3 Polonius[1]

Stephanie Thompson, Helen Furlan, DaniPrzetycki, Beau Thomas P.3
He is an advisor to King Claudius
He is the father of Laertes and Ophelia
Polonius gives advice of how to act to his son, Laertes
Polonius tries to break up Ophelia and Hamlet because he is uncertain about Hamlet’s
true feelings toward her
Polonius sends Reynaldo to spy on Laertes
Polonius is convinced that Hamlet is mad over his love for Ophelia after she goes to
Polonius and tells him of Hamlet’s emotional breakdown
Polonius tries to prove Hamlet is crazy for Ophelia by hiding and observing hamlet after
Polonius reads Hamlet’s love letter to Ophelia
Polonius hides with the king to spy on Hamlet to prove his madness
Polonius is positive Hamlet’s madness is caused by Ophelia
Polonius tries to spy on Gertrude and Hamlet by tricking Hamlet to go to her chamber
Polonius tells Gertrude how to act and what to say around Hamlet
Polonius is stabbed and killed by Hamlet while he is spying on Hamlet and Gertrude
Polonius plays the councilor of King Claudius. He is portrayed as a foolish and selfish
individual whose excessive concern for his status causes him to spy on his own son, Laertes, in
France, and to force Ophelia to end her relationship with Hamlet. In both cases Polonius does not
want his children to make him look like a fool. However, Hamlet sees through his deceitfulness.
Polonius represents everything that he does not want to be. Polonius also falsely believes that
Hamlet’s madness is due to Ophelia. He attempts to spy and pry the truth from Hamlet, but this
ultimately becomes his undoing. He is killed by Hamlet while trying to spy on him and Gertrude
behind the curtains.
1) “Ophelia, Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers.” (1.3, 128)
-Polonius is talking to Ophelia, telling her Hamlet doesn’t really love her. He has pride in his
family and does not want his daughter or himself to be embarrassed.
2) “ You shall do marvelous wisely, good Reynaldo, Before you visit him, to make inquire
of his behavior.” (2.1, 3-5)
-Polonius is telling Reynaldo to go to London and spy on his son, Laertes. This shows how
distrusting Polonius is of people.
3) “I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. Mad call I it, for, to define true madness,
Whatis’t but to be nothing else but mad? But let that go.” (2.2, 91-94)
-Polonius is telling the king why he thinks Hamlet is mad. This shows that he is very overconfident.
4) “ Doubt thou the stars are fore, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt I love.” ( 2.2, 116-119)
-Polonius is reading Hamlets Journal to everyone. He is making fun of Hamlet which proves that
he is very judgmental.
5) “Into the madness wherin now he raves, and we all mourn for.” (2.2, 150-51)
- After Polonius reads Hamlets letters, he then changes his mind about Hamlet’s love for Ophelia.
This shows how condescending he can be.
6) “Excellent well. You are a fishmonger.” (2.2, 174)
- Hamlet calls Polonius a fishmonger. This shows that Polonius is very disliked, especially by
7) “ ‘Fore God, my lord, well spoken, with good accent and good discretion. (2.2, 466-67)
- Polonius gives advice to the players. He is being controlling because he’s not letting them do
what they were paid to do.
8) “I hear him coming. Let’s withdraw, my lord.” (3.1, 56)
-Polonius is telling the king that they should go and hide now, to spy on Hamlet. This is an
example of how devious he is.
9) “ Of all their conference. If she find him not, to England send him, or confine him where
you wisdom best shall think.” ( 3.2, 188-200)
-Polonius is giving the kind advice about what he should do with him. Polonius is acting like he is
such a good parent and knows what’s best for everyone, which proves that he’s full of himself.
10) “Oh, I am slain!” (3.4, 28)
-Polonius is hiding behind the arras to spy on hamlet. He is being very sly which ends up getting
himself killed.
Changes throughout the Play:
Polonius is very inconsistent with his advice. He tells his son Laertes to “Give every man
thine ear, but few thy voice; Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment.” (Act 1
Scene 3) Contrary to what he told Laertes, he tells Reynaldo to be false and that his "bait
of falsehood takes this carp of truth"(Act 2 Scene 1) He also never follows the advice he
gave his son.
His relationship with his son also changes. When Laertes leaves for France, Polonius
trusts Laertes not to embarrass the family. But later he gets Reynaldo to spy on Laertes.
He becomes unsure of his son. (Act 2 Scene 1)
In the beginning of the play, Polonius seems like a smart old man giving Laertes strong
advice. But later on we find out he could possibly be old and senile. While talking to
Reynaldo he forgets his train of thought and has to be prompted to continue. “What was I
about to say?By the mass, I was about to say something--Where did I leave off?”(Act 2
Scene 1)
He is a courtier to the royal family and has a good relationship with them until Hamlet
starts going “mad” Hamlets love for Ophelia infuriates Polonius and he starts to spy on
him and become disloyal to the Prince.
On the surface Polonius seems like a decent caring father, giving his son advice for life in
Act 1 and trying to protect Ophelia form Hamlets advances in Act 2. But later we find out
it’s all for show and he just wants to keep up an image. He doesn’t want Ophelia to get
with Hamlet and gets Laertes to try and discourage the relationship. (Act 1 Scene 3)
Polonius also tries to discourage the relationship by telling Ophelia that Hamlet is only
there to take advantage of her. “Tender yourself more dearly, Or—not to crack the wind
of the poor phrase, Running it thus—you'll tender me a fool”(Act 1 Scene 3) His advice
seems fatherly but he is just doing it so Ophelia will be seen as chaste and innocent. His
relationship with Claudius also affected his view on Ophelia and Hamlet.