Crosskeys Campus Crosskeys Campus Enrolment & Induction Briefing Pack 2015 Document1 1 Crosskeys Campus Contents Key Dates Enrolment & Induction 2015..................................................................................................... 3 Key Points................................................................................................................................................... 3 Induction/Enrolment Activities 2015 - Full-time First Year ....................................................................... 5 Full- time Second Year - Enrolment Activities............................................................................................ 6 Enrolment Check List 2015 for Tutors ....................................................................................................... 7 Procedure for Walk Ins .............................................................................................................................. 8 Freshers’ Fair............................................................................................................................................ 10 Support Talks ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Qualification on Entry Process (Replacing Form A) ................................................................................. 13 Guidance on ALN (Additional Learning Needs)........................................................................................ 14 Guidance on Form D Procedures (Medical Form) ................................................................................... 15 Post Enrolment Activities for Full-Time Learners .................................................................................... 16 Financial Fact Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 17 Group Allocation Form............................................................................................................................. 19 FORM X - Returning Students .................................................................................................................. 20 Form X - New Students ............................................................................................................................ 21 INDUCTION CHECKLIST Full Time ............................................................................................................. 22 PART TIME INDUCTION CHECKLIST / ....................................................................................................... 26 ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 College Calendar 2015/6.......................................................................................................................... 31 Notes: ....................................................................................................................................................... 32 Document1 2 Crosskeys Campus Key Dates Enrolment & Induction 2015 August Walk-ins will go to the X Block where we will provide advice and guidance, IA and then get enrolled. Late enrolment/ induction after 28th August will continue in LC and Private Study HE courses start 14th Sept Note: CRE4a data should all be completed by latest end August Key Points Learners have been invited to enrolment/induction in course groups and will be welcomed in X Block by the course teams. IA will take place after electronic enrolment and be administered by the Skills Team. Walks Ins will be taken through the same process as all applicants (ie IAG/IA) prior to being enrolled or referred. Take care because these learners can be at risk of drop out. Late IAGs have been booked in on 18th and 19th of August in T Block Suite applicants are given offers and then invited to a 1st year enrolment slot. International students should all be referred to Finance staff PRIOR to enrolment to establish validity of status and fees - namely students not born in UK and those on a student visa. Students with unspent convictions must be referred to Learner Services and cannot be enrolled without approval. Only new AS level students to undertake ALIS adaptive test All students on a new programme undertake IA and Diagnostic in Literacy and Numeracy, returning students are not required to. Financial Support Fact Sheet see page 18, explains changes to EMA, Travel Scheme and Learner Support Fund. Paper registers for induction UCI and NI numbers required for all students Document1 3 Crosskeys Campus Enrolling tutors check results slips but do not keep these are input directly into EBS by admin tem VA questionnaire completed at KIT/Induction and kept in iFile. Information on ALN (Additional Learning Needs) is now available on EBS. New Z-Cards - LSonline acts as handbook. Additional Reference: Enrolment/Induction slots for each school Staff Handbook & Management of Learner Records Guide Fees & Course Codes for School Document1 4 Crosskeys Campus Induction/Enrolment Activities 2015 - Full-time First Year 1. Students greeted in X Block foyer: Check students have offer and have met conditions, advise if they have not. Tutors to assist and stay with learners through stages 1-4. 