Marketing and Communications Policy

Approval Signature:
Approval Date: ____4/15/15_____
Title: ______SVP of Mission Advancement_____________
Department: Mission Advancement
The overall strategies, standards and practices for marketing and communications
across Mosaic shall be guided by the Mission Advancement department and made
available through procedures and guidelines. No outside marketing consultants,
marketing research firms, media consultants, advertising agencies, graphic design
firms or Web design firms may be used by any Mosaic-branded entity without
prior consultation and approval of the Mission Advancement department.
Mission Advancement will work in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer,
the Senior Leadership Team and, when appropriate, the Mosaic Board of
Directors, to create consistent branding and mission messaging for Mosaic that
will be used in all marketing and communications. All Mosaic-branded entities
will maintain the common brand and mission messaging of Mosaic in their
This policy applies but is not limited to the following items: newsletters (print and
electronic); social media; press releases; promotional premiums and giveaway
items; internal communications; brochures and fliers; advertisements; website;
stationery; videos and national publications (Promise and Kaleidoscope).
Social Media includes Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube,
and blogs, as well as any similar technologies or social networking tools.
Any Mosaic employee may consult with Mission Advancement operations staff
about marketing and communications needs within their department or agency.
Mission Advancement can assist with writing and editing copy, layout and design,
photography and video creation among other tasks.
Corporate Style and Brand Identity
All Mosaic marketing and communication materials will reflect the guidelines of
the corporate style and brand identity as put forth in the Mosaic Brand Standards
Quick Reference Guide.
ADCI-PR Releases
The photo of or any personally identifying information about a person served by
Mosaic that is made known through any marketing or communication materials
must be covered by an Authorization for Release of Client Information for Public
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Relations (ADCI-PR). For items that are published through Mosaic's national
office, an electronic copy of the form will be kept by Mission Advancement in a
shared Citrix folder. For items that are published through an agency location, an
electronic or print copy of the form will be kept in the format that is most readily
accessible if needed.
The services of Mission Advancement are provided at no direct charge to
agencies. The cost of paper, printing and postage used in local public
relations and fundraising projects are paid by the agency.
Creative Content Use and Credit
Creative content includes any text, images or graphics that can be included in any
piece in any medium for distribution, both internally and to the public. This
includes any print or multimedia pieces including items intended for distribution
through any physical or electronic method, including the Website, Facebook and
other social media.
Content created by Mosaic employees:
Credit all creative content produced by Mosaic employees with
reference to the employee’s name or the corporation owning the content.
Copyrighted materials:
When using copyrighted materials, the responsible employee should
contact the copyright holder in writing for permission to reprint the
material. The request should include a description of the material, a
description of how and where the material will be used, a request for the
proper citation to use and an offer to share copies of the final product with
the copyright holder. Upon production, at least one copy of the final
product must be sent to the copyright holder.
Creative content from external sources can be used only if
permission is obtained from the creator or owner of the content and
if the content is accompanied by a credit notice. Examples: by
Sally Jones, Piffendorf House Manager; by Sam Johnson, Edenton
Bee-Times, reprinted by permission.
Creative content in the public domain must carry a credit notice
stating that the content is in the public domain. Materials in the
public domain are not produced by Mosaic’s staff, are not
copyrighted and may be used freely. If an employee is in doubt
about the status of a material, the employee should contact the
Mission Advancement Department for assistance. Example: by
Samuel Clemens, public domain.
Creative content developed by sources outside Mosaic and for
which permission has not been obtained cannot be used in any
Mosaic publication.
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The Mosaic website is All Mosaic-branded businesses and
agency operations will reside on that site. Agencies will not operate other
websites for agency operations or for businesses run by the agency.
Social Media
Mosaic encourages the responsible use of social media sites to promote Mosaic
and to communicate with various public and internal audiences.
Mosaic-branded social media:
Mosaic agency/department social media sites must:
have a minimum of two employee administrators on sites
that use administrators or at least two people who have
access to the user name and password for sites that do not
use administrators. One administrator or user must be a
Mission Advancement employee.
Administrator rights may be terminated by the
agency Executive Director or department Vice
Have approval of the department Vice President or
Vice President of Operations for that state.
use only the logos, tagline and colors given in the Mosaic
Brand Standards, and the board-approved mission
statement, values and vision.
Mosaic agency/department social media sites should have:
Contact information for the local Mosaic organization
(agency) or national office (department).
a complete Mosaic logo with tagline (with limited
exception where it is not possible).
links to the local agency and the Mosaic national website
(agency) or national website (department).
links to donate through the Mosaic national website, with
information detailing how to direct a gift to the local
agency. The use of third-party payment processors
(FirstGiving, etc.) is discouraged.
