CHA Patient Safety & Quality Special Interest Group Paediatric Safety & Quality Curriculum Questionnaire Responses 1. Safety & Quality Strategies 1.1 Does your organisation have a strategic plan or policy in place around safety and quality of care at your health service? Service Response Child & Adolescent Health Service WA Children’s Health Queensland Kaleidoscope Children’s Health Network, NSW Monash Medical Centre, VIC Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne Townsville Hospital Women’s & Children’s Health Network SA 1.2 Do you have a strategic plan or policy that covers safety & quality specifically for paediatric care at your health service? Yes, relates to all Yes, specifically Service No Strat Plan Attached Copy? patients Paeds C&AHS, WA CHQ, QLD Kaleidoscope Monash RCHM Townsville 1.3 Do you believe your organisation’s strategy is helping to improve the safety and quality of paediatric care at your health service? Service C&AHS, WA Yes No CHQ, QLD Comments We do not have a simple, effective quality plan that informs our practice, we are reactive to incidents, audits and surveys. We need better data and ways of analyzing the data to inform quality and change. The medical staff, in particular, do not have clear governance around practice, credentialling and performance management. It should be much easier to find out what is expected of you, how you will be evaluated and the consequences A clear strategic framework provides a road map that allows our health service to deliver the best possible health and highest quality of service to our children and families by: Outlining our vision and goals for safety, quality and performance Identifying current gaps and organisation-wide initiatives that will be implemented to achieve our goals Identifying measures that will help know we are progressing towards achieving those goals. The CHQ strategy has four clear objectives: Safe; Timely, Appropriate and Effective that ultimately contributes to providing safe, high quality Child and Family Centred Care. It is a strategy that is simple to read and is easily recognisable through the use of a clearly interconnected diagram. It is designed in a way that all levels of multidisciplinary staff at CHQ can engage with. The strategy has been implemented both for organisational-wide and clinical unit service levels. At each of these levels the implementation strategy has been designed to capture measurable initiatives that: Accurately reflect specific safety and quality challenges Answer the question – what is going to be done about them? Report on the progress of these initiatives Measure demonstrable improvements against the strategy goals. The Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Strategy and PSQ Governance Framework ‘From board to bedside’ provide direction and support for our staff to practically contribute to an organisational culture that embeds safety and quality in day to day practice. Clinical governance has developed a framework around Quality and Safety which provides guidance around what should be discussed within Q& S meetings. It also highlights the governance structure for Q&S and what the district's, network, team, service and staff members’ responsibilities are in Quality and Safety. Kaleidoscope have a yearly operational plan which has a specific section on Quality and Safety and we have developed our own framework and governance system for paediatric services. This is because some of the paediatric services are operationally managed by the Director of Children Young People and Families and some are not. We have modified our structure and strategy reflect this difference. Kaleidoscope has commenced a Quality and Safety committee that reflects district wide issues. This communicates with the HNE District Clinical Quality and Patient Care Committee, which also feeds up and down with JHCH and Community Health and also to the Children Young People & Families Regional groups. The CYPFS District Clinical Quality and Patient care Committee is a subcommittee with the Family Advisory Council off the larger CYPFS Strategic Leadership Group. Additionally we have working parties for each National Standards which has a mixture of managers and clinicians and this assists to highlight that Quality and Safety is everyone's business. The remit of these committees is to identify gaps in provision using the NS as a framework and then identify strategies to improve. Kaleidoscope Monash RCHM Townsville The 4 pillars of the strategic plan - Patients First, Innovation, Sustainable Health care and Strategic Partnerships. Plus the organisation has embraced National Standards, has a commitment to improvement and innovation and they are building us a new Children’s Hospital!! Innovation and Quality expertise at Monash Health is lead and coordinated through the Monash Innovation and Quality (M!Q) unit Organisation strategy ensures SAC 1 are being addressed in a timely manner, and managing SAC2's & 3's before they deteriorate into SAC1's. Ongoing support for clinical