FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Solve : 1. (FAB)16 → ?2 2. (110111010)2 → ?10 3. (2AC)16 → ?10 4. (712)10 → ?8 5. (11101)2 + (4D)16 = (?)10 6. (2A)16 = (?)8 = (?)2 7. 111011011)2 = (?) 10 = (?) = 8 8. (111010)2 * (13)10 = (?)8 9. (122)8 + (10101)2 = (?)10 10. (153)10 = (?)8 11. (464)16 = (?)2 12. (133)10 = (?)2 13. (654)8 = (?)16 14. (153)10 = (?) 2 = (?)8 15. (5A)16 = (?)10 = (?)2 16. (BAB)16=(?)2 17. (BCD)16=(?)2 18. (186)10=(?)2 19. (712)10=(?)8 Answer the following 1. What is Computer ? Explain with block diagram. 2. Explain generations of computer with its features 3. Explain in brief history of computers. 4. Write characteristics of Computer and limitation of computer 5. Write application area of computers. 6. Explain various scanning input devices 7. Discuss any one Input and any one Output Device. 8. Discuss laser and dot matrix printers. 9. What are different types of Printers ? 10. What is a Pen Drive ? Explain with diagram. 11. Explain any two secondary storage devices. 12. Explain the working of CD as one of the memory devices. 13. Explain cache memory with diagram 14. Exlain primary storage in detail. 15. Compare between magnetic tape and magnetic disk 16. Explain microprocessor with its block diagram 17. Explain in short ASCII, EBCDIC. 18. Explain the terms : Bit, Byte, MB, KB, GB, TB, RAM, ROM, PROM. 19. Explain positional and non positional system ?expalin various positional number systems in brief . 20. What is software explain its types 21. What is operating system ?Explain functions of operating system. 22. Explain time sharing with its diagram 23. Compare and differentiate between windows with open source o.s 24. Differentiate between Batch Processing and On-line Processing 25. Explain structure and importance of process control block 26. Describe scheduling process with queuing diagram 27. Describe memory management paging and segmentation 28. Describe different free space management techniques 29. Explain logical structure of directory. 30. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter and assembler 31. Explain compuer languages with its merits and demerits . 32. Difference between LAN and WAN MAN. 33. Explain OSI model in detail. 34. What is client server network ?expalin it with advantages and disadvantages 35. Difference between client server and peer to peer network . Write short note 1. Network topologies 2. Types of Communication media 3. Machine and high level language 4. Virtual file system 5. Virtual memory 6. Demand paging 7. Multiprogramming o.s 8. Multiprocessing and multitasking O.S 9. Batch processing O.S 10. computer Languages 11. Operating System Functions 12. MICR 13. Compiler and Interpreter 14. Audio input devices 15. ASCII Code and BCD Code 16. Printers 17. Input devices 18. Graphics coprocessor 19. Floating point coprocessor 20. Intranet ‘C’ PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURE Find and explain output of the following programs. 1. void main() { int a = 3, b = 4, c = 2; a = b >> c; b = a << c; c = c << a >> b; printf(“a = %d, b = %d, c = %d”, a, b, c); } 2. void main() { int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf(“No Magic, Only Logic !\n”); i = i + 1; } } 3. int x = 10; void main( ) { printf(“%d”, x); { int x = 20; { int x = 30; printf(“%d”, x); } printf(“%d”, x); } } 4. void main() { void ser( ); int i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) ser( ); } void ser( ) { static int n = 11; printf(“\t %d”, n); n = n + 11; } 5. main( ) { int x, y, z, x = y = z = 1; clrscr( ); z = ++ x && ++ y || ++ z; printf(“%d %d %d”, x,y,z); } 6. main( ) int a = 3, b = 4, c = 2; printf(“\n”); a = b > c + 1; b = a < c; printf(“%d %d %d”, a,b,c); 7. main( ) { int r, *p, N[] = {1, 3, 2, 8, 3, 7, 4, 6, 5}; p = N; for(r = 7; r > = 2; r -= 2) printf(“%d”, p[r]); } 8. main( ) { int a[5] = {2, 3}; clrscr( ); printf(“\n %d %d %d”, a[2], a[3], a[4]); } 9. main( ) { int x = 2; if(x == 2 && x ! = 0) printf(“hi”); else prinft(“bye”); } 10. main( ) { int i = 8, j = 9; int k = i&&j; printf(“%d”, k); if(l && k) printf(“hi”); else printf(“bye”); } Slove the following programs 1.Write A program to Find Area, Perimeter of Square & Rectangle. 2. Write A program to Find max. Among 3 nos. 3. Write A program to Check year is leap year or not . 4. Write A program to find Factorial of Number 5. Write A program to find number is Prime Number or not . 6. Write A program to find number is Perfect Numberor not . 7. Write A program to find number is Armstrong Number. 8. Write A program to print Fibonacci Series upto a given limit by user . 9. Write A program to convert of Decimal number into Binary no. 10. Write A program to find LCM & GCD of numbers 11.Write a recursive function which accepts a number and returns factorial of that number. (e.g. if no. is 5, then 120 should be the answer) 12. Write a function which will accept an integer array and a number and will return count of number of occurrences of that no. in the array : Prototype of the function is - int getcount(int[ ], int). 