- Curro.co.za

General Information
4-6 year olds
Group 5 & Grade R
Dear Parents
Welcome to Curro Kids (Group 5 & Grade R), where children learn through play.
Christian values are very important to us. These values permeate all our learning
areas, as well as the way we interact with one another, whether at work or at play.
 Please complete a Curro application form available on our website (www.curro.co.za)
or from the School’s reception. The form only needs to be completed once, as it is
carried through to the next phase as your child progresses.
 A proof of payment for the R250 application fee must also be attached to the
application form when handed in at the School’s reception.
 Once the application form has been completed and accepted an invoice will be issued
with a family code. Please use the family code as reference when handling any
payments. You will be assured of a placement once you have received a family code.
 For any enquiries regarding finance, please contact our school’s financial department.
 For safety purposes an appointment must be made should you wish to visit the school.
You are more than welcome to contact the Phase head (Zelna Snyman).
School leavers must give a month’s written notice. An official school leavers form must
be completed and handed it at reception.
3. STAFF (2015)
**Group 5 Afrikaans
“Kameelperd” class
Group 5 Afrikaans
“Zebra” class
Group 5 Afrikaans
“Kabouter” class
Group 5 English
Bug class
Group 5 English
Monkey class
Mrs. Zelna Snyman
Assistant: Joleen
Mrs. Elize Gottfried
Assistant: Anna
Miss. Moné Bruwer
Assistant: Nella
Mrs. Marlie Albertyn
Assistant: Margaret
Mrs. Bronwyn Baldwin
Assistant: Crestine
Group 5 English
Dalmatian class
Mrs. Danica le Roux
Assistant: Josephine
** Group 5 (G5A or G5E) = Grade RR
Gr R Afrikaans
Gr R Afrikaans
Gr R Afrikaans
Gr R Afrikaans
Gr R English
Gr R English
Gr R English
**Grade R (RA or RE)
“Nar” class
“Olifant” class
“Pikkewyn” class
“Bere” class
Lion class
Dino class
Bee class
Mrs. Marlieze Cooke
Mrs. Riekie Henning
Mrs. Monique van Schalkwyk
Mrs. Riëtte van Schalkwyk
Mrs. Sigourney Sheppard
Mrs. Shelley Zoli
Mrs. Renè Olivier
We accommodate 20 learners per class. The Group 5 classes have assistants helping
the teachers in the class.
All our classes have glass doors that we use as the main entrance. Please respect
the other teacher by not using their classes as a walk way to access the school
building. You are not the only parent attempting this. Your assistance in this regard
will be appreciated. By doing so, you can be an example to your children and they
can learn to respect others.
5. SCHOOL HOURS (2015)
Group 5 + Grade R
Early waiting class
6:45 – 7:15
Read section 15
Morning waiting class
7:15 – 7:30
Read section 15
7:30 – 8:00
In their own class
Daily programme
8:00 – 12:30
Afternoon waiting class (Mo –
12:30 – 13:30 In their own class
12:30 – 13:00
A friendly request from our side is to please be on time. Our daily programme
commences punctually at 8:00 and ends at 12:30. If learners arrive late
or are being fetched to early the whole class gets disrupted. During the mornings it is
important for the learners to take part in the free play activities that are provided before
the daily programme starts. Our staff members have other responsibilities in the
afternoons. In case of an emergency or when something unexpected happens you
are more than welcome to contact the office and leave a message. If someone else
is fetching your child from school, please make the necessary arrangements
beforehand via sms, phone call or a message in the diary.
**There will be a R30 fine for each 10 minutes that you arrive after 13:30 on a Monday
to Thursday and 13:00 on a Friday.
Tip: Ask one of your child’s friend’s moms to drop your child off at home or ask
if your child can play at their house for a little while, once you know that you
are going to be late. The Curro community is a caring community and the parents
help each other out regularly.
Always remember: Children don’t understand
when moms or dads are late. Five minutes feels like an hour to them!
It can sometimes be challenging for children to adapt to a new school. Please know
that there are loving and caring staff that will make the new experience a wonderful
adventure. Please keep us updated throughout the year of any major change in your
child’s life such as; moving house, a new job, a new baby etc. that could have an
impact on your child’s emotional behaviour.
Extra-curricular activities are presented at school, and are for your own account.
These activities will commence in February and are revised annually. Demo classes
will be presented during January. You will receive a regular update on your child’s
progress. We would advise you not to enrol your child in more than three Extracurricular activities.
Contact nr.
