NANOROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY IN THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY Sakshi Sethi*, Manjeet Kaur Assistant Professor, Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India Abstract In today’s world, the health care industries mainly focus on developing minimally invasive techniques for diagnosis as well as the treatment of various diseases. The most budding development in the field of minimally invasive techniques involves the fusion of the latest nanomaterial science and robotics technology with biological knowledge i.e. Nanorobotics. This paper will deal with the latest development in this field as well as the promising future it offers, mainly focusing on health care and medicine. In the present work, the nanorobot navigation, its powering and locomotion in the human body are discussed. Keywords: Nanorobots, Nanomaterial, Robotics technology, navigation, locomotion INTRODUCTION Since the inception of first vaccine in the health care industry, there have been numerous revolutions which led to the invention of much modern equipment like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) [1]. In the last two decades, there is an overall development and ever growing literature in the field of nanotechnology towards the realization of nanorobots [11]. Nanorobots are small nano electromechanical systems which are designed to perform a specific task or tasks with the precision on the scale of nanometers (1 nm = 10-9 m) [2]. The interdisciplinary team of pharmaceutical scientists, chemists, doctors, medical researchers, physicists, biologists and chemical engineers from all over the world are collectively working to trigger the most significant revolution in the history of medicine [5]. This revolution will lead to the development of robotic systems which would be ultramini in nature and these devices would be the bimolecular electromechanical hardware of the future biomedical applications. The main aim of having these nanodevices with in the human body is to manipulate objects in the nanoworld and transfer the necessary information from the nano world to macro world. These devices are being developed in such a way that they can be operated with minimal supervision. Also, these are expected to be highly stable, efficient, controllable and economical when produced in masses. Nanorobotics is a minimally invasive technology wherein nanorobots might serve as antibodies or antiviral agents for those patients who have compromised immune system or are suffering from the diseases that are difficult to treat with other conventional methods. Some other applications of nanorobots may include the damaged tissue repair, arteriosclerosis [12], and the construction of complete replacement body organs. The other noninvasive techniques like X-Rays, MRI and sonography provides the view of inside body from outside. The data which we receive from these techniques is effective, reliable and moreover the data received is without physically tampering the subject. But the data received from nanobots will be much more accurate and reliable as it gathers the data of the inside from inside itself. As a result, the diagnosis will be much more accurate and the treatment will also be highly specific as it can be customized for a particular subject [1]. NANOROBOTICS Nanorobotics is an emerging field which deals with the miniscule things at molecular level. Nanorobots is a small mechanical structure designed to perform specific tasks and are capable of sensing, actuation, signaling, manipulation, information processing, intelligence, and their swarm behavior at nano scale. After nanorobots are fully realized from their hypothetical stage, they will work at the atomic, molecular and cellular level to perform tasks in both the industrial and medical fields. These robots are so small that they can easily cross the human body. Because of its inertness and strength, Carbon atoms would likely to be the main element comprising the exterior of the medical robot, probably in the form of diamond or diamondiod nanocomposites. Some other elements such as sulfur, hydrogen, glucose, oxygen, fluorine, nitrogen, silicon etc. will be used for specific purposes in nanoscale gears and other components depending on its task [4]. The first useful application of such nanomachines will be in medical industry where they can be used to detect and destroy tumor cells. The main advantage of nanorobots is their size. These nanorobots will mainly have biomedical engineering applications where nanorobots inside the body will provide significant improvements in diagnosis and the treatment of disease. Fig. 1 Nanorobot HOW NANOROBOTS WILL WORK? Scientists are considering three main aspects when looking at nanorobots moving inside the body i.e. navigation, power, and how nanorobot will be moving through the human blood vessels. 