13. Accept information about cricket players as teamno, playerno, playername, no_of_runs, no_of_wickets with proper data types for 50 players. Print name of the person with highest no_of_runs and name of the person with highest no_of_wickets. 14. Accept name of the file from command line and print no. of characters present in the file. 15. Accept 24 float values in an array. Sort array in descending order. 16. Print the following pattern using loops : A AB ABC ABCD 16.write a program to . Insert & Delete an element at given location in array. 17.Write a function which accepts 10 integers and returns highest number. 18. Write a function which accepts a string and converts alternate characters in upper case and lower case. 19. Write a program to accept two 3 × 3 matrices and print addition of them. 20.Accept information of 50 items in an array of structure with fields itemno, name and stock. Print name of the items having stock > 1000. 21. Write a program to copy contents of “aaa.txt” to “xyz.txt”.’ 22. Print the following pattern : 1 12 123 1234 23.Write a program to accept 15 numbers and print them in reverse order of acceptance using recursion. (Do not use array) 24.Write a program to accept a string. The program should print : (a) No. of Vowels (b) No. of Digits (c) No. of Spaces (d) No. of Capital Letters in the String 25. Write a ‘C’ program to accept 20 integer numbers from the user and store them in an array. The program should then sort numbers in descending order and print minimum and maximum of the numbers. 26. Write a ‘C’ program to copy a file to another. Use Command Line Arguments. 27. Accept 24 records in an array of structures, player with fields playerno, name, no_of_innings, totalruns, average. Print name of the player with highest average. 28.Write a program using Recursion function tio find sum of digit 29.write a program for String manipulation function to string copy, concatenation, compare, string length, reverse of string 30. Write a program to convert given number to word 5 Ex: If input is 653 then output will be six five three. 31.Write a program to find maximum and minimum number by recursion 32.write a program to find if an element exists in array or not 33.Write a program to accept an number and check whether it is a palindrome number .A number is palindrome if it reads samr left to right and right to left 34. Write a program to convert a given number into words 35. Write a ‘C’ program to generate the following pattern using nested loops : * * * * * * * * * * 36.Write a recursive function which accepts two integer numbers as parameters and returns multiplication of these numbers. Without using multiplication operator. 37. Write a ‘C’ program to copy the contents of one file to another. Accept file names from the user through keyboard. 38.Write a ‘C’ program to accept two file names and append first file to the second file. 39. Write a ‘C’ program to accept a string and convert all lowercase characters to uppercase. 40. Write a ‘C’ program which uses suitable structure array to accept name, telephone no. of 30 people. Sort these records on name in ascending order and display in a tabular form. 41.write a program to sort all element s of 3*3 matrix using pointer Explain the following : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Data types in ‘C’ Command Line Arguments Loop Statements in ‘C’ String Functions Dynamic Memory Allocation Structures and Unions queue recursion storage classes Stack Linked list Trees Pointer and use of pointer Decision making statement Array Operators in c String function Flow chart and symbols used in flowcharts DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Normalize the following layout upto 3NF : 1. Service Call Report (ABC Home Appliances) Customer Code : ________ Customer Name : ________ Customer Address : _________________________________ Date of Call : _____________ Time : _________ Sr. No. Machine Problem Spares Qty. Amount Name used Total Service Charge : ___________ Grand Total : __________ Customer Remarks : ___________ Date : __________ Engineer Code and Name : ____________ Customer Sign. 2. Daulatnagar Electric Company is a distributor of electricity in a small town having about 10,000 consumers. The consumers are divided into three categories i.e. Agriculture, Commerical, Domestic for whom different rates per unit are chargeable according to a slab-wise table. There is also minimum charge for each category. The billing is made according to reading which was reported by meter readers working with the company. The bills are paid by the consumers at a central collection center of the company. 3. A publishing house receives number of articles from authors, reporters and subscribers. All the incoming articles are registered and stored according to the topic of literature. Only for approved articles acknowledgment is sent. Accepted scripts are edited by respective editors and then it is released for publishing. No. of such articles are always waiting in queue. All manuscripts either published or rejected are preserved for a period of three months after which they are scrapped. 