2. Student given welcome talk and video in Theatre in class groups Principal’s Welcome Video. They also receive explanation about of enrolment form information contained on the back of the form (Data Protection and the Learning Records Service). 3. Students meet tutors in class groups and discuss offer /results in Sports Hall or classrooms Tutors check that the conditions of the offer have been met ie entry qualifications on the learner’s exam results slip. Tutor enters correct course details and learner UCI number. Learner completes and signs the enrolment form. Tutor checks the enrolment form: Learner Identification e.g. Passport, and signs the form to verify everything is correct. Bus pass status is confirmed 4. Enrolment station in LC (note – forms should be completed and checked prior to tutor taking group to the enrolment station). Learner is enrolled onto the EBS system, pays £10.00 admin fee, pays bus pass fee where appropriate, has photo ID taken and receives confirmation of enrolment containing ID card/bus pass, lanyard and pass holder. Enrolment form and the LEA bus pass approval letters are to be kept at the Enrolment Station along with copy of result slips. Students should only leave with ID/bus pass, original result slips and confirmation of enrolment. 5. ALIS Adaptive Test (new AS levels only) supported by tutors HoS to arranged IT rooms. Students are escorted by tutors to pre-arranged IT rooms in F/K Block to complete. 6. Any outstanding IAs tutors need to ensure completion during induction (liaise with LSA’s). Document1 5 Crosskeys Campus Full- time Second Year - Enrolment Activities Approx. 3 Hours Enrolment Welcome talk in the Theatre Complete/check enrolment form Escort Students to and through Enrolment Station in Learning Centre Course Information: Issue and discuss timetable Course content – units, essential skills, CLIF Course activities e.g. trips, events etc. Assignment/Assessment/Exam Schedule ADEPT Enrichment Programme Z Cards and LSOnline for all info previously in Learner Handbook UCAS Work Experience and enrichment arrangements Careers advice availability ALL complete new Form D (old form destroyed) Behaviour and Expectations ETHOS Establish and discuss boundaries All learners to sign a code of conduct agreement, which is used to reinforce ETHOS behaviours. Deadlines Submission of Work Reports Christmas and Easter on eILP Parents’ Evenings 16th November & 30th November 2015 Document1 6 Crosskeys Campus Enrolment Check List 2015 for Tutors Please check that the student has filled in all the appropriate details in particular Emergency contact details Date of Birth Appropriate learning difficulty or disability boxes, if not ask and tick School last attended if under 21 Ticked appropriate data protection boxes, if not ask and tick Enter parent course code, course description, start and end dates plus AS/AL subjects and possibly Year 2 additions. Results slips checked and photocopied English, Welsh and Maths Grades entered Learner signature and date D Form completed (required for all learners each year) If ALN have been approved by ALSCO Please enter Confirm identity of student with National Insurance card or Passport/Driving licence/ID card or other form of national identification/ /Certificate of entitlement to funding/Bank credit or debit card. Fees where appropriate include £10 full time admin fee in Equipment fees box. UCI number from result slips Tutor signature, School and date Resources: Document1 7 Blank forms Enrolment, D. Form X - Start dates and times Spare enrolment wallets with labels Fees list Group Allocation forms for A Levels Crosskeys Campus Procedure for Walk Ins Applicant arrives in X Block a. Greet and establish status : i. First visit to college or ii. Have offer - but has changed mind or iii. Did not get required grades iv. Late enroller If i refer to Inspire2suceed Team who b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Establish course/area of interest Send for discussion with academic staff IAG / audition / taster or careers Wales as appropriate If accepted, given Offer Form (at Enrolment) and taken to register on EBS in X-Block touchdown and enrolment