bench marking with peer hospitals. Quarterly bedside audits to track own performance to ensure addressing the appropriate risks. Monthly performance review reports 2. Safety & Quality Infrastructure 2.1 Does your organisation have an in-house clinical redesign school or similar? Service C&AHS, WA CHQ, QLD Kaleidoscope Monash RCHM Townsville Yes No Comments Department of Health (DOH) - Clinical Access and Redesign Unit (CARU) Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) - Clinical Redesign - on a project basis 2.2 What positions do you have whose core responsibilities are in providing safety & quality improvement support to clinical services? What competencies do you have in place for these positions? Service Position Competencies C&AHS, WA Executive Director Quality Not sure and Safety EDMS Executive Lead of the Patient Safety and Quality Service. EDNS Executive Co-Lead of the Patient Safety and Quality Service. Medical Lead Patient Safety To drive measurable improvements in patient safety at CHQ through engaging medical staff in implementing a best practice approach. Drive measurable improvements in patient safety and quality in CHQ HHS in line with the CHQ Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Strategy and provide strategic leadership and operational management of the CHQ PSQS. Provide expertise and leadership to clinicians to implement patient safety initiatives and strategies throughout CHQ. Develop and implement effective, reliable systems that support staff to provide the best possible health care experience to children and families in CHQ and address deficits in this when these arrive. Develop, coordinate and implement reliable, innovative, timely analysis and reporting of patient safety and quality data that informs and drives continuous health service improvement. Provide clinical audit, procedure and risk management expertise and coordination to staff of CHQ, supporting the function of the Patient Safety and Quality Service to ensure safe practice and high quality outcomes. Develop and deliver an effective set of tiered training pathways from novice to expert that measurably and continuously improve knowledge and skills in patient safety and quality across CHQ. Administrative support to the Patient Safety and Quality Service. Director Patient Safety and Quality Service Patient Safety Officer Patient Experience Improvement Officer CHQ, QLD Data Analyst Audit and Assurance Officer Curriculum and Training Officer Administration Officer Kaleidoscope Monash RCHM Townsville Clinical Practice Improvement Coordinator Network Manager portfolio for Quality and Safety Quality Coordinator positions for each site and each program whose sole focus is on providing quality improvement support to clinical teams Innovation and Quality HMO position (3 month rotation) No such competencies - learn on job Quality Coordinators come from a variety of backgrounds, mainly clinical such as Nursing and Allied Health. They have completed quality and safety training for example in incident management from Department of Health Victoria. A number of the Quality Coordinators have also completed a Masters of Health Administration with subjects in Quality and Safety. The Innovation and Quality Medical Officer is a junior medical staff member who has received an induction in quality and safety including online and one-on-one training and spends a 3 month rotation working in the Innovation and Quality unit (M!Q) on practice improvement projects. Project management and change management expertise improvement methodology and implementation training Our Innovation team consists of Project Managers and Leads whose core responsibility is supporting staff in improvement and innovation activities Improvement Lead Institute for Healthcare Improvment (IHI) Improvement Manager Quality improvement nothing mandated. coordinator CNC and NUM Patient safety officers WCHN within hospital (1 at TTH Medication Safety Consultant - SA Pharmacy support - WCHN and state wide role There are currently no compentency requirements for this role or any specific training available within Australia outside of generic patient safety training programs. 2.3 Does anyone in your organisation have a designated training position accredited by RACP or similar nursing or allied health professional organisations, specifically for undertaking training in improvement science? E.g similar to the Darzi Fellowships in the UK. Service C&AHS, WA CHQ, QLD Kaleidoscope Monash Yes RCHM Townsville No Comments We are however currently finalising a relationship between Monash Health and the IHI who will deliver staff training in improvement science later in 2014. Unsure 3. Educational Resources 3.1 What do you already do at your place re educating staff in quality & safety? Service Answer C&AHS, Mandatory Education and Training Guidelines (attached), although only for new staff, no legacy WA training. Not sure if older staff are required to do annual retraining other than fire safety and emergency preparedness Children’s Health