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Running head: Week 3 Benchmark Assignment Design Assessment Plans
Week 3 Design Assessment Plans
Stephen Rocco
American College of Education
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Assessment Plan Template
Class: Mathematics of Finance #3004
Curriculum Unit Title:
Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
Grade Level: 12
Week 1
Lesson 1 Activity
Learning Objectives
Summary of Instruction
Assessment Description
1. Research Salaries on
Begin development of
career path
Discuss with Computer
Set SMART Goals for
attaining their career
1. Class Discussion of Lifestyle
Elements, while recording new terms
in Stagger Book
2. Discussion of SMART goals and
how to set them
1. Poll Everywhere: Formative Assessment:
Record Vocabulary in
Stagger Books
Stagger Book Instructions
2. Respond to Online
Blog Post 1 Rubric
Complete 3 SMART goals worksheets
Semester Academic Goal
Post-Secondary Academic Goal
Career Goal
Lesson 2 Activity
Learning Objectives
Summary of Instruction
Learn elements of a
Complete JumpStart
“Reality Check” while
recording expense
elements in Spreadsheet
Students will learn
elements of a budget,
know the importance,
and then create one.
1. Class discussion of elements of 1. Poll Everywhere: Formative Assessment:
budgets and prioritizing while
recording new terms in Stagger 5NTA5MQ
Students will learn how
to modify the expenses
to balance the budget.
Record Vocabulary in
Stagger books
Customize and begin
completing worksheet for one
Assessment Description
Complete “Reality Check” Survey
Begin Completing 12 mo. Budget Worksheet in
MS Excel
4. Respond to Online
Blog Post 2 Rubric
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Week 2
Lesson 1 Activity
Learning Objectives
Summary of Instruction
Assessment Description
Learn elements and
purpose of Net Worth
Statement (Personal
Financial Statement)
Learn the elements and
purpose of Net Worth
1. Poll Everywhere: Formative Assessment:
Complete Net Worth
Statement using fictious
numbers from teacher as
a class
Complete Net Worth
1. Class Discussion of Net Worth
Statement Elements, while
recording new terms in Stagger
2. Discussion of SMART goals and
how to set them
3. Respond to Online Blog Post 1
at: http://srmath.blogspot.com/
Record Vocabulary in
Stagger books as
Lesson 2 Activity
2. Respond to Online
Blog Post 3 Rubric
Complete 3 SMART goals worksheets
Semester Academic Goal
Post-Secondary Academic Goal
Career Goal
Grading Checklist
Learning Objectives
Small group discussion 1.
of analyzing statements
with Ratios/Percentages
Completion of 12 month
Net Worth Statement
using figures from 12
month budget
JumpStart “Reality
Check” while recording
expense elements in
Summary of Instruction
Students will know how 1. Class discussion of ratios and
changes in financial
percentages as they relate to
statements over time are
analysis of Financial Statements
used to make financial
used in making financial
planning decisions.
decisions while recording new
Vocabulary in Stagger Book
Assessment Description
1. Poll Everywhere: Formative Assessment:
Finish 12 month Personal Net Worth Statement
and Budget Worksheet in MS Excel Rubric
Using MS Word in a 12point, Arial font, double
spaced two page essay, answer the question:
“How do goals, budgeting, and personal financial
statements help me to make decisions regarding my
future and why is it important?”
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Note: All the below hyperlinks access my personal web site http://sredtech.org
Flipbook Instruction - pdf
Blog Comment Rubric
SMART Goals Worksheets Checklist
Excel Applied Exercise Rubric
Stagger Book Rubric
Final Essay Rubric
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Addie: Analysis
Systematic Data Analysis
Subject Area: Math of Finance (Consumer Math) Grade Level: 12
Who are the learners? What are their characteristics? The learners are low performing seniors, both male and
female, who are most likely on a school to career track. The students were placed in a “Math of Finance” (Consumer
Math) class in order to satisfy the 4th year Math requirement required by the State and School District and to provide them
with real world skills. Students were selected for this class based upon low NECAP test scores and grade performance
over the first three years of high school. Data sources were school NECAP scores for each student and grade
performance from school records.
What is their current performance? (Support with data.) These students scored less than the 35th percentile on
NECAP Math tests and all have earned 72 or less in Math courses.
What is the desired performance? (Cite a goal from the SIP, or formulate a goal).
Week 3 Assessment Plan
All students will increase their grade performance to 85 or better through a curriculum of real world consumer math that
they will use in their post-secondary lives regardless of career choice.
Describe the gap that exists between current student performance and desired performance. Currently, there is no
way to disaggregate data to show weaknesses in performance in areas such as Problem Solving, Numbers and
Operations, Functions, or Data and Statistics.
What level of computer/Internet skills do the learners have? What types of computer/Internet skills do they need
to have? Students are proficient with email, MS Word and Internet Search and use. Students will need some tutorial on
formulas and functions using Excel.
To what types of technology do learners have access? Students will have access to computers during schdeuled lab
time. All students have access to computers and internet after school hours.
What learning constraints exist for the targeted group of learners? No IEP’s exist in the class. Students are all
capable. Learning constraints are mostly due to lack of interest in traditional math and lack of school’s ability to place
them in more homogeneous grouping to this point.
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Curriculum Focus
The course focuses on financial fitness for life. Beginning with an overview of Personal Financial Planning and the
Benefits of Good Financial Decision Making. Students have had instruction in “What is a financial plan” and “Why should
we create one”. They have had the opportunity to choose a career path and an understanding of expected income levels
for entry level jobs. This unit will focus on Budgeting and Personal Net Worth Statements. Students have already
answered the questions: What kind of lifestyle do I want to have? (Job type?, Lifestyle?, Income Level?, Family?, etc.)
