APSC Board Meeting 9_7_14 Minutes

APSC Board Meeting Agenda
Sunday, September 7, 2014. 7:30pm EST.
Harnwell College House 1607.
Highs n’ Lows
 Jin: PEER retreat
 Aashish: getting fat :) mentees
 Sheila: 6’3’’ mentee
 Kelly: roomie is in counterparts <3
 Mithin: new recruits for masti
 First GBM Recap
o uneventful.
 Sep 18th is the next trustees meeting
o Meeting will take place in the morning (9:30-11:00 am)
o Class of 1949 Auditorium (Houston Hall)
o Budget and Finance Committee meeting, discussing budget allocation
o Who can attend?
 TD: Kelly + Jin attend meeting
 APAHW Mental Wellness Collab
o we don’t need to do anything
 APSC Shirts
o Should get them soon
 TD: Send out email about Celebrasian reimbursements
 TD: look into blog, how to shut it down?
Vice Chair
 Communications Report
o Ran analytic software on our Facebook, email, etc.
o Still haven’t been sent out
 TD: Aashish send out link so we can run the software
 Restaraunt Week
o Wednesday, September 17th at 6 pm Sampan.
 TD: follow up on Penn Q&A, Lebanese Club
 TD: write and send out application for FYI by Wednesday
 Late Night Photos Upload
o TD: Jin upload photos
 First 5B Meeting https://docs.google.com/a/sas.upenn.edu/document/d/1jbDieZESJPDoTe0DSdOCNVwGhkxGSf1I
o Tomorrow Night 10 pm
 VPUL/5B Dinner w/ Val
 UA Steering Meeting
o TD: Rebekah (Mithin) will go
ARCH Programming Meeting
o discussion: what is the focus of this group. annual budget $5000
o potential activities: faculty lunch series, career service walk in hours, ARCH block party
(smaller scale compared to last year,) maybe reaching out to other centers, maybe have
3B meet separately to discuss what the students want to do
 APSC Dollars
o hasn’t really started yet, pushing clubs to publicize this
 Lunch w/ a Senior
o needs more publicity, only 4 responses so far
o TD: Sheila ask Kusum for PAACH leadership listserv, Apali grad listerv, PEER listserv to
find more seniors
o TD: Mithin should fill out lunch with a senior form
 Constituent Board Mixers
o Mixer with SAS on September 18th 6-8 pm. Mithin, Jin, Aashish *maybe)
o TD: Ask Rebekah and Victoria if they can go to the mixer
 Finance Report
o see email
 budget:
 Funding Steering Assembly
o Kelly can’t make the first hour of this meeting, will be there 8 -9 pm
o Monday (7-9 pm)
o Who else can attend 7-9pm?
o TD: Aashish attends 7- 8 pm, Kelly attends 8-9 pm
 Columbia AAA Mixer- Oct 25th
o Mithin, Aashish, Jin, Victoria, Rebekah can go
o TD: confirm this
 Shanghai CIIC Education International Co., Ltd.
o TD: update board on this
 TD: Contact Stacey Chin about potential event (could we collab with PIR, Umoja)
 Newsletter/General List-serv Status
o TD: update on newsletter status
 1-on-1 President and APSC Board Dates
o TD: send out the google form by wednesday
o TD: remove graduating seniors from the listserv
o TD: encourage to enroll in ASAM courses on the newsletter
 Dollars
Incentivize the prize so that it is more personable than just cash
Give them $100 off the bat and follow up with some other prizes
Dessert tray, APSC cooks dinner for them, send them to NYC
Current Plan:
 First place = $100
 APSC Board cooks for first three
Initiatives https://docs.google.com/a/sas.upenn.edu/spreadsheets/d/1Wz9X5vGMpElgJSI4UqmPeGTHInuL
o Freshmen Liaisons
 TD: Jin + Mithin write send out application by Wednesday.
o Made in Asia- massive Pan-Asian culture show. scrapping this idea.
 is this too much? is it too late.
 is it necessary and part of our agenda? too similar to Celebrasian
 CAPE should do it instead
Other ideas:
 alumni engagement during homecoming weekend
 reach out to oracle, class board, UPAAAN,
 targetting upperclassmen
 TD: Kelly + Mithin look into alumni event
 freshman rep dinner - have our freshman liaisons organize this?
Visit GBMs
 TD: Mithin send email to all groups asking when the next GBM is so we can visit
FYI Planning
o TD: Aashish will make form and have it ready by Wednesday
Fall Semester Plans - Vision Doc
TD: Aashish look into gift for Peter Chung : mug + t shirt
TD: Aashish look into APSC pins
TD: Mithin look into designs for APSC quarterzips.