Dear Parents, Great News! In #th grade we use a reading program that will help our young readers thrive. We call it Outside Reading, a program that will refocus on the joy of reading and that will provoke real and original thought in our young readers. As parents and teachers, we know how important reading is to a child's growing knowledge base. We know the world that awaits them, so we understand that reading outside of school is important. However, there is no reason it should not be enjoyable and actually teach them something at the same time. With this being said, I am happy to replace the multiple-choice based reading system with Outside Reading. With Outside Reading, students will no longer have to achieve a certain number of points. Your child will still be required to read, but meeting a point requirement based on a multiple-choice test will no longer be his or her assessment. In #th grade, from this point forward, your child will have only two outside reading requirements each nine weeks: one chapter book that is appropriately leveled for your child of his or her choice and one non-fiction book or media publication of his or her choice. (The student has the option to swap the one chapter book for two superhero comic books, but the thinking level and assignments that go with the comic books are of an extremely high level. So, be forewarned.) Children may choose what they want to read no matter the points, no matter the type of text. If you or I believe they are under or overestimating their reading ability by choosing material that is beneath or above them, we will have them select something more appropriate, giving you more say in what your child reads. Each child’s reading tastes and reading abilities are different. What's more, our children need a media-rich environment and an escape from any preselected book-only based system. So, if your child wants to read an article from National Geographic to count as their Non-fiction Media Text, they can. If your child wants to read an online article about their favorite video game, they can! If your child wants to read the newspaper, they can! Lego Magazine, yes! Teen, yes! His or her Awana's reader, yes! If your child wants to read any book or publication, they can! How will I assess their Outside Reading? At a higher level of Bloom's Taxonomy and meta-cognitive thinking than a multiple-choice test! In #th grade we are preparing your children for a state writing and reading test. Both tests require cognitive thought. Both are equally as important. Therefore, we believe that base-leveled questioning assessments over pre-selected reading might be underserving our children’s needs. We are also preparing your children for a multisensory world of technology where creative ability is highly valued. Therefore, student assessment will involve: writing, creating, and developing original thought about what they’ve read (a total of two selected prompt submissions to per 9 weeks) using technology to create real-world, multi-sensory projects (a total of two selected creative tech projects, one for each reading selection per 9 weeks) Every nine weeks your child's chosen Outside Reading assessments will be due on the second-to-last Friday of each 9 weeks. Your child can completely select how he or she wants to accumulate this major grade (see attached Outside Reading Selection Sheets). On the day that all Outside Reading is due, he or she will also need to turn in the Outside Reading Selection Sheet with your signature on it (additional copies can be printed from my website). Thank you so much for your support and the support of your child's all-around education. Hopefully, together we can build your child's knowledge of the world and recapture his or her love for reading and thinking once more. Thank you, ###### #th Grade ELAR Child’s name: __________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _______________________________________________ Please sign and return. Remove this entire top page and keep the rest for your reference. Students may pick up more selection sheets from the drawer in my classroom or print them from my website each 9 weeks. *All writing and technology projects must be completely self-created. Any information, text or images, from other sources used to create your project must be cited. Any information copied and pasted (even if you change the words) must be cited. The result of plagiarism is an automatic zero and a possible referral. To cite used material, refer to for instructions. Name ___________________________ Outside Reading Selection Sheets Due Date: __________ 1. Chapter Book (Can be swapped for alternative #3) 1. Choose your ONE chapter book: Title of book: Author: # of chapters: # of pages: 2. Choose Your ONE Writing Assessment*: (All writing assessments must be 200+ words and typed.) A. Summary B. Daily Reading Journal (by day or chapter) C. Compare/Contrast Essay (only option for books that have been made into movies- if you can't get the movie, don't read the book) D. Character Analysis- Describe the changes the protagonist goes through throughout the novel. Must use concrete evidence to support ideas. E. Literary Analysis- In a fully developed essay, discuss (see teacher) as it is shown throughout the novel. Must use textual evidence to support ideas. F. Theme Analysis- What is one of the overlying themes of the novel and in what ways does this theme manifest itself throughout the novel. Must use textual evidence to support ideas. 