Boys and Books

Boys and Books
Is There Really a Difference?
The Eye Roll
Up until past few years, boys have been
“ignored” in Book World. Why?
◦ Perceptions and Stereotypes:
Energy Level
Reading Choices
“Lost cause”
…Boys aren’t (often) “ideal” reader
Recent years, Renewed interest
Boys’ Thoughts
A 2001 YALSA Teen Read Week Survey asked
boys, “If you don’t read much or don’t like
reading, why?”
◦ Boring /not fun (39.3%)
◦ No time/too busy (29.8%)
◦ Like other activities better (11.1%)
◦ Can’t get into the stories (7.7%)
◦ I’m not good at it (4.3%)
◦ Makes me tired/causes headaches (2.5%)
◦ Too much school work (1.4%)
◦ Books are too long (.09%)
Librarian/Teacher/Parent Hang-ups
What are some hesitancies that you’ve
had or heard from these areas on
focusing “tailored” attention on boys?
Generalizations about boys vs. girls, but
there are developmental differences
Waffles and Spaghetti
Boy Brain vs. Girl Brain
◦ Can be “generalized”/stereotypical, but helpful to
◦ Over 100 biological differences between male and female
 Corpus Callosum (bridge between hemispheres) less
developed at 5 years old
 15-20% more neural activity in girls brain at any given time
 Girls have greater number of nerve fibers (feel more pain)
Waffles and Spaghetti, cont.
Boy Brain vs. Girl Brain
◦ Over 100 biological differences between male and
female brain
 Girls have more white matter, which is what constantly
networks brain activity to different parts of brain; boys
have more gray matter, which keeps brain activity in a
single place.
 Boys’ brains “shut off” (enter “rest state”) more times per
day than girls’
Waffles and Spaghetti, cont.
Boy Brain vs. Girl Brain
◦ Over 100 biological differences between male and female
 Boys have more neural centers that focus on how objects
move around physical space
 Boys process more through amygdala (the
aggression/emotion center)
Waffles and Spaghetti, cont.
Boy Brain vs. Girl Brain
◦ Over 100 biological differences between male and female
 Boys’ hippocampus (major memory center) is generally less
active than a girl’s, especially during emotional/relational
 Chemical differences: 10-20% more testosterone (risktaking/aggression), less oxytocin (bonding chemical), less
serotonin (calms us down)… especially in frontal lobe
(decision making center)
What does it all mean?
Practical Implications
Boys need to be led to
emotional/motivational/purposeful experiences by
mentors to learn how to function purposefully
 Boys do before talk, so boyhood experiences often
based on trial and error
 Many parts of brain are set after first few years, but
hippocampus (memory center) is constantly creating
new neurons
 How does it affect us as librarians? We need to engage
boys in reading, which requires AND encourages “fuller
usage of brain”
Boys and Books
Reader’s Advisory
◦ Preferences in formats and genres
 Gaining Allies
Boy-friendly Formats
Pictures: picture books, graphic novels,
comics, manga, hybrids
 Audio: books on tape/cd, podcasts
 Online content
 Newspapers and magazines
Boy-friendly Genres
 Fantasy
 Humor
 Non-fiction
 Science fiction
 Sports
39 Clues series
 Eoin Colfer
 Charles Higson (Young Bond series)
 Will Hobbs
 Anthony Horowitz (Alex Rider)
 Gary Paulsen
 Rick Riordan
Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
 Eoin Colfer
 Chris D’Lacey
 Cornelia Funke
 Derek Landy
 Brandon Mull
 Philip Reeve
 J.K. Rowling
Mac Barnett
Andrew Clements
Dan Gutman
Gordon Korman
Josh Lieb
Pseudonymous Bosch
Dav Pilkey
 Louis Sacher
 Jordan Sonnenblick
Jack Gantos
Jeff Kinney
Jarrett Krosoczka
David Lubar
Daniel Pinkwater
Jon Scieszka
Eric Wight
Learning how to do anything they’re
interested in
 Learning history/facts behind something
 Autobiographies/biographies
 How to make things
 Gross-out
Science Fiction
Orson Scott Card
 James Patterson (Maximum Ride series)
 Star Trek
 Star Wars
Tiki and Ronde Barber
 Matt Christopher
 John Coy
 Tim Green
 Dan Gutman
 Mike Lupica
 James Preller
 John Ritter
What can you do in a school?
◦ Boy friendly topics, instruction styles
◦ Guys Read/Boys Only,
◦ Male teachers/staff
Gaining Allies
 Teachers
 Administration
Welcoming Environment
Easier said than done… take a look at your
space, your response… roll eyes?
 Boys AND fathers
Boy-friendly Programming at LML
Daddy and Me storytimes quarterly
 Daddy Catcher Days
 Incorporate active/boy friendly topics into
programming schedule
 Use non-fiction in storytimes
 Be welcoming of boys and dads
 Information source/anxiety ease-r for
Boy-friendly Activities
 Scavenger hunts
 Make a desktop catapult
 Gross out special effects
 Create-a-sport
 Magic tricks
 Joke-telling/creating
Guys Read Groups
Guys Read website:
Guys Read Groups
Contacted schools in East Penn for initial
interest of male teachers
 Display, collected interest from patrons
 Started in spring and ran for four months
◦ We saw a HUGE difference in attitudes toward
reading and the library right away
◦ Moms emails
Emails from Parents
Emails began to pour in from parents before
9am the next morning
 Responses to reminders were “wouldn’t miss
it!!”, “my son’s been asking me non-stop when
the next club meeting was”, and if they couldn’t
make it because of something coming up,
parents were saying their sons were “mad” at
“You’re Not Alone”
Resource for parents
 Offer reading lists in library
 Also talk to teachers
Bronzo, William: To Be a Boy, To Be a Reader: Engaging Teen and Preteens in Active
 Eliot, Lise: Pink Brain, Blue Brain: How Small Differences Grow into Troublesome
Gaps– and What We Can Do About It
 Gurian, Michael:
Boys and Girls Learn Differently: A Guide for Teachers and Parents;
The Purpose of Boys: Helping our Sons Find Meaning, Significance and Direction in Their Lives;
The Wonder of Boys: What Parents, Mentors, and Educators Can Do to Shape Boys into Exceptional
What Stories Does My Son Need? A Guide to Books and Movies that Build Character in Boys
Knowles, Elizabeth: Boys and Literacy: Practical Strategies for Libraries, Teachers
and Parents
 Smith, Michael: Reading Don’t Fix No Chevys: Literacy in the Lives of Young Men
 Sullivan, Michael:
Connecting Boys with Books: What Libraries Can Do;
Connecting Boys with Books 2: Closing the Reading Gap;
Serving Boys Through Readers Advisory - Has a link to Fairbanks
North Star Borough Public Libraries GR Manual (with info for school)