Chapter 15: Advertising - Delmar

Learning Objectives: Chapter 15
1. Describe the steps involved in planning the
advertising effort.
2. List the three categories into which
advertising objectives can usually be
3. Explain the difference between consumer
and trade advertising.
4. Explain the three components of advertising
message strategy and list the alternative
creative formats.
5. Explain the seven factors considered when
selecting advertising media.
Learning Objectives: Chapter 15
6. List the advertising media alternatives.
7. Describe the advantages and disadvantages
of various advertising media alternatives.
8. Explain how the hospitality and travel
industry uses different advertising media.
9. Describe the role of advertising agencies
and the advantages of using them.
Steps in Planning Advertising
Set advertising objectives.
Decide on in-house advertising or agency.
Establish a tentative advertising budget.
Consider cooperative advertising
Decide on advertising message strategy:
Message idea
Copy platform
Message or creative format
Steps in Planning Advertising
Select advertising media.
Decide on timing of advertisements.
Pretest advertisements.
Prepare final advertising plan and budget.
Measure and evaluate advertising success.
Categories of Advertising Objectives
1. Informative advertising.
2. Persuasive advertising.
3. Reminder advertising.
RIP acronym = Remind - Inform - Persuade
Advertising Objectives
1. Informative advertising:
 To create awareness of the organization.
 To explain the characteristics of the
 To correct false impressions about the
 To reduce peoples’ apprehensions or fears
about visiting the organization.
 To build or enhance the organization’s image or
Advertising Objectives
2. Persuasive advertising:
 To increase customer preference for the
organization’s services.
 To increase customer loyalty to the
 To encourage customers to switch from using
a competitive organization.
 To convince customers to book at the
organization now or in the future.
 To change customers’ perceptions.
Advertising Objectives
3. Reminder advertising:
 To remind customers about where they can
book the organization’s services.
 To remind customers about facilities or
services that are unique to the sponsoring
 To remind customers about when they should
book or reserve the organization’s services.
 To remind customers of the existence of the
Difference between Consumer and
Trade Advertising
 Consumer advertising: aimed at the customers
who will actually use the hospitality and travel
services being promoted.
 Trade advertising: aimed at the travel trade
intermediaries who will influence customers’
buying decisions.
Advertising Message Strategy
 The advertising message strategy describes
what is to be communicated and how it is to be
communicated. It consists of the:
 Message idea: the main theme, appeal, or
benefit to be communicated in the message.
 Copy platform: a written statement that fully
describes the message idea.
 Message or creative format: a broad creative
approach used to communicate the message
idea to the target audiences.
Message or Creative Formats
Slice of life.
Analogy, association and symbolism.
Trick photography or exaggerated situations.
Word plays or made-up phrases.
Honest Twist.
Advertising Media Selection
 Target markets and their reading, viewing, and
listening habits.
 Positioning approach, promotional goals, and
advertising objectives.
 Media evaluation criteria.
 Relative strengths and weaknesses of each
media alternative.
 Creative requirements.
 Competitive media placements.
 Approximate total advertising budget
Media Evaluation Criteria
Lead time and flexibility.
Clutter and dominance.
Message permanence.
Persuasive impact and mood.
Newspaper Advertising: Advantages
High reach.
High geographic concentration.
Good frequency.
Short lead times (flexibility).
Relatively low cost.
Ability to communicate detailed information.
Ability to place in most appropriate location.
Ability to schedule to exploit day-of-week
Newspaper Advertising:
 High waste factor and inability to
 Limitations on creative format.
 Relatively poor reproduction quality.
 Clutter.
 Short life span.
 High cost of national coverage.
Magazine Advertising: Advantages
High audience selectivity.
Good reproduction quality.
Long life span and good pass-along rate.
Prestige and credibility.
Ability to communicate detailed
Magazine Advertising: Disadvantages
 Limitations on
creative format.
 Clutter.
 Low reach.
 Low frequency.
 Long lead
 Relatively expensive.
 Difficulties in
geographic targeting.
 Inability to schedule to
exploit day-of-week
Television Advertising: Advantages
Potentially high reach.
High persuasive impact.
Availability of uniform national coverage.
Exploits day-of-week and time-of-day
 Some geographic and demographic
Television Advertising: Limitations
High total cost.
Short life span.
Inability to transmit detailed information.
Relatively high waste factor.
Radio Advertising: Advantages
Relatively low cost.
Audience selectivity.
High frequency.
Short lead times (flexibility).
Exploits time-of-day and day-of-week factors.
Radio Advertising: Disadvantages
 No visual communications.
 Can’t transmit complex messages or
detailed information.
 Short life span.
 Clutter.
 Shared attention.
Direct Mail Advertising: Advantages
Audience selectivity.
Highly flexible.
Relatively uncluttered.
High level of personalization.
Ability to measure response.
Low minimum cost.
Short lead times.
Direct Mail Advertising: Disadvantages
 “Junk mail” syndrome and high
discard rate.
 Relatively high total cost.
 Limitations on creative format.
Outdoor Advertising: Advantages
High reach and good frequency.
Geographic selectivity.
Relatively uncluttered.
Long life span.
Large size.
Outdoor Advertising: Disadvantages
 High waste factor and inability to
 Relatively long lead times.
 Can’t transmit complex messages or
detailed information.
 Not prestigious.
 Limitations on creative format.
 Inability to schedule to exploit day-ofwork or time-of-day factors.
Interactive Media: Advantages
Cost effectiveness.
Easy to modify.
Interactive content.
International reach.
Expanding market.
Constant availability.
Ease of traffic measurement.
Interactive Media: Disadvantages
Privacy concerns.
Partial market coverage.
Navigation problems.
Loss of control.
How the Hospitality and Travel
Industry Uses Advertising Media
 Fast-food companies tend to focus
upon and emphasize television
 Airlines tend to place an emphasis on
newspaper advertising.
 Hotel companies tend to use a
combination of media.
 Everyone is moving toward more
advertising on the World Wide Web.
Roles of Advertising Agencies
Advertising planning.
Creative services.
Media services.
Research services.
Sales promotion and merchandising
Advantages of Using
Advertising Agencies
 Employ the best creative minds in
 Have accumulated experience from
working with a wide diversity of
clients; have a broader perspective
and are more objective.
 May save the organization money.
 Agencies are more familiar with media
and media vehicles.