How the youth defines corruption Corruption undermines the economic growth ,distorts competition denying public access to fair competition in markets,(jobs, tendering and pricing).Corruption leads to wrong decisions in government departments, which results in wrong projects and substandard delivery of services. Corruption also erodes public confidence in leaders and undermines capacity for revenue collection. The existence of corruption leads to undeveloped and weak administrative capacity. By: Monkagedi Ntwatsile(Molefi Senior Secondary School) Corruption comes from the word Corrupt, which means mis-use of power, to be dishonest or to do illegal things in return for money or advantage. Bribery is another element of corruption, which is a sum of money or something valuable that is given or offered to someone so they act dishonestly. Corruption destroys the economy: it leads to lack of teachers, lack of school properties, shortage of nurses and shortage of hospitals. Corruption does not pay; it destroys the country and individuals who commit it. By: Mpho Mmutle(Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) Corruption has nothing but a negative effect on both individuals who engage in it and the society at large. Poor developments in the country, a depressed economy and inadequate social services are some of the consequences of corruption. All this depend on our behavior for example, if we avoid conflict or interest between our personal life and official duties, then corruption would be kept on check. Think about corruption and report all instances ,doubts and allegations to the DCEC and save the country BY: Selefa Makgwa(Naledi Senior Seconday) Corruption is when someone is influenced in a way that makes him/ her dishonest or immoral .two people are involved, the giver and the receiver. Corruption can be an invisible theft because it takes place between two consenting parties. Corruption has many effects like loss of job for the individual, poor development for the nation, loss of friends and family. One may also be imprisoned; this can lead to breakdown of families. We should all support the DCEC‘s effort in fighting corruption in order to build an economy free from corruption. By: Kumbanani Masole(Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) Corruption is the most dangerous evil in any democracy. It gives undesired advantage to a person(s) at the cost of the public at large. Corruption usually takes place where the opportunities for corruption exist. There are many thins that promotes corruption such as when the rules and regulations are outdated and there is poor implementation of policies, unclear procedures coupled with insufficient supervision. To keep corruption at bay we should remember and follow all the basics of principles of ethical conduct , which should be obeyed by officers in the public service .Some of the principles that a public officer must abide by are: Do not misuse your power of office Be honest in your duties Do not be partial Do not violate the law By: Sharmishta Anand(Legae Academy) Corruption is when the officer flout regulations and procedures in return for money .Foe example if a person is corrupt he/she is dishonest and can not be trusted .another example is that a man can be corrupted by he desire for money. Corruption is a dishonest and illegal behavior by people in exchange for something very valuable. For instance if the tax collector collects tax, he may take some of the tax money and keep it for himself instead of remitting it to the revenue office. By: Abang Marope(Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) A corrupt person is someone who is ready to do dishonest or illegal thins or willing not to do certain things in return for money or valuable assets .Corruption is the dishonest and illegal behavior by people in authority and can also be said to be the offering or acceptance of valuable assets for illegal acts .the aspects of corruption are promising ,giving, receiving and soliciting. There are two people involved in corruption, the giver and taker; both parties are satisfied with the transaction. Corruption takes away millions of pula from the government and it takes years to make up for the money lost, meanwhile the nations suffers . By: Boineelo George( Naledi Senior Secondary School) Corruption is when somebody does something that they are not supposed to do or not doing what should be done due to receiving a bribe .Corruption leads to poor development at nation level since the money for development will be used to reconstruct projects that were badly constructed as a result of corruption. A person who commits an act of corruption may lose his/ her job. By: Seremane Lesego Fredah(Maikano Junior Secondary School) Corruption is theft of government assets such as laptops ,fraud against the government such as tax and duty evasion , not paying or underpaying for goods when one is declaring them at border posts. Corruption leads to depressed economy .At the individual level it can lead to the loss of a job, imprisonment, loss of a home, family and friends, it can also lead to loss of self respect and respect for others. By: Mpho Oletile (Molefi Senior Secondaary School) Corruption is defined as “willing to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain” .Corrupt people especially those in author never think of other people and are irresponsible .Their main aim is to get rich. Once discovered they may be fined P500 000 and or serve a jail term of ten years or both. By: Jeanne James (Legae Academy) Corruption is the dishonest or illegal behavior especially of people in authority. Corruption is doing an act, which amounts to abusing ones position for personal gain. Corruption has four aspects of promising, giving, soliciting and receiving. This is not allowed because public officers are paid by government to provide services. By: Keoikantse Mabeo (Naledi Senior Secondary School) Cheating, untruthfulness, immorality and dishonesty characterise corruption. It is a crime committed secretly between two or more people. Both parties are satisfied with the transaction. Personally, I think corruption is very bad and people who commit corruption should be punished heavily. The courts of this country should take very strict measures against those who commit offences of corruption. If anyone we know or anyone related to us is involved in corrupt practices, let us report to the DCEC. By: Kathleen Tshepiso Batlang (Gaborone Senior Secondary School) Corruption involved the misuse of government resources by public officers. It also entails doing something illegal in return for a valuable consideration. Our society is gripped by greed and materialism and the desire to amass wealth is what drives people. We value money more than our fellow country men. The DCEC should educate the public against corruption. That way we can hope towin the fight against corruption. By: Monthusiotsile Ngwako (Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) Corruption is the offering, acceptance or soliciting of a valuable consideration as an inducement or reward for doing, or not doing, an act which amounts to abusing ones official position. It as a crime committed secretly. The major reason for corruption is greed. The corrupt belief that they will not be caught, or, if caught they will be treated leniently. Leniency, greed and dishonesty contribute to peoples tendency towards corruption. By: Siele Oderile Siele (Legae Academy) The word corruption does not only refer to greed of those in power but also means using government assets in a way that in the long run individuals benefit but not the entire nation. To eliminate corruption, the Directorate on Corruption and Economic crimes educational programmes should be coupled with the review of legislation to clearly detail what constitutes corruption so that the public could support the fight against corruption. By: Dipesalema Mogapi (Naledi Senior Secondary School) Corruption is when public officers misuse government assets for their own personal gain. They receive bribes or a sum of money or valuable consideration in return for a favour. Several things like poverty and greed can cause corruption. Corruption is not easy to notice because it is done secretly between two people, one who gives and the one who receives. By: Oabona Mazhani (Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) Corruption occurs when people are extremely poor and are forced to commit illicit acts against the government in a bid to make ends meet. Poor leadership can lead to poor supervision of goods and services thus allowing the staff to make unpredictable decisions which in turn cause delays that contribute to corruption. Corruption results in a number of problems such as economic decline. Botswana may also lose the respect of other countries. By: Tiny Phiri (Naledi Senior Secondary School) Corruption is done by Public Officers either on duty or outside the office. Officers may solicit a bribe or they may be urged by a member of the public to accept it in return for a favour. Public officers who misuse public offices and government assets for their own benefit are said to be corrupt. There has to be collusion between the giver and the receiver. A bribe is money that is offered to the receiver so that he or she grants or satisfies the giver by doing whatever he or she asks for even though it is dishonest. A bribe is offered so that both parties are satisfied with their deal. By: Galefele Mochipela (Bokamoso Junior Secondary School) A person is seen to commit corruption if he or she solicits or offers any payment in cash or in kind in return for a favour. There are many types of corrupt practices that take place in our country. These include cheating the Public Revenue and misusing official posi