North Carolina Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (NCAAAI) For End-of-Course Performance Assessment Summer Institute Summer 2004 Pam Biggs NCDPI Division of Accountability Services ___________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program End-of-Course Test without Accommodations North Carolina Testing Program End-of-Course Test with Accommodations Alternate Assessment Academic Inventory (NCAAAI) What is the NCAAAI? A checklist of objectives on the NC Standard Course of Study that are assessed by the statewide test administrations Teacher judgment Descriptions of student performance at the beginning and end of the course Who can take the NCAAAI? Students with limited English proficiency Students with disabilities who have IEPs WHO MEET SPECIFIC ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Eligible Students Must be enrolled in a course requiring an end-of-course test for credit Must be enrolled in U.S. schools for less than 24 months Scored below “Intermediate High” on reading English language proficiency test (IPT) Cut Score Chart Domain Oral Oral2 K 1-3 4-6 7-12 Novice Low Novice High Intermediate Low Intermediate High Advanced Superior1 A A A A B B B B B C C C C C D D C D E E DEF EF F F Standard State Mandated Test without Accommodations Eligible for NCAAAI or State Mandated Test with Accommodations3 Writing Writing4 Grades 2-12 Conventions Composition5 1) 1) Write a Story 2) 2) Write Own Story 0-2 3-4 5 6 7 8-10 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7 8-9 Eligible for NCAAAI or State Mandated Test with Accommodations3 Reading Reading6 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7-8 Grades 9-12 0-12 0-13 0-12 0-12 0-13 0-12 0-13 13-25 14-27 13-25 13-25 14-27 13-25 14-27 26-30 28-34 26-30 26-30 28-34 26-31 28-35 Standard State Mandated Test with or without Accommodations 31-35 35-40 31-35 31-35 35-40 32-35 36-40 36-43 41-45 36-43 36-43 41-45 36-43 41-45 Standard State Mandated Test without Accommodations 44-51 46-51 44-51 44-51 46-51 44-51 46-51 Decision to Participate Made on an individual basis! Must be documented! Students with Disabilities (EC) Eligible Students Students with disabilities are eligible if they: Have a current IEP; and Are enrolled in a course that requires an endof-course test; and The IEP team determines that the student is unable to take the standard test administration with or without accommodations that do not invalidate the test results Eligible Students (cont’d) Some examples of EC students for whom the AAAI for EOC might be appropriate for Newly blind student who does not know Braille and cannot access the test; and Student who would require accommodations that would invalidate the test results to access the standard administration Assessed Level There is no off-level AAAI for EOCs All students assessed on course objectives and standards What should I do first? If not currently in IEP: With IEP team, decide what assessment is most appropriate for the student Document decision on IEP Notify school test coordinator of decision What should I do first? If AAAI is documented in current IEP: Let school test coordinator know what subjects are needed Must complete baseline within 30 calendar days of beginning of course for yearlong courses; 15 days for semester courses The Process Materials You Need NCAAAI Test Administrator’s Guide for EOC AAAI folder for specific EOC subject Baseline student profile (2-sided) Final student profile Vinyl envelope Scannable student information sheet General purpose header sheet (1 per assessor) How do I get my materials? Notify school test coordinator He/she will notify LEA test coordinator LEA test coordinator will order appropriate inventory through an online system (TNN) LEA test coordinator can download forms to use temporarily until folders are shipped When do I need to start? For YEARLONG courses: Baseline has to be completed within 30 days of beginning of course if already in documentation OR within 30 days of IEP team decision to place student on AAAI OR within 30 days of decision to place LEP student on AAAI (ex. 30 days after initial IPT) When do I need to start? For SEMESTER courses: Baseline has to be completed within 15 days of beginning of course if already in documentation OR within 15 days of IEP team decision to place student on AAAI OR within 15 days of decision to place LEP student on AAAI (ex. 15 days after initial IPT) What do I do after I receive the materials? Verify that you have received the proper number of folders for each subject Complete the student’s identifying information on the front of the folder Begin the Baseline Front of Folder Identifying Information EC/LEP Designation Melissa J. Doe Student Name ________________________ 333-33-3333 Student ID ___________________________ East Mustang High School School Name _________________________ School Code ___ ___ 2 ___ 2 ___ 2 2 ___ 2 ___ 2 LEA Name ___________________________ Ford Schools Circle all that apply: EC LEP Test Cycle (check one): X Semester Traditional Year-Round Quarter Summer Other BIOLOGY End-of- Course 2004-05 BIOLOGY SKILLS Description of Student Performance Descriptors Test Cycle Distinguished 8 – High 7 – Low Proficient 6 – High 5 – Low Apprentice 4 – High 3 – Low Novice 2 – High 1 – Low 0 - Not Yet Description of Performance at Grade -Level The student: demonstrates consistent mastery and performance beyond grade-level expectations works independently understands advanced concepts applies strategies creatively analyzes and synthesizes justifies and elaborates responses makes crit ical judg ments makes applications and extensions beyond grade-level; applies proficient level co mpetencies in more challenging situations The student: demonstrates consistent mastery and performance on grade-level academic standard/expectations shows conceptual understanding applies strategies in most situations responds with appropriate answer or p rocedure completes tasks accurately needs minimal assistance exhibits fluency and applies learning shows some flexib ility in thinking recognizes cause and effect relationships applies and exp lains concepts The student: demonstrates inconsistent mastery and performance of grade-level academic standards/expectations shows some evidence of conceptual understanding has difficulty applying strategies or comp leting tasks in unfamiliar situations responds with appropriate answer or p rocedure sometimes requires teacher guidance frequently demonstrates some proficient level co mpetencies but is inconsistent The student: demonstrates minimal or no mastery and performance of grade-level academic standards/expectations shows very limited evidence of conceptual understanding and use of strategies responds with inappropriate answer and/or procedure frequently very often displays lack of understanding of grade-level content infrequently comp letes task appropriately and accurately needs assistance and guidance continuously This objective has not yet been introduced. (Available for baseline and interim scores only.) Baseline Scoring Period Complete baseline within 30 calendar days of student participation for yearlong courses; 15 days for semester courses Score each objective based on how the student is performing (0-8) Score each goal based on the objectives within that goal (0-8) Baseline Scoring 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 Distinguished Proficient Novice Apprentice Final Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Not Yet Taught Interim Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Novice Not Yet Taught The assessor is required to maintain a folder of student work throughout the year. Materials within that folder should support the scores assigned to each goal. Materials contained within the student’s folder must be available for NCDPI review upon request. Apprentice Baseline Student’s Performance on this objective is: Evidence Baseline – Baseline Student Profile Final – Final Student Profile 4 5 6 7 8 Com petency Goal 1 Ex. 1.02 This is an example of how to document scores. Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of cell organelles. X Objective omitted for training purposes. X Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of enzy mes and 1.05 explain their importance in biological systems. Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 1: The learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chem ical and cellular basis of life. Com petency Goal 2 Analyze the molecular bas is of heredity/DNA inc luding: 2.01 Replication. Pr otein synthes is (transcription, tr anslation). Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. X X X X X X X X X X X Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 2: The learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time. Objective Scores X X Goal or Category Score Baseline Scoring (cont’d) Date when Baseline scores were completed (back of folder) Complete Baseline Student Profile Begin collecting student work, teacher observations, etc. Baseline Student Profile Baseline Student Profile – Math (Page 2) Baseline Student Profile - Math Respond to the following within the first 30 days of student participation. Student Name ____________________________ Assigned Grade Level __________ Assessor Name ___________________________ Assessed Grade Level __________ Assessor Signature_________________________ Date __________ Assessment History Complete the table below with the student’s assessment history up to the grade in which the student is presently assigned. For each test, complete the appropriate column depending on if the student was assessed by the standard test administration with or without accommodations, by the NCAAAI, or by the NCAAP1. School Name ____________________________________ School System Name ______________________________ Beginning Date of Student Participation1____________ Test 1. Describe specific math skills that are strengths for this student. 2. Describe specific math skills that are weaknesses for this student. Math Pretest/ End-of-Grade/ End-of-Course Achievement Level (circle one in each row as appropriate) Math NCAAAI Assessed Grade Level NCAAP Achievement Level (circle one in each row as appropriate) Grade 3 Pretest I II III IV I Grade 3 EOG I II III IV I Grade 4 EOG I II III IV I Grade 5 EOG I II III IV I Grade 6 EOG I II III IV I Grade 7 EOG I II III IV Grade 8 EOG I II III Any Math End-of-Course Specify: ______________ I II III II III Achievement Level (circle one in each row as appropriate) IV I II III IV II III IV I II III IV II III IV I II III IV II III IV I II III IV II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV IV I II III IV I II III IV IV I II III IV I II III IV 3. Describe any factors that may influence this student’s academic performance (i.e. medical issues, language proficiency level, disability, attendance, etc.). 