Queensland (CHQ) Patient Safety and Quality CHQ, QLD Educational Resources CHQ Orientation - Family centred care - PSQ - Child safety - Infection control - Manual handling Professional Update Program (PUP) - Intro to PSQ - Family centred care - Medication safety - Falls and pressure injury prevention - Infection prevention - Managing environmental risk- cytotoxic safety Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating Paediatric Patient (RMDPP) - Recognition of the deteriorating patient (CEWT, communication, clinical handover and documentation) - Management of the deteriorating Patient (Airway/breathing, CPR/defibrillation safety, circulation) - Simulated Scenarios - Mandatory CPR assessments Human Error And Patient Safety (HEAPS) Program Learning Sets – various PSQ topics Paediatric Grand Rounds (weekly) – various topics Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating F2F or eLearning F2F -part of 1 day program Paediatric Context? Yes Developed by internal external? By whom? Internal – People and Cu Training and Capability U + individual areas F2F - 1 day program Yes Internal - Nurse Educato + individual areas F2F 3 hours F2F 1 hour F2F + PPTs on LMS F2F Yes Internal - CHQ PSQS Yes Internal - CHQ PSQS Yes Internal -Training and Ca + individual areas Yes Internal - CHQ Simulatio Paediatric Patient (RMDPP) Workshop - Sophisticated paediatric simulation education - State-wide outreach program includes (train the trainer model for RMDPP) - In-reach component education opportunities Paediatric Life Support - Core Skills (PLS-C) Accessible state wide + prerequisite eLearning program and quiz eLearning module + quiz Yes Paediatric Life Support - Advanced Skills (PLS-A) Accessible state wide eLearning module + quiz Yes Paediatric Advanced Care in Trauma (PACT) eLearning Yes Mock MET Program F2F in clinical environment F2F – simulation pods Yes F2F – monthly 1 hour F2F – annual event Not specifically No specifically DOH – Patient Safety U Online module (PDF) eLearning Yes DOH – Child Safety Yes Both. External – NPS – AMS m Australian Society of Infe Diseases, Australian Co on safety and Quality in Care - Infection Control Vemco MedEd- Antifung Stewardship Modules Open Disclosure Consultant Training Safety and Reliability Improvement Program PRIME-CI (clinical incidents reporting) F2F F2F F2F Yes Yes Yes Safe Infant Sleeping SIS eLearning Yes Paediatric Pharmacy Learning Package (Administration of medicines in children and Drug Handling) Recognition and Management of the Deteriorating Patient (RMDP) eLearning Yes eLearning - 10 lessons DOH – Patient Safety U Rural and Remote and Primary Healthcare emergency Children’s Early Warning Tool (RRE CEWT and PHC CEWT) Queensland Health Early Warning and Response Systems (Just in Time Training) eLearning (video presentation) eLearning - 1 lesson Yes – Lesson 4.3 CEWT Yes DOH – Patient Safety U Clinical Handover at the Bedside eLearning (video presentation) eLearning - 5 lessons eLearning - 6 lessons eLearning - 6 lessons Yes – explains ADDS and CEWT No No DOH – Patient Safety U No DOH – Patient Safety U No DOH – Patient Safety U Simulation Programs - Multidisciplinary programs conducted in PICU & Emergency - Nursing programs for general clinical areas - Allied Health program Patient Safety Education Session – various topics Patient Safety Forum – various topics - Pre and post forum workshops and seminars are also available QH Child Safety Education Module Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) - E-learning portal Clinical Pathways: A Users Guide Clinician Disclosure Training Open Disclosure Consultant Training of Resuscitation for Kids Yes Internal in collaboration Department of Health (D Clinical Skills Developm Internal in collaboration DOH – Clinical Skills De Service DOH – Clinical Skills De Service Internal – NE/PICU & Em nursing and medical sta Internal – Nursing, medi Health Staff DOH – Patient Safety U Internal – Paediatric Gra DOH – Patient Safety U External – Cognitive Ins Internal – CHQ PSQS DOH – Clinical Skills De Service Internal - Pharmacy DOH – Patient Safety U DOH – Patient Safety U Pressure Injury Prevention and Management Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls Malnutrition Prevention and Management Applying the 3 C’s in Medical Imaging: Correct Patient, Correct Procedure, Correct Side and Site Coronial Management Surgical Safety and Preoperative Checklists (Introduction by Professor Russel Strong) Communicating Safely: AIDET and SBAR (includes one lesson on patient centred care) Clinician Patient Safety Program – Essential Learning: - Patient Safety - Communication - Patient-Centred care - Working in Teams - Clinical Incidents - Clinical Handover Kaleidosc ope Monash RCHM Townsville WCHN eLearning - 6 lessons eLearning - 5 lessons eLearning - 7 lessons eLearning - 1 lesson eLearning - 6 lessons eLearning (video presentation) eLearning - 4 lessons No DOH – Patient Safety U No DOH – Patient Safety U Yes – lesson 7 No DOH – Patient Safety U No DOH – Patient Safety U Yes DOH – Patient Safety U No DOH – Patient Safety U eLearning - 6 lessons No DOH – Patient Safety U DOH – Patient Safety U We have mandatory face to face an e learning packages. However there are a lot of packages to go through to comply with all the standards for quality and safety Clinical Incident training, Patient Centred Care workshops, Safe Practice Forums, Complaints education, Risk Management workshops, Open discussion training in our simulation centre, Clinical Audit training, BLS and ALS In house training Clinical based team coaching - Dartmouth Institute Clinical Microsystems IHI modules - on-line school Face to face classes District orientation, Ward orientation (fire and safety, mandatories, etc), PA&D's, Ward meetings. Clinical based ward inservices. Ward specific competencies (CVAD, NGT,IDC, etc.) Medication safety (online and med calcs), Pt safety (SCAN), Manual handling, ABM, hand hygiene etc Medication Safety National Prescribing E Learning programs - NIMC training and medication safety modules SA Health User Applied Labelling on line learning program Orientation Program - all clinical staff - face to face - very little allocated time Medication safety included in a number of nursing/midwifery programs currently run through our Centre for Education and training Clinical Pharamay staff conduct a number of ward based teaching sessions for medication safety. Medication Safety Consultant involved in undergraduate nursing/midwifery programs at Adelaide University and Uni SA Pharmacy Clinical Manager included in 5th Medical student Paediatric Prescribing module through Adelaide Uni 3.2 Which educational resources re Paediatric Quality and Safety are available to staff at your health service? (please note if these resources are face to face or e-learning modules) Service Answer C&AHS, WA See above attachment for general training and draft guidelines for Mandatory Medical Education CHQ, QLD See table above Kaleidoscope We have to face to face and e learning modules for hand hygiene. There are also specific education if a staff member wishes to be an auditor for infection control measures, such as hnd hygiene audits, observational audit for aseptic technique etc. Monash As above, which are all face to face, with the addition of Paediatric Mock Arrests and M&M meetings RCHM Limited access - e-learning modules - IHI Townsville WCHN Free access to IHI website and tools Dept of Health (Vic) Webinars and workshops - Redesigning Hospital Care Program Dept of Health (Vic) Redesign Fair Paediatric Clinical Network events Commission for Healthcare Improvement events APAC (Asia Pacific IHI conference Transition to paed, PLS/APLS, CEWT, neurovascular management, falls risk management, pressure injury (Glamorgan), paediatric NIMC. As above 3.3 Of the resources available, which ones are developed outside your organisation and by whom? Service Answer C&AHS, WA Not sure to be honest. There is discussion around ELMO, producing the CAHS Induction Training module. CHQ, QLD See table above Kaleidoscope Mostly outside our organisation for e learning. Face to face is in house. Monash All in house - APLS for paediatric staff is out of house RCHM IHI Open School - Institute for Healthcare Improvement (USA) Clinical Microsystems - Dartmouth Institute (USA) Townsville the majority of these resources are developed outside our region, however have been modified to suit our specific organisation. most recently due to going to hospital and health services, not QLD Health WCHN National Prescribing Service SA Health - User applied Labelling Currently SA Health is developing a range of High Risk Medicines toolkits( on line learning and assessment programs) 3.4 Of the resources available, which ones have been developed by staff at your health service? Service Answer C&AHS, WA Not sure CHQ, QLD See table above Monash As above RCHM In house training, developed own improvement competencies based on Model for Improvement concepts and developed own in-house tools and project management templates Townsville All our resources are modified from elsewhere. We use RCH Bris and Royal Children’s Melb for main sources. WCHN Orientation Various inservice programs - high risk medicines etc Undergraduate programs 3.5 Which educational resources/courses/modules are mandatory? Mandatory Why is this Service For which employees? Education mandatory? C&AHS, All are apparently As required by various Various strata of WA mandatory government, employees are accreditation agencies targeted, although it is still not clear to me, exactly what is expected of each employee, particuarly support staff Paediatric Organisational RN, EN Medication requirement – Administration mandated by national Education + legislation, standards Assessment and guidelines Safe Prescribing Organisational requirement Jnr Medical Officers CHQ, QLD All Pharmacy Staff Core Paediatric Life Support Education +Assessment Organisational requirement – mandated by national standards and guidelines Nursing, medical & Allied Health staff Jnr Medical