PowerPoint Presentation - Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency

Fiscal Openness Working Group
Open Government Parternship Summit
Mexico City Workshop – October 2015
Juan Pablo Guerrero
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
1 Objectives and features of the workshop
1 Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
3 The High Level Principles on Fiscal Transparency, Participation &
4 Final remarks and next steps
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
The main objectives of the workshop are:
 Provide a platform for peer-to-peer exchange and learning
on how to advance fiscal transparency
 Learn about the findings of the Open Budget Survey 2015
 Discuss new instruments to advance fiscal transparency,
participation and accountability at global level
 Offer efficient and coordinated access to international good
practices, tools, norms, assessments, and technical expertise
on fiscal transparency and public participation
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
Highlights of the workshop on peer learning:
1. OGP peer learning network on fiscal transparency
2. Open Fiscal Data Package: Transparency and
3. Five Winners of the Forum on Fiscal Openness to
end Poverty
4. Additional Initiatives, Partners and Collaboration:
Open Parliament, Global Integrity, Publish What
You Pay
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
Highlights of the workshop on relevant discussions:
1. Open Budget Survey findings, participation and
agenda for the future
2. An International Instrument on Fiscal
Transparency, Participation and Accountability
3. The Principles on Public Participation in Fiscal
Policies and Budget Making
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
Action Network: Global Initiative for Fiscal Transparency
(OGP-Fiscal Openness Working Group)
 Advance and institutionalize significant and sustainable
improvements in fiscal transparency, participation and
accountability in countries around the world, by working on
global norms, incentives, peer-learning, and technical
Funding comes from the World Bank, The Hewlett Foundation &
Omidyar Network.
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
GIFT work streams
Flexible framework for a network devoted to action and impact
Global norms on fiscal transparency (FT) and open budget
o High-level principles on FT, public participation (PP) and
accountability (UN General Assembly, 2012) and
o Working on a Convention on FT and PP
o Harmonization of norms and global standards (IMF, OECD, PEFA,
o Principles on public participation in fiscal policies and advancing the
right to participate in budget processes
Incentives for FT & finding evidences of impact
o 8 country case studies about public participation
o Think-pieces on incentives for TF
o Impacts of FT: review of evidence
o Transparency on revenues and taxes
o Country FT commitments in OGP (analysis)
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
Streams of work of GIFT (2)
Technical assistance and peer learning
 OGP Fiscal Openness Working Group for enhancing and implementing
 Support processes for TF in specific countries (TA and peer-to-peer
 Engage countries in principles and discussions of standards
Technologies and open data
 Use of technologies for information disclosure and proactive
 Open formats for budget data with BOOST (World Bank-Open
 Community of practice: discussions, networks, webinars, blogs, videos,
experiences, exchanges…
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
GIFT Lead Stewards
In charge of the executive guidance of the network, in close collaboration
with the Network Director and the Coordination Team
Fiscal Openness Working Group - OGP
GIFT General Stewards
In charge of the definition of the strategic guidelines and the GIFT
principles, committed to promoting FT in their organizations and within
their institutional environments
Fiscal Transparency & Public Participation
Final remarks for a successful FOWG workshop
A great assistance
1. Ministry of Finance Representatives from Mongolia, Indonesia, the
Philippines, Croatia, Montenegro, Tunisia, El Salvador, Dominican
Republic, Paraguay, Uruguay, Mexico
2. Legislative Representatives from Costa Rica and Tunisia
3. Civil Society Representatives from India, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil,
Cameroon, Croatia, Mexico
4. Information, Control and Audit Institutions representatives from
Chile, Honduras and Costa Rica
5. Follow the money and fiscal transparency experts from around the
Fiscal Transparency & Public Participation
Final remarks for a successful FOWG workshop
1. Very useful discussions
1. Peer learning network on fiscal transparency portals with
Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay and Indonesia
2. Discussion about an international instrument for fiscal
transparency, participation and accountability
3. Discussion about the OBS-2015 findings
4. Recognition to Winners of the Fiscal Openness to End
Poverty-Open Forum
Fiscal Transparency & Public Participation
Final remarks for a successful FOWG workshop
2. Very useful discussions
1. Experience sharing from Publish What you Fund, Global
Integrity, INAI-Mexico and the Open Parliament Working
Group with great input for the Fiscal Openness Working
2. Discussion and recommendations on the GIFT public
participation principles
3. Incredible exchange of experiences, initiatives, proposals and
practices about advancing fiscal transparency, participation
and accountability
Fiscal Transparency & Public Participation
1. Next Steps
1. Workshop on Fiscal Transparency Portals and Open Fiscal Data in
Mexico with selected countries – first quarter of 2016
2. New countries will start working with BOOST – Open Fiscal Data
3. International Instrument for advancing FT: the discussion continues
and will keep you posted. Exploit the idea of having a group of OGP
countries supporting principles and indicators on FT
4. GIFT will publish brochures and videos and help disseminate the
experiences of the winners of the forum of openness to end poverty
Fiscal Transparency & Public Participation
2. Next Steps
1. IBP will continue a discussion with El Salvador and Croatia on the
2. IBP will continue to address the question of assessing public
participation in OBS within the GIFT network
3. Public participation principles will be finished in December; GIFT
will produce close to 30 practices and would like to create a
review committee
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