April 15, 2013 - University at Albany

University Senate Executive Committee
Monday April 15, 2013
2:45 PM
UNH 306
Andi Lyons, Senate Chair
Philippe Abraham, Marc Cohen, Thomas Devlin, Susanna Fessler, Richard Fogarty, Elizabeth
Gaffney, Tim Groves, Yenisel Gulatee, Andi Lyons, Adrian Masters, John Monfasani, Susan
Phillips, Sanjay Putrevu, Christine Wagner
The minutes of March 25 were approved with minor changes.
Provost Phillips provided an update on the NY SUNY 2020 Plan, which includes plans for faculty hires,
enrollment growth, enhanced student experience, and expanded research. Emerging Technologies and
Entrepreneurship Cluster (E-TEC) is the 'signature' plan of UA’s SUNY2020 plan. A new building is planned to
house these functions. The location of the building, and other details, are still being worked out.
Thus far, 14 proposals and 38 tenure track faculty hires have been approved in Phase 1 of faculty hiring. We have
also approved the hire of 63 non tenure, part time & academic staff. Phase 2 of proposal reviews is nearing
Dr. Phillips reported that we are growing student recruitment and admissions over 5 years, with a final increase of
approximately 1000 undergraduates and 350 graduate students. Plans are already underway to enhance the student
experience through such programs as the new Gen Ed program, Advising Plus, Community College Connections,
Living Learning Communities, PACE, and Online Teaching/Learning.
Provost Phillips spoke about communicating progress and success to the campus. She noted that it was important
for the UA community to understand that every corner of the University benefits from the 2020 initiative. She also
noted that there are many different internal and external stakeholders, and each one has a different set of interests
in the various elements of the plan.
Professor Teresa Harrison, as the campus Faculty Athletics Representative mandated by NCAA regulations, presented her annual report
to the faculty about the academic character of UAlbany student-athletes, during the April 8 Senate meeting. Her materials will be
appended to the minutes for simplified access to the information by interested parties.
The Spring Faculty meeting is currently planned for 3pm on Thursday, April 25, to be held in the Campus Center.
UFS (University Faculty Senator’s Report) –Danielle Leonard, J. Philippe Abraham & Shadi ShahedipourSandvik, SUNY Senators
UFS sponsored "celebration of research" to further showcase graduate research was held on Feb 26th with a strong showing by UAlbany
students. At least one UFS senator plans to attend the UFS Spring Plenary meeting in Syracuse in early May. Amongst the topics to be
discussed is Open SUNY. An election will also take place at the Spring Plenary to elect the new UFS President.
A position paper by UFS committee on Diversity was considered by the UAlbany SEC. SEC reviewed the SUNY-wide material and
voted NOT to disseminate it widely due to its poorly worded, hastily written structure. In addition it was decided that this proposal would
likely cause confusion with the actual campus-wide work that is happening around Diversity and Inclusion this year at UA.
GSO (Graduate Student Organization) – Thomas Devlin, GSO President
Nothing to report
SA (Student Association) – Marc Cohen, Student Association Representative
Academic Affairs, Derek Ellis – Director
Being a new student in college is a very stressful time in any student's life. Adjusting to a different culture and way of life away from
parents and family may be a difficult feat to overcome for some students. The UAlbany SA Mentoring Program gives freshman and
sophomore students at the University the valuable opportunity to connect with an upperclassman mentor who will help them to excel in
all aspects of campus life.
The mentors will be readily available to mentees to provide support to them, help them adjust to life at a new school, and encourage them
to get involved. All mentors are fellow students who are active, involved, and possess a strong presence on campus. These qualified
individuals will help their mentees to build a relationship between them and potentially gain a lifelong friend. This opportunity would
seldom be available without an outlet like this.
Legislative Affairs, Nick Butler – Director
SUNY Student Association Conference in April. Nick Butler and Marc Cohen will represent SUNY Albany SA.
Community Engagement and Outreach, Kim Smith – Director
Pine Hills Clean Up April 7th 12:00PM
An opportunity for students to volunteer within the community, picking up trash and sweeping sidewalks/streets.
Out of the Darkness Walk May 5th 12:00PM-3:00PM
Suicide prevention walk taking place behind Liberty Terrace. This is the first walk at this location and is expected to have over 500
people. All proceeds will go to the American Federation for Suicide Prevention.
Student Group Affairs, Amanda Levit – Director
Purple and Gold Awards on April 22nd at 7:00 PM
Student Advocate, Michaela Torres
Street teaming every Friday.
Working on welcome weekend for new students which is April 13-14.
Mr. Cohen reported that the Student Activity Fee was upheld by the Supreme Court. Guinness World Record event cancelled.
Over 2,700 tickets sold for Parkfest; event was a success!
CAA (Council on Academic Assessment) – Adrian Masters, Chair
Chair Masters reported that the council would meet on April 24.
CAFFECoR (Committee on Academic Freedom, Freedom of Expression, and Community Responsibility) –
Leslie Saint-Vil, Chair
Senator Fessler reported that per the SEC’s request, CAFFECoR has prepared a written document with the formal proposal
that it be dissolved as a standing committee, with supporting information. That will shortly be forwarded to GOV.
CERS (Committee on Ethics in Research and Scholarship) – Carolyn MacDonald, Chair
CERS met 4/4 and discussed annual reporting. There were no inquires or investigations, but CERS discussed in anonymous terms two
cases which had been brought to the VPR and the CERS chair but which had been determined not to warrant inquiries. It was decided
that such cases should be included in the annual reporting to provide a basis for discussion of policy, but only in as general of terms as
possible. On another agenda item, it was concluded that the best method to provide faculty resources about ethical research was to work
with the office of research compliance, ITLAL and the office of the VPR to develop a webpage with links to a variety of resources,
including information on plagiarism and plagiarism checking search engines, with annual emails to all faculty during the summer to
remind faculty of their responsibilities, including their obligation to train any student researchers under their supervision. CERS will meet
again shortly for a training session for CERS members on case procedures.
