Student Success - Algonquin College

Student Success:
50 Ways to Help
our Learners
FOL 2014
Janis Michael
Cath Kenney
Upon successful completion of this workshop, the
participant will demonstrate the ability to: (stem)
identify (performance verb) student success
strategies that engage and support our learners
(context) in the classroom (standard).
Let’s brainstorm some ideas
If we know why they leave, we can
help change it.
Students succeeding in a course or program
Students staying at the college
Part of retention is directing them to the best
career path for them
Does it mean I have to pass everyone?
Self esteem of learners.
Skilled workforce with higher earning power.
Baby boomers are retiring.
Economic benefits to college.
Canada in a global economy.
A better educated society leads to fewer
societal problems.
The more students we have, the more likely
we are to keep our jobs. 
Just graduated from high school.
Took a gap year or two.
Some are very highly motivated, some are
quite unmotivated.
Mature student, with or without children.
What do their life experiences bring?
Stay tuned for Friday’s student panel…
Be sure to include at least one item in each
lesson that appeals to the various learners:
Stay tuned for more this afternoon…
We are not alone. We have a great deal of
Student Success Specialists.
Counseling Services
Support for students with accommodations.
Mid-term/At Risk Evaluation Meetings.
Promotion and Evaluation Meetings.
Photography program Program Management
Greater need for "bridging" students into first
year including needs assessment.
Don’t make a new plan, Stan.
1. The course outline is a legal contract and cannot
be changed. Ensure your students understand
clearly their obligations to the course.
2. Work with other faculty in your program to ensure
evaluation is spread out so that students don’t
become overwhelmed. Blackboard calendar is a
great tool for this.
3. Create a syllabus that clearly outlines all work that
needs to be completed, highlighting the dates and
stick to it.
4. Refer to it often – multi-tasking leads to an
inability to concentrate – reminders help.
5. Ensure your evaluation matches the outcomes.
And get yourself free
1. Set standards for what you want for the
2. Discuss what plagiarism is and set up
assignments that prevent the practice.
3. Teach group work before you expect
students to work well within a group.
4. Set a code of professional behaviour
based on your industry standards and
encourage your students to follow it.
5. Deal with conflicts early before any
Don’t need to be coy, Roy.
1. Be open regarding all contact with students –
especially evaluation.
2. Treat all students fairly – the perception of fairness
goes a long way toward earning the trust of your
3. Be generous in dissemination of information – the
more the better.
4. Be generous and work closely with your colleagues
– be a role model for how to behave in a
professional environment.
5. Recognize and reward success.
Don’t slip out the back, Jack.
1. Keep a daily active presence – especially in online
courses and in courses where you only see the
students face to face once a week.
2. On the first day, let students know when they can
expect communication with you and stick to it.
3. Identify your “at risk” students early and let them
know you are here to help. Give early formative
4. Collaborate with Student Support Services
(Counseling, Tutoring, Centre for Students with
Disabilities, Financial aid, Student Success
Specialists, etc.).
5. Collaborate with other faculty to find “crosscurriculum” projects.
Don’t just listen to me…..
Put it in writing.
Say it aloud.
Repeat it.
Reinforce it (Pair/Share, help set up
study groups.
5. Remind again.
Hop on the bus, Gus
Take your students on a field trip.
Take them on a virtual tour.
Bring in industry professionals.
Create ways to have students work with
industry professionals.
5. Connect first year students with
students in work placement.
6. Encourage students to work with
students from other areas of the college.
7. Promote college engagement.
Don’t need to discuss much
1. Student engagement is key. Use Active
Learning Techniques.
2. Use Collaborative Learning Techniques
3. Use Discussion boards on your Learning
Management System
4. Get the students talking to one another – it
helps them learn.
5. Let your students come up with the
Just drop off the key, (to success) Lee
1. Create authentic evaluation that is transparent.
2. Create a rubric or something similar that allows the students
to see how they can improve.
3. Vary your methods of evaluation so that all students can be
4. Take your tests before you give them and add on time for the
5. Don’t test what you have not yet taught.
6. Make turnaround time your priority – students can’t add to
learning if they don’t know what they’ve done wrong.
7. Discuss results in class as well as on line.
8. Review areas of difficulty and reinforce learning.
9. Establish a 24 hour rule.
10. Establish communication with students that were not
successful and create a plan for success.
I wish there was something I could do to make you smile again
1. Studies show a positive link between a strong orientation
program and student success. An effective orientation can
span a couple of weeks to avoid information overload.
2. Let students know first day they will be successful and you
want them to be.
3. Create an environment that promotes respect and the joy of
4. Make a connection with each student. Knowing someone cares
can have a powerful effect.
5. Use humour appropriate to the classroom and don’t be afraid
of having fun.
6. See the positive in each and every student - you don't choose
your students but you can choose your attitude toward your
students - not all students are there for the reason you want
them to be there.
7. Take good care of yourself – students can’t be successful if
you’re not there!
Keep in Touch 
Cath Kenney
Janis Michael