form printed Undertake IA, Free Writing and Financial info in SLC or Evolve suite (Skills Team) ‘Welcome talk’ in Theatre Return to the academic staff to have enrolment form course coded and signed Proceed to normal enrolment process. If ii/iii to Inspire2suceed Team who a. b. c. d. Establish Course / area of interest Send for discussion with academic staff IAG / audition / taster or careers Wales as appropriate If accepted, given Offer Form (at enrolment), given Enrolment form and out to theatre If IV Late enroller Given enrolment form and proceed to the Theatre for normal process. Document1 8 Crosskeys Campus Possible outcomes o o o Student enrolled on course Student is put on waiting list ( reviewed by Campus Director daily) Student does not get offer and is referred back to Careers Wales for further support and advice Resources Document1 Application forms Offer Form (at enrolment) Blank Enrolment Forms B, D Waiting lists for appropriate courses Fees & Course Codes lists Group Allocation Form – AS Levels Form X D Forms 9 Crosskeys Campus Freshers’ Fair Friday 28th August 2015, T Block 10.00am Hair & Beauty/Performing Arts 10.30 am Hospitality/Travel &Tourism/ 11.00 am Health & Social Care/Childcare 11.30am MV and Engineering 12.00 am Art & Design 12.30 pm Lunch 1.30 pm General Education Group 1 2.00 pm General Education Group 2 2.30 pm Business/IT/OT 3.00 pm Sport/Public Services Document1 10 Crosskeys Campus Support Talks Thursday 27th August 2015 Sports Hall X Block 12.00 pm Gen Ed 1.30 pm Business/IT/OT/Sport 2.30 pm Care Friday 29th August 2015 Sports Hall X Block 11.00am Creative Arts 12.00 am Services to People 1.30 am Engineering and MV Document1 11 Crosskeys Campus Support Talks in Sports Hall (max 1 hour) Includes Campus Management ‘Expectations’ Set out expectations, to include: Attendance (including no holidays in term time) Homework (an expectation) Assignments and assessment deadlines All learners and staff are expected to wear ID badges General ETHOS, including spitting, swearing, litter, refectory clearing, dress code for staff and students Zero tolerance on bullying, harassment, etc Who to talk to in the case of a complaint (hierarchy) Buzz the Boss and Bus Parents’ Evenings 17th November or 1st December 2014 Support info: Information on support services (Flower) that are available. At these sessions all learners to be informed of the availability of the LSOnline which contains important information that the learners might require and replaces the student handbook Awareness raising session regarding learner Policies, in particular: o Safeguarding Children/POVA (including the issue of any resource(s)) o Complaints Procedure, (in particular how to complain properly) o Disciplinary Policy and Procedures Introduction to involvement in College Life - Enrichment/ WRE/SU/volunteering etc Learner Voice (Tutor pack available) Document1 12 Crosskeys Campus Qualification on Entry Process (Replacing Form A) Tutor completes enrolment form with learner Confirms learner meets entry criteria All learners to Electronic Enrolment stations Returning full-time learners New full-time learners Qualifications on entry do not need to be recorded for progressing learners as these will carry over from the previous year Learner enrolled on EBS Confirmation of enrolment printed Learners submit photocopies of qualifications on entry QR code sticker from confirmation attached to Qualifications on entry photocopies and then passedprocessing to back office ‘Specialist’ staffwith trained in inputting all Learner leaves confirmation of process enrolment quals on entry by Monday 2 September By the end of first week (Fri 6 Sept) During first tutorial the learner checks and confirms quals on entry – this is to be made as part of introducing e-ILP to learners Document1 13Corrections to be made by school SAA or specialist trained staff Crosskeys Campus Guidance on ALN (Additional Learning Needs) All learners who identify themselves as ALN must be referred to the ALN team. This will ensure that those learners requiring support will receive it at the very earliest opportunity. 1. All applicants who identify a learning difficulty/disability on the Application or Enrolment Form and/or stated in interview that they received support or exam concessions in school should be referred to the ALSCO. 