Optical Polarisation Parag Bhattacharya Department of Basic Sciences School of Engineering and Technology Assam Don Bosco University Description of Polarised Light Optical Polarisation refers to the situations where the plane, containing the electric field vector E and the propagation vector k, is well-defined. The electric field vector E for a given lightwave can be resolved into two mutually perpendicular components Ex and Ey. Based on their amplitudes and the relative phase difference between them, we can obtain any of the following states of polarisation: Linearly-polarised or plane-polarised light, i.e., P-state Circularly-polarised light Right-circular light, i.e., R-state Left-circular light, i.e., L-state Elliptically-polarised light, i.e., E-state Linearly-polarised or plane-polarised light, i.e., P-state Circularly-polarised light Right-circular light, i.e., R-state Left-circular light, i.e., L-state Elliptically-polarised light, i.e., E-state All the above states of polarization can be described in terms of two orthogonal optical disturbances as given below: (1) (2) where both the waves are travelling along the z-axis, and ε is the relative phase between them Note: If ε > 0, Ey lags Ex If ε < 0, Ey leads Ex Linear Polarisation Light polarised along the x-axis is described as: (3) Light polarised along the y-axis is described as: (4) Light polarised along any arbitrary direction is described as: (5) Each of the above states is known as a P-state. Circular Polarisation In circular polarisation, the tip of the electric field vector, traces out a circle (either clockwise or anti-clockwise) as the wave propagates. For circular polarisation, the constituent waves have the same amplitude, i.e., E0x = E0y = E0 If ε = – π/2 + 2mπ, where m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ... (6) To an observer looking back at the source, the vector E rotates clockwise at an angular frequency ω. This wave is said to be right-circularly polarised. This state of polarisation is known as the R-state. Circular Polarisation In circular polarisation, the tip of the electric field vector, traces out a circle (either clockwise or anti-clockwise) as the wave propagates. For circular polarisation, the constituent waves have the same amplitude, i.e., E0x = E0y = E0 If ε = + π/2 + 2mπ, where m = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ... (7) To an observer looking back at the source, the vector E rotates anti-clockwise at an angular frequency ω. This wave is said to be left-circularly polarised. This state of polarisation is known as the L-state. Circular Polarisation A wave in P-state can be obtained from the superposition of a wave in L-state and another wave in R-state, both of the same amplitude. That is, [P-state] = [L-state] + [R-state] This can be easily proved as follows: (8) (9) Adding (8) and (9), we obtain the resultant wave: (10) (10) represents a wave in P-state, polarised along the x-axis and having a constant amplitude of 2E0. Elliptical Polarisation The tip of E traces out a ellipse as the wave propagates. This means that the resultant electric field E will rotate, as well as change its magnitude. The relationship between the electric field components is: (11) The angle α made by the ellipse with the (Ex, Ey) coordinate system is: (12) The state of polarisation described by (11) is known as the E-state. E0y Ey E α E0x Ex Elliptical Polarisation When the principal axes of the ellipse are aligned with the coordinate axes, i.e., α = 0, or equivalently, ε = ±π/2, ±3π/2, ... [E-state] Further, if E0y = E0x = E0, [L-state or R-state] If ε = 0, ±2π, ±4π, ... (even multiples of π) If ε = ±π, ±3π, ±5π, ... (odd multiples of π) [P-states] Natural Light A natural light source consists of a very large number of randomly oriented atomic emitters. Each excited atom radiates a polarized wavetrain for approximately 10–8 s. All emissions with the same frequency combine to form a single resultant polarised wave that does not persist for more than 10–8 s on an average. Overall polarisation changes in a completely random fashion. If, due to these random changes in the state of polarisation, it becomes impossible to assign any specific polarisation state, the emitted waves are known as natural light. Another term for natural light is randomly polarised light. Mathematically, we can represent natural light in terms to two arbitrary, incoherent, orthogonal, linearly polarised waves of equal amplitude. Production of Polarised Light Polarisers A polariser is an optical device whose input is natural light and whose output is some form of polarised light. Polariser Natural Light Polarised Light All polarisers are based on 4 fundamental physical mechanisms: a) Reflection (and refraction) b) Scattering c) Birefringence, or double refraction d) Dichroism, or selective absorption All 4 mechanisms share 1 underlying property: there must be some form of asymmetry associated with the process. Polarisers Any polariser has an associated transmission axis. Only the component parallel to the transmission axis will pass. Y Transmission Axis Y' Y'' X θ X' θ X'' I0 Z I0/2 Malus' Law: This law gives the output