
The iPhone Takeover
East Greenwich, RI – It seems that the apple doesn’t
fall too far from the money tree, as Apple, the
company who introduced technologies like the iPod,
iPad, and Macbook, continues to exponentially gain
popularity with its newest masterpiece: the iPhone.
In today’s society, everybody is searching for the
most up-to-date piece of technology. And for the past
5 years, the Apple iPhone has assumed this role. Sam
Toolson, a junior at East Greenwich High School,
emphasized the importance of the phone to its users,
claiming that “the iPhone is like a drug to some
people.” No matter where you look, there is no
escape from the mobile device. Businessmen and
women, teachers and students alike, people of all
ages have hopped on the iPhone bandwagon.
Since the announcement of its arrival, the Apple
iPhone has received an unprecedented amount of
buzz. And why shouldn’t it? With a mere swipe of a
fingertip, iPhone users have full access to the World
Wide Web and an infinite list of applications and
games. Prior to its release in June of 2007, Steve Jobs
explained that the first model iPhone would be “a
revolutionary mobile phone… [and] a breakthrough
Internet communications device.” His words proved
true; for once the iPhone went up for sale, the hype
surrounding it spread like wildfire.
Although Apple is now the maker of the most
popular and sought-after device, it was a slow start to
the top. The story behind Apple’s ascent began on
April 1, 1976, when Jobs insisted that his partner,
Steven Wozniak, try to sell his model for the Apple I,
Apple’s first computer. The company, however, did
not gain any recognition until 1977, after the release
of the Apple II, the first personal computer with
colored graphics. Apple progressed in all directions.
The company saw a major increase in profits and
began selling computers overseas. After the Apple III
computer hit the shelves, the company was noted as a
innovative force to be reckoned with.
In the more recent years, Apple designed and
manufactured other devices in addition to personal
computers. Devices like the iPod, and its compatible
software iTunes, completely changed the way music
enthusiasts obtained, stored, and listened to their
music. But nothing Apple has produced can compare
to the attention it has received from the iPhone.
The reasons for the iPhone’s success are simple. “It’s
everything in one,” Juliana Walsh, 17, explained. “It
is a small, convenient, and quality phone with a big
memory.” In addition to its large memory space,
what most users like about the phone is its built-in
camera. Walsh went on to say that “enjoys using the
But the iPhone comes in handy for more than just
snapping photos. With 4G wireless internet available
anywhere in the palm of one’s hand, this phone is
great for teachers and business owners. Mrs. Offiler,
the photography and art teacher at the East
Greenwich High School, uses applications such as
Common Core in order to ensure that her class
curriculum suits the state standards for academics. “It
is a quick reference,” Offiler stated. “And I can
utilize applications like Common Core in and out of
During the school day, it is not uncommon to see
students with iPhones resting on their desks.
Although the school typically has a strict cell phone
policy, it does seem to apply to smart phones such as
the iPhone. Offiler explained the difference between
having an iPhone in school rather than older flipphone models, exclaiming that “the iPhone does
more than simply call and text, and can be a very
useful tool in the classroom for research projects.”
Other teachers such as Mrs. Munzert and Mr.
Downey agree, believing that iPhone use during class
is acceptable as long as it is not a distraction to
There are a select few who have not joined the Apple
revolution. 17 year old David Casey of East
Greenwich High School still holds tightly to his
Droid. What keeps him distant from the iPhone isn’t
its setup or difficulty to use, but rather the constant
upgrades Apple puts out to its customers. Casey
elaborated by saying that “the Droid updates its
software, whereas the iPhone releases a totally new
phone. This way, I won’t have to buy a whole new
phone when the newer and better thing comes out.
It has been over 30 years since the founding of
Apple, yet the company has no intentions of slowing
down, even after the untimely death of its CEO and
founder, Steve Jobs. Whether users enjoy the
soothing voice of Serie, the personal assistant that
comes standard with the latest iPhone 4S, the quality
camera, or even the trustworthy Verizon serive itself,
the iPhone has made its mark and it seems more than
likely that it is here to stay.