2. Information on ALN (Additional Learning Needs) is now available on EBS through the portal. Applicants to whom academic staff wish to make an offer of a place but where concerns exist about support requirements and whether the student is able to complete all aspects of the course, should be referred to the Support Team and Head of School to ensure support needs can be met. This may involve an Admissions Panel. Document1 14 Crosskeys Campus Guidance on Form D Procedures (Medical Form) 1. Original Forms All original forms must be stored in the learner’s I File, in a secure place, by the personal tutor; 2. Copies where Elevated Risk Identified Where a learner’s Form D reveals that the learner has a medical condition, severe allergy, disability or other matter which is likely to result in emergency first aid or medical attention being required (e.g. heart condition, epilepsy etc), a copy of the form should be held in secure storage in the management office. Personal Tutors to action. 3. People who need to be informed Senior managers, course team and relevant First Aiders must be informed by Personal Tutors that the individuals concerned have a condition that may require emergency assistance. No one except the teaching team needs to be informed of the exact nature of the condition, unless and until an incident occurs or where health and safety issues arise. 4. Health and Safety It is the responsibility of the Personal Tutor to ensure that a risk assessment has been completed for learners with medical conditions, to ensure that appropriate control measures are identified and implemented. The Personal Tutor should also consider which members of staff need to be aware of the learner’s condition. Advice should be sought from the Campus Safety Advisor if uncertain of any aspect. 5. Copies where Learning Difficulty/Disability Identified, where not on ISLA Form B If a learning difficulty or disability is disclosed on Form D, which has not been included on Form B, The Personal Tutor should make arrangements with the ALSCo for appropriate steps to be taken. 6. Parental Involvement where Learners are under 18 The College may contact parents where a learner under 18 years of age when, having spoken to the learner, further clarification of the condition is required. The College may also contact the parents of a learner under 18 years of age in a medical emergency. 7. Retention of Data Medical forms will be retained for the duration of the academic year, and will be securely destroyed at the end of that year. A new form must be completed each September, as circumstances may change over the year. Document1 15 Crosskeys Campus Post Enrolment Activities for Full-Time Learners The following activities will be planned into the post enrolment/induction period, during the first teaching week: Tutorial Process Flowchart Group Tutorial – Week One (31 August 2015) Ice breaker activities. Explain ACE and secure first login. Explain TAGs. Explain CPG Explain ‘Swap Don’t Drop’ Set homework to complete Learner Journey in ACE for next 1:1 First 1:1s completed - End September Formal review of Learning Journey with tutee, ie “Are you on the right course?” Discuss any early issues and ‘Swap Don’t Drop’ options Discuss strategies learner will adopt to achieve their TAG and any specific learner support or help required Group Tutorial – Week 7 (12 October 2015) eSafety: Thinkb4uClick, Cyber bullying, social media, etc. Set homework to complete Progress Review (learner) in ACE for next 1:1 Second 1:1s completed – End November Formal review of CPGs against TAGs, attendance, punctuality, attitude, behaviour Progress Review completed by Personal Tutor. Actions and targets agreed (including literacy/numeracy targets as appropriate) Group Tutorial – Week 15 (15 December 2015) Mental Health: Anxiety, stress, etc. Set homework to complete Progress Review (learner) in ACE for next 1:1 Issue “Where am I now?” for completion by next 1:1 Third 1:1s completed – End January Formal review of targets agreed at last Progress Review Formal review of CPGs against TAGs, attendance, punctuality, attitude, behaviour Discuss Subject Reports Progress Review completed by Personal Tutor. Actions and targets agreed Group Tutorial – Week 21 (08 February 2016) Progression: “Where am I now?” Moving On Zone, careers discussion, etc Set homework to complete Progress Review (learner) in ACE for next 1:1 Fourth 1:1s completed – End March Formal review of targets agreed at last Progress Review Formal review of CPGs against TAGs, attendance, punctuality, attitude, behaviour Progress Review completed by Personal Tutor. Actions and targets agreed Progression signed off Intended destination captured Document1 16 Crosskeys Campus Group Tutorial – Week 27 (11 April 2016) Addiction: tobacco, alcohol and substance abuse Set homework to complete Progress Review (learner) in ACE for next 1:1 Fifth 1:1s completed – End May Formal review of targets agreed at last Progress Review Final review of progress