intensity when natural light is incident on a set of 2 polarisers. When linearly polarised light is incident on a polariser (known as an analyser), the output intensity is propotional to the square of the cosine of the angle between the transmission axis and the plane of polarisation of the incident light. If I0 is intensity of the light incident on an analyser then the output intensity I is: where θ is the angle between the plane of polarisation of the incident light, and the transmission axis of the analyser. Malus' Law: I0 I0 cos2 θ θ θ Polariser Polarisation due to Reflection Light reflected off an interface is partially polarised. The degree of polarisation can change depending on the angle of incidence. At a particular angle of incidence, called the Brewster's Angle, the reflected light attains the P-state. This effect was discovered empirically by Sir David Brewster (also the inventor of the kaleidoscope) Natural Light Partially Polarised Light n1 n2 Partially Polarised Light Polarisation due to Reflection When the angle of incidence is at Brewster's Angle θB the reflected and the refracted rays become normal to each other. By Snell's Law, we have, (1) From the figure, it is clear that, (2) Natural Light n1 n2 θB θB P-state Light θT Partially Polarised Light Polarisation by Reflection (1) (2) Using (2) in (1) gives, Therefore, (3) (3) gives the angle of incident required for the reflected light to be in the P-state. For instance, in case of air-water interface, n1 = 1 and n2 = 1.33. This gives the Brewster's angle to be θB = tan–1 1.33 = 53.06º This means that one needs to be at an angle of approx 37º above the water-surface in order to obtain light in P-state. Polarisation due to Refraction Using Brewster's angle to make a polariser is not practical because of 2 reasons: 1) Reflected wave is plane polarised but is of low intensity. 2) Refracted wave is of high intensity but is partially polarised. Solution: construct a pile-of-plates polariser. θB Polarisation due to Scattering When natural light passes through the atmosphere, it sets the molecular dipoles into oscillations. Now an oscillating dipole emits EM waves. The electromagnetic field is maximum in a direction perpendicular to the dipole axis. The electromagnetic field is zero in a direction along the dipole axis. Zero Field + Maximum Field - Polarisation due to Scattering Atmospheric Dipoles Natural Light Partially Polarised Light Natural Light Linearly Polarised Light Partially Polarised Light Polarisation due to Dichroism (Selective Absorption) Dichroism refers to the selective absorption of one of the two orthogonal P-state components of incident natural light. A dichroic polariser is physically anisotropic. It has a strong asymmetric or preferential absorption of one field component while being almost transparent to the other. Example of a dichroic crystal is tourmaline Chemically, NaFe3B3Al6Si6O27(OH)4 For any dichroic crystal, there is a specific direction within the crystal known as the Principal Axis or Optic Axis (OA). (this direction is determined by its atomic configuration) The E-field that is perpendicular to the OA is strongly absorbed by the crystal. The E-field along the OA is weakly absorped (almost unabsorbed) by the crystal. The thicker the crystal, the stronger would be the absorption. Polarisation due to Dichroism Optic Axis Natural Light Dichroic Crystal Light in P-state Polarisation due to Birefringence (Double Refraction) Some crystalline substances are optically anisotropic. The optical properties are different along different directions within the crystal. The E-field of the wave travelling through such a crystal interacts with the lattice atoms in the crystal, setting them into oscillations. The speed of the wave, and hence the refractive index, will depend on the difference between the frequency of the E-field and the natural frequency of the oscillating atoms. An anisotropy in the binding force will be manifest in an anisotropy in the refractive index. Along 2 different directions, different binding of the atoms leads to different speeds of the wave, and hence 2 different refractive indices. Such materials, that display 2 different refractive indices, cause double refraction of light, and are said to be birefringent. Polarisation due to Birefringence Most common type of birefringence is described to be uniaxial. This refers to the single direction governing the anisotropy. This direction is referred to as the optic axis (OA). Optical behaviour along directions normal to the OA are equivalent. Hence rotation of the crystal about the OA does not change the optical behaviour of the crystal. Based on the orientation of the direction of polarisation with respect to the OA, we can distinguish between 2 types of waves: 1) Ordinary: when the polarisation is perpendicular to the OA. Such waves experience a refractive index nO. 2) Extraordinary: when at least some component of the polarisation is parallel to the OA. Such waves experience a refractive index nE. Birefringence is defined as Δn = nE – nO Polarisation due to Birefringence Birefringence is defined as Δn = nE – nO Δn > 0 (i.e., nE > nO): positive