This unit will answer the questions:
Week 1 Lesson 1:
How will I achieve the lifestyle I want? What are SMART goals? Why set financial goals and how do I set
Week 1 Lesson 2
Why do I create a budget? How do live within my means? How do I create a budget? How do I not spend
more than I make?
Week 2 Lesson 1
What is a personal net worth statement? Why do I create a personal net worth statement? How do I create
a personal financial statement?
Week 3 Assessment Plan
Week 2 Lesson 2
How do I know if I have met my financial goals? How do I modify my spending activity in order to meet my
financial goals?
Technology Resources available are the internet, computers with MS Office and internet access, an Online Personal
Finance program called “Moneyskill”. There will be a blend of lecture, group collaboration, handwritten activities,
constructed response vocabulary quiz, performance based assessment (budget and personal finance statement),
evaluative reflection, and E-Assessment through Moneyskill online.
Week 2 Design Lesson Plans
Course Number and Title:
Date: 09/08/12
The Mathematics of Finance #3004
Lesson Planning
Curriculum Unit Title: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
Week 1 Lesson 1 Title: Lifestyle and Financial Goals
1. Students will use the elements of their chosen career and personal lifestyle to
develop a path for reaching that lifestyle.
2. Students will set SMART goals for attaining their chosen career in an effort to
create an income and their future lifestyle.
Description of Activity: Referring to their lifestyle elements and career choice from the
previous unit they will identify a median salary from http://www.bls.gov . They will then
identify the level of education needed and how they expect to achieve that. Students will
discuss with their computer neighbor and record their findings in a journal entry.
Face-to-Face Instructional Strategy
Technology Integration
Strategy 1:
Class discussion of similar lifestyle
elements. Listing on computer projected
with LCD projector onto screen for entire
class to share ideas. Students should
simultaneously record these and others
specific to their own choices in a journal.
Strategy 2:
Online Blog discussion of their career
choice, education, and income. Discussion
must include personal opinions of whether
their goals are attainable in the specified
timeframe. If not, what alternatives do we
Strategy 3:
Individual student internet research, and
recording in journal using MS Word on
computer. “I have chosen to pursue this
career because…”
Resources and Media (included above) Record Vocabulary in “Staggerbooks”.
Assessment Plan
Completion of SMART goals worksheets
Staggerbook Entries - Vocabulary
Recording in Journal (MS Word)
Online Blog Entry
Week 2 Design Lesson Plans
Curriculum Unit Title: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
Week 1 Lesson 2 Title: Creating a 12 month Budget
3. Students will learn the elements of a budget, know the importance of a budget,
and then create a 12 month budget based upon the income from their research in
Lesson 1.
4. Students will learn how to modify the expenses to balance the budget.
Description of Activity:
Face-to-Face Instructional Strategy
Technology Integration
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Resources and Media (included above)
Assessment Plan
Staggerbook Entries - Vocabulary
Class discussion of budget elements using
a simulated budget, listing on computer
projected with LCD projector onto screen
for entire class to share.
Completion of Jumpstart’s Online Reality
Check Quiz. Recording expense elements
in Excel Spreadsheet for use later.
Online Blog entry How and why do we
choose what expenses are important to
Record Vocabulary in “Staggerbooks”.
Online Blog Entry
Excel Spreadsheet – Budget and Actual
Reality Check Quiz results - Printout
Poll Everywhere - formative
Week 2 Design Lesson Plans
Week 2 Curriculum Unit Title: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
Lesson 1 Title: Creating Personal Financial Statements
5. Students will know the elements of a personal financial statement, know the
importance of it, and then create one based upon the information from their
personal budgets from Week 1 Lesson 2.
Description of Activity:
Face-to-Face Instructional Strategy
Technology Integration
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Resources and Media (included above)
Assessment Plan
Staggerbook Entries - Vocabulary
Class discussion of personal financial
statements using a simulated statement on
computer projected with LCD projector
onto screen for entire class to share.
Completion of a personal financial
statement in MS Excel Spreadsheet
Online Blog entry What factors can affect
our budget and force a modification of our
Record Vocabulary in “Staggerbooks”.
Online Blog Entry
Excel Spreadsheet – Personal Financial
Poll Everywhere - formative
Week 2 Design Lesson Plans
Week 2 Curriculum Unit Title: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making
Lesson 2 Title: Using Budgets and Personal Financial Statements for Decision Making
6. Students will know how changes in financial statements over time are used to
make financial planning decisions.
Description of Activity:
Face-to-Face Instructional Strategy
Technology Integration
Strategy 1:
Strategy 2:
Strategy 3:
Resources and Media (included above)
Assessment Plan
Staggerbook Entries - Vocabulary
Math skills worksheets
Small group discussion and class
discussion with completion of worksheets
on percentages and ratios used for
financial decision making. Use of a
document camera projected to screen for
entire class to share.
Completion of 12 month personal financial
statement using 12 month budget in MS
Excel Spreadsheet
Use of MS Word for Journal Entry as a
culminating assignment. How do
budgeting and personal financial
statements help me to make decisions
regarding my future? Why is it important?
Record Vocabulary in “Staggerbooks”.
Poll Everywhere - formative
Excel Spreadsheet – modify personal
financial statements based upon actual
MS Word – culminating assignment