Officers, Residents, first and second year Registrars and new medical staff (with the exception of What does mandatory mean? Consequences Means you are supposed to do it None that I can find so far, particuarly for senior medical staff. I am sure Amy would be able to confirm consequences for other staff, nonclinical etc Completion of education program and online assessment pre-requisite, plus mandatory attendance (PUP) plus bedside medication assessment In the event that any competency is not achieved in the first assessment one further reassessment is undertaken. Subsequent failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies and timeframes for achievement Meet with relevant supervisors or DDMS - an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed Completion of eLearning program National Impatient Medication Chart Online Modules Completion of eLearning program National Impatient Medication Chart Online Modules Completion of eLearning program pre-requisite, mandatory attendance and successful completion of skills based assessment Completion of eLearning program pre-requisite, In the event that any competency is not achieved in the first assessment one further reassessment is undertaken. Subsequent failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies Consultants) Advanced Paediatric Life Support Education +Assessment Organisational requirement Nursing Medical Some allied health staff who work in Critical Care areas mandatory attendance at practical program options and successful completion of BLS skills based assessment Advanced PLS course online, including the quiz and a practical defibrillation assessment as part of the standard PLS competency assessment. and timeframes for achievement Meet with relevant supervisors or DDMS - an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed In the event that any competency is not achieved in the first assessment one further reassessment is undertaken. Subsequent failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies and timeframes for achievement Meet with relevant supervisors or DDMS - an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed PICU Registrars Infection Prevention and Control & Hand Hygiene Cytotoxic Safety Blood Management Organisational requirement mandated by national standards Organisational requirement mandated by national legislation, standards and guidelines Jnr Medical Officers Attendance RCH Medical Orientation or online (Hand Hygiene Australia) For all staff at risk of exposure to cytotoxic substances i.e. drugs and related waste Mandatory attendance (PUP) Organisational requirement – mandated by national standards and RN, EN Completion of eLearning program mandatory (once only) - Patient Blood Management Meet with relevant supervisors or DDMS - an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed Subsequent failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies and timeframes for achievement Subsequent failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing guidelines Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies and timeframes for achievement Jnr Medical Officers Child safety selfassessment of capability Legislative compliance RN, EN, AIN Jnr Medical Officers Manual Handling (CHQ introduction to the prevention and management of musculoskeletal disorders/rehabilitat ion) Fatigue Risk management Kaleidosco pe Detect Jnr Resus 4 Kids Legislative compliance All CHQ Staff MO, RN, EN, AIN Organisational requirement mandated by national standard Completion of eLearning programs Clinical transfusion practice Collecting blood specimens Critical bleeding Mandatory attendance (orientation) and completion of eLearning module Complete capability selfassessment tool Mandatory completion of eLearning module Complete capability selfassessment tool Mandatory attendance (orientation) and completion of eLearning module All Medical Staff Mandatory completion of eLearning program plus online assessment Different versions for allied health, nursing and medical Must pass an assessment during the course and complete online module Meet with the relevant supervisors or DDMS an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed Failure to meet the required standard will be managed through the PAD process in consultation with the Clinical Facilitator, NUM, Nurse Educator and Nursing Director. This process will include negotiation of additional learning strategies and timeframes for achievement Must be completed and signed off by supervisor/line manger Meet with relevant supervisors or DDMS - an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed Failure to meet the required standard will be managed by appropriate line manager Meet with the relevant supervisors or DDMS an improving performance action plan (IPAP) is initiated until such time as requirements are completed Nil Monash RCHM Townsville Townsville Patient Centred Care, Fire training, I Belong, Quality and Safety training & Risk training Nil currently. Training is new. Level 1 competencies will become part of orientation