completed Discuss Subject Reports Progress Review completed by Personal Tutor and final actions and targets agreed Intended destination data finalised Tutorial Process Flowchart for 2016/17 should be included here, so that Tutors have the complete picture and can plan accordingly Diagnostic Manager Skills to arrange as per plan Full diagnostic assessment (Comms and Numeracy), to be undertaken by all full time learners/WBLs, during induction, conducted by skills team. Learning Centre Induction Tutors will need to get students to access LC Online induction Moodle (all learners/staff to log on and locate Learner Handbook, etc) Introduction to e-mail LSOnline and Z card First 1:2:1 Session (within four weeks): Check and sign ISLA Agreement Check quals on entry are correct on ACE Explain Value Added and agree Target Grades Results of diagnostic assessment and any support agreed and recorded Are you on the right course? If not, what else can you do? Course Health &Safety Introduce work experience opportunities & Enrichment programme (LS What’s on page) Check Learners acquired appropriate information/knowledge Ensure all full-time (inc HE), WBLs and a sample of part-time learners complete the CRE 5.1 learner perception questionnaire. Outcomes from the learner questionnaires to be used as the basis for internal and external benchmarking and for continual improvement LATE ENROLMENTS A desk will be manned in the Learning Centre/X Block to deal with late enrolments once normal classes have started, these are treated as new applicants. Tutors must complete enrolment process and then refer student to CBAs. Enrolments will be processed by CAs. Bus passes and IDs will be issued at designated times. Part Time Enrolments. Time slots to be pre-booked with Learner Services to ensure stagger and reduce queuing. Financial Fact Sheet Document1 17 Crosskeys Campus Document1 18 Crosskeys Campus Group Allocation Form To Be Completed by Enrolling Tutor Full Name: Date of Birth: ............................................................ Tel: Previous School: Level (AS/A2/GCSE) Lecturer’s Initials* Subject Timetable Group AS/A2 Subject Choices (to be discussed with subject specialists) Enrichment Option 1 Enrichment Option 2 Enrichment Option 3 Career Intention & Other Information e.g. Oxbridge entry, Dentistry, Medicine, Veterinary Please do not just write “university,” maybe give your favourite subject. (Please be as specific as possible) Programme Code (Please tick) AS A2 Part-time Extended Dip Applied Science Yr 1 WBQ Yr 1 Extended Diploma Applied Science Yr 2 Has the student previously studied a course at Coleg Gwent? Notes Document1 WBQ Yr 2 YES High Achiever (6 A*) 19 NO Crosskeys Campus FORM X - Returning Students August 2015 Start Date August 2015 Start Date Welcome Back to Welcome Back to Crosskeys Campus Crosskeys Campus The Campus Director and staff wish you a happy time at Crosskeys, with every success in your studies. Returning Students Please report to ………………. on …………….. 2015 at …………… pm promptly. Your normal timetables will then start week commencing Monday 1st September 2015. Document1 FORM X - Returning Students 20 The Campus Director and staff wish you a happy time at Crosskeys, with every success in your studies. Returning Students Please report to ………………. on ……………..2015 at …………… pm promptly. Your normal timetables will then start week commencing Monday 1st September 2015. Crosskeys Campus Form X - New Students Start Dates & Times Form X - New Students Start Dates & Times The Campus Director and staff wish you a happy time at Crosskeys, with every success in your studies. The Campus Director and staff wish you a happy time at Crosskeys, with every success in your studies. Please report promptly to the room below. You will start your course with two full days of induction. Please report promptly to the room below. You will start your course with two full days of induction. Please bring: o A pen, pencil and writing pad! o Your bus pass letter from the LEA if this was not processed o Your ID o Any outstanding fees Please bring: o A pen, pencil and writing pad! o Your bus pass letter from the LEA if this was not processed o Your ID o Any outstanding fees Thursday 27 August 2015 9.