4. Normalise following case upto 3NF : Category Number Category Name Customer Name Customer Address Telephone Number Bill Number Bill Date Due Date Previous Reading Current Reading Metered Calls Debit Calls Credit Limit Free Calls Net Chargeable Calls Call Charges Rent Service Tax Previous Balance Bill Amount Amount to be paid after due date Make necessary assumptions wherever required. 5. Kautilya University Research Group publishes an analysis of all journal papers to Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Each paper may have more than one author and man appear in only one journal. Journals are identified by publisher details, titles, volumes and issue number. One issue contains many papers of many subjects. Each paper contains series of references to their papers. Authors contribute to many papers appearing in varieties of journals. Draw Entity - Relationship Diagram and convert it into Relational Database (Tables). Questions 1. Explain Three Tier Architecture of DBMS; its advantages and disadvantages. 2.Explain Concept of Generalization and Aggregation with proper example with reference to E-R model. 3.Explain Time Stamp Based Ordering Protocol with proper example. 4. Explain Concept of Checkpoint. State when and how it occurs. 5.Explain the following : (a) Select (b) Specialization 6.What is a Checkpoint ? How is it useful for the process of recovery ? Explain this with the help of suitable example. 7.Explain differences between the Database Approach and the Filebased Approach. 8.What do you mean by Transaction in a Database ? What are the Properties of Transaction ? Explain. 9.Explain Deadlock in the Context of Database System with the help of an example. 10.Explain Codd’s Rule. 11.Explain the following with example : (a) Join (b) Mapping Cardinalities 12.Explain differences between NDM and RDM with proper example. 13. Explain differences between Data Mining and Normal Query. 14.What do you mean by the term ‘Database Recovery’ ? Explain any two recovery techniques 15.What is Transaction ? Explain ACID Properties of Transaction. 16.Explain States of Transaction with neat diagram. 17.Explain how concurrancy is controlled using Locking Technique ? 18.Explain Unary Operation in Relational Algebra. 19.What are Database Security issues ? 20.What is Data Model ? Explain different types of Data Models ? 21.What is Data Warehouse ? Explain Architecture of Data Warehouse in detail. 22.Explain with example : (a) Project (b) Generalization 23.Explain the following : (a) Integrity Constraints (b) Database Users 24.Explain various types of attributes in ER Diagram. 25.Explain NDM. Explain all types of relationship in NDM. 26.What is Join ? Explain all types of Join with example. 27.What is Concurrent Access ? Explain Concurrency Control Mechanism in detail. 28.Explain Replication and Fregmentation with suitable example 29.explain various characteristic of DBMS 30. explain Data ware house architecture . Write short notes : 6. Data Independence 7. Distributed Databases 8. Data Warehousing 9. State of Transaction Execution 10. Advantages and Disadvantages of DDBMS 11. Integrity Constraints 12. Application of Data Mining 13. Data Independence 14. Log base Recovery 15. Data Mining 16. Lock Techniques 17. Functions of DBA 18. ER Diagram 19. Serializability 20. Database users 21. Cardinality ratio 22. Encryption 23. Failure classification 24. MVT 25. Shadow paging 26. Assersion and trigger SOFTWARE ENGINEERING WITH UML Slove the following 1. The ABC Hospital Management has decided to computerised their hospital i.e. Hospital Management for IPD and OPD System. There are Doctor’s who are full time. Resident and visiting with various specialisations. Consulting doctors visiting hospital at different hours of the week. Charges for the same can very from doctor to doctor depanding on their experience. Patients are admitted to the hospital for various reasons according to the category. Room Charges are also very according to the category of room. In the Hospital Employee are recorded the different information time to time and mentain the different records such as Patient Records, Doctors Records, Bill Records etc. (a) Draw ERD diagram (b) File Layout (c) Report generation i.e. Output Format (any three) 2.Draw Activity Diagram for On-line Booking of IPL Cricket Tickets. The payment should be done by credit card. The tickets can be cancelled one day before the match. 3.Draw a use case diagram for maintaing FD Account in Bank. 4.Draw ERD diagram and DFD diagram for railway reservation system 5.Draw use case diagram for ATM system 6.Draw an activity diagram for arranging the annual social gathering for your college 7.Draw an activity diagram for registering a billing complaint of your mobile phone 8.Draw sequence and state transition diagram for searching contacts on mobile 9.Draw sequence and state transition diagram for sending email 10.Draw sequence and state transition diagram for traveler who wants to change his flight 11.Maruti Auto Spare Parts Pvt. Ltd., has decided to computerise its sales order processing. As a system analyst prepare the following : (a) ERD (b) Any two Outpart Reports (c) Any two File Design 12.In a Computerised Railway Reservation System a passenger is required to file in a reservation