Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State

Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University
Nursing Care of Children 317
Critical Thinking Exercises/ Worksheets/Blackboard Quizzes
As a part of your learning in the Nursing Care of Children Course, we have developed a variety of activities for you to supplement your learning in the textbook. Some
of these activities are worksheets on class content that you will need to bring to class completed in order to get credit. A number of these are posttest exercises that you
will need to complete on Blackboard after viewing required videos. Each activity is worth so many points and the total will contribute to 15% of your total grade. If the
activity is not turned in by the assigned date, no credit will be given.
Pediatric Activities
Date Due
Developmental Worksheet -- directives in your syllabus. Complete while at day care
center. Those in a SCHOOL-BASED clinical may go early in the semester. Those in a
HOSPITAL-BASED clinical will go on their Simulation Lab day or close to that date.
Week after you go
Pediatric Medication Administration Videos—There are 3 DVD’s #1885 to be
viewed on reserve on 2nd floor of Milner under L Kennell’s name. A hard copy of the
quiz is in your syllabus for you to complete while viewing the videos. Then take the
“Pediatric Medication Administration” quiz in ReggieNet by the stated due date.
September 5, 2014
Med Calculation and IV rate calculation using Dimensional Analysis—this quiz will
reflect a safe and accurate ability to determine dosage calculations by child’s weight,
and volume. I V med administration and flow rates will also be evaluated. Go to
ReggieNet by the stated due date.
September 12, 2014
Cardiac Quiz—this online matching quiz in Reggienet is based on the Practice Exercise
available on the clinical calendar and linked here.
September 23, 2014
Hematologic Diseases—online quiz in Reggienet based on content on Sickle Cell
Anemia, ITP, Hemophilia, Aplastic Anemia, Thalassemia.
October 22, 2014
Lab Interpretation Exercise—Online quiz in ReggieNet that applies the theory you
have learned in preparation for classes: Basic metabolic profile, changes in dehydration
and vomiting and diarrhea, CSF studies to diagnose meningitis, CBC to differentiate
acute viral or bacterial respiratory infections. Refer to links in Resources and Ppts.
November 4, 2014
Perceptions of Death and Dying in Children—to be completed online. After working
through the module, go to ReggieNet and take the quiz entitled “Hartford Module”.
December 2, 2014
Growth and Development Quiz: This 50-item quiz is open-book and available on
ReggieNet. This is a cumulative quiz on G&D of infants through school-age.
You may only take it ONE TIME, so you must study before attempting to take it!!
December 2, 2014
Cancer Quiz—this online quiz in Reggienet is based on the content in the CANCER
December 3, 2014
Additional Classroom Participation points—throughout the semester there will be
random in-class quizzes or exercises or case studies that can earn you points
Unannounced class points
may vary.
This is worth 13% of your
course grade.
Completed voluntarily
through the Sim Lab
BONUS POINTS: “OSCE” (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations)-you will
learn more about this during the semester.
ATI Test—Nursing Care of Children: You earn 30pts if you successfully pass the
secured ATI tests the first time, OR 20 points if you pass the 2nd time. Deadlines will be
given by Cathi Kaesberg, Success Plan Coordinator. Do NOT take this ATI early as
you will not have enough theory to be successful. Be sure to review tracheostomy
care in the ATI book to facilitate your success as well. Lots of content taught near
the end of the semester is on the ATI test. We WANT you to take this seriously
AND be SUCCESSFUL!!  30 pts possible if passed 1st time. 20 pts possible if
passed 2nd time. 0 points given if not passed after 2nd attempt.
30 or 20
or 0
These points are worth 2% of
your grade, so take it
Peds ATI must be completed
by date TBD!