Well actually more like something else… think more in the world of
Robotics. A robotic doctor comes to you and asks questions like a regular doctor would. Now
how would you react to such an
advanced jump in technology?
However this is not yet applicable
but there are other tools that do help
assist doctors in great ways. Such as
robotic arms for precise and clean
incisions and surgery.106
You see, a human beats a
robot any day in my book. But
robotic arms can be so much more
precise then a humans. Also there
“Robotic Arms & Magnification”
“Robotic Incision Tools”
are robotic magnifiers that enhance the sight of the naked eye
by 1000x magnification! There are so many more advanced
tools still being refined in corporations and the medical field,
as we know it, will soon become a field of not Doctors but
Doc-Bots. Now isn’t that something to think about.107
In hopefully about 10-15 years this will all be a
reality. But for now scientist and engineers are still trying to
come up with new ideas and software bug resolutions.
MONEY is also a big
problem. The benefits of
robotic surgery,
however, can carry a
hefty price tag. The cost
of each Da Vinci
Surgical System is
around 1.5 million
dollars, with upkeeps
“Robotic Incision/Surgery”
costing about $100,000
Table of Contents
McDaris-Dass. “Robotic Surgery” Humans vs. Robots. Editor N/A. 1999. Annual Review Biomedical
Engineering. December 16, 2009
Matt Guidarelli. “Surgery with Robots” Next Generation. Editor N/A. 2008. Colorado State University.
December 16, 2009
Building Robots
Written by: Kathryn Villareal
(Period 8)
In this article I will tell you how to build a simple
robot. You will learn the different parts you need to
build a robot. It is not that hard. All you need is the
right tutor to tell you what you need and how to put
the parts together. The first thing you need is
motivation. If you don’t have motivation then you
won’t have success. It is best to ask yourself why you
want to build a robot or else you might quit halfway
and forget why you started. 108
To build a robot you need a design. If you are
building your first robot don’t get imaginative or
creative. It will just be harder on you. All you need are simple robot parts such as two wheels, a
motor, power, and a microcontroller. When you get the wheels the best size to get is 3”. It will
allow you to go fast and slower if you have to.
Figure 1 www.
Next come the more important parts of your robot.
Now comes the motor you want to have one that is
as light as possible. When you attach it, the best
thing to use is double-sided tape because it will stay
on really well. Next you need power. The best
battery to use is the NiMH (nickel metal hydride)
you can recharge them as much as you want and it
has the highest energy capacity. You can attach the
battery with Velcro that way you can take it off to
recharge it. 109
Figure 59
Now you need a microcontroller. These come with manuals so you know how to put the program
together, but as for the microcontroller you want to buy one that is already assembled. After you
assemble the robot you buy a controller put some batteries in it and test, test, and test.
Table of Contents
BIGBUG. Super Simple Beginners Robot. The Instructables. Editor n/a. Date/versionnumber n/a. Sponsoring
Institution n/a. December 14, 2009 < >.
David P. Anderson. “nBot, a two wheel balancing robot.” nBot Balancing Robot. Editor N/A. 2003. Sponsoring
Institution N/A. December 14, 2009 < >.