form giving details of his journey. The counter clerk ensumes whether the place is available. If so, entries are made in register, tickets are prepared, amount is computed and cash is accepted. A booking statement is prepared in triplicate format from the reservation register, one copy of it is retained as office copy, the other is pasted on compartment and third is passed on the train conductor. Besides Booking Statement, cash statement is also prepared at the end of each shift. (a) Draw 1st level DFD (b) Draw the ticket with validations 13.Draw a use as diagram for a On-line Book Shopping System. For General Category, if fixed deposit amount is more then 2,00,000 and period is more then 5 years then the interest rate is 12.5%, for any amount in multiples of 5,000, the interest rates are 11.5% for 4-5 years, 10% for 3-4 years, 9.5% for 2-3 years and 9.0% for a period of less than a year. 1.5% extra interest would be given to customers of senior citizen. Draw a decision table for the above case. A system need to be designed for a departmental store dealing in consumer items. Members enjoy credit facility and can purchase items as and when he or she needs them. Store has several counters and one can almost get all kinds of consumer items after visiting these counters. He becomes members by paying initial membership amount and get the credit cards. He has to pay his outstanding on quarterly basis. System generate alert to these members. Defaulters are not allowed to purchase items until the default amount is cleared. Consider the different aspects of the above problem and model them appropriately. (a) Draw 1st level DFD. (b) Draw Databases of the Departmental Store. (c) Draw Bill and Membership Form. 14. Design a Home Page for On-line Hoarding System is advertisement displayed on boards which are usually seen on streets is to be computerized. 15.A Travel Agency arranges various tours for people. Travel Agency arranges some special tours for Students, Senior Citizens and Women. Travel Agency has buses with them which are of different capacity. Administrator is responsible for alloting bus drives for bus and he is responsible for maintaining driver information. Administrator is also responsible for arrangement of tour and management of tour. Travel Agency has facility of on-line tour booking from their website. Before booking the tour on-line, customer has to register on the site. After log in on to the site customer can search tours, customer can select a tour as per his/her choice. Customer selects source, destination and tour date from the available information. If the no. of seats are available for that tour, then customer can book the particular tour by specifying the no. of persons and by doing on-line payment. Administrator selects a particular bus and driver depending upon the reservations for a particular tour. Customers can send feedback about the tour on the website. Draw usecase diagram and class diagram for the above case. 16.Draw activity diagram for National Conference System with the following key processes (a) Registration of Participants (b) Abstract Uploading (c) Display List of Selected Papers (d) On-line Fees Payment (e) Schedule Uploading for the Conference 17.A temperature controller has been interfaced with a manufacturing unit in a factory which maintains the moderate temperature of 65oC. If the temperature goes beyond / below the moderate temperature the unit activates cooling / heating units respectively and indicates through different signals. Draw a state diagram for the above case. 18. Draw sequence diagram for the following : Adding your friend in chatting list Chatting with your friend 19. A system need to be designed for a departmental store dealing in consumer items. Members enjoy credit facility and can purchase items as and when he or she needs them. Store has several counters and one can almost get all kinds of consumer items after visiting these counters. He becomes members by paying initial membership amount and get the credit cards. He has to pay his outstanding on quarterly basis. System generate alert to these members. Defaulters are not allowed to purchase items until the default amount is cleared. Consider the different aspects of the above problem and model them appropriately. (a) Draw 1st level DFD. (b) Draw Databases of the Departmental Store. (c) Draw Bill and Membership Form. 20.Sahdy sellers operate a graded commission policy for their salesman as follows : Items above Rs. 5,000 are subject to a commission of 10%, if more than 300 items are sold and the salesman’s salary is below Rs. 29,000. Salesman getting salaries in the range of Rs. 20,000 - 25,000 gain 8% commission and those getting salaries above Rs. 25,000, gain 7%. If less than 300 items are sold then the commission is 8%, 7%, 6% for the same classification of salesman. For items having a value under Rs. 5,000, sales over 300 items give a flat commission of 8% to all categories of salesmen. For the above case draw decision tree. Slove the following questions 1. Explain different types of Requirements. 2. Explain various Phases of RUP in details. 3. Explain RAD Model. 