Mosaic-branded social media sites may not:
be under the personal ownership of a Mosaic employee, but
are to have shared ownership.
post information or comments that would jeopardize
Mosaic's reputation or standing as a church-related, taxexempt 501(c)(3) organization.
participate, either directly or indirectly, in political activity
that supports or is in opposition to any candidate for public
office, or participate in fund-raising activities for any
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participate in lobbying activities without the direction and
permission of the Mosaic Governmental Affairs office.
Personal use of social sites:
If Mosaic employees/contractors/volunteers identify themselves as with
Mosaic as social sites, the following apply:
The individual shall not reveal proprietary information about
Mosaic or reveal photos or information about people Mosaic
When expressing opinions about disability-related issues, the
person shall make clear that he/she is speaking/writing personally
and not on behalf of Mosaic.
The individual shall not use the Mosaic logo on personal sites
except when promoting a specific Mosaic project through social
Mosaic employees should not spend work time to update personal
information on social media sites except when asked to use
personal social networks to encourage advocacy, a Mosaic
fundraiser or other similar Mosaic objectives.
Employees are responsible to follow the guidelines of the Mosaic
Employee Handbook regarding offering references for current or
former employees of Mosaic. (See Handbook, Release of
Personnel Information.)
Brochures, Newsletters and other marketing and communications items
The following standards apply to the design, production and distribution of
agency newsletters, brochures and other materials, whether print or electronic.
Editing, design, layout and review
All print materials must reflect Mosaic brand standards and
language use regarding people we serve.
Copy editing, design and layout should be done by Mission
If copy editing, design and layout is not done be Mission
Advancement, materials must be reviewed and approved by
Mission Advancement prior to publication to ensure brand
standards and mission alignment.
Brochures for Mosaic programs follow a standard set by Mission
Advancement. While containing information on local programming, any
agency wishing to have a brochure will follow the standard design and
general content messaging for branding purposes.
For newsletters, Mission Advancement will create an agency-specific
masthead and template that follows Mosaic branding and style policies. In
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addition to the recommended corporate content supplied by Mission
Advancement, the agency will supply local content.
Required content: Each issue of an agency newsletter must
include a number of required elements:
agency contact information copyright notice
corporate signature (symbol and logotype with ®)
I AM contact information
Mosaic mission statement
non-discrimination statement
statement: “A member of Lutheran Services in
instructions for opting in or out of publication
church affiliation statement.
Recommended content: Newsletters should contain the
letter from Executive Director
information to become a Mosaic Allied Voices
local success stories about people served
information about Discover the Possibilities events
other stories as appropriate.
Printing and Distribution
If an agency chooses to print with a local vendor, the paper stock
must be at least 70-lb. text weight. Mission Advancement will
prepare coded gift envelopes at no cost to the agency to insert into
print newsletters. Printers may charge a small processing fee to
insert these envelopes into the newsletters.
Mailing lists
Mission Advancement will supply a mailing list from
Raiser's Edge to agencies for local donor mailings. This
includes email lists that will be used for emailing
newsletters and other electronic communications. Agencies
shall not keep any parallel mailing list of donors apart from
Raiser's Edge.
Mailing lists of at least 200 addresses qualify for non-profit
bulk mailing rates. Agencies may contact a Marketing
Specialist for more information.
For all mailings (printed and electronic), Mosaic is required
by law to follow the CAM-SPAM Act of 2003 which
dictates that recipients always have a clear and easy method
to opt-out of future mailings.
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Mission Advancement marketing and graphic design staff members will
be consulted for text and design of advertisements. The services are
available at no direct charge to agencies or departments within national
Promotional premiums and giveaway items
Mission Advancement will stock a selection of premiums, logo
merchandise and other items for agencies and departments to distribute to
the public. Each agency will be allocated $200 annually for premium
items in the Mission Advancement marketing budget. Individual agencies
will pay for any items and shipping of items in in excess of $200. National
office supports may order items from Mission Advancement and pay for
them through their department budget.
A listing of premium items is available online at under
Mission Advancement. There is also an order form available. Agency
personnel are to use the order form, which will be submitted to their
supervisor for approval. Approval is needed before items will be shipped.
If items are needed for a specific event, submit the order a minimum of
two weeks in advance to ensure that inventory is available and items will
be shipped on time.
Mission Advancement will also assist agencies and departments with other
items to meet their premium or giveaway needs by providing suggestions
for appropriate items as well as design and ordering assistance. The full
cost of special orders will be the responsibility of the agency or
Internal memos, letters, etc.
Internal Mosaic communications should follow the styles and templates
created by Mission Advancement staff. They are available on under Mission Advancement resources.
Business cards, letterhead and envelopes
Business cards, letterhead and envelopes will follow the style created by
Mission Advancement staff. Business cards can be ordered on under Mission Advancement resources > Printed
Corporate Style and Brand Identity Reference Guide
Authorization for Disclosure of Client Information – Public Relations
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