Fukushima Is Horrifically Worse Than You Have Been Told

Fukushima Is Horrifically Worse Than You
Have Been Told
The Intel Hub
Richard Sauder
April 5, 2011
Fukushima is a kind of global “kill shot,” make no mistake about that. The situation is dire in the
extreme. The global nuclear industry is trying to kill you, and Fukushima is their latest
broadside, aimed at the whole planet.
The entire nuclear complex, from uranium mining, to nuclear weapons (including depleted
uranium munitions), to nuclear electrical generating plants, to research reactors, to so-called
“nuclear medicine,” has to go.
Fukushima: Look at the photos of the Fukushima plant HERE
Does any rational person seriously think that such total destruction can be fixed or repaired? That
it is only a question of reconnecting the electricity and turning the pumps back on?
The reactors and spent-fuel-rod-cooling-pools have been shredded. It’s a war zone, and I mean
that literally. The nuclear industry has turned this planet into a giant nuclear war zone that targets
the entire human race, and Fukushima is its latest battlefield.
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Believe me, the situation is worse than bad, it’s worse than dire, it is history-altering horrific. A
lot of people are going to die from what is happening in Fukushima, into the millions for sure,
that is not in question.
The only question is how many millions. If we are “lucky,” only one or two million persons will
die. And if we are unlucky, well, things could get really grim, unimaginably hellish, on this
planet we call home.
Here’s how bad it really is:
There are up to 1,000 dead bodies in the countryside around the Fukushima nuclear
reactors that can’t be collected, because the corpses are too radioactive. (1)
The caesium fallout levels now rival the levels recorded when the Soviet nuclear reactor
at Chernobyl exploded in 1986. (2)
As of this past week, three of the reactors at Fukushima are in a state of melt down, and if
they can’t be stopped, the radioactive result may be “permanent dead zones” in Japan. (3)
It may take many years, perhaps as much as 50 to 100 years, to bring the reactor cores
back under control. (4)
The Japanese government is bringing in the world’s largest concrete pump from the USA,
to spray water on the melting-down nuclear reactors. (5)(6)
Even the Japanese Prime Minister admits that the Japanese government is in a state of
“maximum alert.” (7)
As well he might, given reports that, “Various embassies in Japan are passing out potassium
iodide tablets… “ to their citizens (8)
That suggests that the embassies know that harmful radiation is spreading more widely from the
The hard truth is that even low levels of radiation can hurt you badly, even kill you.
You don’t have to believe me. Listen to Jeff Patterson, DO, immediate past president of
Physicians for Social Responsibility:
“There is no safe level of radionuclide exposure, whether from food, water or other sources.
Period. Exposure to radionuclides, such as iodine-131 and cesium-137, increases the incidence
of cancer. For this reason, every effort must be taken to minimize the radionuclide content in
food and water.” (9)
You want to know where this is going?
In late 2011 and early 2012 the first babies conceived during the ongoing nuclear crisis will be
born in northern Japan, which is now being saturated with high levels of radiation.
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You want to know what nuclear radiation does to babies? Look at these photos of what the
nuclear fall-out from the depleted uranium munitions used by the United States military has
produced in Iraq.
(Warning: very graphic images, not for viewing by children or the faint of heart.)
And these:
That is the ghastly fruit of American foreign and military policy, of more than 60 years of
nuclear engineering by the military-industrial complex.
Look at the photos in the links above. Think of them the next time you salute the American flag,
or sing the Star Spangled Banner, or send money to the IRS, because when you do that you are
paying for American troops to do these things, and you are praising the darkly wicked system
that produces these unspeakably horrific crimes.
It’s your money, and from here on you can never say that you didn’t know, that you had no idea
these things were happening, in your name as an American and with your money, because now
you do know.
The age of innocence and feigned ignorance is over. This is what the nuclear industry is doing to
the human race, whether through the American military on foreign battlefields, or through the
willful, criminal negligence of the nuclear power industry.
These matters are of soul defining importance. What are you going to do about it?
Richard Sauder
Please Visit Richard Sauder’s Website:
Event Horizon Chronicle
1) http://english.kyodonews.jp/news/2011/03/82200.html
2) http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20305-caesium-fallout-from-fukushima-rivalschernobyl.html
3) http://naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=604AB3FA803FF3647DF6E34EC5E8C8A0
4) http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/04/01/3179487.htm
5) http://chronicle.augusta.com/latest-news/2011-03-31/srs-concrete-pump-heading-japannuclear-site
6) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1371793/Fukushima-nuclear-plant-entombedconcrete-Japan-admits-battle-crippled-reactors-lost.html
(8) http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110329a8.html
(9) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23902
Intel Hub Co Founder Alex Thomas:
No one knows 100% how bad this disaster is going to be and some still believe that the disaster
is not near as bad as what is portrayed in this article. With that being said, The Intel Hub is a
beacon of free speech and hopes its readers can take the time to come to their own, educated
Here at The Intel Hub we have grappled within on the extent of the danger and will continue to
bring ALL legitimate viewpoints to the table.