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.30 am 10.00 am 10.00 am General Education (AS & Applied Science) Engineering (Electrical/Electronics) Engineering (Mechanical) Motor Vehicle Art & Design Performing Arts Business, IT, OT & Sport Hair & Beauty Therapy and Theatrical & Media Makeup Hospitality & Catering 10.00 am 10.00 am Travel & Tourism Care Document1 21 Sports Hall – X Block F15 K112 C19 Art Block Theatre Sports Hall – X Block K & Z Block Morels Restaurant C Block 1st Floor C Block 1st Floor T Block Canteen Thursday 27 August 2015 9.00am 9.00am 9.30am 10.00am 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.30 am 10.00 am 10.00 am General Education (AS & Applied Science) Engineering (Electrical/Electronics) Engineering (Mechanical) Motor Vehicle Art & Design Performing Arts Business, IT, OT & Sport Hair & Beauty Therapy and Theatrical & Media Makeup Hospitality & Catering 10.00 am 10.00 am Travel & Tourism Care Sports Hall – X Block F15 K112 C19 Art Block Theatre Sports Hall – X Block K & Z Block Morels Restaurant C Block 1st Floor C Block 1st Floor T Block Canteen Crosskeys Campus Welcome to Coleg Gwent Croeso i Goleg Gwent 2015/16 INDUCTION CHECKLIST Full Time / RHESTR WIRIO SEFYDLU Name: Enw: ……………………………………………………………............... Programme of study: Rhaglen astudio: ……………………………………………………………............... Tutor: Tiwtor: …………………………………………………………................. Campus: Campws: …………………………………………................................. The Cross College Induction Checklist is designed to assist Course / Personal Tutors when planning and undertaking learner induction. The checklist is designed to be used in three ways: 1. As an ‘Aide Memoire’ for Course / Personal tutors when planning their Induction Programme 2. For Course / Personal Tutors to keep one master copy of the checklist for each course group. The tutor must tick and date the activities on the list as the group undertakes them. On the completion of the group’s induction programme, the tutor is to sign the bottom of the master copy and retain it, for auditing purposes, in the Course and/or Tutorial File as evidence of the Induction Programme undertaken by the group. 3. 4. All learners are to have their own individual copy of the Induction Checklist and the learner is to tick and date the activities as they are completed. On the completion of Induction the learner and the Tutor are to co-sign the bottom of the checklist and retain it in the Tutorial File. Document1 22 Crosskeys Campus INDUCTION CHECKLIST / RHESTR WIRIO SEFYDLU When you have received, collected or completed the following materials or activities, please tick and date them on the list below. Sign and date the bottom and keep this checklist along with all the appropriate material safe in your Tutorial Enrichment Programme File. Please tick Actions Learning Centre Induction Services available in the LC, eg: taking books out using ID Card Initial login to PCs Brief tour of Moodle and college email Shown “Safety Button” Complete an Internet Safety activity in Moodle (certificate when printed must be kept in your Tutorial Programme folder) Demonstration of electronic resources available Shown how to check printing account balance Welcome Talk & Videos Introduction to Enrichment Programme Student Services Student Union NUS Discount cards available from NUS at Class Rep 3 Step Guide available from NUS Campus Management Team Counsellor Chaplaincy Financial Advice to be given to include: Financial Support and Transport Fact Sheet Grants EMA/ALG Application Forms (where appropriate) – copies of medical notes/self-certificates should go to Student Services. For further information go to Grants LSF Application Forms (where appropriate) (childcare, free meals, bus pass, equipment costs etc for under 19s) Further information available from Student Services staff Document1 23 Date completed Crosskeys Campus Bus Passes Meal Cards HE Finance Please tick Actions General Induction Items to include: Am I on the right course and initial one to one with my Personal Tutor in ACE Initial Assessment and Diagnostic Testing completed for both Literacy and Numeracy Copy of Previous Examination / GCSE Results obtained Tutor to check qualification against entry requirements Form B – Additional Support Needs Must be returned to your Tutor Form D – Student Medical Information Must be returned to your Tutor Discuss Additional Support (Tutorial, One-to-one for learners with additional needs, Basic Skills in class support, Learning Centre sessions with Learning Support Advisors, Counsellor, Youth Worker and Retention Coordinator) Campus Tour undertaken Health, Safety and Fire Procedures Describe the Health and Safety regulations within college o Know the Personal Protective Equipment and regulations for the use of tools/equipment needed for your course o Explain the procedures to follow in case of fire and accident o Take part in a Fire Drill VLE Induction Freshers’ Fair Booklet & Recycling Quiz (available at Freshers’ Fair) Learner support and information can be found on Learner Services Online at and on the Student