General Scoring Guidelines
• No penalty for schwa sound /u/
added to consonant sounds.
(“buh” for /b/) – Please model
the clipped sound, but do not
deduct points for it
General Scoring Guidelines
• Response Patterns
• End of each DIBELS administration
• Valuable : recurring, different types
of errors, everyone working with that
child can see them
• Should drive instruction for that child
BOY 1st Grade Benchmarks
• WR
Scoring Rules: LNF
• 1 point for each letter correctly named in 1 minute
• Lowercase “L”: L or I correct (#1 INCORRECT)
“Go this way” (if child names letters from top to bottom) ONLY ONCE
“Try to say each letter” (if child skips 4 or more consecutive letters, but
does not skip the whole row) ONLY ONCE
“Say the letter name, not its sound” (if child says sounds rather than
letter names) ONLY ONCE
“Keep Going” (if student stops) – as Often as needed
LNF Tutorial Video
(2 videos – 12.79 min)
Scoring Rules: PSF
• 1 point for each different, correct sound produced in 1
• Underline each correct sound segment (blended sounds
or partial segmentation should be underlined exactly as
the student said the sounds – 1 point per underline)
“Say the sounds in the word.” – then give the next word –
“Remember to say all the sounds in the word.” – then give the next word – ONLY
**Schwa sounds /u/ added to consonants are NOT counted as errors.
PSF tutorial Video
(2 videos – 21.02 min)
PSF Practice
– 1st grade student
– Benchmark
• Round 1
K grade student
Progress Monitoring
Grade K, Form 1
Points to Remember
• Underline everything the student says to
create a precise visual record.
• If a phoneme is produced incorrectly,
underline the phoneme, then tap it to
indicate the error.
• Say the next word as soon as the student
finishes responding.
Scoring Rules: NWF
• CLS: credit for 1 CLS for each correct letter sound read in isolation
or read as part of a make-believe word
• WWR: credit for 1 WWR for each word read correctly WITHOUT
first being sounded out.
“Go this way.” (if child does not read from left to right) ONLY ONCE
“Say the sounds, not the letter names.” (if child says letter names) ONLY ONCE
“Just read the word.” (if child reads the word first, then says the letters sounds) ONLY ONCE
“Try to read the words as whole words.” (if child says all of the letter sounds correctly in the first
row, but does not attempt to blend or recode) ONLY ONCE
“Keep going.” & point if they loose place – As often as needed
**Schwa sounds /u/ added to consonants are NOT counted as errors.
NWF Tutorial - practice
(1 video – 2.18 min)
NWF - explanation (13.67 min)
NWF Points to Remember
• Assesses the Alphabetic Principle and
basic phonics
• Score sound by sound, blended sounds,
and whole-word responses
• CLS = Correct Letter Sounds
• WWR = Whole Words Read correctly on
the FIRST attempt
Paper / Pencil Practice
NWF Practice
– 1st grade student
– Benchmark
• Round 1
1st grade student
Progress Monitoring
Grade 1, Form 1
1st, 2nd, 3rd
• 3 Passages (median #s used for score)
• 1 minute + 1 minute for Retell
• 0 words read correctly in the 1st line – STOP (do not administer Retell)
• Fewer than 10 words are read correctly on passage #1, do NOT
administer Retell or passages #2 and #3
• Fewer than 40 words read correctly – you decide whether to do Retell
or not – then complete passages #2 and #3
• Hesitation Rules: 3 seconds
• Prompts:
– Keep Going -- As many times as needed
– Can you tell me anything more about the story? ONCE (during
DORF Tutorial Video
(4 videos – 26.91 min.)
