Career Services Network *The Road to Success*

Together We Will Achieve Success
Formula for Success
While we will do
everything in our power to
help you with your job
hunt, we are just one small
ingredient .
YOU need to focus and
work hard in order to see
results. The following
requirements are
 A clear and descriptive resume
 Excellent interviewing skills
 You must network, send out numerous
resumes each week via job websites
and stay organized
 Have frequent communication with
our job developers.
Sending out
Resumes and
Resume and
CSN- Step 1 (Easy as ABC)
• Account: Create an account with us by going to
– You will see a green box titled “Job Seekers.” Click on “Login to my account”
– Proceed by filling out some basic information about yourself ex. Name, Phone, Salary requirements
• Background Information: You will click on Job Seeker and enter your personal
information for our records, including uploading your resume.
• Careers: Please check our Jobs Page, which is filled with thousands of amazing
jobs in all fields such as Retail, Sales, Wholesale, Accounting and much more…
Intake- Step 2
• Once you have fully made an account, our Intake Specialist will contact
you to schedule an appointment.
• You will discuss topics such as your employment history and the job you
feel will help you reach your potential.
• The Intake Specialist is like an auto-mechanic. He might fix up your resume
or refer you to one of our expert resume and interview coaches.
• During intake, the goal is to establish good career goals and to become job
• When you are ready and confident to ace an interview, the intake
specialist will refer you to one of our experienced Job Developers.
Job Developer- Step 3
• You will now be able to
contact our expert Job
Developers to discuss job
• They will help you find that
job which matches your skill
• They will send your resume
and connect you with
potential employers.
Important- SNAP!
• Skills: If you feel like you need more computer
skills, such as QuickBooks, Excel, PowerPoint,
Microsoft Word or even Email- Check our
resources link on our website for free video
• Network: Talk to your friends, family and
people from your community. They might
have a job opening or know someone with a
job opening.
• Appearance: Remember to look healthy.
Smile, dress nicely, sit up straight, talk clearly
and show off that confidence.
• Positive: It is important to stay positive and
upbeat about your job hunt. You have talent
and so much potential.
Top Job Websites
It is imperative to take initiative and look on the internet for
other employers!
Resume Writing
It is necessary for you to write a resume, which
bests describes your talents and abilities. The
links below provide great assistance!
• Our website includes links for videos which
will teach you how to write a great resume
• You will also be able to find resume
templates, which you can use as a guide for
your own resume.
• There are two kinds of networking:
Word of mouth- Tell friends, family and your community that you are
job hunting.
Social media- Set up LinkedIn and Facebook accounts.
A poll, conducted by search firm Top Grading Solutions “found that 38% of employees
found their last job through word-of-mouth or referrals, 20% found their jobs online
and 24% via recruiting firms. 7% found their last position by walking in and applying,
and 2% found their job through a newspaper or print advertisement.”
Percentage of Jobs
Word of
Job Title:
Name of Company:
Job Requirements
Contact Info:
Applied: Yes/No Salary
• The job hunt can feel overwhelming at times, but with a
little organization, the job search can be pretty simple.
• Make categories such as Job title, Name of Company, Job
Requirements, Contact information, Date of Interview.
• Feel free to use the CSN Job Chart, which can be found in
the resources link on our website
Understanding the Market
The market is always changing.
• Jobs that used to be very profitable may now
offer a lower salary, while jobs that used to offer a
lower salary are now the hottest jobs on the
• Flexibility: Try to be reasonable and flexible with
your job search.
• Growth: Although the salary might appear to be
lower than what you wanted there could be a lot
of room to grow in the company!
• The following websites are great resources to
understand the latest trends in the market
Interviewing Skills
Research the company
 Go on the company’s website and learn about the company. Just like taking a test
requires studying so do interviews.
Preparing to arrive in good time
 Check the exact location & give yourself enough time
 Be polite to everyone
 Turn off your phone
 Before you walk into the office, think of your past accomplishments so that you
enter the interview with confidence.
Body Language
 Handshake, eye contact and relax but do not slump in chair
Common Questions
 Tell me about yourself?
 How would your co-workers describe you?
 What are your strengths and how have you implemented them?