Penguin class
Nadia de Lange
Technology and
design(Only Gr R boys)
Playball (Only Group 5)
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 13:30
9:30 – 10:15
10:15 – 11:00
During school hours
Outside the Clown
Tennis courts
Ilze Vlok
073 970 3053
083 301 8003
083 331 3413
072 234 3179
Tuesdays – Gr R
Thursdays – Group 5
Thursdays – Gr R
Just click - computers
Mondays + Tuesdays – Gr R
Thursdays – Group 5
Mondays - Fridays
Play + Stay (groups)
12:40 – 13:10
12:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 13:30
During school hours
13:30 – 14:00
7:30 – 8:00 or
9:30 – 11:00 or after
12:00 – Group 5
12:30 – Grade R
Linda v Heerden
Curro Kids music
Natali Ferreira
Curro Kids music
Elephant class
Rina Reinecke
Tennis courts
Riekie Henning
Estie Cronje
Malize Vlok
083 458 4777
082 464 5371
083 376 4266
082 893 8199
Speech groups
Mondays + Wednesdays
Tuesdays + Thursdays
13:45 – 14:15
13:00 – 13:30
During school hours
CMaths (Semas)
Mondays - Thursdays
12:00 – 12:45
12:45 – 13:30
Hippo class Playschool
Therapy room & Cry
Cry rooms – at the
back of the hall
Angelique Pelser
Sune Vlok
072 7687 595
012 807 7799
082 752 6675
Enrolment forms will be handed out. For any enquiries regarding these activities (e.g.
payments) you can contact the responsible person. Please be advised not to send
any money to school. All accounts need to be settled via the internet. It is important
that the learners are dressed in the appropriate/comfortable clothing for these
activities. The ballet girls will be dressed at school
The Curro music centre also gives piano lessons for the Grade R learners during school hours.
Ilse Myburgh is head of the music centre. If you are interested please don’t hesitate to contact
her. Ilse Myburgh 082 346 1482.
Mini-netball for the Grade R girls is presented during the 1st and the 2nd term. The practice
times are as follows – Tuesdays & Thursdays 13:00 – 13:45. These teams will also play
matches during the mini-netball days that are being held on Saturdays. There will be 4 teams
and they will take turns to participate in these mini-netball days. The aim of mini-netball is to
develop the skills of these young players and they will get to experience different positions
during a match.
Kids-netball for the Group 5 girls will take place during the second term. The practice times are
as follows – Wednesdays 12:45 – 13:30. No Matches are being played. Kids-netball is optional
and other extra mural activities get preference.
Bulletjie-rugby takes place during the second term and 0/6, 0/7 and 0/8 learners are allowed to
play. Practices take part on Mondays and Wednesdays 17:00 to 18:00.
Mini-cricket takes part during the third term and 0/6, 0/7 and 0/8 learners are allowed to play.
Practices take part on Mondays and Wednesdays 17:00 to 18:00.
Kids-hockey will take place during the third term for the Grade R boys and girls. Practise times
are as follows: Tuesdays (13:00 – 13:45) – Girls and Thursdays (13:00 – 13:45) – Boys.
Group 5 + Grade R
8:00 - 8:20
8:20 - 8:40
8:40 - 9:10
9:10 - 9:45
9:45 - 10:45
10:45 – 11:05
11:05 – 12:05
12:05 – 12:10
12:10 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:30
Bible/calendar/theme discussion
Wednesday (8:30 – 9:15) – Worship
Movement / Music
Snack time
Outside play
Pack bags/Snack time
Story time/Fantasy play
Waiting class
The following activities also form part of the Curro Kids Curriculum:
 Grade R – Robotics (Duplo Lego blocks), Science (8 lessons per year),
physical development programme (2 lessons per week) and a Phonological
awareness programme (23 lessons)
 Group 5 – Robotics (Lego soft blocks)
 Music lessons – Group 5 and Grade R (once a week – 25 minutes)
On Wednesdays and Fridays there is always time for something special:
o Worship / Hymn singing
o Show and tell: Every Friday one of the children will get a turn to show
something to the class and tell them more about it. This is to improve their
confidence in front of a group
o Puppet shows
o A visit from our Curro friend – “Stoffel”
o Sing-a-long
o Outings and visits.