Union Z card Course Handbook Course Timetable College Term Dates and Opening Times Safeguarding and Wellbeing – know who to speak to if you feel unsafe at college or need to talk about issues in your personal life Document1 24 Date completed Crosskeys Campus ETHOS Learner Agreement (Code of Conduct) Course Rules and Penalties - Code of conduct for the classroom must be filed in your Tutorial folder (Learner Disciplinary Policy is available on Learner Services Online) Plagiarism leaflet Must be filed in your TEP folder Welsh Language Support & Development Leaflet Thinkb4uclick leaflet Must be filed in your TEP folder Please tick Actions Date completed Photo Consent Form Talk on importance of Essential Skills Welsh Language Support & Development Leaflet Enrichment Activities can be found on Learner Services Online. Sessions can be booked on Moodle Course Specific Items: Grading Procedures Assessment Procedures Work Experience (if applicable) Notes: I have understood all Induction topics: Student signature: …………………………………..…. Date completed: …………..…………………………….. Llofnod myfyriwr: Dyddiad cwblhau: Course Tutor signature: ………………………………. Date completed: ...……………………..………………... Llofnod Tiwtor y cwrs: Dyddiad cwblhau: Welcome to Coleg Gwent Document1 25 Crosskeys Campus Croeso i Goleg Gwent 2015/16 PART TIME INDUCTION CHECKLIST / RHESTR WIRIO SEFYDLU RHAN AMSER Document1 Name: Enw: ……………………………………………………………............... Programme of study: Rhaglen astudio: ……………………………………………………………............... Tutor: Tiwtor: …………………………………………………………................. Campus: Campws: …………………………………………................................. 26 Crosskeys Campus PART TIME INDUCTION CHECKLIST / RHESTR WIRIO SEFYDLU RHAN AMSER When you have received, collected or completed the following materials or activities, please tick and date them on the list below. Sign and date at the bottom to confirm you have covered all topics. Please tick Actions Learning Centre Services available in the LC, eg: taking books out using ID Card NUS NUS Discount cards available from NUS at Financial Advice to be given to include: Financial Support and Transport Fact Sheet Grants EMA/ALG Application Forms (where appropriate) For further information go to Grants LSF Application Forms (where appropriate) (childcare, free meals, bus pass, equipment costs etc for under 19s) Further information available from Learner Services staff HE Finance (where appropriate) General Induction Items to include: Am I on the Right Course? Qualifications on entry Tutor to check qualification against entry requirements Form B – Additional Support Needs Must be returned to your Tutor Form D – Student Medical Information Must be returned to your Tutor Discuss Additional Support Campus Tour undertaken Health, Safety and Fire Procedures Document1 o Know the Health and Safety regulations within college o Know the Personal Protective Equipment and regulations for the use of tools/equipment needed for your course (where appropriate) o Explain the procedures to follow in case of fire and accident 27 Date completed Crosskeys Campus VLE Induction Learner support and information can be found on Learner Services Online and on the Student Union Z card Please tick Actions Date completed Course Handbook College Term Dates and Opening Times Safeguarding and Wellbeing – know who to speak to if you feel unsafe at college or need to talk about issues in your personal life ETHOS Learner Agreement (Code of Conduct) Photo Consent Form (if under 18 years of age) To be returned to your Tutor Learner Disciplinary Policy available in the Learners Services section on Moodle 2 Plagiarism leaflet Must be filed in your TEP folder Thinkb4uclick leaflet Welsh Language Support & Development Leaflet Enrichment Activites can be found on Learner Services Online. Sessions can be booked on Moodle Course Specific Items: Grading Procedures Assessment Procedures I have understood all Induction topics: Student signature: …………………………………..…. Date completed: …………..…………………………….. Llofnod myfyriwr: Dyddiad cwblhau: Course Tutor signature: ………………………………. Date completed: ...……………………..