COR (Council on Research) – John Monfasani, Chair
Nothing to report
CPCA (Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments) – Sanjay Putrevu, Chair
The next CPCA meeting is on Wednesday, April 10 th.
GAC (Graduate Academic Council) – Tim Groves, Chair
The GAC Committee on Policies and Procedures will meet 4-10-2013 to consider changes to the Graduate Bulleting language on
Academic Integrity. The GAC and UAC expect to introduce a bill regarding same at the Senate meeting on 4-29-2013.
GOV (Governance Council) – Christine Wagner, Chair
GOV met on 4/1/13. GOV discussed procedures for conducting a vote on an amendment to the Faculty Bylaws regarding the process by
which items are placed on the Senate agenda. This amendment was passed by GOV and approved by the SEC in the fall of 2012. An
electronic vote of all voting faculty will be conducted via MyUAlbany in the coming weeks. GOV continued a discussion regarding
Section XI: IRCUAP of the Senate Charter. UAC Chair, Rick Fogarty attended the GOV meeting to discuss procedures by which courses
and programs come through UAC. Elections for Senators-at-large, SUNY Senators and UAS Board members were conducted on
MyUAlbany the week of 4/1-4/7. The Committee on Council Nominations has been formed and will meet in the coming weeks to
constitute the Senate Councils and Committees for next year. This will be presented to the Senate for approval on 4/29/13. GOV will meet
again on 4/2//13.
GOV Chair Wagner reported that results of the online voting were sent in an email on April 12. The call for nominations of
Senate vice chair was sent on April 1. A reminder will be sent on April 17 and the deadline for nominations is April 22.
LISC (Council on Libraries, Information Systems, and Computing) – Elizabeth Gaffney, Chair
Next meeting scheduled for Monday, May 6th.
UAC (Undergraduate Academic Council) – Richard Fogarty, Chair
Nothing to report
ULC (University Life Council) – Vincent LaBella, Chair
ULC held the spring faculty forums on Action Steps Towards Inclusive Excellence during the first week of March. The sessions were
attended by about 30 people total. This was about half as many people who attended in the fall sessions. Nevertheless, those who
attended enjoyed the sessions and have come up with several ideas that have been forwarded onto the Presidents Council For Diversity
and Inclusion. ULC and the faculty senate are planning to continue more sessions next year with opportunities for the faculty to meet and
engage in conversations about fostering and inclusive environment especially how it relates to teaching and instruction in a classroom
UPPC (University Planning and Policy Council) – Susanna Fessler, Chair
UPPC met on Friday, 4/5/13. The agenda included an update report from the Provost on SUNY2020. We also heard a report on the NSSE
and SOS surveys from the Office of Institutional Research. Cross-registration issues, which were to be presented by the Registrar, were
postponed until the 4/19 meeting. On 4/19 we’ll also be discussing the 2014-15 academic calendar.
Chair Fessler reported that UPPC next meets on April 19, and will be discussing three agenda items: the academic calendar,
cross-registration between SUNYA and local campuses, and the Institute for Health and Human Rights.
Status of Charter Section XI IRCUAP :
GOV Chair Wagner provided background on the amendment to the Charter, Section XI, Initial Review Committee
of Undergraduate Academic Proposals, or IRCUAP which was approved by the Senate at its meeting of May 4,
2009. The amendment is not completely internal to the functions of the Senate as it invokes action by the
Provost’s Office. The amendment was not approved by the president but was placed in the Charter. GOV has
engaged in lengthy discussions about whether or not to keep the amendment in the Charter and she provided
motions approved by GOV during the semester on the matter. At a meeting on October 29, GOV approved the
following motion:
…since IRCUAP was not signed by the president and compels action by an administrative
office, it is the opinion of the Governance Council that the amendment is not operational at
this time. The motion was seconded and approved by vote with one opposition.
At its most recent meeting of April 1, GOV approved the following two motions:
Professor Schmidt moved that while most Charter amendments would not require the
approval of the President, IRCUAP should not have been inserted in the Charter as it requires
the action of the provost and was not approved by the president. Therefore, Section XI:
IRCUAP and the reference to IRCUAP in Section X.3.4.4 should be removed from the
Charter. The motion was seconded an unanimously approved.
A second motion was made by Professor Schmidt that in the coming year, GOV revisit the
possibility of an intermediate level of review similar to IRCUAP as a designated
subcommittee of UAC in Section X.3 of the Charter, for the purpose of reviewing programs
and courses not coming from a school or college. The motion was seconded and approved
Chair Wagner said GOV did not believe an amendment would be required to remove Section XI since it should not
have been added to the Charter. Therefore, GOV seeks the SEC’s input on how to properly handle the matter.
Chair Lyons suggested adding some type of reference in the Charter to address removal of the amendment. Chair
Wagner recommended referencing the relevant GOV minutes in the Charter explaining how the matter evolved.
UPPC Chair Fessler said she believed the GOV minutes would provide the necessary paper trail and moved that
the SEC inform GOV that the Committee approves their decision to remove the amendment. GAC Chair Groves
expressed concern about providing full disclosure for removing the amendment. Chair Wagner said she believed
the minutes and GOV’s report to the Senate would be sufficient. The motion was amended and finalized as
follows: The SEC agrees with the decision of the Governance Council that Section XI: IRCUAP was erroneously
added to the Senate Charter, and gives GOV permission to remove Section XI and Section X.3.4.4 as it refers to
UAC. The motion was seconded and approved by a vote.
The meeting adjourned at 5:59 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Gail Cameron