DORF Retell
• Correct
– Stating accurate
– Contractions
– Minor repetitions
– Minor irrelevancies
– Minor inaccuracies
• Incorrect
– Exclamations or
“Hmm…” or “Umm…”
– Songs and recitations
– Rote repetition of
words or phrases
– Stories or irrelevancies
– Stating retell details
multiple times
DORF Practice
– 2nd grade student
– Benchmark
• Round 1
1st grade student
Progress Monitoring
Grade 1, Form 1
Text Reading Comprehension:
If your child is retelling a book, don’t forget to have the student reread the book before
the retell, then remove the book from the student before the retell starts. Make sure to
give the book to the student for oral and written comprehension questions.
“Generally, the Reading Record is administered on 100-150 words of the entire text.
This is an adequate sample because the student’s error patterns begin to repeat.”
“At higher levels, the student continues reading the book silently to answer Written
Comprehension questions, demonstrate the ability to sustain reading longer material,
and gain meaning from text.”
Instructional Reading Level
Accuracy = 90%-94%
Retell = 2 or higher
Oral Comp = 4 or higher
TRC Quick Reference
• Correct
 Student read correct
 Student correctly
sounds out words
 Student repeats
 Student self-corrects
• Incorrect
Words read in the
wrong order
× Proper Nouns (the
first instance only)
TRC Video:
Frequently Asked Questions:
• Do I have to administer the Oral and Written
Comprehension questions if the TRC passage is too
difficult for the student to decode (below a 90% accuracy
“If a student scores below 90% on accuracy, then this text
level is too difficult and shows that the student is not
proficient at the level, regardless of what the responses
would be on the Oral and Written Comprehension
questions. It is the teacher’s choice when to ask the
student to complete the comprehension tasks. Time
would likely be better spent administering the lower text
level and lower comprehension components is the child
is below 90%.”
• How do I know where to start the TRC
leveled passages for my student?
Use the previous year’s EOY TRC level, or if no history is
available, use the information provided by DORF to determine
an approximate starting point
•Am I permitted to read the Written
Comprehension Questions to my students?
NO. The student MUST read and interpret the written questions.
Students dictating to a scribe (which is allowed if NEEDED,
Kindergarten – Mid 1st Grade, and if required by IEPs), are
EXPECTED to read and interpret the written comprehension
questions on their own, without help from the teacher or scribe.
There should be NO prompting.
• How many times do I count errors of
Proper Nouns?
Count Proper Noun errors ONCE (this rule is to give students a
chance to move beyond memorizing a language-specific
name that may not be based on our phonological system, and
it does not have an impact on comprehension in TRC
Why do we administer written comprehension
“Some may argue that text comprehension and writing are two
completely different skills. However, a student who easily
understands text, frees up the cognitive resources necessary for
writing. Writing about a piece of text demonstrates a high level of
understanding, even if the student struggles to write. This is
responding to text at its best.”
• What score should be entered in the device
when there is a discrepancy in the scores of
the two written comprehension questions?
“Take the LOWEST score and enter it in the device at the Written
Comprehension score for that student.” ***NOT an average
•Do I have to administer the MSV portion of
“MSV analysis is required for all red and yellow students. It
provides the error pattern data that guides instruction.” Think of it
as the diagnostic portion of TRC. Only needs to be completed on
the book that is at the instructional level.
Frequently Asked Questions:
• "Do we count all articulation errors correct, for a speech student?
(example: the student says /d/ for /g/ every time...etc)"
If the student pronounces the sounds in everyday speech the
same way they say them in the assessment they are correct.
*What does the "3D" actually mean in Reading 3D?
DIBELS give you a score that tells you how the student's basic
skills are developing. The comprehension element with DORF Retell
and DAZE is weak. The TRC is an assessment of a student's
comprehension skills. Both put together give you a true picture, a
3D picture, of a student's reading ability
*Can the directions be read in Spanish?"
Yes, you can give the directions in Spanish
NC Read to achieve Livebinder
• Click on “Reading 3D Tutorials”
•You Tube Tutorials
Watch the videos from Melissa Ashley (TRC by Shannon Hullett)
Lynn’s Haiku