Term 1
14 January
27 March (school close 10:00)
Term 2
14 April
26 June (school close 10:00)
Term 3
21 July
23 September (school close 10:00)
Curro Week: 28 Sept – 2 Oct
Term 4
13 October
9 December (school close 12:30)
The National curriculum (CAPS) is implemented with Literacy, Numeracy and Life
Skills as our starting point for all activities. The following learning areas are also part
of the Curro curriculum:
Language development (Literacy)
Physical development
Social and personal development (Life skills)
Creative development
Numerical development (Numeracy)
Science and Technology
This curriculum is integrated into the daily life experienced by the pre-schooler and is
presented in a concrete manner. The content is differentiated, progressively
developed and presented so that each learner has the opportunity to develop at his/her
own pace. The learning content is often presented by means of group work. Curro is
an IEB-school therefore, children are being encouraged to complete all given tasks
independently from an early stage.
Curro provides a range of support services e.g. Occupational Therapy, Speech and
Language Therapy, Play Therapy, Psychological help and more. If the teacher feels
that a child will benefit from the above mentioned services, she will make contact with
the parents. The recommendation will be discussed and if the parents agree, the
teacher will complete a referral form and hand it in. The Curro Care Committee forms
part of this process. The parents will then receive an official referral letter from the
school with all the information and contact details of the therapist.
On an annual basis the school also provides eye and hearing screening tests at a
minimal rate. These tests are not compulsory but can be recommended by a teacher
if necessary.
Grade R: Skills development is determined on different levels, for example cognitive,
social and emotional readiness as well as his/her neurological development (an under
developed neurological system can cause a blockage in the processing of sensory
information and can lead to specific developmental delays). Children who are not
ready for learning can develop a number of learning and emotional problems during
their school career. A skills assessment offers the opportunity for early identification
of areas that still need to be developed. The purpose of an evaluation is to get an idea
of the school beginner’s abilities. Sending your child for an evaluation may help
alleviate any current or unexpected stress.
At the end of the first term all the Grade R parents will receive a letter regarding a
skills assessment test. You will be invited to make use of this service if you are
interested. The aim of this skills assessment is to determine any problem areas at an
early stage of a child’s Grade R year. During September the Grade R teachers will
refer those learners who they are still uncertain about for a formal school readiness
assessment. The formal assessment will be done by Mrs
heloisebriedenhann@gmail.com or 012 807 7038/083 888 837.
Only an evaluation from the above mentioned therapist will be accepted.
Assessment takes place continuously and age appropriate criteria are used as a
guideline. On the last day of the first, second and fourth term you will receive a detailed
report regarding your child’s progress. The report must be signed and sent back to
school. At the end of each term you will also receive a brag file of your child’s work.
Please don’t take any of the art work out of the file. At the end of the year you will
receive a brag file with the whole year’s art work in. This is something your child can
be proud of.
Discipline is of great importance in the classroom; however primary discipline starts at
home. Any problems in this regard will be discussed with the parents as soon as
possible. The Curro culture of love, respect and loyalty is set in motion and
established throughout the school. We make use of positive discipline through the
use of basic rules and boundaries. Learners must be able to distinguish between right
and wrong. They must also be able to accept responsibility for their own behaviour.
Curro has a bully policy and we foster awareness by means of a puppet show or a
 When an active child plays, there is always a risk of injury.
 Your child’s safety is our concern and close supervision is our priority.
 Common injuries include abrasions, knocks and bruises which can normally be
managed with a plaster and lots of love.
Procedures to be followed:
 Parents will be informed about all injuries.
 The injury is noted in an injury book or on an official incident report.
 Should we suspect that the child has a fracture or other serious injury the parents
will be contacted immediately.
 Should the child sustain a cut requiring suturing the same procedure as above will
be followed once the bleeding has been controlled.
 Parents should please inform us about any allergy to plasters and/or disinfectants.
 All staff acquired a First Aid Certificate, renewable every two years.
15. WAITING CLASS (Early morning, morning and afternoon waiting class)
Early morning waiting class (6:45 – 7:15): We would like to help our working
parents, especially the ones that are working far for e.g. Centurion or
Johannesburg. Thus there will be an additional waiting class early in the
morning (6:45 – 7:15). We can only accommodate 40 learners under the
supervision of 2 staff members (assistants and/or teachers). The cost per
month will be R25 @ 12 months. The fee can also be paid in advance (R300
per year). The money can be paid to the class teacher. If you are interested
please send an email to – zelna.s@curroholdings.co.za. You will then receive
an application form that needs to be complete and emailed back as soon as
possible. We will only be able to accommodate the learners who have applied.
Your co—operation in this regard will greatly be appreciated.
