
3 Nephi 16-20
1. Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me
Are about the Lamanites in ancient history.
Long ago their fathers came from far across the sea,
Giv'n the land if they lived righteously.
2. Lamanites met others who were seeking liberty,
And the land soon welcomed all who wanted to be free.
Book of Mormon stories say that we must brothers be,
Giv'n the land if we live righteously.
3. Alma was rebellious, and he fought against the right.
Then one day an angel came to turn him to the light.
Struck before his brethren, Alma learned humility.
Then he taught in the land righteously.
4. Don't forget Abinadi, who stood before the king.
All chained up from head to toe, the gospel he did bring.
If he would deny it, then the king would set him free.
He was true, and he died righteously.
5. Ammon was a missionary serving Lamanites,
Tending King Lamoni's sheep for several days and
Robbers came; he saved the sheep by fighting
He had learned he could live righteously.
6. Once two thousand sons of God were called to fight
the foe.
Marching as an army into battle they did go.
They believed that Christ the Lord their guardian would
They had learned they should live righteously.
7. Samuel the Lamanite, high on the city wall,
Came to warn the people, and repentance was his call.
Arrows could not hit him, for a man of God was he,
And he taught in the land righteously.
(Slowly and reverently)
8. After Christ was crucified and died for
you and me,
He came forth to teach the truth to all
who would be free.
Hands were laid upon each child. He
blessed them tenderly,
And they lived in the land righteously.
3 Nephi 17:1-3. Why home?
3 Ne 17:5-7. If you could have Christ heal
any person, who would you have them
3 Nephi 17:9-10. Who came to Jesus for
3 Ne 17:15-17. Does Christ pray for us
today? If He prayed for you right now, what
would He pray for?
3 Nephi 17:20-24. What’s wrong with these
little children? What does Christ see in their
eyes? What have they experienced?
What caused this event?
They had to ask! What if they wouldn’t have asked???
Are you remembering to ask the Savior to heal
your faith? Your family? Your friends? Your quorum?
Video (My Joy is Full)
President Monson Crystal Methvin story
3 Nephi 18
• 3 Nephi 18:1, 7, 9 Why
did Christ have them
eat until they were
• 3 Nephi 18:15, 20-21
• 3 Nephi 18:28–29 Why
do you think it is
important that we not
take the sacrament
– Take his name in vain
“Deacons, teachers, and priests should always be
clean in appearance and reverent in the manner
in which they perform their solemn and sacred
responsibilities. Teachers’ special assignments in
preparing the sacrament are the least visible but
should still be done with dignity, quietly and
reverently. Teachers should always remember
that the emblems they are preparing represent
the body and blood of our Lord.
“To avoid distracting from the sacred occasion,
priests should speak the sacrament prayers
clearly and distinctly. Prayers that are rattled off
swiftly or mumbled inaudibly will not do...Speak
to be heard and understood, and say it like you
mean it…
Elder Oaks, Ensign, Nov.
1998, 39–40.
“Deacons should pass the sacrament in a
reverent and orderly manner, with no needless
motions or expressions that call attention to
themselves. In all their actions they should avoid
distracting any member of the congregation
from worship and covenant making.
“All who officiate in the sacrament—in
preparing, administering, or passing—should be
well groomed and modestly dressed, with
nothing about their personal appearance that
calls special attention to themselves.
“If someone officiating in this sacred ordinance is
unworthy to participate, and this is known to
anyone present, their participation is a serious
distraction to that person. Young men, if any of
you is unworthy, talk to your bishop without
Elder Oaks, Ensign, Nov.
1998, 39–40.
“May I suggest that wherever possible a white
shirt be worn by the deacons, teachers, and
priests who handle the sacrament. For sacred
ordinances in the Church we often use
ceremonial clothing, and a white shirt could be
seen as a gentle reminder of the white clothing
you wore in the baptismal font and an
anticipation of the white shirt you will soon wear
into the temple and onto your missions.
“I have a final suggestion. With the single
exception of those priests occupied breaking the
bread, all who hold the Aaronic Priesthood
should join in singing the sacrament hymn by
which we worship and prepare to partake. No
one needs that spiritual preparation more than
the priesthood holders who will officiate in it.
My young brethren, it is important that you sing
the sacrament hymn. Please do so”
Elder Oaks, Ensign, Nov.
1998, 39–40.
Name symbols of the sacrament.
The greatest promise offered to us
through the sacrament is his spirit:
Read 3 Nephi 19:1-3, 13-15, 21,
24-25, 30; 3 Nephi 20:8-9.
How may your lives be different if
you were not able to take the
sacrament each week?
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
“The praying Christ. That is the
example to which we are to point
others. The Christ of humility. The
Christ of spiritual communion. The Christ who is dependent
upon his Father. The Christ who asks for blessings upon
others. The Christ who calls down the powers of heaven. The
Christ who is one with the Father in at least one way that we
too can be united with him—through prayer... That is the
light we are to show the world and you are to show your
students. It is the image of Christ praying unspeakable
(Elder Holland, CES Symposium, 9 August 1994)
3 Nephi 16-20