3. Choose Only ONE Technology Project*: (Not required) Animated scene and plot schematic of favorite chapter Digital comic strip of favorite chapter Point Value (worth up to) 8 3 Value (worth up to) 40 45 45 Method of turning in assignment: CHAPTER BOOK A CHAPTER BOOK B CHAPTER BOOK C 50 CHAPTER BOOK D 55 CHAPTER BOOK E or F 55 CHAPTER BOOK E or F Suggested Free App or Software (you may use any app that you want) Method of turning in assignment: Toontastic (only one is free and it is limited- in app purchases are available) similar apps welcome Comic Maker HD Caption Distraction Show your teacher during tutorials Email to ######## Make a children's digital picture book version 10 Book Press iBooks Author Email to ######## Video reenactment of favorite scene 5 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share Commercial for book 7 iMovie with ########. Print a QR code. Save in Google Drive and then share with ######## Print a QR code. Timeline of events 2 Before Now Email to ######## Other teacher approved project: (See me) Teacher signature: Parent Signature: ___________________________________ *All writing and technology projects must be completely self-created. Any information, text or images, from other sources used to create your project must be cited. Any information copied and pasted (even if you change the words) must be cited. The result of plagiarism is an automatic zero and a possible referral. To cite used material refer to for instructions. 2. Non-fiction Book or Media Publication (May not be swapped.) 1. Choose your ONE source: Book Title: Author: Year Published: Print Publication Title of Source: Title of Article: Author: Online Publication Website: Title of Article: URL: Topic: # of Pages: BL (Base Level): Topic: Date of Publication: Topic: Date of Publication: Author: 2. Choose Your ONE Writing Assessment*: (All writing assessments must be 100+ words and typed.) A. Summary B. Opinions of topic using evidence from text to support your opinion C. Extended Research – read 2 (two) articles about the same topic and then compare and contrast the ideas. I must Value (worth up to) 40 45 Method of turning in assignment: NON-FICTION A NON-FICTION B 50 NON-FICTION C have the title, author, and publication info for BOTH! You can write the 2nd citation on notebook paper. 3. Choose Only ONE Technology Project*: (Not required) Word cloud of common and proper nouns used in publication A chart, graph, diagram, or analysis of data learned from publication Make a children's digital picture book version Video reenactment Point Value (worth up to) 2 Suggested Free App (you Method of turning in assignment: may use any app that you want) Word Clouds abc ya Email to ########## 4 Google Spreadsheet Email to ########## 10 Book Press Email to ########## 5 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with #######. Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. A commercial selling item or idea that the publication was about 3-5 minute recorded eyewitness interview 7 Create a Quizlet stack of at least 10 content terms from publication Create a how-to video of what you learned 3 Quizlet Select share, select the URL or QR code, email to #### 5 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with ###### A how-to handout with images 4 Neu.annotate Email to ####### A timeline 3 Before Now Email to ######## iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with ####### Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. 4 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with ####### Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. Other teacher approved project: (See me) Teacher signature: Parent Signature: ___________________________________ Name ___________________________ Outside Reading Selection Sheets Due Date: __________ 3.The SUPERHERO Comics Alternative to a Chapter Book Step 1: Choose and read your comic selections. If you decide to swap a chapter book for 2 superhero comic books, here are the Requirements for your selections: Must be Marvel or DC comics that are about superheroes Comics must be parent approved Must read 2 (two) superhero comics and take notes using self-created graphic organizers as you are reading to aide in your thinking for your chosen writing prompt Must turn in your graphic organizers with your Outside Reading selection pages in the Homework Bin on the same day Outside Reading is due Comic must not objectify women (just ask any female if it does) Comic must not glorify violence (Violence is a part of comics; however, your comic selections must not glorify violence, meaning it must not make violence out to be flashy or cool. Just ask any mother.) My Comic Selections: 1. Author: Volume: No.(#): 2. Author: Volume: No.