Morning waiting classes (7:15 – 7:30): Separate morning waiting classes
for the Group 5 and the Grade R learners will be available. We urge parents
not to dwell around in the hallways while waiting for the teachers. Let your child
go to the available waiting classes. You are more than welcome to wait outside
in front of the class. A waiting class notice board will be available on a daily
basis to indicate which class will be open on the specific day. The notice board
will be visible at the entrance (big sliding gate) to Curro Kids classrooms, next
to the tennis courts. The teachers will only open the classroom doors at 7:15.
We will try to open both English and Afrikaans classes each day.
Afternoon waiting class 12:30 – 13:30: During the afternoons the learners
will have the opportunity to take part in free play activities. The teachers will be
responsible for supervision. It might happen that a teacher has other
responsibilities during that time; she will then arrange for the learners to go to
one of the other classes for supervision. A note on the classroom door will
indicate in which class.
We urge parents to be on time. It is also important for parents not to stay too long and
to keep the “good bye” short and sweet. Don’t start interacting with your child by
playing or by taking a seat at one of the activity tables. If a learner is emotional the
teacher will do everything in her power to comfort the learner. It is your responsibility
as a parent to ensure your child that it is safe to stay at school. The parents will be
contacted as soon as we realize that the learner is not going to calm down. Usually
the tears are something of the past as soon as the parents disappear around the
If any person besides the learner’s own parent is sent to collect the child, please give
written consent in his/her communication book. The gate next to the tennis courts will
be locked from 8:00 – 13:00 for security reasons. During this time you may assess
the school’s premises through the small gate next to the tennis courts. The security
code for this gate is available at the teacher. You will be informed prior to the change
of this code. Please make sure to close the gate properly.
Every two weeks a new theme is introduced to the children. Each teacher will have
an exhibition regarding the theme using a display table and pin board. Parents and
learners are encouraged to become involved in various ways, by sending information,
books, and relevant items to add to the exhibition. During each theme the learners
will make an art envelope in which all their work is stored. This envelope is sent home
on the last day of the theme.
Each learner will receive a Curro Kids diary. Please feel free to communicate with the
class teacher via the diary; it should be kept in the school bag at all times and checked
daily. Please be aware of the dates of activities in the book as well as additional
information that may be placed inside. You will also find the theme letters for each new
theme in the diary. We will also put any other documentation in this book. The learner
must take responsibility for his/her own book. If you have to send any money to school,
please put it in a marked envelope in the book. Unfortunately we only supply one diary
per child and the second one will be for your own account.
The correct line of communication is as follows:
Teacher > Grade head > Phase head > Operational head>Executive head
Grade Head Group 5:
Grade Head Grade R:
Mrs. Marlie Albertyn (marlie.a@curroholdings.co.za)
Mrs. Monique v Schalkwyk (monique.g@curroholdings.co.za)
Phase Head Curro Kids:
Operational head:
Executive head:
Mrs. Zelna Snyman(zelna.s@curroholdings.co.za)
Mr. Viljoen
Dr. Rheeders
Various newsletters will be sent out via email. Please keep us updated if your
email address changes.
This is a short weekly summary of the whole school’s events.
You will receive this every Friday via email.
This is a new communication tool where the school will be able to download
important information.
Important information will be sent out via sms.
Please have a glance daily at the notice boards in front of the school as well
as the Curro Kids Nursery School’s notice board.
Parent evenings will be held during the year. If necessary, the teacher will make an
appointment with the parents for a specific time slot, however parents are welcome to
contact the teacher if they want to discuss a matter. Please be punctual for your
appointment. The discussions will be recorded on a parent’s discussion form, which
must be signed by the parents.
22. FINANCE - ACTIVITY FUND (R1 300 per child per year)
This fund will include all the day to day expenses for a year. The amount will include
the following:
Assistant – Christmas presents
A 3 flip file & colour printed cover
Ascension Day
Athletics day
Communication book/2015 Diary in a plastic bag
Group 5: Concert – participation fee & costumes/Grade R: Diploma ceremony
Christmas – party & present
Educational equipment
Father’s & Mother’s Day
Group 5 & Gr R
R 1 300
Music lessons x 1 per week
Excursion: entrance fee & a treat
Executive head’s birthday
Photo CD 2015
Photos: Individual & group
Sweetheart Day
Visits/Activities: x 4
Activity fund payment:
Once off
R1 300
Please do not pay the activity
fund before 1 January 2015.
