In both plant and animal cells (eukaryotes) Analogous part- the surface The cell membrane separates the cell from the outside environment like how the surface separates the water from the rest of the world. Is located in all eukaryote cells Analogous part- the water column the cytoplasm is the internal volume of the cell within the membrane is like the water column which is the internal volume of the surface. In all eukaryote cells. Analogous part- Apex predator(great white shark) The nucleus controls the cell and and its functions while the apex predator controls the seven seas Located in eukaryote cells Analogous part- currents Moving/ transporting materials and substances is the main job of the endoplasmic reticulum much like the currents that move the water. East Australian current Located in both plant and animal cells Analogous part- sea creatures the sea creatures mate and produce protein which is the function of the ribosomes(make protein) Located in both plant and animal cells Analogous part- the brain of the apex predator The nucleolus is the center of the nucleus like the brain is the center of the predator. In all eukaryote cells Analogous part- sun/ plankton the sun sends energy to the plankton which is th basis of the ocean food chain In both plant and animal cells Analogous part- thermocline The thermocline separates warm water from cold water like how the Golgi body separates substances. In both plant and animal cells Analogous part- Reef The vacuoles job is to store items a reef stores many living things.