Journal for The Outsiders

Outsiders Journals
You will need to keep all journal entries. I
will take them up once every week or two.
I will not necessarily tell you in advance
when I am taking them up, so it’s in your
best interest to keep up.
Each entry must be at least 5-7 sentences.
Date and number each entry.
We will begin with Journal #1 in a moment.
Journal #1 – November 9, 2009
What does it mean to be an “outsider”? What
kinds of situations in life can make you feel
like an “outsider”? Explain your answer in 57 sentences.
Journal #2 – 11/10
Do you think all people deserve respect
regardless of who they are, where they live,
or how much money they make? Why or why
not? Explain your answer in 5-7 sentences.
Journal #3 -- 11/11
What makes you unique? Be specific
and detailed. Explain your answer in
at least 5-7 sentences.
Journal #4 11/12
How can you keep your individuality when you
belong to a tight group of friends? Do you
lose part of yourself when you become part of
a group? Explain your answers in at least 5-7
Journal #5 11/16
Are you in complete control of your own identity
or do you think that others make you who you
are in one or more ways? Explain your
answers in at least 5-7 sentences.
Journal #6 – 11/17
True or false: Most people are not satisfied or
happy with what they have. Explain your
answer in at least 5-7 sentences.
Journals #1-6 due today by end of hour!
Please turn in ONLY Journals #1-6 and
make sure you have put the number and
date on them.
Journal #7
Complete the Venn diagram. Put characteristics that Ponyboy shares with the rest of the
Greasers in the center. Put characteristics he does not share with them to the left. On
the right, put characteristics the Greasers have that Ponyboy does not.
Journal #8
True or false: A person is often stereotyped or
judged because of the people he hangs out
Explain why you think as you do in at least 5-7
Journal #9
True or false: Sometimes it is okay to
stereotype people. Explain why you think as
you do in at least 5-7 sentences.
Stereotype = to make assumptions about
someone based on positive or negative
things you know or assume about other
people like them (race, religion, gender, hair
color, age, weight, etc.)
Journal #10
True or false: It is normal to feel like a loner
Explain your answer in at least 5-7 sentences.
You are about to complete an assignment that asks you to
write creatively about one of the crimes that occurs in the
Think of as many of the crimes that have taken place as
you can.
 .
 .
 .
 .
 .
 .
Journal #11
What does this poem (from Ch. 5) mean? What is “gold” in this part
of the story? What do you expect will happen next? Write a
response of 5-7 sentences.
Poem is on pg. 77.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
by Robert Frost
Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
Chapter 4 and 5 Review
Go over your given pages and be ready to summarize
what happens for the class.
Seats 1-6: Ch. 4 first half: go over pgs. 53-60
Seats 7-12: Ch. 4 second half: go over pgs. 61-67
Seats 13–19: Ch. 5 first half: go over pgs. 68-76
Seats 20-25: Ch. 5 second half: go over pgs. 77-84
I need your Journals #7-11!
I need your Police Report assignments!
TODAY: Quiet work/reading day
 Journal #12
 Turn in Journals #7-12
 Finish “Police Report” assignment and turn in
 Finish reading Chapter 6
 Once you are completely finished with all these
things, you may Prime Time Read.
 I am grading Zap work and will post new
grades by the end of the hour. They will
INCLUDE missing Journals 7-12 and missing
Police Report assignments, so get those in.
Journal #12 – 11/21/08
Johnny and Ponyboy are in a pretty bad
situation in Chapters 4 and 5. Why do you
think Johnny and Ponyboy turned to Dally
for help? Who would you turn to for help?
Explain why you think as you do in at least
5-7 sentences.
Journal #13
What's your personal definition of a hero? Do
the three boys prove themselves to be
heroes in Chapter 6, according to your
definition? Explain in 5-7 sentences.
Please help me find my books!
I am now missing THREE Outsiders books. If
you think there is any chance you carried one
off, please check your locker! I need every
single book!
Journal #14
Do you think bad people can sometimes be
heroes? Why or why not? Explain in 5-7
Journal #15: Socs vs. Greasers Venn Diagram
5 items
5 items
5 items
Complete the Venn diagram. Put characteristics that Socs share with Greasers in
the center. Put characteristics Socs do not share with them to the left.
On the right, put characteristics the Greasers have that Socs do not.
Journal #16
In The Outsiders, the media (newspapers)
printed articles about the church fire and
Ponyboy’s family, causing some people to
look at them differently. How does the media
(newspapers, TV, the Internet) impact your
own life, your own identity? Explain in 5-7
Journal #17
Is it all right to murder someone if you think you
have a good reason? Is self-defense a good
enough reason? Why or why not? Explain in
5-7 sentences.
Journal Entry #18 -- GIST statement
Write this in your Bellwork, please!
Write a 30 word GIST statement
about Chapter 9.
Journal #19 – Character Analysis
Read the following incomplete statements:
 The best thing about being me is…
 The worst thing about being me is…
Now choose one character and complete the
statements as you think the character would
complete them.
Then explain why you think this character would say
these things about him/herself.
You should have AT LEAST 5 sentences on this one,
Journals will be due after we complete #20 tomorrow,
so if you are missing some, you might want to
spend today getting caught up.
Journal Entry #20
Some people say that death opens the eyes of the living.
This means that experiencing the death of someone we
know makes us see things we did not see before.
Do you agree that death opens the eyes of the living? Why
or why not? Does death open the eyes of anyone in The
Outsiders? Explain in 5-7 sentences.
Please staple together Journals 13-20 and put them in the basket
as soon as you are finished.
Journal #?
What are some of the major problems that
teenagers face today? Are these problems
the same or different from the problems faced
by the characters in The Outsiders? Explain
in 5-7 sentences.
Journal #18 -- GIST statements
Desks 1-8 – write a 30 word GIST
statement about Chapter 7
Desks 9-16 – write a 30 word GIST
statement about Chapter 8.
Desks 17-25 – write a 30 word GIST
statement about Chapter 9.
Read Ch. 12 or Prime Time book (grade on
whether or not you have your PTR book)
Expect to go to Zap if I don’t have your
Journals #13-20
Quiz over Ch. 8-12 tomorrow
Discuss Ch. 12
Discuss Outsiders project
For the quiz tomorrow…
Make sure you go over chapters 8-12.
The quiz is fifteen questions.
Know the *reasons* they fight (remember
when Ponyboy asks them?)
Know who tells Ponyboy he’s not like the
other Greasers and shouldn’t try to be.
Refresh on the rumble and what happens to
Know who was around at each of the deaths
in Ch. 8-12.
Journal #
True or false: It is good to have friends you can
count on. Explain why you think as you do in
at least 5-7 sentences.