026/Child’s initial & Surname/Grade
E.g. 026/I.Surname/RE
Please do not use your family code!
The activity fund must be paid
in by end of February 2015.
o The Activity fund must be deposited into the following account
(not the same account as the school fees):
Curro Hazeldean Primary Funds account
Account number: 406 870 8513
Branch code: 632 005
o No cash payments are allowed.
o NB: Email the proof of payment to zelna.s@curroholdings.co.za or
hand it in at the class teacher.
o Contact the school office (012 809 0714/6) for any financial
The reasons for implementing the activity fund:
 It makes financial planning easier for day-to-day expenses.
 It saves bank costs.
 Items are purchased in bulk which means better prices.
 It limits the risk of handling cash at school.
23. SCHOOLFEES 2015 (R2 665 per month x 12 months)
School fees must preferably be paid via a debit order.
Debit order forms are available in the office at reception or online on Curro’s
web site (www.curro.co.za). Complete the form and hand it in at the office.
Please ensure that your FAMILY CODE appears on the form. Your child’s
Activity Fund can’t be paid into the school fees account.
School fees can also be paid electronically.
School fees can also be prepaid 12 months in advance.
REMEMBER: The Activity Fund and school fees are not paid into the same
Please contact Reneé Swart at (012) 809 0714 for any financial enquiries.
Bank account details for school fees:
BRANCH CODE: 632 005
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 406 9637 329
Learners must bring a lunch box to school every day. The content
of this lunch box is very important to us. It should contain only
nutritious food such as a sandwich, 100% fruit juice or water, fruit,
nuts, dried fruit, cheese and salty biscuits etc. If you send
something that needs a spoon or a fork please include this item. You are welcome to
pack a sweet snack once a week on a Friday only, for example, sweets, cookies and
chocolates. The Curro Kids Nursery learners are not allowed to visit the tuck shop
during school hours.
Learners should bring their water bottles to school every day. Please fill the bottle at
home with water (no fruit juice, milo, tea or coffee). Learners keep their water bottles
in class and they may take a sip from time to time during the day. At the end of the
day, the water bottles should be taken home. Please mark your child’s water bottle.
Please inform the class teacher of any allergies or other illnesses, and if necessary
supply a relevant doctor’s certificate. E.g. in case of a bee sting, make sure that the
teacher has the necessary medication on hand (in a marked container).
We are not allowed to give any other medication to children.
Please send an email (Phase Head/Grade Heads) or inform the office should your
child be sick, have a contagious disease or if you go away on holiday. If a leaner is
sick they must be kept at home.
The Curro Kids Nursery school t-shirt is red. Each learner must buy a red t-shirt at the
PSPA Lounge (the shop is on the school’s premises) and the navy Curro hat can be
ordered online on “THE HUB” (www.curro.co.za). This t-shirt must be worn on Fridays
as well as on special occasions e.g. grandparents day, outings etc. The Grade R
learners will also wear the t-shirt on the days they have their physical activity
programme. If your child is already in Curro, you are more than welcome to make use
of the old t-shirt and hat. Please send the old or new Curro hat to school on the first
The hat must be worn during playtime outside. The teacher will keep the hats in the
class. The hats will be washed regularly and at the end of the year the hat will be sent
It is important to mark all your child’s belongings.
PSPA Lounge trading hours:
5 – 14 January 2015
Rest of the year:
 Mon/Ma:
 Tue/Di:
 Wed/Wo:
 Thu/Do:
 Fri/Vry:
Contact person:
09h00 – 15h00 daily
07H00 - 09H00
07H00 - 09H00
07H00 - 09H00
07H00 - 09H00
07H00 - 09H00
12H00 - 14H00
12H00 - 14H00
13H30 - 17H30
12H00 - 14H00
12H00 - 14H00
Adel Schoeman
072 122 4049
The Group 5 + Grade R learners wear normal clothes to school. Please mark all your
child’s clothing, shoes and socks. The learners should wear practical, comfortable
clothes to school (we make a big mess sometimes that is how we learn). They are
more than welcome to come to school barefoot, especially during the summer months.
There must be an extra set of clothes in your child’s bag at all times, and the bag
should be large enough to carry school clothing such as jackets. No high heels (“klik
klak”), platform shoes or fantasy and action figure clothes are allowed.
Please apply sunblock daily to your child’s face, especially during the summer months.
You are also welcome to send an extra bottle of cold ice water to school on those
extremely hot days.
