

Your Best Communication Tool

How the Voice works

All professional speakers must “reawaken” their voice and exercise it as a muscle.

 There are four basic parts to the voice:

The Motor

The Vibrators

The Resonators

The Articulators

The Motor

 THE LUNGS provided force and energy for your voice.

 Breath-support is poor for most people; we run out of breath easily.

 Strengthening breath-support help give us a more flexible and usable voice!

The Vibrators

 Energy from the lungs transfers to the


 Air vibrates the vocal chords as air passes through them and this creates sound.

 Muscle tension in the neck makes it harder to produce sound.

 Getting rid of this tension will improve your sound.

The Resonators

 Sound from the vocal chords resonates in your vocal “cavities”: your mouth, nose, chest, and your ear cavity.

 These cavities amplify sound.

 Open these cavities for a rich and powerful voice.

 You can change the quality of your sound by controlling where it resonates.

The Articulators

The voice separates and “shapes” into sounds with meaning by the articulators: the lips, tongue, and teeth.

Most do not fully exercises the articulators.

We suffer from “lazy lips.”

 Tongue twisters are the best workout for your articulators.

The Guitar Analogy

 Motor = The Fingers

 Vibrators = The Strings

 Resonators = The Body

 Articulators = The Frets


 Articulation: lack of this usually occurs because your mouth is not open far enough.

 Say: Peter Piper picked a peck of Pickled


If your jaw was wired shut

With normal lip/jaw movement

With exaggerated lip/jaw activity

 Speaking should occur in between 2 and 3.

Articulator Problems

 Fricatives: Sounds caused by gradual escape of air through constriction in the mouth or vocal tract.

 f, v, th, s, z, sh, zh, h

 Plostives and Stops: Sounds caused by an explosion of air or sudden stop of air flow.

 p, b, t, d, k, g

 Frictionless Consonants: semivowels, nasals, and laterals.

Frictionless Consonants

 Semivowels: Continuous, vowel-like quality.

 w, r, y

 Laterals: Similar, but the breath exits from the side of the mouth rather than the front.

 l

 Nasals: Similar to laterals but with a nasal


 n, m, ng

Let’s Practice…..

A simple vocal warm up…

 Find a partner and try the rest!

 When you are done, wait for the rest to finish.

 Try some for the class and reflect.

 Turn in the sheet!

How to Improve!

 Phrasing: Also known as breath groups.

Dictated by announcer’s desire to be understood

 Has little to do with pronunciation

 Allows for logical pausing

 There are two types of phrases:

Main Ideas: Uses key words that are more important to stress.

Secondary Ideas: Additional information that qualifies the main idea.

 Key words get greater Stress or EMPHASIS!


 There are four different forms of emphasis:




The “musical” tone of a voice.

 Key Shifts: differs between main and subordinate phrases, denotes new ideas, begins new ideas at a new pitch.

 Upward v. Downward Phrasing

Upward Inflection: Incomplete thought, unsure.

Downward Inflection: Completion, authority.

 Downward pitch is important to give complete emphasis to an idea.


 Emphasis can be achieved by variations in loudness.

 This can be sudden or gradual.

 Volume use depends on three things:

What you’re saying (emotions)

Where you’re saying it (auditorium v. classroom)

 The size of your audience (large, small, spread out, close together, etc.)


 The speed, pace, or tempo of a voice.

 PAUSE before a key phrase to indicate its importance.

 This is the most effective tool an announcer can use!

 Speed up or slow down for a similar effect.

 When reading your script, mark these element of emphasis. (We will read this in

Chap. 3).


 The timbre of your voice; how it sounds:





 You can change the shape of your voice depending on the purpose of your presentation:



 News reporting