uniaxial crystals Δn < 0 (i.e., nE < nO): negative uniaxial crystals Examples nE nO Δn Ice 1.313 1.309 0.004 Quartz (SiO2) 1.553 1.544 0.009 Zircon (ZrSiO4) 1.968 1.923 0.045 Calcite (CaCO3) 1.486 1.658 –0.172 Tourmaline 1.638 1.669 –0.031 Sodium Nitrate 1.337 1.585 –0.248 Crystal Type Positive Uniaxial Crystal Negative Uniaxial Crystal Polarisation due to Birefringence In a positive uniaxial crystal Δn > 0, i.e., nE > nO Hence, vE < vO Thus, the O-ray travels faster than the E-ray. The wavelets for O-rays are spherical in shape. The bending of O-rays due to refraction takes place as per Snell's Law. The wavelets for E-rays are ellipsoidal in shape. The bending of E-rays due to refraction does not take place as per Snell's Law. In a negative uniaxial crystal Δn < 0, i.e., nE < nO Hence, vE > vO Thus, the E-ray travels faster than the O-ray. This idea can be better understood by using the index ellipsoid. Refractive Index Ellipsoid for Positive Uniaxial Crystal vE < vO O-Ray E-Ray vO v v E-wavelet (ellipsoidal) E v E E vO vO v E vO O-wavelet (spherical) OA Huygen's Principle in a Positive Uniaxial Crystal E-wavefront O-wavefront OA O- and E-rays (travel together with path difference) O- and E-wavefronts OA O- and E-rays (travel together without path difference) Huygen's Principle in a Positive Uniaxial Crystal E-wavefront O-wavefront OA OA O-ray E-ray O-ray E-ray Note: In a positive uniaxial crystal, the E-ray lies between the O-ray and the OA. Refractive Index Ellipsoid for Negative Uniaxial Crystal v vE > vO O-Ray E-Ray E vO v O-wavelet (spherical) v E E vO vO vO v E E-wavelet (ellipsoidal) OA Huygen's Principle in a Negative Uniaxial Crystal O-wavefront E-wavefront OA O- and E-rays (travel together with path difference) O- and E-wavefronts OA O- and E-rays (travel together without path difference) Huygen's Principle in a Negative Uniaxial Crystal OA OA O-wavefront E-wavefront O-ray E-ray O-ray E-ray Note: In a negative uniaxial crystal, the O-ray lies between the E-ray and the OA. Polarising Prisms The refractive index of the O-ray is constant, independent of the direction. The refractive index of the E-ray is variable, changing with direction. A polarising prism utilises this property of two different refractions for the O- and E-rays (or double refraction) in order to physically separate the two refracted rays which are in mutually perpendicular P-states. A polarising prism can be constructed using either positive or negative uniaxial crystals. Some examples of polarising prisms used are: 1) Nicol prism 2) Glan-Air prism 3) Wollaston prism 4) Rochon prism 5) Sernamont prism Glan-Air Prism Two calcite prisms with apex angle θ, are combined with their long faces opposed and separated by an air space. Critical angle for total internal reflection is given as OA θ E-ray θ θ OA O-ray For calcite, nE = 1.486 & θC(E) = 42.3º nO = 1.658 & θC(O) = 37.1º θ is also the angle of incidence on the long face for both P-states. Using prisms where 37.1º < θ < 42.3º, ensures only the O-ray undergoes TIR while the E-ray refracts out. The 2nd prism is used to re-orient the E-ray along the original beam direction. Wollaston Prism O-Ray E-Ray Rochon Prism O-Ray E-Ray Sernamont Prism O-Ray E-Ray Positive Uniaxial E-wavefront O-wavefront OA Path difference between the O- and E-rays, Δ Negative Uniaxial O-wavefront E-wavefront OA If t is the thickness of the plate, then the total path difference between the Oand E-rays is: Positive Uniaxial And the corresponding phase difference between the O- and E-rays is: OA t Δ Therefore, by changing the thickness of the plate, we can obtain any desired phase difference between the 2 P-states. Quarter-Wave Plate (QWP) A QWP is used to produce light in R-, L- or E-states. In a QWP, the thickness of the plate is adjusted so that between the O- and E-rays, the path difference is quarter of a wavelength, i.e., Δ = λ/4. And the phase difference is δ = π/2. Then the required thickness of a QWP found as: Since λ is extremely small, it is more practical to make QWPs with Δ = mλ + λ/4 If input on a QWP is either natural light or P-state at 45º to the OA, the output is in R- or L-state. If input is P-state at 0º to the OA, the output is also in P-state. If input is P-state neither at 0º nor at 45º to the OA, the output is in E-state. Half-Wave Plate (HWP) An HWP is used to rotate the plane of polarisation by 90º. In an HWP, the thickness of the plate is adjusted so that between the O- and E-rays, the path difference is half of a wavelength, i.e., Δ = λ/2. And the phase difference is δ = π. Then the required thickness of an HWP found as: Since λ is extremely small, it is more practical to make HWPs with Δ = mλ + λ/2 If input on an HWP is in P-state at any angle to the OA, the output is in the orthogonal P-state. If input is natural light, the output is also natural light. Half-Wave Plate (HWP) HWP HWP HWP References: 1) 2) 3) “Optics”, 4th Ed., Eugene Hecht & A. R. Ganesan, Pearson “Introduction to Optics”, 3rd Ed., Frank L. Pedrotti, Leno M. Pedrotti & Leno S. Pedrotti, Pearson “Physics for Engineers and Technologists”, Samrat Dey, EBH Publishers Thank You! Assam Don Bosco University