Chapter 19 notes Napoleon

Early years
Before becoming head of state - has witnessed France in both good and bad times
Late 1790s has success in leading French armies in Italy but also tasted defeat in Egypt.
But in many people's eyes was an emerging leader for France
First Consul and his power grab
Stages Coup d' etat in Nov. 1799
Proclaims himself "First Consul" (Julius Caesar's title) and removed elected assembly.
Appoints a senate.
1802 makes himself Consul for Life
1804 makes himself Emperor of France
Organization of Napoleon's new government
Council of State - Proposes new laws
Tribunate - debates the proposals
Legislature - votes on the laws
Senate - reviews and may veto laws
Domestic Policies
Creates Bank of France (1800) - This helps to stabilize fears of the failed assignat fiasco and the
bak runs independently of the government.
Concordat of 1801 - get the church on his side
Catholicism reinstated as the majority religion within France
Land given back to Church that had been confiscated - Pope accepts
Bishops subservient to Napoleon though - Pope does not accept this and is arrested.
Lycee School - Education reform 1801
Advanced school to help train future leaders of France, tuition had to be paid.
Code Napoleon or Napoleonic Code of 1804
Civil Law Reforms - Personal Status, Property, acquiring property
Reform the French legal code to reflect goals and ideas of the FR
Implemented in various forms throughout Europe both during and after Napoleon was
gone (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ottoman Empire)
Other notes
Louisiana Purchase - $15 million raise of capital by selling French Territory in 1803.
Has to deal with Haitian Revolution in early 1800s (will cover next chapter)
Ok, so now that France whether citizens are happy or not has a new, somewhat stable
Napoleon has the hang of running France, why not all of Europe??
Napoleonic Europe
Napoleon Goes to War - Major Military Campaigns and Wars
France and Britain - possibly still smarting from the loss in Egypt, Napoleon declares war on the
British. Wants to damage England's ability to control the seas.
Loses the Battle of Trafalgar to Lord Nelson (second time)
Decides to turn attention to eastern Europe
Austria, Italy, Russia
Has success, crowned King of Italy (1805)
Crosses the Alps and defeats Prussia, French troops now occupy Berlin (1806)
Institutes new Continental System
Short Version - Block trade between Europe and Britain
Long Version
British ships not allowed in European ports
Britain in turn would stop and seize ships that entered its Ports from
France or that had stopped in France
Napoleon would in turn stop and seize any ship that tried to enter Europe
This back and forth would eventually involve the United States and
Britain in the War of 1812
Seizes Poland by defeating Russia again (late 1806)
Napoleon's military campaigns
Institutes new Continental System
Short Version - Block trade between Europe and Britain
Long Version
British ships not allowed in European ports
Britain in turn would stop and seize ships that entered its Ports from
France or that had stopped in France
Napoleon would in turn stop and seize any ship that tried to enter Europe
This back and forth would eventually involve the United States and
Britain in the War of 1812
Seizes Poland by defeating Russia again (late 1806)
France and Russia go at it over Poland (1806)
Napoleon defeats Russian Army and occupies Polish capital.
Side note: Napoleon and his wife Josephine divorce over her inability to have children. It was
amicable. Leads him to marry Maria Louise in 1810. Has one son, that is born in 1811, but dies
in 1832.
Napoleon turns attention to the west.
Peninsular Campaign - to take Portugal. (1807-1810)
Portugal didn't comply with Continental System (and many countries tried to work
around it)
France went to Spain to ask for their support to invade Portugal.....Spain said there was
nooooooo way.
So Napoleon invades Spain!
Spanish War
Arrests king and prince of Spain (tricks them)
Turns Spanish throne over to his brother Joseph
Places 100k troops in Madrid, Spain
By 1808, Spanish people have had enough, rebellion ensues (May 2, 1808) Dos de Mayo.
French troops respond by firing on crowd of protestors. (Page 593)
Napoleon sends HUGE army into Spain over the next few years
Spain won't go away......rebellion sweeps the nation (guerilla warfare)
Britain sees chance to help weaken Napoleon by sending troops to Portugal as a buffer
Napoleon pushed out of Spain, back to France
Scorecard: Napoleon still control of much of central and eastern Europe
Spain didn't work, out how about Russia?
Invades Russian in 1812-1813 - over 600k troops march east into the massive country.
Russia makes important decision to NOT engage Napoleon's armies directly
Stick and move strategy - hit Napoleon quick, then retreat
Move all the way back to Moscow - weather and amount of travel plays to their favor
Scorched earth tactic - burn everything when retreating so French troops can't use
Russia's resources
French troops reach Moscow but city empty and on fire
Napoleon eventually defeated as his armies struggle to maintain....100k troops leave but
only 40k survive
Gives other countries cause to join together to rally against France (6th Coalition)
Britain, Russia, Spain, Austria, Prussia, Sweden
Beginning of the end.
By 1814, Coalition has pushed French armies out of many areas in Europe and move to
Napoleon abdicates (gives up) French throne and is sent to Elba (does receive
compensation package)
Louis XVIII is new King
Napoleon does return in 1815 to try and rally another push to take back over (100 days),
but is met by same group of states as before and defeated at Waterloo in June 1815
Exiled for good to St. Helena off the coast of Africa.
Congress of Vienna - Brief lecture and discussion
Learning Target:
1. What was the Congress of Vienna what was its purpose and result?
Main Objectives: September 1814-June 1815
Undo everything Napoleon had done
Reduce France to its old borders - back to 1790 level
Restore as many of the old monarchies as possible that had lost their thrones during
Napoleonic era
Major People
Britain - Castlereagh: Shared Metternich's view and wanted a balance of power
Austria- Metternich (most influential): Very conservative and wanted to keep things that way,
wanted intervention to be key part of settlement
Prussia- Hardenberg: Also wanted collaboration of the major powers
Russia-Tsar Alexander I: Mostly concerned with territory gains
France- Talleyrand: Token invite.....little power to negotiate
Ensure France would never become an aggressor
Not about punishment, but France better not do this again
Restore the "balance of power"
No one country could dominate Europe, France's strength was good in this area
Compensation for losses
No one state could gain more than others
Concept of legitimacy
The thrones of the major states needed to be protected
Rewards to victors
What do they get for defeating Napoleon??
Legitimacy Issue
Bourbon restoration in France and Spain
Germany, this did not happen. 39 German states join new German Confederation
Prussia gives up claims to Poland but gets Saxony
Metternich not thrilled, but does gain in other areas like in Northern Italy
Russian Gains: Poland and Finland
Prussian Gains: Saxony, land in Rhineland in Western Germany (close to France)
Austrian Gains: Lost Belgium, gained other lands, and dominated German confederation due to
its large size
British Gains: Colonial possessions protected, gained land in Caribbean from France
November 1815 - Second Treaty of Paris
Formal reduction of French borders to 1790
France owes 700 million frances to the allies
Allied occupation of French forts for 5 years
Quadruple Alliance Created: Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain
Maintain the alliance that had defeated Napoleon and to meet to discuss issues
Overall Impact:
Liberalism and Nationalism largely ignored: Enlightenment and FR principles pushed aside
Avoided MAJOR European war, but smaller rebellions and revolutions by 1830 were not good