4. Assessment History: Complete the information on the back of this form regarding the student’s participation in the North Carolina Testing Program. 1 1 See NCAAAI Test Administrator’s Guide for more information. If a student has been assessed more than one time for a given grade, list the results below the assessment history table. Interim Scoring Period Complete interim at a midpoint in student participation Score each objective based on how the student is performing (0-8) Score each goal based on the objectives within that goal (0-8) Interim Scoring 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 Com petency Goal 1 Ex. 1.02 This is an example of how to document scores. Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of cell organelles. X Objective omitted for training purposes. X Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of enzy mes and 1.05 explain their importance in biological systems. Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 1: The learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chem ical and cellular basis of life. Com petency Goal 2 Analyze the molecular bas is of heredity/DNA inc luding: 2.01 Replication. Pr otein synthes is (transcription, tr anslation). Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 2: The learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time. X X X X X X X 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 Distinguished Proficient Novice Apprentice Final Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Not Yet Taught Interim Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Novice Not Yet Taught The assessor is required to maintain a folder of student work throughout the year. Materials within that folder should support the scores assigned to each goal. Materials contained within the student’s folder must be available for NCDPI review upon request. Apprentice Baseline Student’s Performance on this objective is: Evidence Baseline – Baseline Student Profile Final – Final Student Profile 4 5 6 7 8 Interim Scoring (cont’d) Date when Interim scores were completed (back of folder) Continue collecting student work, teacher observations, etc. Final Scoring Period Complete final within 30 calendar days prior to LEA due date for yearlong courses; 15 days for semester courses Score each objective based on how the student is performing (1-8) Score of “0” not permitted for final scores Score each goal based on the objectives within that goal (1-8) Final Scoring 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 Distinguished Proficient Novice Apprentice Final Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Not Yet Taught Interim Student’s Performance on this objective is: Distinguished Proficient Novice Not Yet Taught The assessor is required to maintain a folder of student work throughout the year. Materials within that folder should support the scores assigned to each goal. Materials contained within the student’s folder must be available for NCDPI review upon request. Apprentice Baseline Student’s Performance on this objective is: Evidence Baseline – Baseline Student Profile Final – Final Student Profile 4 5 6 Com petency Goal 1 Ex. 1.02 This is an example of how to document scores. Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of cell organelles. X Objective omitted for training purposes. X Objective omitted for training purposes. Describe the structure and function of enzy mes and explain their importance in biological systems. Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 1: The learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chem ical and cellular basis of life. Com petency Goal 2 Analyze the molecular bas is of heredity/DNA inc luding: 2.01 Replication. Pr otein synthes is (transcription, tr anslation). Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. Objective omitted for training purposes. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Objective omitted for training purposes. X X X 1.05 Objective omitted for training purposes. Com petency Goal 2: The learner will develop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time. X X X X X X X X X X 7 8 Final Scoring Period (cont’d) Transfer goal/category scores to the Summary of Final Scores table Did the student achieve growth? Assign the Overall Score (Refer to EOC percentages) Assessor and Principal Signatures Back of Folder SUMMARY OF FINAL SCORES Directions: Transfer assigned final scores for eac h competency goal to the corresponding boxes below. Use these scores to assign a final score for the year based on this student ’s overall performance in Biology. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Competency Goal 1 : The learner will develop an understanding of the physical, chemical and cellular basis of life. Competency Goal 2 : The learner will de velop an understanding of the continuity of life and the changes of organisms over time. Competency Goal 3 : The learner will de velop an understanding of the unity and diversity of life. X X X Competency Goal 4 : The learner will de velop an understanding of ecological relationships among organisms. Competency Goal 5 : Students will de velop an understanding of the beha vior of organisms, resulting from a combination of heredity and environment. X X OVERALL BIOLOGY SCORE (Refer to the EOC percentages) TRANSFER INFORMATION TO BE COMPLETED BY ORIGI NAL SCHOOL IF STUDENT TRANSFERS: If student has been enrolled for at least 30 days, the baseline scoring must be completed by the original school. If the student transfers within the last six weeks of school, the original school must complete the inventory. Date of enrollment: ____________ School Name __________________________ Date of withdrawal/transfer: ___________ LEA Name __________________________ I verify that this inventory is accurate and complete to date. ____________________________ ______ __________________________ Assessor’s Signature Date Principal’s Signature _______ Date Date of enrollment: ____________ School Name __________________________ Date of withdrawal/transfer: ___________ LEA Name __________________________ I verify that this inventory is accurate and complete to date. ____________________________ ______ __________________________ Assessor’s Signature Date Principal’s Signature _______ Date If additional listings are required, a Transfer Form is to be completed as specified in the Test Administrator’s Guide. Summary of Final Scores X EOC Percentages: Biology Goal 1 = 19% Goal 2 = 31% Goal 3 = 18% Goal 4 = 19% Goal 5 = 11% Did the student achieve growth in Biology? NO X YES FINAL EVALUATION TO BE COMPLETED AT THE END OF THE YEAR: I verify that this inventory and enclosed Student Profiles are an accurate, valid, appropriate, complete, and true representation of the student’s performances. Paula J. Penny 4/29/05 ______________________________________ ___________ Assessor’s Signature Date ______________________________________ James A. Doe Principal’s Signature ___________ 4/29/05 Date Overall Score EOC Percentages Did the student achieve growth? An optional Principal’s Checklist is located in the NCAAAI Test Administrator’s Guide and is available at. Signatures at End-of-Year Final Scoring Period (cont’d) Complete Final Student Profile Finish collecting student work, teacher observations, etc. Final Student Profile - Math Respond to the following within the final 30 days of student participation. Student Name ____________________________ Assigned Grade Level __________ Assessor Name ___________________________ Assessed Grade Level __________ Assessor Signature ________________________ Date __________ School Name ______________________________ School System Name ________________________ Final Student Profile 1. Describe specific areas in which this student has shown improvement in his/her math skills this school year. 2. Describe specific areas of math that continue to present difficulties for this student. 3. Describe any changes in factors that may have influenced this student’s academic performance (i.e. medical issues, language proficiency level, disability, attendance, etc.). 4. Other comments: After Completing Final Complete a scannable student information sheet for every student on the AAAI Complete requested information and transfer scores from Summary of Final Scores table Follow directions in NCAAAI for End-ofCourse Test Administrator’s Guide Can accommodations be used? Yes – Instructional modifications/accommodations should be used as documented in the student’s LEP documentation or IEP Scores are assigned based on what is observed in the classroom Use of basic accommodations should not lower the score Will the EOC AAAI be operational next year? YES It was a pilot this year and will be operational next year How are they audited? On-site audits Schools across the state Will look at Inventories Documentation (LEP or IEP) Cumulative folders Student work folders I heard that first year LEP students did not have to test in reading. Does this apply to English I? NO – This only applies to EOG and HSCT. All students in courses requiring an EOC test must be assessed to receive credit Can students be considered proficient? Yes – Scores must be assigned based on how the student is performing in the classroom Student must be successful/proficient on course material according to the course standards Basic accommodations should not limit the student to nonproficient scores What if the course is part of a series? If the course is divided into a series (Ex. Algebra IA and IB): Complete Baseline scores and Student Profile during first 30 days of the first course in the series Complete Interim at halfway through the series Complete Final at end of the series Complete and scan student information sheet at completion of series More Questions? If you have questions related to: How to fill out the folder What has to be done at one of the scoring periods When does baseline have to be done How to complete the student information sheet Check the Test Administrator’s Guide Ask your school test coordinator If the school test coordinator doesn’t know the answer, he/she should check the LEA test coordinator More Questions? If you have questions related to: How to teach specific objectives What resources are there on the curriculum Types of classroom assessment for a particular subject Ask your principal Check with your LEA curriculum specialists Contact a DPI curriculum consultant