1. NANOROBOTS NAVIGATION While the greatest revolution in the history of medical sciences is being planned, studied and a lot of research for the same is going on, the important point of realization which arises for the scientists is that how the Nanorobots will navigate and controlled inside the human body. Most of the options which are being looked at can be divided into either External Systems or onboard systems. In external navigation systems, there can be a variety of different methods that can be used to control or navigate a nanorobot inside the human body. One of these is to use ultrasonic signals to detect and control the movement of Nanorobots. The doctors can use special equipment having ultrasonic sensors which will detect the pulses of ultrasonic signals being emitted by the Nanorobots, and hence doctors could maneuver the nanorobot to the right part in the human body. Other method that can be used is by injecting a radioactive dye into the bloodstream of patient; post this doctors can use fluoroscope to track the moving dye. Other methods which can be used to detect the nanorobotic movement can be using MRI, X rays, Microwaves or heat. Currently we have a very limited technology in using these methods on nano sized objects and hence it is much more likely that the future systems would rely on other methods [13]. Internal Sensors or onboard systems are also useful in the navigation of a nanorobot. A nanorobot can be equipped with a chemical sensor, which will detect and follow the trail of chemicals to reach the right location in the patient’s body. 2. POWERING THE NANOROBOT As in the navigation system, powering systems are also being looked into through both internal and external power sources. The designs developed till time include a small power source onboard the robot itself while some others rely on the patient’s own body as a source of generating the power. Also, there are some designs where the robot would use the forces outside of patient’s body to obtain the power [13]. One option is the robot using the chemicals found in the bloodstreams to create power. The robot can hold small supply of chemicals that can create power when contacted with the chemicals present in the bloodstream through a chemical reaction. Secondly the nanorobots can use the patient’s body heat to create power through seebeck effect. Another source of power can be the development of tiny batteries, but not of much use because they supply very small amount of power, and hence only a fraction of the power required by nanorobot can be fulfilled through the batteries. For external sources of power for a nanorobot, scientists are of the opinion that either a nanorobot can be tethered to the outside world or is controlled without a physical tether. Tethered source will need a wire which would connect the robot & the power source. With this, nanorobot will move in the body effortlessly and will not make any physical damage. Microwaves, Ultrasonic signals or Magnetic fields can also be used as external sources of power where tethers are not used. 3. NANOROBOT LOCOMOTION Considering the point that the nanorobot is not designed to float passively in the bloodstream or is not tethered to any outside source, it will need a means of propulsion to work inside the body. Also, as it will have to travel against the flow of blood, the propulsion system must be strong for its size, keeping in mind that the system must be able to move inside the body without causing any physical damage to the host [6]. For manipulation, the scientists use the magnetic field which has been created outside the patient’s body. The magnetic field causes the robot’s arms to vibrate, pushing it further through the blood vessels. Another way of moving nanorobots inside a patient’s body is by creating a vibrating membrane. A nanorobot can generate small amount of thrusts by alternately tightening and relaxing tension on vibrating membrane. This thrust can act as a viable source of motion on the nanoscale. ADVANTAGES The major advantages this technology provides are: Small size- The upper limit of the size of nanorobot is 3 micron so that it can easily flow in the body without blocking the capillary flow. Total Cure- At present, there is no permanent medication available to cure the cancer without any side effects. With the invention of nanorobots, patients will get rid of the disease. Cost effective (if mass produced)Manufacturing by batch processing reduces the cost even if the initial cost of development is high. Fully Automated Robots- Nanorobots are fully automated robots; therefore, it will not require any monitoring or control system for performing the task. For example, after injecting the nanorobots inside the human body, they will automatically detect the cancer tumor and after detection, it will inject antidote in it. Minimal or no tissue trauma- The patient will suffers no pain in the nanorobotic treatment in which the nanorobot only attacks the cancer tumor [1]. s Easily Disposable - Nanorobots disassemble and get excreted after the completion of the specific task. But it will not leave the body unless their job is not done. Less post treatment care - As it is minimally invasive technique, therefore less post treatment care is required [1]. Continuous monitoring and diagnosis from the inside- Nanorobots will continuously monitor and diagnose from the inside of body [7]. It also provides rapid response to a sudden change in the body. Because of this, treatment can be started before the medical condition escalates. DISADVANTAGES The initial design cost is very high. They will have complicated design. Nanorobots are hard to interface, customize and design, complex. They should be accurate [1]. Nanorobots particles will penetrate the living cells and can perhaps enter the food chain [7]. APPLICATIONS OF NANOROBOTS 1. Tumor detection and treatment. Nanorobotic development may provide remarkable advances for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer [1]. Nanorobots will be able to distinguish between different types of cells i.e. malignant and the normal cells by checking their surface antigens. Nanorobots with embedded chemical biosensors can be used to perform early detection of tumor cells inside the patient's body. Figure 2: Nanobot targeting tumor site Source:Image courtesy 2. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes Medical nanorobots helps in continuous monitoring of the glucose levels, hence maintaining the sugar level in the body. This data is important as it will help doctors and specialists to supervise and improve patient dose and diet [5]. 3. Dentistry Nanobots play important role in different processes involved in dentistry. Hence this lead to the emergence of new field called Nanodentistry [4]. Nanorobots can help in desensitization of teeth, tissue manipulation for the realignment and straightening of the irregular teeth set, inducing oral anaesthesia. They can help in preventing tooth decay, tooth repair, generation of nanofillers and improvement of teeth appearance, etc. [5] 4. Surgery Surgical Nanorobots which is programmed and guided by human surgeon could act as a semiautonomous on-site surgeon inside the human body. These can be introduced into the human body through vascular system. It can also be programmed to perform delicate surgeries, thereby working at level thousands of times more precise than the sharpest scalpel. These surgical nanorobots can also helps in cosmetic surgeries [4]. Various other functions may include diagnosis and removal of lesion by nanomanipulation which can be coordinated and performed by an on board computer [10]. 5. Gene Therapy Medical nanorobots can also help in treating genetic diseases. This can be done by comparing the molecular structure of proteins and DNA found in the cell to the known reference structures. Any desired modifications or any irregularities can be corrected then [9]. 6. Breaking up blood clots: Nanorobots can be useful in breaking up the blood clots by travelling inside the body. The robot to be used in such cases should be small enough so that while travelling it should not obstruct the blood flow itself, also there is chances of loosing small pieces inside the body which may cause more problems and hence the robot must be able to perform the clot breaking task without losing the small pieces [4]. 7. Gout: The Kidneys remove different kind of blood wastes in the human body, Gout is a condition where in the kidney looses the ability to remove waste from the bloodstreams. Knees & ankle joints are the points where the waste crystallizes and results in severe joint pain. The Nanorobot can break up the crystalline structure at the joints and result in relief from the above symptoms. 8. Breaking up kidney stones: The Nanorobots can be inserted in urethra in such a manner that they can have direct access to kidney stones and then this tiny machine can break the kidney stones [8]. 9. Helping the body clot: The clottocytes or artificial platelets are one particular type of nanorobots which will help the doctors in the treatment of hemophiliacs or for the treatment of patients having open wounds. These clottocytes can be 1000 times faster than the body’s natural clotting mechanism. 10. Cleaning Wounds The Human Body which has been affected by wounds is the most likely to get infections. The Nanorobots can be useful in removing debris from such wounds. 11. Remove Tar in lungs The robots could be very useful in the treatment of dirty lungs, wherein a micro robot can be left inside the lungs which is capable of moving on alveolar surfaces and also should be capable of removing tar from the alveoli surface and place the same in the body where it can be disposed off by the natural process of the body. 12. Parasite Removal: The parasites and bacteria are small parasitic organism which may attack the human body and lead to several diseases [5]. A group of Nanorobots can be left inside who would work together to destroy all the parasites. CONCLUSION Nanotechnology will be the most exciting and impactful development of the future other than any other development that will impact the human life and health care more profoundly and hence it will broaden the product development & marketing interactions between pharma, diagnostic, healthcare and biotech industries. An indepth analysis of many diseases is expected out of nanomedicine which will again allow personalized treatment for these diseases such as diabetes and viral infections at a molecular level. It promises a better therapy and improved health care which would be more cost effective and affordable in curing diseases which has the highest burden on the aging population such as cancer, psychiatric diseases and other cardiovascular diseases. Nanorobotics is expected to provide personalized treatments with reduced side effects & improved efficacy which is not available today. REFERENCES [1] Bhat A.S, “Nanobots: The Future of Medicine”, International Journal of Engineering and Management Studies, VOL.5 (1):44-49, 2014. [2] Nagel Devendra, Dr. Mehta S.S, Sharma Swati, Mehta Guneet Singh, “NANOBOTS and their application in Biomedical Engineering”, Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Electronics, Electrical and Computer Science Engineering — EEC 2012. 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