apeh exam review multiple choice questions part 6

1-C, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D, 6-D, 7-A, 8-C, 9-B, 10-C, 11-A, 12-C, 13-D, 14-C, 15-B
1. Which statement BEST describes the soical conditions in France in the 1780's that
triggered the revolution?
A. feudal privileges of tax exempion reduces revenues in France.
B. the monarchy, nobiliy and clergy were unwilling to compromise their traditional
C. merchants resented their social status separating them from the nobility
D. concepts and theories of class conflict appealed to those who resented government
E. the" san coulotes," wished representation in the Estates General
2. All of the following French taxes were burdensome to the middle class EXCEPT
A. corvee B. Gabelle C. Taille D. tithe E. capitation
3. The "philosophes" of the Enlightenment disagreed in regard to which concept of
A. Governmental power is limited by the will of the people.
B. The governed have the right to rebel against an offensive government
C. the natural rights of mankind include life and liberty
D. By means of a social contract, individuals have given up all rights to the monarch
E. Man's social environment influences his actions.
4. In his "Spirit of the Laws", Baron de Montesquieu favored which of the following
systems of government for France?
A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarghy
D. Limited Monarchy
E. Autocracy
5. The map pictured above relates to what cause of the French Revolution?
A. The inequaliy of representation in the Estates-General
B. The lack of a centrally located capital for France
C. The inability to properly collect taxes in France
D. The confusing array of local governments and laws in France
E. The independent duchies and counties
6. The IMMEDIATE cause for the calling of the Estates-General in May, 1789 was
A. a revolt by the privileged classes against Louis XVI's wish to tax them
B. refusal of the bourgeoisie to pay additional taxes
C. the outbreak of rebellion in the rural departments
D. the inability of the army to maintain order
E. the storming of the Bastille
7. All of the following conditions were unique to France in 1789 in comparison with the
rest of Europe EXCEPT
A. poor harvests
B. financial bankruptcy
C. lack of representation for the lower classes
D. continuation of feudal taxes
E. a medieval class structure
8. The IMMEDIATE cause of the French Revolution on July 14, 1789 was the
A. desire of the nobility to force the King to grant them concessions
B. rise in the price of bread
C. uprising in Paris ofthe san-culottes,who stormed the Bastille
D. march of the women on Versailles
E. the execution of Louis XIV
9. "What is the third estate?" he asked... the answer he gave... 'everything.'"
A. Marquis de Condorcet
B. Marquis de Lafayette
C. Maximilien Robespierre
D. Abbe Sieyes
E. Bishop Talleyrand
10. The first estate in France in 1789 inculded no more than 1 percent of the population,
yet owned about what percent of the land?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 40
E. 100