CEO and Board decision All Everyone needs to do it every 3 years All new Managers Needs to be done prior to commencing in the role Part of orientation agenda Basic information about model for improvement and org strategic focus important to link org strategy with improvement approach legislation all who attend orientation BSL/PLS CVAD - only for ports Hand hygiene Aseptic technique Medication NPS online Paediatric NIMC National standards All clinical staff Ethics, integrity and accountability cultural Practice NPS on Line learning - NIMC training THHS requirements All signifiance for safe practice Medical interns/TMO's Nursing/Midwifery including medication safety modules Pharmacy Fire and safety child safety Manual handling User applied Labelling all Nursing/Midwifery Unable to start Nil consequences for not attending orientation. Expectation is that 100% of staff complete on employment and on a designated review timeframe Nil. (NUM gets in trouble from ND!! Meant to complete Nil - pharmacy staff included in annual PR and D Not that i am aware of 3.6 Of the resources available, which ones are you most proud of? i.e. which ones do you believe are the most effective in helping to enhance the safety and quality of paediatric care at your health service? Service Answer CHQ, QLD Paediatric Pharmacy eLearning Package - (Administration of medicines in children and Drug Handling) – very effective from a medical education perspective Mock MET program and simulation programs. Monash Patient Centred Care training RCHM IHI Model for Improvement and associated training and tools Townsville Medication and hand hygiene WCHN All 3.7 Is there an educational tool or resource that you would like to showcase at the meeting in Canberra on 14 August? Service Yes No What is it? CHQ, QLD PSQS Educational Framework Kaleidoscope Monash Patient Centred Care training - 1 hour workshop - I could run through it very quickly if you like RCHM Townsville 3.8 What are the gaps in educational resources related to paediatric safety and quality available to staff at your health service? Service Answer CHQ, QLD Partnering with consumers (parental engagement in clinical care) Multidisciplinary discussion and learning - While we have made attempts at this in our RMDPP and Learning Sets, and many sessions / workshops are open to all disciplines there are still large gaps – rostering / timing is a significant issue for this to occur. Kaleidoscope Standards for quality and safety in a community setting Monash Detailed improvement and project management training and sufficient ongoing supervision and support - which we hope to achieve through IHI RCHM Further work is required to achieve saturation of the safety and improvement training opportunities across the organisation Townsville Very difficult to access online resources (password). lack of infrastructure (computers), lack of allocated 'free' time to allow staff to achieve uninterrupted WCHN There are no training programs in Australia for staff who lead medication safety within each organisation. Currently the Institute of Safe Medication Practice(ISMP) in the US runs a variety of programs for clinical staff. Very little medication safety principles are taught in Undergraduate programs within the universities 4 Building and Sustaining a Safety & Quality Culture 4.1 What does your health service currently do to foster/support a safety & quality culture at all levels of your organisation? Service Answer CHQ currently fosters a safety and quality culture at all levels by: CHQ, QLD Endorsing ‘Quality & Safety’ as one of CHQs five primary organisational strategic pillars Defining a clear PSQ strategic framework and supporting guidelines The Patient Safety & Quality Committee and establishment of relevant key SubCommittees provide PSQ governance and key strategic links Implementing a reporting and feedback cycle aligned to the framework, that encourages and supports a continuous cycle of improvement Embedding key PSQ education and training within orientation processes for all staff regardless of level, clinical or professional stream Reinforcing key PSQ best practice by providing on going access to educational resources, and in particular, embedding key PSQ education within ongoing professional development for multidisciplinary teams Communicating key PSQ messages through a variety of communication mediums. Kaleidoscope Monash RCHM Townsville The Patient Safety and Reliability Improvement Program – a CHQ partnership with the Cognitive Institute. The move to Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital (LCCH) in November this year, provides a unique opportunity to collectively build a culture which delivers highly reliable and safe care centred on families and children. CHQ has entered into a partnership with the Cognitive Institute to support leadership and staff in achieving this goal. The program will initially target CHQ service leads recognising how deeply influential they are in establishing a safety culture and quality of service. The next stage