venus presentation

Planet Research Project
By Abby Rosenthal
How did Venus get it’s name?
 The planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of
love, womanhood, and beauty.
 This is Venus’s symbol.
 This symbol can also be interpreted as a mirror, also a
symbol of beauty.
 Venus has been known of since prehistoric times.
 It is very easy to see, Venus is the 2nd brightest object in
the sky.
 Order from the Sun: 2nd
 Distance form Sun in km: 108km
 Distance from Earth in km: depends on the relative
position of Venus and Earth. The closest estimate is
between 38-261 million km.
Venus Measurements
Mass: 4.867E24 kg
Volume: 928,415,345,893 km³
Density: 5.20 g/cm³
Gravity: 8.87 m/s²
Float or Sink?
 Venus would NOT float in water, it is far too dense.
Orbit and Rotation
 How long does it take for Venus to orbit the Sun?
225 days
 How long does it for Venus to rotate on its axis?
243 days
 Made of carbon dioxide and a little bit of nitrogen and
sulfuric acid
Venus has very thick atmosphere.
400⁰- 740,000⁰ C
The average temperature in Florida during summer is
 Venus is a rocky planet.
 It’s internal composition is very similar to Earth; it’s
interior consists of core, mantle, and crust.
What does Venus look like?
 Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky. The
surface of Venus has a lot of craters which typically come
in bunches. Venus has no moons or satellites. Venus’s
color is a yellowish whitish. Venus has no rings.
 Winds blowing as fast as 360 km/ hour
 There are clouds made of sulfur dioxide and drops of
sulfuric acid. This may cause rain, but the extremely hot
temperatures would evaporate rain before it could hit the
 There is no water on the surface of Venus.
 Venus’s average temperature is 461.85⁰ C.
 Water boils at 100⁰C, so even if there is water on Venus,
it would evaporate by the time it reached the surface.
What would happen if a human traveled to
 A human would be squashed because of the extreme
gravity when they entered the atmosphere.
 The average temperature would burn a human up,
 The atmosphere is made of CO², N², and H²SO4, making it
unbreathable for a human.
Interesting Facts
1. Venus is Earth’s evil twin. The two planets are very
similar and mass. Their orbits around the sun very
2. Venus very slowly compared to the other planets. For
example, on day on Earth is 24 hours. One days on
Venus is 243 times that!!!
3. Venus has phases. When Galileo discovered the
heliocentric system, he also discovered Venus goes
through phases, just like our moon.
Cain, Fraser. "Interesting Facts About Venus." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 5 May 2008. Web. 21
Dec. 2013. <>.
Cain, Fraser. "Interesting Facts About Venus." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 5 May 2008. Web. 21
Dec. 2013. <>.
"Venus." L Facts, Pictures and Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2013.
Cain, Fraser. "Symbols of the Planets." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 26 July 2009. Web. 21 Dec.
2013. <>.
Cain, Fraser. "Weather on Venus." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 4 Aug. 2009. Web. 21 Dec. 2013.
Cain, Fraser. "Pictures of Planet Venus." Universe Today RSS. Universe Today, 7 May 2008. Web. 21 Dec.
2013. <>.