
Assessment task 2
Research Essay
Due date:
9am Wednesday 25 October
Details of task:
You are required to propose a (1) topic of research and (2) the Research
Question/s concerning national or international governance related to the
nineteenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (COP19) , Warsaw, November 2013. For
example it could concern the climate change governance associated with your
home country’s negotiating position at COP19 or it could relate to international
organisations involved in COP19.
The research essay has two purposes. The first is to help you develop skills in
the design, preparation and execution of a research project. The essay is the
final product of the project.
Secondly, it is a major contributor to the assessment of your success in
fulfilling the objectives of this Unit.
A research essay is intended to define and address a research question. Your
research question is a statement of what you intend to investigate and
answer. It is more than a descriptive essay.
The Q Manual provides excellent guidance on how to structure and write such
an essay – refer to sections: 4.0 Academic Writing Skills; 5.0 Writing Essays;
6.0 Writing a Literature Review; 7.0 Report Writing.
Assessment Task 2 is to be prepared as if for publication in Governance, a
peer-reviewed journal i.e. it must follow the citation, referencing and other
features of the style required by the author guidelines. You may nominate
another academic journal; if so, explain why you have selected it and provide
its guide for contributing authors.
Assessment Requirements
Include an Abstract, Keywords, use headings and (where appropriate) tables
with explanatory narrative (as with articles published in Governance.)
Please do NOT conduct a questionnaire, interviews or other type of survey for
your research essay. There are several reasons for this. Surveys raise
important ethical questions, which are governed by strict controls
administered through the Monash University Human Research Ethics
Committee (MUHREC), Monash University.
Surveys are difficult to design so as to be unambiguous, objective and collect
useable information. Surveys take a lot of time to conduct, which is difficult to
justify for an essay accounting for only part of the total assessment for this
An essay relying on research data collected by you using a questionnaire or
other survey will not be accepted.
An example of an article published in the journal Governance will be posted
on Moodle.
Assessment criteria will also be posted on Moodle.
Word limit:
5,000 words maximum, not including Abstract, Keywords and References.
Estimated return date:
26th November 2014
Criteria for marking:
The faculty marking rubric is available at:
See also Q Manual available at:
Learning objectives assessed:
1, 2 & 3
Submission details:
1. The proposal You must submit your proposal for the research question for
approval before you can proceed with Assignment 2. Submit it on the
MGF5300 Moodle site. Submit your proposed topic and research question as
soon as possible but no later than Monday 25th August.
2. Assignment 2 Submit your Assignment on the MGF5300 Governance Moodle