4. Explain various skills required by Software Engineer. 5. Explain in details Software Requirement Specification. 6. Explain Decision Table with suitable example. 7. Expalin SDLC model in details 8. What is SSAD ?explain its advantages and disadvantages 9. What is SRS ? explain its need with its format 10. Explain aggregation and composition with suitable diagram 11. What are the elements of good design 12. Explain the principle of design 13. Explain design types of output 14. Explain spiral model and prototyping model in detail with advantages and disadvantages of each model. 15. What is water fall model explain with neat diagram 16. What is prototyping explain in detail 17. Compare waterfall model with prototyping 18. What is ERD diagram ?state its advantages and disadvantages 19. What is process modeling and benefits of process modeling. Write short notes : 1. Decision Tree 2. Difference between Activity and State Chart Diagram 3. Class Diagram 4. Elements of Good Design 5. Fact Finding Tools 6. Prototyping 7. Reverse Engineering 8. CASE Tools 9. Feasibility Study 10. Structured English 11. State Transition Diagram 12. Questionnaires 13. JAD 14. Interview 15. CLD 16. Decision Table 17. Process modeling 18. Normalization 19. Class and Object with example. 20. Class Diagram 21. FDD 22. User interface design Soft Skills 1 .What is communication?Explain the principles of communication. 2. Define Communication. Explain Process of Communication with the help of block diagram. 3.Describe Layout of a Business Letter with suitable example. 4.What are the essential factors of an effective Telephonic Communication ? 5.Explain in brief the difference between a Letter and a Memo ? 6.Explain importance of Oral Communical in Project Viva. 7.Explain different methods of Presentation with their significance. 8.what is etiquette? Why is etiquette important? 9.What are the essential features of Effective Business Presentation ? 10.Explain various Modes of Business Presentation. 11.Explain the Barriers of Communication. 12.What is Interview ? Explain types of Interview and preparation for a successful Interview. 13.What is Listening ? Discuss difference between Good Listner and Bad Listner. 14.What is the importance of Business Communication in today changing Business Scenario ? 15.What are the different Electronic Devices used in Business ? 16.What are the different types of Interviews conducted in selection of right candidate in Software Industry ? [ 17.Explain importance of Oral Communication 18.What is the difference between hearing and listening process ? Write down the steps for listening process with few tips for effective listening. 19.Distinguish between formal and Informal communication. How and why do they occur ? 20.What is Body Language ? Describe giving suitable examples. 21.Distinguish between written and oral communication. 23.“Group discussion is a technique of involving and evolving.” Discuss. 24.What is the importance of listening and what are the barriers to effective listening ? 25.Reports are one of the important tools of Management. What are the different types of Reports in an Industrial Organisation ? 26.Discuss the nature of Body Language in Interpersonal Communications. 27.What do you mean by Upward and Downward Communication ? What are the methods used to encourage such Communications ? 28.Draft a Resume in response to the following job requirement of company Technova Inc, P. 482, Inova House, D.P. Road., Baner, Pune. Java Programmer Java/J2EE/Spring/Velocity/XML XLT, AJAX Experience : No Bar Qualification : Any Graduate + MCM from a recognised University. You are Mr. S. S. Patil. 29.As an HR Head, you are planning to finalise Training Calendar for the year 2010-11. As such you want to ascertain from various departmental heads the training requirements of their staff. Draft a suitable Memo. 30. Write an Application Letter along with C.V. in response to an advertisement that has appeared in The Economic Times of the 15th April, 2010. Details are as under : Name of the Applicant : Ashutosh Jadhav Company : Zensar Technologies Ltd. Zensar Knowledge Park, Plot 4, MIDC, Kharadi, Off Nagar Road, Pune - 411 014 Post : Software Engineer Job Location : Pune Educational Qualifications : MCM / MCA / BE / B Tech / MS in Computer Science Domain : Investment Banking, Telecommunication, Retail 31. The students of your MCM class have visited WIPRO at Rajeev Gandhi InfoTech Park, Hinjewadi as a part of field study. Prepare a report of your observations and findings to the Director, Knowledge Institute of Management, Pune. Write short notes : 1. Body Language 2. Goal Setting 3. Minutes of Meeting 4. E-mail Etiquettes 5. Business Memo 6. Communication Situation 7. Video Conferencing 8. Signs and Symbols 9. Tips for Effective Listening 10. Do’s and Dont’s of Group Discussion 11. Smile 12. Telephone Manners 13. Internet and Intranet Links 14. Time Management. 15. Written communication – Advertisement. 16. Public speaking. 17. Rapid Reading skills. 18. Silence as a mode of communication. 19. Electronic media of communication. 20. Telephone etiquettes 21. Engineering ethics