will involve recruiting, training and utilising safety ambassadors. The final stage will be the implementation of the ‘always checking’ programme for all CHQ staff. Quality and Safety is included in our monthly accountability meetings with managers. There would be certain focus areas. We have quality and safety meetings which include clincians and managers. Executive and Board priority eg CEO reads out complaints and compliments at the start of each Board meeting. Quality and safety performance metrics disseminated and discussed broadly. Open and transparent discussions of incidents and presentation of these at Safe Practice Forums. Improving patient experience is a high priority Major changes in governance structures, exec visits to the wards (Great Care Rounds) and an organisational strategy focussing on delivery of great care to engage staff in the conversation about quality and safety Built in 5 eduation days per year, PDL, National standards quality board, auditing/reviewing practice, increasing support at Grade 7 level to develop leadership and management skills 4.2 What tools or resources do you currently use to engage the interest of all staff in continuous improvement re paediatric safety & quality? Service Answer CHQ, QLD CHQ is committed to continuous quality improvement which is supported by the Continuous Quality Improvement Procedure. CHQ currently uses the following tools and resources to engage staff in the continuous cycle of improvement: Divisional reporting requirements against the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Strategy – quarterly reporting including key departmental actions, performance outcome measures/KPI and 90 day status Audit and accreditation tools Feedback on accreditation and audits (for example: Queensland Bedside Audit (QBA) State-wide PSQ tool kits (e.g. Productive ward) Development of clinical pathways PSQ specific checklists (e.g. surgical safety, cytotoxic safety) PRIME incident reporting tool and relevant feedback – often case based team discussion on lessons learned in a safe no blame environment Executive safety rounding Safety rounding within specific services Reporting to Learning Bulletins (PSU) CHQ ebullition (weekly) – Safety and Quality communication Nursing Leadership Development Program – all participants to complete a quality project. Participants are extremely engaged in this process. Kaleidoscope We have developed audit tools that reflect the national standards. We have finalised the acute services audit tool which includes bedside and documentation. We have nearly finalised the same tool for community, ambulatory care and allied health and will begin a Monash RCHM Townsville trial in September. These are paper based tools and online tools. Provides analysis online so you can see where you need to improve. We have engaged nursing, allied health, JMO's and administration to participate in these tools Regular bedside audits with publication of results on Quality Boards in each ward Great Care Rounds, "Short Cuts" - 3 minute videos on our intranet, clinical team coaching (clinical microsystems), Innovation and Improvement Committees National standards board. ward meetings (review of PRIMES), MDT, M&M, 4.3 Of the existing strategies and tools, which ones if any do you believe are most effective, and why? Service Answer Clinical Pathways project – clinicians engaged in this process as they see mutual CHQ, QLD benefit for patients, families and themselves. The actual process of developing these is extremely beneficial. Monash I’m sure we can do more! RCHM Great Care Rounds are the most advanced strategy at this stage Townsville MDT (if everyone turns up), M&M. They are multidisciplinary, and consultative. Encourages teambuilding across streams 5 Outcomes from the 14 August Meeting 5.1 What do you want the outcomes to be from the planned meeting on 14 August? What outcomes would make you happy that this was a good use of a day? Service CHQ, QLD Kaleidoscope Monash Townsville Answer To gain a very clear understanding of the current state of paediatric safety and quality resources – What is out there and available? Identify the common gaps in paediatric safety and quality resources and discuss future strategies to address these. Define what a national safety and quality curriculum for children’s healthcare should/may look like. Discuss and develop a comprehensive moving forward plan from here …. Commencement in the development of Australia wide standards Ideas we can implement know what people are doing, what is out there, and more importantly, what works. begin establishing a network 5.2 Is there a strategy or tool related to building or maintaining a Q&S culture that you would like to showcase at the meeting in Canberra on 14 August? Service CHQ, QLD Kaleidoscope RCHM Townsville Yes No What is it? Cognitive Institute – Safety and Reliability Improvement Program – Andrew Hallahan We are happy to share our experience with audit tools if this is appropriate Jane Miller is presenting on the day on behalf of the RCH