DO NOT ASK: About salary or vacation days
ASK: What their biggest challenges are, how they managed to grow during a
recession, room for growth, something interesting you saw on their website etc.
Interviewing Skills
Answering Questions
 Have selling points in mind
 Answers should be consistent with your resume
 Ask for clarification if you don’t understand
 Avoid rambling
Wrapping up an interview
 At the end of the interview ask what the next step is
 Reaffirm your positive feelings about the position
 Ask for a business card
 Send a “thank you” email that day (for help look at the
Thank You Email Page in your packet).
 For more helpful interview prep please use the
following link:
Dress Code for Interviews: Men
Conservative two-piece business suit (solid dark blue or grey is best)
Conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse (white is best, pastel is next best)
Clean, polished conservative shoes
Well-groomed hairstyle
Clean, trimmed fingernails
Minimal cologne or perfume
Empty pockets--no bulges or tinkling coins
No gum, candy or cigarettes
Light briefcase or portfolio case
No visible body piercing (nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc.)
Necktie should have a conservative pattern
Dark shoes (black lace-ups are best)
Dark socks (black is best)
Get a haircut; short hair always fares best in interviews
Make sure all facial hair is presentable and trimmed
No rings other than wedding ring
No earrings (if you normally wear one, take it out)
Dress Code for Interviews: Women
Select a skirted suit, pantsuit or conservatively tailored dress that draws the eye to
your face (keep in mind location of interview ex. No pants at a Yeshiva)
Skirts are traditionally knee-length but those longer are also acceptable.
Select blouses or sweaters that provide visual interest, but avoid transparent, tight
fit, or have low necklines, revealing waistlines or details that detract from your face
as a focal point. Typically, arms are covered at least to the biceps and often to the
Always wear hose to interviews. Wear plain-style, non-patterned hosiery and select
colors that flatter your coloring. For traditional industries, wear a neutral color. For
other industries, you may choose to wear hose that coordinates with your skirt.
Carry an extra pair in case of runs.
Perfume should never be strong. A fragrance can cause an allergic reaction or offend
the interviewer. When in doubt, do not wear perfume.
Use natural-looking makeup and clear nail polish. This keeps the focus on the
Do not carry a purse with a briefcase. Choose one or the other.
Wear flat shoes or low pumps in colors that avoid making your feet a focal point. Be
sure that they are clean and polished. Avoid shoes that hinder walking fast. This
lowers credibility. Avoid open-toed shoes since associated with social agendas.
Add accessories to express your personality and accentuate your best features. A
scarf or necklace is an effective way to focus on your face. Keep it simple!
Women in general wear too many accessories at the same time such as earrings,
necklaces, and rings. These can accentuate your personality and can be an asset if
worn in moderation. Avoid dangling earrings and wear no more than one ring per
hand and a dress watch. Be sure all jewelry focuses on the face.
Thank You Email- Sample Below
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
Use the first paragraph to thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Mention your interest in the job and how enthusiastic
you are about it.
The second paragraph of your thank you letter should include the reasons why you are an excellent candidate for the job. List specific skills
that relate to the job you interviewed for. The more detailed you are, the more the interviewer will know about your qualifications.
The third paragraph (optional) can be used to mention anything that you didn't bring up at the interview that you'd like the employer to
know. This gives you another chance to make a good impression, especially if you remembered something you should have said after the
In your closing paragraph, reiterate your appreciation for being considered for the job and let the interviewer know you are looking forward
to hearing from him or her soon.
Your Typed Name
* This article can be found by Allison Doyle
Check List
Check off all the necessary steps when completed:
 Created CSN account on our website
 Updated and Uploaded resume
 Clicked on CSN jobs that interested me
 Intake Interview
 Resume and Interview skills are PERFECT
 Organized list of possible employers
 Networked (online and via word of mouth)
 Met with Job Developer
 Researched possible jobs through “Top Job websites”
 Scheduled interviews
 Interviewed
 Remembered to take interviewer’s business card and wrote thank you
 Contacted CSN and kept them posted!
Final Step: Employment
• Enjoy Employment! You deserve it!
• We hope you found that job that fits your
personality and talents.
• Please stay in touch with us and tell us
about your new job or if you have any
• You will always be part of the CSN family!