(#): Illustrator: Title and Subtitle: Marvel or DC Date of Publication: Illustrator: Title and Subtitle: Marvel or DC Date of Publication: Step 2: Choose your ONE writing prompt: Requirements of your chosen prompt: Must be typed in Docs and submitted to by the due date and time Must be organized into paragraphs (jot down an OUTLINE before you start drafting) Must use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas for your chosen theme. Generalizations will NOT be accepted. Must be a minimum of 400 words (Why more words? Let’s face it; you’ve chosen to read less and THINK MORE with this assignment, which is fine with me. Also, you cannot fully analyze your chosen theme and give it justice with less than 400 words. I’m not even so sure 400 words will give your thoughts and opinions about the text justice, but eh—it’s a minimum. You will find as you are reading and rereading that there is so much to say and dig deep into with your chosen theme. 400+ words will not be difficult.) You must also title your essay by the prompt you chose and with the titles of both comics with their volume and number. If you can’t manage to properly title your essay giving credit to your sources, read a chapter book. I cannot grade an essay of which I don’t know the source. Example Title: #7 The Foil- Spiderman: The Mutant Factor Vol.1 No.15 and Silver Surfer Vol. 3 No. 36 When submitting your essay to, you must submit it to the assignment called Comic Prompt. Writing Prompt Choices: All prompts are worth up to 50 pts. Circle the prompt you are going to do. 1. Good vs. Evil- Compare/contrast the ideas of good and evil in both comics. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: acts of goodness/ acts of evil/ lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good/ lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil/ What about justice? What qualities or traits represent good? What qualities or traits represent evil? / Are good and evil always clear? 2. Internal Strength vs. Outer Strength- Compare/contrast inner strength and outer strength in the superheroes and (or) villains. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: What inner strengths are prevalent? / Do inner strengths have a particular time they surface? / What outer strengths are prevalent? / What weaknesses inhibit? / Are outer strengths equally matched? / Are inner strengths equally matched? / So, where does true power or strength come from? 3.The Superhero or Villain as a Round Character- Prove that the superheroes or villains are round characters. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: A round character is a character that shows more than one side of himself or herself. They are not all good or all bad. They have a story behind them that makes them more human than what the reader expects. 4. Internal and External Conflict – Analyze the internal and external conflicts that surround your superheroes. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: The internal conflicts of literature are Man vs. Himself and Man vs. God; the external conflicts of literature are Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Machine (technology), Man vs. Society, and depending on the scenario Man vs. God. / Does conflict have a role in driving the plot? / Do these conflicts exist in comics? / Do conflicts always center around the superhero and nemesis? / Can conflicts parallel other conflicts? Can conflicts parallel forces outside of what a superhero can control, as in nature? Can true justice be found through certain conflicts and not others? 5. Foreshadowing- Analyze the use of foreshadowing. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: Does foreshadowing exist in comics? Is foreshadowing in text? / Can foreshadowing be seen outside of text? / How do the conflicts of literature play into foreshadowing (see definition in above prompt)? / Think about what might be foreshadowing as you read. In the end, were your hypotheses correct? / Why would an author use foreshadowing? 6. Internal and (or) External Character Flaws- Compare/ contrast your superheroes’ internal and (or) external character flaws. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: Do superheroes even have flaws? / Can flaws drive the plot? / Why would an author give a superhero flaws? / Can a flaw change? / Can a flaw manifest? / Can a flaw lead to one’s demise? / Can a flaw save? 7. The Foil- Compare/ contrast possible foils to your superheroes. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: A foil is symbolically the image in the mirror. It is a living being that is a perfect opposite. In literature, a foil will often manifest as a completely separate character, displaying the evils that the character or we do not want to see in himself or herself, or our superheroes. These evils take on a separate life with an all too familiar contrast. / Is a foil always bad? Can a foil be good? What revelations does the superhero have to deal with within himself or herself as a result of the foil? Would you consider the conflict between a superhero and a foil Man vs. Man or Man vs. Himself? Can a foil be the main villain? Is a foil always the main villain or just some sort of external or internal torment? Does the foil literally manifest from the superhero (i.e. Hulk)? Does the foil manifest outside the superhero (i.e. Venom)/Do foils take any part in driving the plot? 8. Are comics worthy to be called literature? Prove your opinion. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: What is literature? / How is it defined? / Are there opposing views to what makes quality literature? / What do you think? How do YOU define quality literature? Use your texts either way to prove your opinion. 9. Is Justice Always Served? Prove your opinion. Use EVIDENCE from BOTH texts to support your ideas. Thought stems: How would YOU define justice? / Is justice the result of truth? / Is justice the same as revenge? / How is justice served in comics? Was it served? Or, was it partially served? / Could different endings justify the situations better?/ Did another wrong have to occur for justice to be served? / Do two wrongs make a right? / Can justice ever fully exist? 10. Other teacher approved- Have an idea for a thesis? Come see me. Step 3 (optional): Choose a Tech Project: Choose Only ONE Technology Project*: (Not required) Video reenactment of scene Point Value (worth up to) Suggested Free App or Software (you may use any app that you want) 4 iMovie Method of turning in assignment: Save in Google Drive and then share with ######### Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. 3-5 minute recorded eyewitness interview with “characters” at the scene of a big twist in the plot A news broadcast reporting the chaotic actions and set in the same city or place as one of your comics 8 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with ######### Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. 10 iMovie Save in Google Drive and then share with ######### Please be sure you have selected to allow anyone with the link to view your video in the advanced settings when sharing. Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Steps to Turning in your Outside Reading 1) Submit CHOSEN Writing Assessments (Non-fiction Choice and Chapter Book or Comics choice) to separately. Your username and password should be your school email address and six-digit code. BE SURE TO SUBMIT THEM TO THE CORRECT PROMPT LETTER and to TITLE them by prompt choice and reading selection title! 2) Follow instructions from the Outside Reading Selection Sheet for how to turn in your CHOSEN Technology Project (if you chose to do one). 3) Turn in your signed Outside Reading Selection Sheets to the Homework Bin on the day Outside Reading is due. Have everything turned in by 3:15 on the date due! No allowances may be made for assignments you have known about all 9 weeks. Setting up for Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. On your iPad, select Safari and go to To use Turnitin features, Immediately [Add to Home Screen] when the page opens and then reopen the newly Students will need: made icon. a working school Select [Create Account] email address Enter your school email address the Drive app For your password, enter your school ID# (Google Drive) Select [Student] [Submit] Enter your Class ID # 2/3####### I already have a account, but I 5/6####### need to enroll in a different teacher’s class: 7/8####### 1. Log in to Enter your Class Enrollment Password 2. On your home page, select the 2nd tab at the top 2/3####### called “Enroll in a Class” 5/6####### 3. Enter your other teacher’s “Class/section ID.” 7/8####### 4. Enter you other teacher’s “Enrollment password.” Put in your first name and then last name (Remember that this is caps sensitive) 5. Press submit. Leave the display name as it is Put in your student email address again Again, for your password, enter your school ID# Saving a typed assignment to Select a secret question and enter the answer your Google Drive: Agree to the user agreement - Save assignment to Now your account is made. desktop Submitting an Assignment - Submitting a Typed Essay - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. First, make sure your essay was typed in Docs and saved in Google Drive From your homepage on, select your class Select Submit on the assignment you wish to turn in You will see blue text at the top. It will say Cut &Paste Upload or Single File Upload. Select Single File Upload from this blue drop down menu. Here, you have the option of submitting your essay in various ways. Put in the title of your assignment and then select Google Drive. It might make you sign-in to Google Drive again- do it. You will then be able to select the assignment from your Google Drive immediately from within Select the essay you wish to submit and then upload/submit it. You will then get a receipt of your submission. You may check back in your account at a later date to review your grade and comments - - - Go to Sign in (top right) with your email and your ID# If it is your 1st time using Drive, you will be asked to set up your account- do it. Click on square dots in the top right hand corner. Select Drive. Push the upload button (looks like an arrow pointing up with a line underneath) Select Files Find your assignment from your desktop