………………... Llofnod Tiwtor y cwrs: Dyddiad cwblhau: Document1 28 Crosskeys Campus Enrichment Programme Rhaglen cyfoethogi Activities Dates Events Presentations Themes Gweithgareddau, Dyddiadau, Digwyddiadau, Cyflwyniadau, Themâu September 2015 Freshers Fair A great opportunity for new students to mingle with other freshers, 28th August current students, tutors and representatives from the Student Union. Sept Team Building Event – The Army Sept Student Union / Learner Voice (Journalism Workshop) October 2015 October Student Union / Learner Voice (Cash4Change Workshop) 5th – 11th Oct 12th – 16th Oct TBA Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Study Skills Week Events and activities to help you improve your ability to learn. Citizenship/Wales, Europe and the World Weeks Human Rights Presentations Value Based Leadership Presentations – The Army Enterprise Catalyst and Enterprise Induction Video Healthy Relationships Presentations – Llamau Domestic Abuse Services Barclays Skills Programme – Money, Interviewing, CV, confidence building and networking Student Union / Learner Voice (Class Rep Training) November 2015 Armistice Day (also known as Remembrance Day) th 11 November Nov 14th Nov 16th -20th Nov Barclays Skills Programme – Money, Interviewing, CV, confidence building and networking Children in Need – Campus wide fund raising activities Global Enterprise Week Enterprise Fair, Self-Employment Presentations, Dynamo Role Models th 25 Nov White Ribbon Day Nov Road Safety – Domino Effect Presentations, South Wales Fire & Rescue Service December 2015 st 1 December Dec World AIDS Day Road Safety – Domino Effect Presentations, South Wales Fire & Rescue Service International Day of Persons with Disabilities Dec Barclays Skills Programme – Money, Interviewing, CV, confidence building and networking Dec Drug and Alcohol Awareness Dec Christmas Fair Document1 29 Crosskeys Campus Enrichment Programme Rhaglen cyfoethogi Activities Dates Events Presentations Themes Gweithgareddau, Dyddiadau, Digwyddiadau, Cyflwyniadau, Themâu January 2016 Jan 11th-15th Barclays Skills Programme – Money, Interviewing, CV, Confidence Building, Networking Jan Sustainability and Global Environment Week Global water shortages, sustainability and the environment – Talks and Workshops by the charity WaterAid 25th – 29th Jan 27th Jan Progression Week Holocaust Memorial Day February February 29th Feb - 4th Mar Feb Diversity Roadshow Welsh Culture Week & Celebration of St David’s Day Welsh Language Tasters, Food Tasters, Face Painting, Information and Charity Stands Barclays Skills Programme – Money, Interviewing, CV, Confidence Building, Networking March March March First Year Level 3 Students Higher Education Presentation Higher Education Presentation for Parents Benefits of HE What’s available Benefits of HE Overview of UCAS system Overview of UCAS system Overview of Finance How parents can help Finance 5th March World Book Day 7th – 11th Mar March March March March Health and Well Being Promotion Week Health and Well Being Promotion Roadshow/Cookery Competition Launch No Smoking Day Comic Relief 1 mile Charity Walk Organised visit to Cardiff University’s Open Day April April Organised visit to UCAS Higher Education Convention May Careers, Volunteering and Higher Education Fair 7th May An insight into the careers that are available to you, information about University courses and potential volunteering opportunities. June UCAS Apply Registration 2017 Entry Document1 30 Crosskeys Campus College Calendar 2015/6 Freshers’ Fair Friday 30th August 2015 Mainstream classes Start Tuesday 1st September 2015 Autumn Term Tuesday 1st September 2015 Wednesday 17th December 2015 Student Study Break Monday 26th Oct - Friday 30th Oct Review Day 1 Information/HE Evening Parents’ Evening - First Year Students Wed 21st October 2015 Tuesday 10th November 2015 Monday 16th November 2015 Parents’ Evening - Second Year Students Monday 30th November 2015 IAG Event Feeder Schools (16.00-18.00) Thursday 10th December Classes finish for Christmas/New Year Wednesday 16th December 2015 Inset Days 17th and 18th December 2015 College closes for Christmas/New Year Thursday 24th December 2015 Classes restart Monday 4th January 2016 Spring Term Monday 4th January Thursday 24th March Student Study Break Monday 15th Feb - Friday 19th Feb IAG Event (16.00-18.00) Thursday 14th January Information Evening Review Day 2 Wednesday 20th January Tuesday 26th January Progression week commencing Monday 25th January Inset Thursday 11th February IAG Event (16.00-18.00) Wednesday 24th February Open Day Tuesday 1st March IAG Event (16.00-18.00) Tuesday 15th March Summer Term Monday 11thApril Monday 20th June Student Study Break IAG Event (16.00-18.00) Monday 25h May - Friday 29th May Monday 18th April IAG Event (16.00-18.00) Wednesday 25th May Information Evening Open Day IAG Event (10.00-12.00) Wednesday 18th May Tuesday 21st June Wednesday 22nd June Review Day 3 Thursday 23rd June Campus Awards Ceremony Wednesday 29th June Review Day 4 Thursday 30th June Inset Day 3 Wednesday 28th June Admin Days 21st, 22nd. 24th, 27th. 29th, 1st July IAG Event (10.00-12.00) Wednesday 20th July Document1 31 Crosskeys Campus Notes: Document1 32