30. TOYS
Children are not allowed to bring their own toys to school. They can go missing
causing many tears; the teachers will not be responsible for children’s toys. No toys
belonging to the school may be taken home.
Birthday snack packs may contain the following items: chips, 100% fruit juice and a
cup cake or cake portion. Please inform the teacher in advance if you plan on sending
party snacks to school. Keep it simple but special e.g. don’t send to many sweet,
balloons or toys. You are more than welcome to leave a camera with the teacher to
take a few pictures. Each birthday child will receive a crown to celebrate their special
Curro Kids Nursery’s Group 5 learners will annually take part in a school
Concert. The concert will have a certain theme and each and every child
will have the opportunity to take part. However, during the year of the
“Revue”, (a Primary school production every 4 years), Curro kids will not have a
concert due to the demanding workload of the Revue.
At the end of the last term a formal diploma ceremony will be held for all our proud
Grade R learners. Each learner will receive a certificate as well as a photo package.
The Grade R’s will therefore not take part in the concert.
Every term we plan an outing or visit, which relates to a theme. It is important for our
learners to take part in the events. All the necessary arrangements will be
communicated to you in advance. Each parent must sign an indemnity form when the
learners go on an outing.
Fundraising events will be held on a continuous basis, one per term:
o Concert ticket sales
o Book worm week
o Go-cart race/Curro Carnival
The class placements will be in the hands of the capable Curro staff. Parents do not
have a say in class placements. It is important that placements are done to ensure
that classes are balanced. Please trust us in this regard.
37. SCRAP ITEMS (for the use of art)
We need scrap items for our art activities. Please send the following items to school
on a regular basis:
Toilet rolls
Boxes (big and small)
Material off cuts (useable size)
A4 paper (used & unused)
Purity bottles
Old stockings
Gift wrapping off cuts (useable size)
Cork boards or Corks
Old buttons
Old magazines
X - ray sheets
Please send a jumbo photo of your child to school on the first day.
We would like to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. During the year
different charity projects are planned:
 Gospel festival - collecting clothes, blankets, shoes and non-perishable foods
(tins) etc.
 Christmas project – collecting stationery parcels for Grade 1 learners etc.
Because Curro Cares, we support organisations in our community such as Eleos,
Danville Hulpprojek, Ekukhanyeni Home Based Care and Paul Jungnickle. Donated
items are handed over on the school premises, encouraging learners to become
involved in making a difference. Please be on the lookout for exciting new Curro Care
During 2012 Curro Hazeldean initiated a recycling project. This project focuses mainly
on: cans (red), paper products (green) and plastics (yellow).
This project is very important to us and would like to invite all our Curro learners and
families to be part of it. Please be on the lookout for more information in our weekly
Hazelblitz/newsletters We have been fortunate enough to collect a large amount of
plastic bread tags and bottle caps over the past few years that we donated 8 wheel
chairs to the less fortunate thus far.
We offer an After Care Service at the school in the afternoons.
The Nursery school’s educators are not involved with After Care.
Space is limited - therefore only a few learners can be accommodated.
Please contact the school’s reception for more information regarding this
 There is also an After Care service available for day visitors.
 An After Care application form must be completed.
Our learning environment is designed to promote play as a learning tool. Your child
will be encouraged to explore experiment, discover, improvise, innovate, create,
question, discuss and construct. The school provides a wide variety of activities and
materials relevant to young children. Children are able to choose their own activities
where they are either working individually or in small groups. There is a balance
between structured and unstructured activities.
Curro Kids Nursery School and Curro Playschool make use of the same play area but
play at different times during the day. Our playground consists of two play areas
namely a play area in front as well as a play area at the back.
At the beginning of the year a class representative will be chosen in each class. This
specific mother will be the contact person between the parents in the class and the
school. The class representative will assist in fundraising projects, organising the
teacher’s birthday celebration, organizing food for staff members, flowers for the foyer,
communicating urgent messages to the parents via sms or email, and any help needed
at functions. They are not a channel for complaints or concerns.
Important Contact Details:
Contact Number
Leandi Verster
012 809 0714
PSPA Lounge (clothing)
Adel Schoeman
072 122 4049
Ilse De Beer
012 809 0714
Reneé Swart
012 809 0714
Carrie Casanova
012 809 0714
Jerina Esterhuysen
012 809 0714
Curro Kids Nursery School
Zelna Snyman
012 809 0714
We trust that your child/children are going to have a wonderful
year with us and should you have any other queries or
suggestions, please contact Zelna Snyman (Phase Head) or
chat to your class teacher.